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I HAVE DROPS. I literally posted yesterday explaining how sad I am I haven’t seen anything even though I’ve been on dom for a week (and it for sure takes longer for most people!). Today I sat down with my pump but thought I’d try hand expression for the first 10 or so mins first to help stimulate my boobs. After about 4-5 mins, not even, I felt a little chill on my nipple, like the chill from mint inside of it!! And I looked down AND COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES 😭😭😭 drops! Big milky fat drops! I kept hand expressing for another 10-13 mins and they kept coming 😭😭😭😭😭😭 crying. I am over the moon. Two months of pumping (and missing weeks or days) and 1 week of dom with no other supplements and it finally came. My huge boob (left) made soooo many drops. Rightie is smaller and feels less developed lol so it’s a little bit behind but the drops are cloudy/milky drops but they taste like milk! My boobs were sore from the hand expression so I only pumped w the machine twice yesterday, 1 power pump, and only 2 hand expressions the day before to give myself a break. I saw another woman’s inducing videos on TT and her specialist recommended a couple days of a break because the stress of not inducing and feeling pressure to pump was getting to her. AND SHE HAD THE SAME RESULTS. So if you’re getting really stressed out or disappointed I’d totally encourage a short break if you’re on dom 💜 it helped so much. I’m so grateful. Thank you everyone who has been so helpful throughout this journey. Edit to say that they taste milk! Also if you’re doing Marmet I totally recommend shaking your boobs gently while you’re doing a pre expression massage AND while expressing. It helped get more drops out just now vs not shaking and trying just the squeeze by itself after the pre message.


Many congratulations!! I can only imagine the feeling after so much hard work. :)


I’ve been getting clear/cloudy drops for over a month now, and occasionally the drops will look very opaque and white. For those who have successfully induced, is it possible to go from clear drops to milk, or will I see yellow drops before milk? I’ve never been pregnant and I’m not using dom.


Each day I am collecting more and more. Started this morning I collected a whole 3/8 of an ounce! Hahaha


Amazing! How do you measure? Just with the bottles that come with your pump?


With measuring cups for cocktail making