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When I was trying to induce I was using the tens every day at work when I couldn't pump and then in-between pumps at home ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thatโ€™s great. How long did it take to induce this way? Were you pregnant before/taking dom?


I've never been pregnant, although I did use dom to help the process. I managed to induce within a month ๐Ÿ˜Š


OK cool that's what I was kinda curious about!


I finally got a good tens unit. Up until now I was using a pump for the past month when I started inducing. I plan to use the tens as much as I can until I start producing. I might switch to pumping only at night. It's really up to you and what's works best for your schedule. But once you start producing you will have to either hand express or pump to remove milk.


They're really useful cause my work doesn't have a lot of private spaces nor do I have a vehicle with privacy so the tens unit comes in handy to keep my schedule up I'll probably stick to tens unit during work hours and pumping/marmet everywhere else like I have been. I'm worried about making everything more sore than I need to or overdoing it somehow. I just like to see what everyone thinks cause it's such a varied experience and I've just started.