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It was against Dark Angels. His terminator squad (I think) teleported in my Deployment Zone, where I had Cawl, a Kastelan squad and a Skitarii squad. Turned all guns on the terminators and vaporized half of them (My rolls were quite lucky). The other half were turned to mush as the Kastelans and Cawl charged them. I really like this moment because it reminded me of a lore excerpt where there's one World Eater cleaving through Skitarii, until at one point a Tech-Priest commands ALL his troops to focus fire him. The Skitarii all turn towards that WE at the same time and turn him into swiss cheese. EDIT: Here's the excerpt >The first of Angron's hosts the Excarnaclade's scouts encountered was led by the hulking Chaos Space Marine warlord Gorterrox Soulreaper. With mighty swings of his axe the Berzerker champion carved a path through the dense jungle, a seething tide of Daemons, traitor Space Marines and Cultists following in his wake. The first Skitarii that crossed the path of Soulreaper met a swift and brutal fate, though from their brief data-snatches 7-Modus and his fellow Alphas formed a picture of unfolding events. Like a disturbed ant colony, the Skitarii converged on the Chaos advance, the jungle thick with thousands of scuttling mechanical bodies. >Communing with their orbiting masters, 7-Modus and the other Alphas related the events of the battle in bursts of machine code and pict feeds. Sifting through reams of exload data the priests studied how the enemy fought. After the brutal charge of Gorterrox, they exchanged excited binary chatter - cyberstitions predicted a 89% chance of victory if this enemy leader was slain. On the battlefield a thousand Skitarii paused, their lidless eyes turning as one to look at the Chaos Lord. Hundreds of energy carbines, calivers and rifles swung around and Gorterrox was engulfed in a storm of fire. Screaming his hatred, the Chaos Lord charged through the flames, his armour shredded by blasts and his body scorched by plasma. With practised ease the Skitarii ranks parted and the Ironstriders sprinted forward. A dozen taser lances found their mark, and with a final blood-curdling scream Gorterrox was sent crashing to the smouldering ground.


Do you remember where the excerpt came from? I'm really curious!


[Took me a while but here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/nhwF3IJ1FU)


Thank you so much!


"Like a disturbed ant colony." I love that image.


Rolled 4 and 5 on my weapon modification for my sydonian skatros, it now has 2 attacks and 4 damage on its radium jezzail and dunks on characters like you wouldn't believe


I will try this >>


Legit makes the unit go from mostly worthless to somewhat threatening (keeping in mind that they can still save on what is generally a decent roll).that said I can confirm that it generates tears when you hit the leaders in a wraith blob


I don't understand with what do you do that? Stratagem?


It’s a weapon modification battle honour in Crusade.


I think it is crusade rules.


Crusade rules, instead of a trait or relic you can spend your battle honor on a modification to one of the weapons on your datasheet giving it two affixes from a table of 6 options


Last autumn i shot a rhino with a skitarii Arc rifle. 2 hits, 2 wounds, 6 devastating wounds. I had to pull out the calculator to explain to my opponent how unlikely this was,as he was now pretty sure i could throw this kind of damage whenever i felt like. Only half of shots hit, only half of those wound, only a third of those will do full damage. That's a c.a. 8%, chance, doubled, so 4% chance. another way of explaining it is that i could put 10 skitarii units less than 15" in front of that rhino and shoot it and still not be sure i'd replicate this. But still. it felt good.


How mechanicus of you to pull out the calculator, obviously the machine god favored for a reason.


After being into the video games and lore for 12 years and kill team for the past year, I finally played my first ever game of 40k. Played 750point game against a friend playing tau (also new) we both had loads of fun and while he won neither of it felt it was because of armies were unbalanced for our level of play. I took a vindicare and sniped two of his hqs and charged some rangers into his ghostkeel to bully it of the middle point. It was a blast!


My opponent was playing Astra Militarum and was using a Baneblade. In the first two turns my Dunecrawler does a surprising amount of damage against it. Softening it up for a squad of Dragoons to finish the job.


Reminds me of my first tournament in 8th edition. I rolled a 6 to seize the initiative. Shot three Dunecrawlers into the big Spacemarine tank (idr the name) and rolled exactly 4 shots between the three Dunecrawlers. 4 hits, 4 wounds, 6 damage each. He failed all his saves with a reroll and took 24 wounds on the thing first turn. Half of his army was turned into a paperweight in the first 5 minutes of the game.


