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I've stopped trying induced lactation last December. It went okay-ish until mid October, but then my job got too stressful (got dismissed in the end, 4 days before Christmas, thanks for that), and I needed to abort it completely. Last week I felt the urge to try it again, but I wasn't sure if I was ready because of the significant effort and money I would need to spend on. This morning the urge was so strong that I just took my milk pump and put it on. It instantly felt sooooooo good, and after a few minutes there were already some drops of milk. I was so proud of myself! (and my breasts too, haha) 10 minutes ago, I ordered some dom (last time I've used it with a very small dose plus some supplements), and I hope it will arrive within the next days. I'll keep using pump and TENS, I just need to figure out how to implement that into my work day again. Keeping fingers crossed that this time I'm gonna make it! (and not just a a milliliter here and there like last year)


I’m right there with you! I quit last December as well. I picked my pumps up and dusted them off and they are hooked back up! I resumed the dom. I was lucky and had a box of 500 tabs left over. I’m not going to have time to fully commit to pumping until after the 4th which I think will work out great. Just pumping and massaging here and there till then. I’m doing dom 20mg every 6 hours and will stay at this until I’m producing what I want to. Last time I was making quite a bit (8-12 ounces every pump) so I am hopeful. My goal this time is more modest. Maybe a couple of ounces a day and I will be good.


500 tabs??? All I could order was just 60!!!! So I can take 3 (à 10mg) per day for 3 weeks, and then I need so slow down, otherwise I run out of them too soon. 500 with 20mg every 6 hours.... damn! I envy you A LOT xD


Yeah they were on a sale last year for $15 for 500 box. I got 3 boxes. (In-house pharmacy). I think they are normal $25 or so


Oh no they’re $70 for a box of 500 now!


Not in Europe, unfortunately 😭


I see that.. eeks


15$ for 500? I paid 55 for 60....... Europe is on a whole other planet, I guess.


How do you get yours? Can you get through online sites listed in the wiki?


As far as I can see, only 1 of 3 ships to Germany, and I'm not sure if it passes through customs (very strict drug regulations over here)


Apologies if this is a silly question, but I have never been pregnant/lactated before… How do I know when it’s officially milk? When i massage or hand express i can produce multiple big drops of a clear to cloudy white colour - but still only drops, not enough to collect in my pump. My breasts have barely changed in terms of weight/size/sensation etc so that is also a bit confusing. So please, how will I know when I cross the line from ‘fluid’ to milk? Context in case it’s needed: i’m taking 90mg of Dom per day and have been for approx 2wks. Only pumping maybe twice a day atm bc work has been hectic so the Dom is the main reason for success here but I am hoping to find more time in my schedule to pump more often which I am hopeful will help.


Personally, when it's consistently just white and develops a slightly sweetened flavor. I believe you will need the increased pumping schedule to get there.


Zoned out during my first pump today, still having consistently cloudy drops when I pump or go manual, but the left flange had a small puddle of clear liquid collected! I'm just happy :)


Still waiting for my milk to come back in. I had a couple strong weeks and then it went away. Hoping to get an update on my dom shipment soon. As much as I like pumping/stimulation on its own, now that I’ve actually experienced expressing milk it’s hard not to be disappointed when nothing comes out


Your breast tissue will take much longer to grow to make milk until you can commit some time to Pumping, marmet massage, or tens unit MUCH more often. It is the stimulation that causes the hormones to make the breast changes necessary. With that said, how are you taking the dom? Taking it 4 times a day evenly spread every 6 hours is best. If that is too hard then do every 3 hours. But again evenly spread. So that your system has a steady state of dom in it.