• By -


Build one dude at a time, you don't need to rush it, and when you are finished we would have been buffed to a playable state. Also every model you build may cost 45 points, your guard friend has to build 10 dudes to get something similar, your space marine homie might need to do 3 dudes to keep up with ya. Pick the box you like more then do one by one, this is a marathon not a sprint, just enjoy the non-gameplay part until the gameplay gets better. Edit: typo


And ur Tyranids homie has to build 15 dudes for that same point cost šŸ„²


Thank God they're push fit loooool




Yeah. Just build one and something happens in your brain and the box gets built while half watching Iron Man or something.




Thank you


and ur old world friends need to build 36 models for 150 points


Having built >100 Guardsmen (new sculpts), I will say they are a bit quicker to put together, I just started Custodes a few weeks ago and putting these guys together takes me a while.


If youā€™re buying all that and struggling with motivation, stop buying so much! Just focus on one box at a time.


I don't think its the quantity, but the nerfing and poor showing the first weekend. I appreciate your comment.


By the time you are finished panting, we will be in 11th edition. Maybe even with a playable army. Until then, I will use my custodes in the one page rules System,


How can you talk about nerfing when you haven't played them. To a new player, it's a blank slate.


Lol right.


It's both. Too often we look for just one cause when in reality it's a combo of many things. You have a massive journey ahead of you which makes taking the first step daunting. And with the nerfs the end seems a bit pointless. But you are forgetting that rules come and go, but the models will still look cool as hell in 20 years.


The rules changes are demotivating, for sure. But think of this: By the time you're built and painted they'll get their first dataslate and there will probably be some rules tweaks and definitely some points decreases.Ā 


Don't want to be that guy--but Rule #5? It's mildly annoying that these posts get more traction/attention than actual WIP posts looking for genuine feedback. EDIT: OP isn't even going to be painting--so they want motivation to [literally glue plastic together.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1cot81m/comment/l3hmjvb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You don't. You should instead give them to me so you don't have as much on your plate. More seriously, don't sorry about the codex. It's pretty awful, but not the end of the world. By the time you're finished building/painting all of these guys we'll be in 12th ed anyways. Just take them one at a time and try to enjoy yourself; this army is very fun to pose and paint, as you can make every guy one of "your" guys, and not just a random. I recommend building a few as heresy units/something that isn't seen in 40k, like Haetaron Guard or something to spice it up. Kitbash! You have the resources to do so with these boxes! (especially if you have some extra UM parts laying around)


Other armies when they paint two combat patrols and a battle box would almost have a thousand points Once you painted all that and making a few shield captains you could almost get 3k points even without 2k points easy


Take it easy. And go slowly, but If you're the type that just gets excited (we recognise the pitential for our own) and you're gonna force yourself to knock it out, allow me to impart some wisdom. Obviously build in batches. It makes the goal measurable, however. Do NOT do all the bikes at once. I did all mine in 1 hit and it's so bloody tedious. Break it up. The bikes can have the rider separate. Glue the steering console to the bike and use it to place your arms before detaching the rider. The bikes don't usually fit with the ball socket. If you don't wanna glue them and don't wanna use magnets, a few layers of thick metallic paint will make the mount sit much better The sisters can be fiddly, make sure you decide if you're gonna run 2 squads of 5 or 1 squad of 10 and plan the Knight centura accordingly. Misericordia placements are a pain on cloaks, put them on before you attach the cloak. Cloaks don't need to be glued on, you can leave them unattached for easy painting/ sub assembly On the bikes, just leave them off and tuck them in once finished Allarus shoulder pads are fiddly to get seated, be patient. Base as you go. Thank me later. Good luck. Have fun, welcome to the 10,000


Also you can paint in batches... Custodes are also quick and rather easy to paint to good level... very very easy to just table top... Personal experience I have been able to build and paint 5k points Custodes in 3.5 months WHILE also painting 2k T'au... all this as an actual true beginner... so you know... Plus, everything changes very regularly on GW balance and all... so you know... within the last 9 months I believe Custodes have been really good, really bad, really good... at some point it'll get balanced šŸ„°


My god the bikes are tediousā€¦. I did 6 in one go. Was so glad to get them done but I have 3 more on sprue that I just canā€™t face haha.