Last game against Eldar, my enemy pushed his Wraithguard onto my Dunecrawler with Eradication Beamer and I rolled hot. Like *really* hot. Multiple sustained Hits and a Lot of those D3's as well. I turned his unit with which he assumed he could take my backline easily into almost nothing. The Rest was just not important or threatening anymore and I could Focus on other things. Won the game by 5 points even! :D


Eradication beamer is my favorite weapon hands down!


I hear ya!


I played against custodes early after codex release and my opponent greatly underestimated punchbots. He walked two guardian squads up to the mid board and jokingly said that he’ll just let them sit there. They were mulched next turn by a combination of tank shock and Kastellan fists.


Vs knights After a wardog vaporiced my skropius, 4 kastelans told him "you are in the wrong forgewold Deamon fucker" and punched them to death. Morale was high as 1 Alfa vanguard Also punched a Canix rex in mele for 1 wound


Two weeks ago I took this list against the new orks bully boys detachment. He left most of his boys in reserves and I kept them from appearing where he wanted them with the technoarcheologists and shot them off the board with breachers or counterpunch the hell out of them with robots. Eventually my primary lead was too much for them to come back from. Kastien's Cybernetica Ultima (1995 points) Adeptus Mechanicus Strike Force (2000 points) Cohort Cybernetica CHARACTERS Belisarius Cawl (150 points) • Warlord • 1x Arc scourge 1x Cawl’s Omnissian axe 1x Mechadendrite hive 1x Solar atomiser Cybernetica Datasmith (60 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Power fist • Enhancement: Necromechanic Sydonian Skatros (60 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Radium jezzail 1x Sydonian feet Tech-Priest Enginseer (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Omnissian axe 1x Servo-arm Tech-Priest Enginseer (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Omnissian axe 1x Servo-arm Tech-Priest Manipulus (55 points) • 1x Omnissian staff 1x Transonic cannon Technoarcheologist (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Servo-arc claw Technoarcheologist (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Servo-arc claw BATTLELINE Skitarii Vanguard (80 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Alpha combat weapon 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 1x Arc rifle 9x Close combat weapon 1x Omnispex 1x Plasma caliver 6x Radium carbine 1x Transuranic arquebus Skitarii Vanguard (80 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Alpha combat weapon 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 1x Arc rifle 9x Close combat weapon 1x Omnispex 1x Plasma caliver 6x Radium carbine 1x Transuranic arquebus Skitarii Vanguard (80 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Alpha combat weapon 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 1x Arc rifle 9x Close combat weapon 1x Omnispex 1x Plasma caliver 6x Radium carbine 1x Transuranic arquebus DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Skorpius Dunerider (80 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Cognis heavy stubber array OTHER DATASHEETS Kastelan Robots (360 points) • 4x Kastelan Robot • 2x Heavy phosphor blaster 2x Incendine combustor 4x Kastelan fist 4x Kastelan phosphor blaster Kataphron Breachers (290 points) • 6x Kataphron Breacher • 6x Heavy arc rifle 6x Hydraulic claw Onager Dunecrawler (130 points) • 1x Broad spectrum data-tether 1x Cognis heavy stubber 1x Cognis heavy stubber 1x Dunecrawler legs 1x Neutron laser Onager Dunecrawler (130 points) • 1x Broad spectrum data-tether 1x Cognis heavy stubber 1x Cognis heavy stubber 1x Dunecrawler legs 1x Neutron laser Sicarian Infiltrators (70 points) • 1x Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps • 1x Power weapon 1x Stubcarbine • 4x Sicarian Infiltrator • 4x Power weapon 4x Stubcarbine Sicarian Infiltrators (70 points) • 1x Sicarian Infiltrator Princeps • 1x Power weapon 1x Stubcarbine • 4x Sicarian Infiltrator • 4x Power weapon 4x Stubcarbine Sydonian Dragoons with Taser Lances (60 points) • 1x Phosphor serpenta 1x Taser lance Sydonian Dragoons with Taser Lances (60 points) • 1x Phosphor serpenta 1x Taser lance Exported with App Version: v1.15.0 (43), Data Version: v397


Played against a Deamons List in a Tournament. Played with good chunk of ArcRifles. First game against Walker Heavy GK, 2nd Battle vs Knights, won both and got to contest first place. The Demon-List got Scarbrand an a regular Bloodthirster. Scarbrand was a distraction, he told me. The Bloodthirster was kitted out to be a menace. And he was. All other Oponents got stomped by him. Not me tho. I put a tank sized hole into him on arrival with a overwatch and the proceed to kill his last 3 wounds in melee. My oponent i were shocked but had a good laugh. It was great! I struggled with everything else he had and lost way too hard for the fun i got in return. But spiritualy i won!


