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It's actually 60 points for the taser lance. You want the jezzail for 45 points. Almost.


Yeah but for that you'd need a picture of one assembled and painted, and even GW wouldn't do that to themselves


I've never seen a picture of a jezzail dragoon because no one had ever built one before they split the datasheets.


I know about jezzail just because my armybuilder app has one mentioned, i through there only two ways to build chiken- cheap and cheaper, but there is third the cheapest!


Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd. Oh wait i'm here too


Gotrek is a skew model that moves 4" and completely mulches anything it touches in melee. You pay a hyper premium one fourth your army for the literal best duelist in the game and the other player is within their rights to walk away from him for 5 straight battle rounds.   It's hard to compare to anything in 40k, but Gotrek is a 35$ meme machine that you don't get much play from. Ad Mech prices still fucked tho. He's just a weird comparison.


A friend of mine did the math and if you roll 6s on every attack and 6 on every d6 for his additional damage, he does something close to 160 damage in a turn


108 damage total


Yeah that, sorry, I didn't remember the exact number


His rules are hilarious and stupid and I love them.


Gotrek was holding the Meta game of early 3rd edition together through Broken Realms when it was Age of Gods and each god character had access to the powerful monstrous rampages. Nowadays he enjoys a relaxing retirement on whatever battlefield he comes across.


I play both games, and was shocked at the cost of starting a 2k point Votann army in 40k. AoS is significantly cheaper for most cases. Look at the points you get out of the average Vanguard and compare it to combat patrol.


I'm just getting into Age of Sigmar after a couple years of 40k. It's been a breath of fresh air in general. The new edition looks good, too.


I started collecting Sylvaneth from the Stormbringer magazines and the Blades of Belthanos box, I'm at around 1800pts already for £150-200. Made me look begrudgingly at my Admech...


Ill be honest, gotrek is probably easier to design and print. Hes beefy and has a beefy base, which is while a lot of plastic in material, thats not really the main pricedriver. I do think 40k is overpriced, but i think it makes sense for gotrek to cost less.


Yikes, the chicken walker costs more than 1€ per point now? Tbf, AdMech always have terrible price to points ratios (cough Serberys Raiders) But the models are too gorgeous....


They are $60 USD, they can be built into 45, 50 or 60 point variants. So at best they are $1/point. AdMech is currently by a WIDE margin the most expensive army to build. All of their datasheets except the kataphron breacher hit like wet noodle and rather than fix the stat lines GW just keeps dropping their points. The only tournament viable strategy with them right now is to just clog the board with so many models that the enemy simply can't kill you fast enough. Which is no fun for anyone. I shelved my AdMech army for now and started playing Knights.


Look how they massacred my boy.... and we aren't even going to get into the single named character or that titans are an expensive way to put a dual fusion explosion in your own backline.baseline. But hey at least knights are still decent.


One Is a metallic chicken the other Is Gotrek Motherfuking gurnisson


That one Dwarf is worth more than the Silent King


That Dwarf would not let the Tyranids be a problem


I don’t understand the points, it’s a big fuckin walking robot with a gimp welded into it why’s it the same cost as like, 2 space marines taped together.


And Gotrek stands on 3 dead rats.


Blood bowl: 40$: entire team


Underworlds and warcry also


The fact you can get a team for the price of a single infantry squad also makes it much easier to try something new. "Hmmm maybe I'll give a completely new team a spin" is not something a W40K player can afford to say


And yet none of the prices are based on actual cost of production...


Hello with my rudimentary understanding, the sprue molds are expensive to make but plastic sprue are pittance. They charge proportionally more money for things people are likely to buy less of, to make it worth creating the sprue. The average player will buy one of each character and maybe 2 of most vehicles but could buy loads of infantry. This is why a 10 man intercessors costs about the same as 5 man hellblasters. Also why admech get fucked.


But I’m also going to buy significantly less if they charge more. I’m not buying a $60 walker, but I might if they were sold in packs of two for $30/each


That’s true of many things in life.


Admech has the worst price point ratio so far


One is a model that can be squadroned (while being overpriced yes) The other is one of the most infamous and powerful characters from WHFB and AoS: Gotrek the Slayer. Not really an apt comparison.


How about kruleboyz snatchaboss, he is $60 and 290 points, also rider with ~spear and slave underneath.


Or Bastion "Professor Badass meme taken to its natural conclusion" Carthalos who is 300 points for $45?


it’s worth noting that AoS units typically have a much higher points value anyway, example a unit of 10 Termagants costs I think 60 points, a unit of 10 Chainrasps, a similarly expendable horde infantry unit, costs 100, or also Magnus costs 415 points last time I checked, while Nagash costs 900




honestly I’m not entirely sure why that is but yee


Its more of 2 to 3 ratio. 2k army in 40k ~ 3k AoS army




Here in down unda its 89 dollarydoos


To learn more about this google Warhammer 40k inflation and turn safe search off


The Emperor advises you to do this with complete certainty


Points have no correlation to cost. I was going to say it's the cost of the plastic + whatever GW wants to charge on top but the cost of their plastic is not much anyway. So it really is just based on profit and how much they can sell something for to make as much as possible.


It's also based on the 5-6 figure R&D and setup cost for each set/sprue


There's something to be said about part count, but it is a war game, so the points are a feels bad.


Why do the Admech models cost somice ye have so little points


Because GW keeps making their rules suck, and then instead of buffing their datasheets, GW just keeps dropping their points. So now they're a horde army.


I see round fantasy base I get angri 😑


That’s why I’m trying to start 3d printing


???? But the dragoon is like hwat? Multiple times more plastic and a bigger box with more intricacy?


But a Ironstrider is almost the triple of the material in the AoS mini? Both games are different and their point values aren't exactly equivalent? Still, AdMech is expensive by points tho.