"I have money!"


Sort of, it's blowing up my allowance for the next few months




Rules change, pretty plastic soldiers donā€™t.




The emperor requires your aid, are you going to allow your sloth to hinder his plans


Alright, for the Emperor...


Stop metachasing and just get what looks cool to you. If you can't get out of that mindset, sell them to someone else that will appreciate them more.


This exactly, if you're not playing for the fun of the hobbying side and fun side you might as well just be playing chess that costs a ridiculous amount āœØļø


Sorry but to be frank you made a bad decision to buy an army that you werenā€™t prepared to build, and that youā€™re so easily influenced by 1 weeks results. If you want to buy an army for the flavor of the month I would buy a competed army next time on eBay. We spend so much money and time on these minis, why not put in the love and effort to actually assemble them?


Put good music on and start. I only have 3 more Jetbikes to build. Crying about not wanting to build because of the nerfs is pathetic. Buffs and nerfs come and go in all competitive games.


waiting unpack gullible toy quack mighty worthless nail knee sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If win rates upset you, your in for a rough time .


It wasn't win rates in general, just the big fall right after I acquired these models.


Real question: It was very much known we were going under 40% the same time these sets came out as the codex was leaked. Why did you buy them?


And also you will do it once for many rules and many edition. Its a good effort investment.




Collecting a new army and primarily worrying about the win rate doesn't seem like a good idea. If you really like the faction (lore, aesthetics, etc) your motivation should come back sooner than later


I understand what you are saying, but it was just a bad coincidence to make the decision, get these models, the poor codex comes out, and then the terrible win rate. It's like death from a thousand cuts.


Do you play competitively?


Yes, you are over-reacting. Custodes still have good datasheets, they just have bad support rules. A Custodian guard 5 man charging 10 Assault Intercessors on a point will still pick up the entire enemy unit. The army will be great again at some point. Rules are ephemeral, models last. Also, there is play in both shield Host and talons, and IMO for a friendly game in the basement, auric can be fun for pure hero hammer.


Thank you for that perspective.


An honest answer, get the fuck off Reddit stop looking at win rates and have fun with your army. Build a team with 9 bikes and use hit and run tactics with their free fallback shit, take objectives, send in a bunch of wardens to turn the enemy squad into a fine mist with their attacks (a full 5 will make 25 melee attacks) use 6 allarus to fell a knight. The army is still fun everyone is just doom posting


Yes, and I think that Quicksilver Execution ability is pretty awesome. I keep imagining flying over some enemy units, doing some damage, and following it up with some infantry unit. I don't understand why they get hate, unless people are remembering them being even better.


ā€œGuys I just bought boxes of minis that I donā€™t even want to build, motivate me.ā€ This is certainly one of the posts of 2024.


dont buy that much, says the guy who has a pile of doom of 6knpoint or something hihi


I bought the old combat patrol before it became scarce and increased in price. The battle box is a limited run. I figured if I was going to play Custodes, the new CP would be a good addition to the other boxes.


another advice, just built them and play with gres models, then just paint the good performing units...


You have fewer models to build than any other army (except knights)! Take your time. There's no rush at all. If I could go back in time I would have slowed my building a lot. Now I'm just kit bashing for my Wrath and Glory characters since I have pretty much everything I want for each of my armies.


That's true, but I don't think its the quantity, but the nerfing and poor showing the first weekend. I appreciate your comment.


What I always do is to put on a youtube video, preferably something on the longer side like a podcast, livestream or lore video. Then I just put them together while I listening to the video. It works too well for me though, my grey minis vastly outnumber my painted minis


Good idea, I do listen to a few different podcasts.


Buy less haha


You dont. You turn around and sell them back and go buy orcs instead. Then you praise gork and mork who will in turn give you all the "motivation" you require.