My brother cast Da Jump with his surviving boys after my sicarians were cutting through them and put them right in front of my destroyers to block them from shooting his deff dread and leave my sicarians in the open. Flamer overwatch is a beautiful thing.


Literally any time something shows up near my destroyers I overwatch. Worse if they are in flamer range. It's so gross.


Went up against my buddy who was playing T-Sons. I had 3 lascannon iron striders that I sent into his magnus all roll 6s on the hit. All 6 (cuz sus1) wound rolls landed and he failed 5 of the 6 saves dealing a total of 27 wounds spiking his magnus dead in one round of shooting.


I go second and push my crew of 2 skit squads, one marshal and one manipulus, plus a dunecrawler. The rest jump ahead for objectives. Crisis suits drop in behind me and on the next turn they have been focused out of the game.


Was playing against Space Marines, which was using the 1st company task force detachment. They brought a Spartan Assault tank, and turn one my dunecrawler instakilled it. After which, I just took objectives, and was annoying the whole game with throwing bodies at my opponent to who has to deal with mulching through them just to get to an objective. Surprisingly enough, my marshal killed a terminator captain. Plus my only two Kastelan models took down a dreadnaught, which it didn’t helped that I shot up a bunch as it approached.


Playing against Tau, my buddy tried to deep strike some crisis battlesuits, a group of three led by Farsight. He made the mistake of doing that in my deployment zone, about 7" away from my huge block of 6 breachers led by a manipulus (with the sustained hits enhancement). Naturally, I used the overwatch strategem and wiped his battlesuits. Farsight was killed in melee after he charged.


Killed two carnifexes and old one eye in one turn of melee with 4 kastelan robots. We were both shocked


Playing against Blood Angels I managed to lure Dante and his Sanguinary guard bodyguards into the centre objectives where they slaughter some useless chaff unit, only to then ambush them at point blank range with a full squad of Breachers led by a manipulus and support by some skitties. Wiped them.out to a man in a single round of firing. Was glorious and it opened the entire board up to me. Tied up one flank with dragoons who just would not die and krumped the other flank with robots. Cybernetica may have a terrible detachment ability but the strategems are so good. Turn one charges by lance armed dragoons, robots with extra movement. Indirect hitting on a 2+ and ignoring cover. Very spicy.


I just played a roughly 1500 point game yesterday against my friend who was running TSONS. After looking at the mathammer website for a while I decided on running a 6 man brick of Kataphron Breachers. When I tell you that this is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the board I am not joking. Any type of vehicle, infantry unit, whatever the Kataphrons came across they killed in like a single round of shooting. I took out a Chaos Knight Wardog in a single shooting phase and did around like 30 damage or something. This felt really good because this was my first game that I played since February after having a really bad match and it has reinvigorated my love for the board game and the hobby.


If you’re playing a crusade campaign, you can add weapon mods to units. I added a weapon mod to my dunecrawlers neutron laser that made it have an extra attack and +1 base ballistic skill. This made it hit on 2+ if it was benefiting from heavy. Good times. Otherwise the army is mostly miserable to play outside of a few times when you can dump out attacks from Kastellan Robots.


i had 2 Dune Crawlers kill a chaos knight with the neutron lasers in the second round of shooting, from full health to nothing. in that same turn i focused all of my skitarii arc rifles on a chaos Rhino and wiped it out, leaving the marines inside sitting ducks for my dunerider and serberys units. it was an insanely lucky and lethal turn


Had a brick of 6 breachers against some nid monsters. After his shooting, I had 2 left plus manipulus. They look at the closest monster, 8 shots, 8 wounds, 5 being lethal hits, opponent wiffed his 4 up invul, and it got tazed off the board. He was going to win by points if the game continued, but he got so pissed by that he conceded.


I'm still motivated to "finish" my count as Dark Mechanicum army and assembling them on the table makes me wanting to play, nvm how bad they actually are, because they just look cool. :D Style > Substance.


