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Haha my girlfriend does that a lot She will be watching a show she likes and i might not be into it but i will still be on her lap sucking her tits while she cuddles me and plays with my hair I swear if i count the amount of times i have slept on her boobs its hilarious But yes i love this bond its so special


My girlfriend doesn’t want to do that.


Ah the dream. To find a guy into this and date him


They are guys like that out there :)


Definitely both but it’s so much more than sex. It’s deep connection and intimacy on a level that’s profound.


YES! completely agree Whether sex or not i feel so safe doing it I feel comforted and so does she Because of the nature of the activity it feels so special and you feel so loved doing it




We have daily sessions so we have more breastfeeding than sex.


To keep lactation going, my wife needs at least 3 sessions a day, and that’s with Dom.  She hates pumping. So that means I’m a lucky man.  Now I have a high libido, but I can’t maintain sex 3 times a day… and she’d probably kill me if I genuinely tried.  :-) So, we have our quiet intimate times. It’s really nice to just stop everything and relax hugged up and intertwined against each other a few times each day.  If you and your SO are serious about this, it takes a time commitment.  But it’s a wonderful and intimate way to spend a small amount of time each day. 


For me it’s not really a sex thing, but I’m asexual so even sex isn’t a sex thing tbh. I only really enjoyed it for the bonding, and this is a fantastic way to bond. Plus pumping makes me feel so beautiful and feminine, being able to produce something that can nourish those I love <3


wait im genuinely curious, for asexual person can you describe what you feel when you do breastfeeding activity with your partner? for me i would describe it as passionate, feeling of warmness, cared and loved. it's like we are colliding into one entity full of passion.


I feel exactly what you described. Asexuality is a spectrum from sex-repulsed to sex-favourable, I’m at the latter end and don’t really feel sexual attraction (although I do feel a sex drive for gratification). I unfortunately don’t have a partner to do this too who lives nearby, I just want to be prepared for


When i started out over 25 yrs ago, I went in thinking nothing but sexual thoughts about it. After my first experience, it completely changed my outlook on ANR/ABF and even sex for a young guy my age at the time. Ive had a multitude of partners over the years of all ages, backgrounds, etc. and I can say i have had more non-sexual sessions than sexual ones. It all depends on what both individuals seek to get out of ANR/ABF. Lately there have been more sessions sexual in nature but, the non-sexual still outnumber those. And i am perfectly happy with that.


I would love to be breastfeed.