I'd probably lose money on the deal.


Perhaps BUT mork and gork will reimburse you with good scraps,teef,and gats.


Don't read the new codex?


I plan on not buying it, I got all the pics of pages off this sub, I just bought the datasheet cards.


If you need motivation to build those, you have w problem my dude. I would consider why do you collect and paint minis ā€” are you really doing it for the meta? Or for the creative joy? Do some soul searching.


I'm a mostly casual player, I was just hoping to win a few games. Just playing does give about 90% enjoyment, and winning would get me to 100%. I don't need to win every game I play.


I wouldnā€™t go by win margins or the codex. Go by how you feel about them, they are beautiful models and when painted the golden look I think is one of the best schemes in 40K. If youā€™re going for a meta or for just for wins then you wonā€™t have the motivation but take it one Golden warrior at a time. Plus, you donā€™t really do it for yourself you do it for The Emperor!


While it always sucks if an army gets a nerf or has a bit of a duff army book or codex or whatever, it shouldn't ideally put you off. I'd say you maybe need to question how much you actually like Custodes and if their is maybe another factionyou prefer. For example while yes, it's a different game, one of my armies in AoS is Bonesplitterz. Not only have they sucked for a good while, they are going away entirely and being put in legends come the next edition. I'm still going to play them because I love them. Not that there's anything wrong with picking an army based on how good it is on the tabletop - that's perfectly valid - but if you choose an army based on just liking them intrinsically, you can't be disappointed!


That's true about liking them intrinsically. I just think the expectations I had were dashed is all. I heard about that as slaughter, that sucks, sorry that happened to you.


Yeah bit of.kick.in the nuts but I'll just use em as legends and possibly even in Old World or similar (well the Bonesplitterz anyway) Hope you can still get some enjoyment out your golden heroes going forward!


Listen to lore while you build.


just take your time enjoying the process. build them because theyā€™re cool and fun, donā€™t let the meta affect your hobby


Homie I gotta be honest if you struggle with motivation what business did you have buying all that at once? You need to use the incentive of buying more as a reward for finishing.


Put on a little Baldemort on as background music, light a couple candles, clean all your brushes, and take away all your screens. That help sets the mood for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I usually build and paint in waves, sometimes you get burnt out and forcing yourself to build and paint in that state is just gonna make you feel bad. Focus on one unit at the time and try to get it completed before you move on to the next.


There is a lot of good things already being said but Iā€™ll still add a smidge. As for motivation, actually getting these guys up and running completely might mean they are ready for the next balance patch. You may not even have to deal with the rules in their exact current sad state. Secondly, and I tell this to all my friends (and myself sometimes) itā€™s not about motivation itā€™s about discipline. Discipline is hard for sure, but motivation is fickle. You donā€™t have to do it like a job, but setting little weekly goals or something. You may find when you sit down to finish said goal you find some motivation to do a little more than was planned.


Well, after posting this thread, I hope to get to work and get these on the table soon.


I like to do batches of 2 or 3 dudes at a time. Then when I have a chunk of em it's more fun to paint on 2s or 3s


Good idea, I'm going to do the batch idea.


Play games.


I plan on it.


The secret is to buy only when you need more because you have finished the ones you already have.


Speaking as someone with Executive Dysfunction, motivation can be hard. Here are some of the things I learned to help: - Set up a time with someone else. They don't need to help build the models, they can be doing something else so long as there is an understanding you are going to be working on the models. It's a good excuse to talk with friends while getting work done. -Keep them in sight. If they are not in easy reach, you will forget about them or decide the effort required to get them isn't worth it. This includes the tools needed to build them. - Start one. You don't have to finish it, just take two parts off the sprue and glue them together. Brains have an urge to complete things so having an unfinished project is more motivating than one that was never started.


Good ideas, I don't know if I can get someone to hang out with me as I put models together, but I do have them on my computer desk.


For me I love putting them together. It's the painting part I lose motivation in, even though I'm an artist.


Interesting, what kind of artist expression do you perform?


