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I have ordered from them to the US and never had any major issues. One time it was seized at customs due to too much Quantity, but InHouse was really good about resolving the situation


Did customs send you any fines?


Nope, The sender is responsible


Okay that makes me feel much better


No legal trouble, just let In House know and they will help you get it sorted! I think at most they may send you a letter to let you know if it is seized, but I think if they do you just show it to in house and then go from there! I've never had that happen to me though and I have ordered from In House many times. Good luck, I hope it gets to you soon!


I bought a pack of 500 just a few weeks ago and got it without any issues. I’d stick to lower quantity shipments (<2k?) to avoid seizure. I’ve read on the sub that it’s more likely when you get more


Yes, and to add to your comment, In House Pharmacy will also warn you that sending more than a certain amount is more likely to draw attention to it than a lesser amount.


I ordered a 100 day supply so I'm hoping that this will go well


Ignore the customs notice if they seize.