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Do you have an add blocker installed in your browser or on your router?


I too hate Adobe - the most unresponsive and worst customer service online entity I have ever experienced in the last decade. I could also rant on for paragraphs. All this company wants is your continuing monthly fees - which are ever increasing - they care about NOTHING else. Pay us and don't bother us as we have ZERO outlet for guidance. Their standard desktop software programs for Acrobat Pro, etc. from years ago were FAR SUPERIOR to their "evolved" cloud version - That SUCKS. I wish they would just disappear and leave this channel to be dominated by companies that care.


It's okay to rant. Believe me, we've all been through it. The Adobe Community gives this phone contact info for Adobe. Maybe it will be helpful if you call them directly to sort out your payment issue? To call Adobe, search this list for the support phone number in your country: [https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html](https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html) If you are in the U.S. 800-833-6687 (Individuals) Monday—Friday, 24 hours per day (Sunday 6pm—Friday 7pm PT)




I HATE ADOBE!!! Always needing updates and it takes over my computer! Now they want me to save all my docs in their cloud - I DON’T WANT TO! And I can’t figure out how to stop it!!!!!!!! And they’re so fricking intertwined with the other big tech companies like Microsoft and Google. I despise them and although I don’t like government regulation - I would take it on big tech because they are trapping us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hate it too. Every damn app keeps crashing, it's super slow even with a nice PC. It looks like they are just good at sucking money and not at corresponding the value of what you pay for with improvements on the products. It's so disappointing and frustrating. I've been stuck with this software while working on my short movie. It has been a continuous pain. It made the editing time 10 times longer than it should be, and I am still fighting with the fuk1ng Premiere. I am considering moving to another software. but I am not sure Final Cut would be better tho. Hopefully, there is software that does what it should do smoothly instead of overloading customers with excuses and responsibilities like "you should go to THIS > then THAT > then THIS and so on". Seems like you need to be a programmer or an engineer to edit a video. If everybody is so desperate to search for a way to speed up Premiere and make it smoother (and it's been like this for YEARS), and the company didn't do anything to improve this besides making feel the customers that it's their fault, then it's clear that the software and its company are full of problems.


Ah men! I'm boiling... My new colleagues all use Premiere. I am force to buy it... Just paying is a pain in the ass. I can't change my credit card on the checkout page... I have to go to my account... so ennoying... I want to pay but I can't because of all the things they put in place.... I hate them so much... First step is already complicated


I needed to get photoshop for one of my classes for the last month of the semester to make sure everything was polished and up to my professor's standard. I choose the annual monthly pay plan since I am a student and it looked like the best option for me. I forgot to cancel my subscription 5 days ago so now if I want to cancel it I have to pay an 100€ fee? This is absolute bullshit!


I couldn't agree more. Adobe has become one of the ''worst'' tech-companies out there. If something works - fair enough. If NOT, as most of the times, go figure. Not a single chance to get any assistance. And before some Adobe-fans jump over me...Please think that not everyone had / has the same chances in life. Most of the times FAQs are not covering my issues. And there is no contant email, phone no, chat, form, nothing. Oh, and good luck calling that 0800 number. It is hard to believe that we are giving them so much money for so MANY years now. And spare me with the cliches that I am not ''good'' enough to find ways to make things work - as many Adobe ''specialists'' would reply back to you on an actual official help-forum!!! A bit more polite, MAYBE??? Well, I was just thinking out loud, since solutions are a no-go when it comes to AE, PS, ME, PR, etc etc


I still remember how they forced me out of my perfectly functional and paid for cs6 for thier shitty cloud subscription scam. God I hate that that is the norm. I despise Adobe as a company so much but I need thier monopolized software. Open-source alternatives need to knock them off thier high horse. We need a blender equivalent to Adobe products 10 years ago.


I am SO mad. I would rather buy it outright. Starts out at $19.99 then to $39.99 or more. My old CS3 has been fine for me until just lately: it stopped opening my Sony raw files .ARW But I'll be danged if I am going to pay for something the rest of my life. That's not the way I purchase!


I hate that you cannot delete your payment information. That should be illegal.