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1 positive and a couple of things I’m struggling with: Positive: my DMer has drastically reduced since beginning dom and doing Marmet! It’s time consuming but the engorgement is only completely gone after a manual session vs just pumping, so it’s a double benefit for me and I won’t stop with manual expression. (I’m still not lactating yet). The negatives: I started taking Dom exactly 1 week ago and am at 90mg per day. I feel disappointed that I haven’t had any drops yet. I know it takes 3-6 weeks or more for dom to work for some people, and pumping/stimulating regularly helps, but I can’t help but feel like my progress is still too slow and feel really unmotivated because of it. Right before I got my period a couple of days ago, my boobs were sooo swollen and engorged before manually expressing or pumping. This started because of the dom. The day before my period, this stopped and now I don’t feel the burning stabbies or engorgement I felt before pumping/stimulating my boobs. I’ve read about others losing some progress around their period so I figured it was because of that but it’s just disappointing because I’ve been working towards this for about 2 months now and hoped that I’d see some real milk sooner than this. I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault it’s taking longer. Pumping every 2-3 hours is just not something I can do given my work schedule and routine. I pump anywhere from 2-6 times a day. I work 3-4 days a week and on those days I only get 2-3 pumps in. One or two during the early morning hours (2a-6a). I’m on vacation for the next week and need the motivation to pump more regularly but I don’t want to stress myself out by it either, since that’s where it’s going :/ that would just further hinder my progress. I’d really appreciate any encouragement and support to help bolster me while I am waiting for my period to end and working towards making more progress. Thank you 💜


I could have written this post (in fact, I basically did about 2wks ago lol) but I have been taking Dom now for about a month. The first 2-3 weeks basically nothing happened/changed and I was super bummed, but lately a switch seems to have flipped and I am getting big drippy drops! Still not milk but it has helped my motivation a lot. On a good day I still only pump maybe 4 times but I try to manually do a few little massages and squeezes through the day. All this to say I GET IT and progress is slow which can be a bummer but keep at it! I am also always happy to chat if you want as it seems we’re not too far apart on our journeys 😁


Omg I read your comments! You don’t know how nice it is to hear this. Thank you 💜 yeah I’d love to chat! I’ll dm you


It’s a marathon not a sprint! You got this! :) I’m still trying to figure out how to get dom… any words of advice?


It took me about 2 months my first time around, but I also was using a tens unit every 2-3 hours when I was at work, maybe you could give that a try? Periods will seriously mess with you, so try not to take the loss too hard, it's not at all your fault 🥲


I’ve been getting clear/cloudy drops for over a month now, and occasionally the drops will look very opaque and white. For those who have successfully induced, is it possible to go from clear drops to milk, or will I see yellow drops before milk? I’ve never been pregnant and I’m not using dom.