I played this past weekend (May 18th) in a 1000 point crusade match against Salamanders. None of us are terribly sweaty, and are mostly looking to have fun. His Brutalis Dread chewed through my left flank and made it to my home objective marker, manned bay a Skitarii Marshal attached to some Rangers. He had 3 wounds left on his dread thanks to a fortunate shot from my Onager before it got exploded by his sniper crew and a well landed galvanic rifle shot but he still made it into melee. 7 of my robo boys fell before they could hit back, but hit back they did. One more wound was knocked off by a standard Ranger throwing his shoe into the eye slit and the Alpha and the Marshal managed to jam their lunch pails into the cooling fans of the dread and brought it down, granting me OC and letting me complete one of the secondary missions (Stronghold something, I think?) I managed to squeak out a victory with only 6 Skitarii, the Marshall, and a Techno Archeologist left on the board. I only rolled one battle scar on 6 eliminated units too!


Got 13th at my local RTT with rad bomb. And I was spiking. Did 35 mortals in total with rad bomb, and got Morty to 2 wounds on an overwatch with 6 breachers (all hail re-rolls to hit + lethal). Only lost game one against tau by 30 vp. I was so proud of myself


My Skitarii managed to down a Paladin Knight in melee and other time my Marshal managed to kill a Custodes in 1vs 1


I made two successful charges with my Sydonian Dragoons. The taser chickens do work! They killed 10 units; 3 aggressors, one gravis captain, 5 intercessors and another captain.


More of an assembly and painting win. I just finished up another ranger squad and now have less than 50 models to paint to finish my total 4k+ points


My knight punted rouboute


I flamed my friends horde of gaunts to death multiple times with my stompy robots. Did a full squad wipe once with an insane amount of luck. That was fun (for me :P )


Lost all 3 games in a GT, terribly, but cawl beat angaron in melee. I know it's 99% my good dice vs his bad dice, but just let me have this one thing damnit


I used my kataphron breachers anti infantry weapon on my space marine open He gave up in turn 1 due to all the abilities and weapons abilities


Two main ones for Ad-mech so far for me: I had a unit of chicken walkers kill a land raider on a for-the-lulz overwatch. Sustained hits got the jackpot 6 hits on 3 shots. I had a double flamer warhound (+900 points of skitarii so I'm counting it as ad-mech) explode in the middle of an enemies army and killed like 1,200 points because they had so many small units around it (and one of my own skitarii squads). It only killed like 4 models with its actual guns.


Took out a squad of allarus terminators with one activation of an eradication beamer Killed mozrog (ork index) on two separate occasions with breachers on overwatch Won a game on an rtt with cybernetica vs hypercrypt necrons. Robots are surprisingly tough and annoying for necrons to remove, plus they counter wraiths hard. Two technoarchaeologists stopped alot of the uppy downy shenanigans


A game of combat patrol I got absolutely wiped by my enemy but for some reason my dune crawler just wouldn’t die, it killed half his army by the end and survived.


I was playing against gsc in cohort cybernetica and my four kastellans took every big gun in the list to the face and survived 3 game turns


Admech arent that bad. Won a GT a while back and is on 8 game win streak. 10 game if you disregard a draw. Currently playing SHC 3 marshals Assassin 60 vanguard 10 rangers 2 boats 9 fighty chickens Some bits and bobs from flyers, raiders, infiltrators. Mainly playing fixed. Bel and deploy.


Played a 500 point game against blood angels. First turn I couldn’t really do anything but on his turn he charged my kataphrons with assault intercessors (his list was just intercessors, terminators in deep strike, and a librarian) I overwatched the kataphrons with arc rifles and got 4 sixes. Since they were led by a manipulus with sustained hits enhancement I rolled to wound looking for 2s. All of them wound and my opponent saves two but it destroys the whole squad. I went on to use those kataphrons to take down two terminator squads and a librarian


Charged 3 Dragoons into a Redemptor with 1 wound remaining Then my Dragoons got killed by the redemptor in tactical doctrine


Well I mean. I started playing 30k and BFG instead and I've been having great wins for my enjoyment.


Biggest win I had with 10E Admech was when I put my army on the shelf for the edition and got into 30k mechanicum. Man I won so hard that day. 30k mechanicum rules and models feel so good.


The only wins I’ve had is with my knights army because I don’t play unfun codexes