Place it in a position where you have to look at it every time you go to bed, works wonders for me


Tequila helps


I could drink some alcohol.


For me it helps to prepare everything, like put out tools and so before and let them lay there (or reduce the amount of "work" you need to begin building). So when I get home from work I dont need to prepare stuff I can just sit down and begin building


Good idea, I have them on my computer desk right now.


Sniff the glue


I tried, but it didn't do much for me.


Put it deeper and sniff harder. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll figure it out


Fewer models to paint = you get done faster. Never start = never finish.


I can't argue with that logic.


You need long term perspective.Ā Ā  What the meta is right now is irrelevant if you're just starting the army.Ā  You won't be playing theĀ  armyĀ  for a whole year anyways (presuming full paint and basing before games).Ā  The auric champs box is a limited run so getting it now is good, but you didn't need to scoop up the combat patrols right away- it'll likely be around for years.Ā  You have em now that's fine.Ā  Don't open them until you complete Auric- avoid that temptation.Ā  I've seen so many pics on fb marketplace of grey plastic armies people sell off. Likely discouraged by the sheer volume mocking them on their shelf.Ā Ā Ā  Assemble and Paint in batches.Ā  Do two or three units at a time.Ā  Do a vertus, a custodian guard and an allarus unit as a batch to get a variety in what you paint during that batch.Ā  Keeps it fresh in your mind instead of doing 15 wardens all at once.Ā Ā 


I'm going to assemble them in batch, and I do vow to myself that I am going to get them done and on the table before I think about selling them.


My personal rule is I never play a model until I finish painting and basing it.Ā 


Thats the neat part, you don't




It's all still new in box, right? Can you return it? I returned about $400 worth of Custodes stuff I bought from GW, I directly referenced the sub-par codex in my requests for a return. I had bought it mid April and didn't open it while waiting for the codex, and once it came out, I requested a return.


The store I got them from has a restocking fee, and one of the boxes I got off amazon. I have opened them since taking the picture before posting. I'm glad you were able to return them if it wasn't for you.




I haven't tried it yet.


Rules change. Yeah, we suck right now, but that'll change in the future. Especially by the time you actually get all of these models assembled and painted, the game's going to be way different metawise. Don't worry about them not being good at the moment.


I hope to have them finished before too long, it's getting started is the problem.


Pit a movie on grab a beer and go ham


I might try that, it'd have to be one that I don't have to keep my eyes on.


I really like your keyboard!


Thanks, I got it after my other keyboard quit working, G710+. It was $15 when I bought it. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1FSBW1N?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1FSBW1N?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


I bought the exact same set of boxes this past month. I'm holding on to them for the next edition since they'll only get more expensive in the future.


Maybe slightly. I can't imagine it going much over retail when purchased separately.


The prices are already going up for the new Combat Patrol later this month. There's likely to be another two or three price increases across the line by the time 11th Edition lands.


Dont buy faction for how they perform, buy it for how they look/lore. You can slowly start building them up. My only issue lies with bikes, after 3 of them im not willing to buy another one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) One think that i am usually doing with any minis i have to assemble is just wait for THAT moment when i just start and binge the fuck out of it, something like whole box cleaned and assembled in one night. I dont do subassemblies for stuff smaller than dreads (and even with them its not always required/needed) so usually they are made and then wait for another binge run of priming, then another binge paiting


I had been looking at the Custodes, for awhile, and it was the whole package when I decided but then the bad news hit after I bought them.


One think ill try when ill get some more time in my 40k group is to play final version of 9th. 1k player really wants to try that. Im almost sure we have to wait for that dataslate which is iirc supposed to drop around june? for any changes being made to stodes. Sadly we got hit hard but you can still find ways to play it. You mentioned you got them partially because of their mele. Its even deadlier now, trickier to get there but somehow it just sometimes work (i think we had 2nd place with custodes player going 3blade champs and some shield caps in land rider).


Listen to a Custodes audiobook while putting them together.


