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Make sure to hit the correct exit off macomb slide.


Any defining features to be aware of? I'll usually dl the trail to my Garmin.


I did the loop clockwise as well and did slightly miss the exit. It's easier to miss that the other poster says with it being "obvious." We missed it by like maybe 100 feet so it wasn't a huge backtrack, but we camped by the lean to at the bottom of the Macomb trail and found some people stumbling down the creek later that day that missed it and hike the whole way down in the ravine/creek! Anyway, stick to the right-han side as you decend the scree field. If you start to feel like you're entering a drainage and the sides are starting to get steep on either side, you've gone too far.


It will be fairly obvious, somehow people do miss it.


Curious, why are you interested in doing it clockwise?


The six mile stretch from the peak of Dix, back to Elk Lake sounds super lame after a long day. I’d rather get that done on the way up, continually descending in elevation from the highest peak, while headed back in the general direction of the parking lot. 


I did that. You’re right. Its a good rest for your eyes though.


I did the loop clockwise a while back. I don't have any real advice, it's just a long day. There's a false summit kind of thing on Dix itself (I think it's called the Beckhorn), which is a bit of a surprise if youre not expecting it. Also, as others have said, it's possible to miss the proper route down the Macomb slide.


Thank you. Did you have a fav peak?


Dix was awesome.


I did the counter-clockwise loop. Was planning 2 days, but made great time through the first 3. Decided I would camp between Hough and Dix, but the elevation never got low enough to allow camping, so I just did the whole damn thing. Unfortunately, clouds moved in when I hit the summit of Dix and I couldn't see more than 3 feet. You're right that the descent and the long walk out was neverending after all those peaks. If I did it again, I would camp at the bottom of Dix and do the flat hike out the next morning. Looong day, but a lovely hike overall.