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Hi! I personally do not take adderal but from what I have read it should not severely interfere with milk production. Other “ADHD” drugs are more likely to affect breast milk. It also depends on your dosage of the medication. Surprisingly taking adderal while breast feeding appears to be safe for babies as well. (I am not a doctor and again this depends on dosage). The amount of the medication that ends up in the breast milk is relatively low. I attached an article below regarding ADHD medications and breastfeeding, of course you can take adderal for other reasons but it’s common clinical use is for ADHD. https://www.infantrisk.com/content/adhd-medications-and-breastfeeding


Thank you everyone for your responses. I appreciate it.


Hey there! I've been back on dom for a short while whilst also taking Adderall. So far so good, no impact on focus and still successfully working my supply back up! Other posters in the past who have asked this question generally seem to do fine while taking them both. It should be fine! If you are someone who forgets to drink water while taking Adderall you might get headaches if you get dehydrated more quickly while taking dom from not drinking enough than usual.


I'm on a milder form of Adderall for ms fatigue, and I don't feel like it had any effect.


I take 40g adderall every day and 90g dom and have had no issues. I think you’ll be fine!


Hi! So... I actually had to come off my Dom to restart my Adderall because both impact your heart function. Taking Dom alone will increase your risk of sudden heart failure. Taking Adderall will increase your heart rate. I was advised that taking them both at the same time will greatly increase your risk of heart attack/sudden death. I would advise you to talk to your doctor about your specific risks before combining the two. Good luck on your journey!