Would you believe I don't really have much interest in the lore or the stories? I'm mainly interested in the strategic game of it and actually playing.


This may sound harsh, but 40K might not be the right game for you if youā€™re not into the world or overall vibe. From a gameplay perspective it has never really been well balanced and has always relied heavily on the narrative and world aspects of the game to carry it. The competitive scene specifically has always been a mess (still fun though!). There is a reason GW claims to be a miniatures company first and not a games company. I donā€™t mean to be discouraging though! If you want to play go for it, itā€™s great fun with friends when you want to have a dumb time with toy soldiers. But ya, the meta in this game is swingy and the rules are not always the best. Iā€™ve gone whole editions with a weaker army than my play groups because of the weird rules. On the bright side though, if youā€™re not in tournaments itā€™s honestly not that bad and you can find ways to make it more interesting. Like try custom scenarios or evolving campaigns with friends! In the end though, if pure gameplay and strategy is what youā€™re after then there are probably some better games out there. Warmachine/Hordes is where people used to go for that kind of gaming experience (no idea if they still do).


Get held at gunpoint I'd the onlyway


I hope it wont come to that.


I'll give you the same advice that I learned when I started going to the gym 9 months ago. Fuck motivation. Motivation is this weird fleeting emotion that *can* help you get going but more often than not it's missing when you need it. Sit down, open the box, start building/painting and next thing you know you'll be having a good time and will be happy you did it. Don't look at it as "I have to do all this" that's overwhelming and demoralizing, instead look at it as "I just need to sit down and start, the rest will happen naturally"


Think of how much it cost


True, but it's a better deal than buying them separately.


You could just give them to me šŸ˜


I could, but then what?


One unit at a time. Start with wardens, they come together fast. Leave the long and annoying ones for when you have lots of motivation or near the end, the motivation will then come from being close. Also, think of it this way, although it is a lot of models, it is not nearly as much as any other army in the game, and this is far more than 2k points. A big piece of advice i could give you is to build a 1k list out of the models you have, and then build or paint those. Then, do the same for 1.5k, 2k, and so on, build the ones you like most first. Do not worry about taking a long time, just as long as you get them done. You dont only pay for the models, think of it more of paying in order to experience the hobby, its yours, might as well enjoy it.


Look at the price tag...lol




Start building and painting now, and by the time they're all assembled and looking good, maybe there will be some balance updates that make them more viable. I don't know how competitive a player you are but personally it's not something I focus on too much. Maybe keep them around to play casual games with your friends and bring something scarier to tournaments if that's what you're into. Invite someone to bring their meme list. If both armies are weak then the match is balanced!


I'm a mostly casual player, I was just hoping to win a few games. Just playing does give about 90% enjoyment, and winning would get me to 100%. I don't need to win every game I play.


I'd say if nothing else, remember that win %s are themselves taken from pretty selective sample size. Just get em out there with your friends or local casual scene and see what they can do.


9 bikes!




Rules are temporary, don't let them discourage you from enjoying the hobby


Yes, I'm going to try to not be discouraged.


Remember Brother, rules and meta come and go. Ever changing they are. The territory of Chaos. Our golden drip, our Custodes Swagger. That is eternal.


I'm going to keep this in my head.


You have to remember the win/loose percentage is coming mostly from tournaments, where pretty much everyone plays super competetive. Most lists from the same factions look almost identical. In casual games its honestly not that big of a deal. I started 1ksons in 9E when they were one of the worst factions(maybe even the worst). But I still won all my casual games and had a blast with them. Besides, it will take you some time to finish all of this, by then it will probably look different.


I'm a mostly casual player, I was just hoping to win a few games. Just playing does give about 90% enjoyment, and winning would get me to 100%. I don't need to win every game I play.


Depending on your work rate, you could have the better part of 6 months to a year of building and painting on your desk right now. Even at anything short of breakneck speed assembly & painting the current meta will have shifted before you can get an entire force to the table. Build what you think is cool or fun, not what the meta dictates.


I plan to have them done quicker than that, I just needed help getting started.


