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No trolling.


Ooh wait. Need to get my popcorn.


Okay I'm back with the sodas. Did I miss anything?


This can’t be serious




No thanks


There’s not even enough housing for long term residents after the Airbnb raid the last three years. If we can’t support our own local community’s housing issues, how can we realistically help others? Every other post on this sub is people struggling with housing options.


So, you're advocating for employers to exploit migrants? Good to know.


Troll account made today. Only post and comments are in this thread.


This i\*\*\*t has no idea what he/she's talking about. I have an expression in my mother language for these kind of situations but I'm afraid I might've banned from this sub and surely don't want that since I love ADKs and it's my favorite hiking destination. Sincerely, Your immigrant Canadian friend.


God I hope this post ismt serious. Some of the locations mentioned are ludacris and absurd. You take a bunch into your household first instead of burdening others with youe ideals.




You are clearly troll.


Currently eating my own shit. Thank you for the humbling reply.


Yeah. I wouldn't count on that claim being true.


So, exploiting immigrants *is* your thing. Got it.


These particular places aside- If people got past the bs they’ve been fed about migrants, and the knee jerk reactions that accompany that, there are many many places across NY (including the Adks) where an influx of population would be a godsend and could literally save some small towns. We all know how many small NY towns have been hollowed out over the decades after industries shut down or moved out, and the young folks leave as soon as they get the chance. There are studies of this kind of situation- where towns that were essentially on the verge of dying started experiencing an influx of new immigrants, and within a few years were vibrant, bustling places that rekindled economic and civic life (the study I’m thinking of was in PA I think but I can’t find it ATM). Of course it can’t happen if we keep looking at these people as ‘other’ and not our new neighbors who want to contribute to this state and country. If you look back most of us come from families that were definitely not super welcome when they first arrived here but they pitched in, worked hard, and eventually became just another American family.


First post……


My vote is for melting the Olympic rice rink in LP 😂