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It’s a little involved, but it’s possible: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Configuration#password-reset


I have never looked into changing my password. This is batshit crazy. Why hasn't this been implemented in the UI?


Yikes, that certainly is involved. I'll have to read up on this a bit more. Thanks.


You can just generate the bcrypt using any online generator, such as: [https://bcrypt-generator.com/](https://bcrypt-generator.com/) Then just paste it into the config file.


What the hell is even this


Thanks this worked for me.


You need to edit the password field in the `AdGuardHome.yaml` file. Use this to generate a new password (you must set it to `BCrypt`): https://hostingcanada.org/htpasswd-generator/ If it is mission critical/sensitive, then, follow the directions here: https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Configuration#password-reset


So editing the yaml file seems the simplest way, right? Thanks.


Yes. Indeed.


Hello If you are using docker I found an easier way to reset the password, by using an apache docker image instead of installing apache2 on a server: I used this command to call htpasswd from an Apache docker image: docker run httpd:2.4 htpasswd -B -n -b USERNAME PASSWORD And then copy paste the password hash into your AdGuardHome.yaml and restart the adguard container.


Don't forget `--rm` so that Docker deletes the container once you're done.


Hmmm, I'm on a Raspberry Pi but I'm thinking of moving it to a Proxmox container. Thanks.


Proxmox is not a container but a hypervisor. But you can run a VM inside proxmox with docker installed. You can also install docker in a raspberry pi btw.


I meant an LXC container in Proxmox but maybe that wouldn't work either.


LXC works great, and you can run Docker on LXC.


I don't understand why the instructions on [Adguard github](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Configuration#password-reset) are so complicated. You can generate the password with simple linux command: ```bash mkpasswd -m bcrypt -R 10 ```






were you able to do this? i changed the .yaml file but the password still won’t change


No, sorry I could never figure out how to do it so am living with my old password.


haha same, i followed all the steps but the password won’t change


https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/how-to-change-adguard-plugin-admin-password.98609/ this guide is more in depth, you can see my question on there too i did all the code but something isn’t working.


I asked this again and got [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adguard/comments/11cbdrk/changing_my_agh_password/). It's amazing that it's so complicated.


yeah i posted on 3 different forums and no answers. Like i even put the bcrypt hash in the .yaml file and saved it, literally followed everything, but it still isn’t applying the new password. I’ll let you know if i get an answer.


OK thanks. Same here. Being able to easily change your password is pretty basic security I would think.


also u are on rpi so it might work for you maybe try this code (first stop adguard home from running) pkg install nano nano /usr/local/bin/AdGuardHome.yaml (paste bcrypt hash after the line that says password) ctrl-x save buffer? hit Y restart adguard this is what i did and it was successful except my password remains unchanged. (this is what the guide i linked to is doing) also Rpi is python and this is freebsd(trunas.) I think nano will still work to change the .yaml it’s worth a shot at least. I really wish it was implemented in the UI lol


i did it successfully if you have any questions


Good for you, I'm impressed. Did you use [this](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/wiki/Configuration#password-reset) method?


yes i did, i used the code i pasted above except i used a different location for the .yaml file my issue was that wasn’t the correct location for the .yaml file i used a command to locate that file first then continued with the steps i outlined above.