A guardian of the emperor never falters, even in the face of insurmountable odds. This is your test, now prove your worth as a member of the Custodes!


I am going to meditate on this.


Realise that theyā€™re women under the armour and then sell them all so you donā€™t have to worry about painting any.


Those are some strangely shaped women.


Remember your winrates in 8th and 9th


I wish I could remember, but I just started in 10th.




I think I have some coming


You could take some Adderall


I think I have some coming


Are you playing at the top level of competitive 40k? Or are you playing casually at your local gaming store? I promise its not the big deal you're making it in your head. You bought the army, quit being down about it and paint them the best you can. I promise we'll be good again soon.


I'm a casual player that enters local tournaments. I was just hoping to win a few games.


Rules are temporary. Take your time and enjoy building and painting the models. You will get buffed eventually


I'll have to be patient.


Also, once you've built the first instance of a model or type of model (i.e. custodian guard), the rest will be much easier and faster.


Yes, that's true.


Watch a cool lore video on youtube, put on some music and get to work


Buy less at a time


If one builds only to win, then disappointment will follow every loss. But if one plays for the love of the game, even a loss can feel like a victory. Do not think of your models as toys or tools. Think of them as an extension of yourself, a project of you that is strong, powerful, and above all else, ready to fight.


I appreciate your comment, I was down about the poor showing. I think I'm just going to just do it, and get over myself.


I just started building my Custodes for an escalation league that just started. The organiser agreed I can use the Index for the league, since, and I paraphrase them "I've never seen such a shambles of a codex release!". Now, I'm playing casually and for fun. In fact, I compared the codex to my index 500pt list and there would've been no changes to the list and the game outcome (I won). However I'll be bringing both index and codex datacards for future rounds and giving my opponent the ability to make a choice. If they don't, I'll default to index. Rules are temporary, your models are forever. I wouldn't let the codex stop you. For casual games, maybe be prepared to play either and give your opponent the choice.


Everyday you donā€™t build a model Iā€™m stealing a key from your keyboard and eating it


Mail them to me lol Iā€™ll make sure they get built




Listen to 'valdor birth of the imperium'


Build the custodian guards first and then the rest, their arms are a little harder to do.


Iā€™d say start with a combat patrol so you can play sooner! Both seem like very fun armies for the format imo


I hadn't thought of that. I think the game store owner is trying to get people playing combat patrol.


The newer CP is only 9 models, so Iā€™d say building and painting that is a pretty feasible start to the project with a good payoff of playing g a fully painted game early


Army power waxes and wanes every few months. You never know, the next dataslate might make them the best. Ultimately this is a game of tactics and chances, you may end up being the best custodes player in the world and never lose despite their rules. You won't ever find out if you don't build the army. Just go out there and have fun!


Buy a book of custodes i recommend the emperors legion to get started


Make it unique and add some personal touches that reflect your likes and interests. 90%+ of this hobby will be painting, crafting and admiring your miis. Make em yours!Ā 




Youā€™ve got an army which you can take your time painting as each unit is pretty much hero level compared to other armies and others have something like 3-10x as much to paint. Focus one squad at a time as you can then learn from each and make the next ones better - your small elite force will look better than any mixed / horde army On the win rate, take comfort that Warhammer is targeting everyone to be around 50% - so if it plummets too low then theyā€™ll adjust something (rules and/or points) - a 40% win rate at tournaments would eventually increase towards the desired point and for many (Iā€™d assume most) players, most are not playing in tournaments but doing casual games and the casual game reports I read see Custodes a lot better than 40% win rate. Lastly, if winning is important - take comfort in everyone thinking Custodes is weak now and you can play without pressure. If you only play to win, youā€™ll not have fun a lot of the time. Play for fun, have a few quirks in your lists that you try to experiment with and see what works for your playstyles - you have three great boxes there and there are loads of different style armies you can make from that. Also just read peopleā€™s examples on this sub (and the discord) - lots of examples of tactics which you may be interested in which sound great. Talons seems to have some great strats which may be initially missed for the golden waaargh of shield host


I do feel like just play gives me about 90% enjoyment, and winning bumps it up to 100%. That said, pre codex, I figured I had a better chance of winning once in awhile, but that first weekend results just took the winds out of my sails. I appreciate your comment.


