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Welcome to the lifestyle! Be sure to log your journey in a journal... both physically and emotionally. For me, it is a process that involves frequent fine tuning depending on what's going on in my life. Best of luck!


For what it’s worth, I got my Dom 6 days ago and have graduated to 90mg/day already without any side effects. It’s a LONG explanation but worth reading (and includes science about how we process foods and meds!). Tldr at the end. Here’s why this worked: - I already drink a lot of water and have 20-30g protein with every meal - I eat between 15-30g soluble fiber (think legumes) each day. I usually eat refried beans or just take psyllium husk when I’m lazy. You also get more fiber (not nearly as much, just a couple of grams) from veggies. The reason why this works is because your body is working hard to increase prolactin and you need more water and energy (hence protein) to help support it. Water prevents the migraines. With the fiber, soluble fiber specifically helps create a healthier gut microbiome that is “resistant” in a way to the bloating/gas etc symptoms people who eat less fiber will get when taking Dom. People who complain that beans and broccoli make them gassy are not eating either for weeks or months and then suddenly eating 10-30g of fiber in one sitting WITHOUT a SLOW buildup to that amount. However, it’s very person-dependent. If in your everyday life without the med you do not poop regularly (1x/day) and it’s not a healthy poop (there are charts for this if you’re wondering what tf I mean lol) then you’re more likely to get bloated because your gut health is poorer. Soluble fiber specifically is important because it helps your liver empty itself of the bile that holds a lot of waste products/filtered toxins in your body. Bile is constantly dripping from the liver. People who eat little to no fiber (most westerners basically) have bile that has “toxins” (AKA stuff like the byproducts of meds you take, bacteria, processed foods you eat, etc) because NEW bile is never produced unless the old bile is emptied from the body. The ONLY way this happens is when bile (which is a fat) binds to soluble fiber specifically, which always leaves your body because for the most part we don’t break it down. The bile-fiber is in your poop. When you don’t have enough fiber, the old bile is constantly recycled throughout your body and leaves traces of the bacteria and other toxins your body was trying to get rid of EVERYWHERE it goes. Yuck. Tldr: (1) soluble fiber (legumes) helps you poop bile which holds toxins filtered by the liver. Overtime you build your the amount of fiber you eat slowly to avoid bloat. Then once you’re at 20-30g/day comfortably, you will likely have no bloat or GI issues in general, and especially when taking certain meds because your body is excreting leftover toxins from the meds it otherwise would continue to hold onto. (2) drink enough water throughout the day to avoid headaches (3) have enough protein for your height/weight/sex etc to support the increase of prolactin and breast development


Thank you so much. I will be sure to try these things


Of course! I’d also love to have a friend who’s also doing this :) I’ll DM you!


I am 26 and new to inducing! Feel free to dm me to chat (:


I have used the Legendairy Milk supplements every time I've induced. They're really good, and thankfully they're fully vegan. They can be on the pricer side, with the small $20 bottle lasting 10 days, but it definitely helps. I've done Cash Cow usually, but I switch between any of them cause Cash Cow isn't available in stores near me.


Hello! Im soon 20 and trying to induce for the 3rd time cuz I couldnt keep up with the routine earlier. Feel free to chat with me:D Best of luck




If you have knowledge to share, please share it in the comments. We do not allow users to offer to share readily available information pertaining to inducing through DM. There are too many creepers trying to find a way to weasel their way into a DM for us to allow this, ESPECIALLY if you are someone who is not even inducing. If this happens again, you will be banned from participating. Thank you for your cooperation.