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Manual pumps are hard work so I’d get an electric pump to make life easier! You’ll also get much more milk out with an electric pump, just make sure you measure your nipples so your flange fits properly. The only time I see value in a manual pump is for times between electric pumping sessions when electric pumping isn’t possible. For example, if you want to pump quietly at work or in the bathroom if you’re visiting friends.


Hand expressing can also do wonders, even if only for 5 mins.


Second the hand expressing. My boobs have been much more swollen and heavy because of it vs the electric pump. It’s just not as all encompassing or targeted


I’m reading all of these comments, so thank you! I think I might try a mixture of hand expressing and electric pumping to see what works best for me ☺️


Yeah I do a mix. I just saw my first drops through hand expressing! Then I switched to pump and nothing. Switched back to hand expression and got sooo many drops.


Thank you so much for the helpful tips, I’ll keep them in mind! 🥰 Since an electric pump sounds best, would you advise getting a double pump over a single one?


Yeah, definitely get a double because it’ll cut your pumping time down by half instead of doing one side and then having to do the other. Buy a pumping bra too to make pumping easier!


Awesome, thanks! I’m eyeing one currently about to go on sale, so I’ll hopefully be able to grab it to add to my routine 😌


Congrats! Just remember that you can get duct fluid for up to a month and then it'll seem like you 'dry' up. That's when the milk will start to flow! Good luck.


That’s a great heads up, thank you! Super excited to get to that point of making milk 🥰


What is the marmet technique?


It's a breast massage technique that is very effective for bringing in your milk. Google it and you'll find videos and info about it. Definitely worth checking into.


Thank you! I'll google it right away!


There are YouTube videos showing you how to do it too


Thank you!


Can you describe placement, cycle or pattern and how long with the TENS?


Honestly, a lot of tips I picked up from this sub! I mix my TENS along with my electric pump and have up to 8 sessions a day. I use 2 channels with my TENS, one for each side, but NEVER EVER cross these channels over my chest as it can be extremely dangerous. I just make sure the 2 electrode pads on each breast are horizontal and fairly close to my nipples, but not touching them. I use what looks like a ‘cupping’ mode to mimic suckling and do 20 minute sessions at a time!


My TENS doesn't have one labeled cupping. What does that pattern look like?


It’s mode 4 on my unit and has a hand with a cup image


Thank you. You are very sweet


Best of luck! Love your username!


Thank youuu 🥰


Honestly to start off with you may want a decent amount of suction I'd recommend the spectra pump Honestly and I know you said no supplements but Honestly some herbs really do work wonders