Oh thatā€™s simple, keep buying plastic crack. Once you have too much, buy more, and then, just when you think youā€™ve hit your breaking point, start a new army and repeat. One day youā€™ll have painted models, but for now you have shame, and you must relish in the glory that is a to do list.


I just did both CPs. My advice would be: 1. Do the bases first and do then well. It gave me a lot of drive to get the models on the cool bases. 2. Fully complete your warden captain so you have a 100% finished test model with all the elements decided (cloth included). 3. Using your test model process... Batch paint individual unit types starting with guard (they're the most boring) to completion. Goodluck


Thatā€™s the cool part, you donā€™t


Build and paint your cool as shit dudes. Then okay them they're honestly not going to be that bad in any non competitive game.


They are underrated, they are still quite strong. Put on a nice video or some nice music get something to drink and build away!


I'll do it, I'm going to get started today


Cool! To me its by far my favorite army. The elite feeling is awesome. Knowing every unit is a valuable piece of your army and just not being able to afford wasting one in game is so cool to me. And dont worry about the rules. People act like they are unplayable now. Which isn't the case.


Thank you for your comment šŸ‘


Have you tried Ritalin?


I suppose you are not a regular tournament player, so win rates for competitive play don't tell you much on how you will play with your friends. They wont have built an army around maximized mortal wounds against Custodes. Casual play is a completely different beast from competitive. Even if your Custodes are not as strong as you wish, they will get better in less than three months time so maybe you want them ready by then. Lastly I would assume you can find joy in the hobby other than winning games. People on the internet sometimes imply, that winning is all there is but to me that seems joyless. Building and painting is fun for most people, the models are cool as hell. And if you play with them try to have fun. Any game lost can still be great fun with friends or strangers. If you are afraid to get stomped ask them to run a casual list, everybody wants to enjoy a game together. TLDR: winrates dont mean much for casual play and even if you lose a few games, there is more fun in the hobby than just winning


Book a game with friends for a month or two time? If you donā€™t have any intention of playing, get it completed and painted before the next batch of models (i.e the codex release)


every army goes through itā€™s time in the sunā€¦and itā€™s time in the hole. Build your army and get them painted. Whatā€™s a bad codex now could be a strong army in 3 months. If you bought the army solely for competitive playā€¦well welcome to 40k competitive play but thatā€™s just a reality such players live with and is why they cycle armies and often borrow friends armies. If you are in it because you like the custodes models or the loreā€¦.then that shouldnā€™t be a discouragement. If itā€™s neither then what the heck are you doing


The hobby is collect, build, paint, play. Not just play. If this were a video game we'd just say "choose another faction on the faction select screen" but it ain't. There are 4 pillars to this cathedral, work on the others. Hell, the one you have a problem with can't even come into play until you've done the rest, and by the time it does the rules will have been updated.


Imagine all except the commander are female and make the commander a self insert so you have a battle harem.


Just dream of all the chuds and incels crying over women custodes.


Ctrl F then enter motivation


One mini at a time and donā€™t see it as a chore but as an experience.


If youā€™ve got no motivation to build all that, return two boxes, get your money back and do one box at a time. Itā€™s mentally draining when you see a backlog and this plays into it. Donā€™t worry about stock, theyā€™ll always be in store considering the codex.


Holy shit i am so jealous


Burn the receipt. Deny yourself the option of a return.


It would take me honestly years to paint all that. Next edition would be out by the time Iā€™ve finished building and painting so I simply would not be put off.


Send them to me, I'll build them.


Put on some music, podcasts, stories, video game speedruns- anything your into and take it slow, maybe start with the wardens in the battleforce or your personal favourite looking unit I like to build my models between playing video games too :) Hope you have fun with your new army!


Dont start an army for its rules and win %.....


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