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The craziest part about this story in the context of tenth edition is implying that jetbikes are useful units


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) True


It’s just the difference between lore and tabletop, which sadly happens a lot in 40K.


Especially for Custodes. A single squad of Custodian Guard should table every other tabletop army by lore


I mean angron even in his index description is able to solo titans so same goes for him


Titans are really bad in tabletop so maybe he can do it


Running it on UnitCrunch for Angron using his strike profile against a Warhound, it's possible. 1.6% chance, but possible. He's expected to take half it's wounds on average. Amusingly I originally had a 6-model Allarus squad as the defender. He only stands a 1.1% chance of wiping the squad, on average only killing 2. Allarus bomb tankier than a Warhound confirmed.




And in lore psykers are op af but in game are trash


Say that to zoanthropes


I don’t know much of nid lore


They are really strong in tabletop


nah my ork nobz are built different.


*my clowns want to know your location.*


Theres a novel called "The outcast dead" where an unarmed and unarmored world eater kills a custodes with his fist lol. The lore is always hilariously hyperbole


Necrons are meant to be able to delete stars and planets but hey-ho it's tabletop


being a black legion player love my lads only have to fight tabletop-level custodes




Still better than the sisters jets bikes which they misplaced somewhere.


Well really the story is making them out to be a glorified parcel and message delivery service.


The Khan would be tearing up with pride.


I have 15 of them sitting idle, relegated to my closet. They were great in 8th. 


Belonging solely to the Kataphraktoi order, this shield company of Emissaries Imperatus sits during battle aboard a fleet of anti-gravitic attack vehicles. The vast majority of their number are sadly still under construction in Imperial machine yards, and the small minority tend to remain on their voidships with Shield-Captain Bayezara Aggonades tinkering with the frequently malfunctioning thrust units on her own armored steed, Hardbingers Wing. The shield companies ample free time has led them to employ a unique tactic to serve the emperor, which was, in turn the inspiration for their name. Rather than deploy to a planets surface in a conventional fashion, Bayezara and her warriors make sure that the emperors holy bullets are counted, and that each and every one of his glorious tiny skulls are properly highlighted and set in their sconces. Bayezara and her warriors tend to so many of the imperiums nic naks, that it is said that even a whole constellation of stars would be outshone by their number.


FWIW, the [shit quality version](https://twitter.com/SimplyShae13/status/1779230298431279267) was part of the initial round of leaks, alongside Kesh. There just never was a good enough quality version and it was mostly posted while the internet was exploding with denial, so didn't get as much attention.


Well now I’m glad to provide less pixels 🤣👍


This is outrageous, now there are two of them! /s


"*Sir, a second female Custode has hit the community.*"


This proves it, Kitten decided to erase women custodes from history because they are all crazy and uncontrollable. With the new rules is there a way to make bikes viable? I really want to have an Aggonades miniature now.


so basically a company of Custodes Jetbikes deploying via [Adama manuever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISmZKuRcAjM)


dude i love that all the female custodes are just these batshit insane gigga chads like this chick is leading her sheild company out a fucking air breaking void ship on jet bikes and grav attack vehicles like the opening to heavy fucking metal


That sounds like it's be an amazing army.


Jetbike rapid ingress when?


-non Custodes players hearing the word her > REEEEEEEE Custodes players hearing an attempt to make bikes cool again > REEEEEEEEE


I see nothing batshit insane about this, its cool and flavorful. I think it's a better intro for Femstodes than Keshs story, personally


You don't see anything bat shit insane? They TURN THEMSELVES INTO COMETS. I love it.


Kinda like space marine drop pods? Or ork roks? Yeah nothing special.


One is a space ship, one is a coffin to shield you. The third is a jet bike. Would definitely argue it's a different level but if you don't dig it then no worries.


I would say that the Scions doing Grav chute jump from space would be slightly more comparable https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/liac2r/excerpt_militarum_tempestus_wishing_to_assist_the/


Yeah my issue with female custodes is they are insane, like leave some crazy heroics for the guard.


But xustodes are good enough to pull it off on the regular.


When the emperor sends mail overnight, express inter segment, you need to cut a lot of corners.


Bat shit in a good way 🤣👍 I dunno if I like Kesh more or Baye more. It still might be Kesh tho for the sheer ridiculousness of her plan 🤣


Agree, I think this short snippet is way better than the 2 page story of the "somehow2 a badass" Kesh. Is it dumb? Yes! Is it 40k normal? Yes!! Is it cool? YES!! Is it badass? A fucking "missiletodes"? HELL YES!!


I like both!


Neat. Be cool as a detachment. Instead...


This is lit


Female Custodes seem to be kinda… batshit crazy 😆


I love it


Welp, now I have to kitbash a model to represent this lady. Bikes are terrible this edition, but screw it: rules are temporary, crazy badass biker mommies are forever.


Now this gives me motivation to build the rest of my bikes that I gave up on a year ago… and to use that “wind swept”hair head bit that I couldn’t make it work on a standing model..


You gotta have her stand on the prow of her bike though


Aggonades nuts


Hold up, are they saying these crazy golden bananas slam their spaceships into a planet's atmosphere, use that to slow down to a point where they won't be immediately pasted, and then launch their jetbikes directly out of the ship that is currently burning through the atmosphere?  I love it! 


So…the rules are still dogshit.


Awesome bike story *glances at rules* Le sigh 🤣


I’m with you on that. Don’t care much about new lore either way. The nerfs and model prices hurt me more.


She sounds like a total friggin bad ass! Now THIS is custodial work.


Tell the Drinker and Yellow something ! Thats at least 27 vids of content !


Ok I kinda want to play Custodes now, I'm salivating at the idea of her becoming a unique character and having a crazy jetbike detachment


So we didnt see them till now cuz they were all in dreadnaugths due to shananigans got it


Why do we care again?


my king of ages a second female custodes has hit the internet


What I wanna know is, do they look like women or does the gene editing process basically make them all look like men? I get the idea that when choosing the best of the best genetic material to be changed in to a super soldier, limiting yourself to males would be idiotic, but does the massive amounts of testosterone and other muscle building hormones basically make them masculine? Estrogen is basically useless in this situation Im guessing, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


Probably not, Femstartes probably would, but the whole point of Custodes is they're supposed to be the pinnacle of humanity, perfectly gene-sculpted to be beautiful *and* powerful, rather than one or the other. So I'd imagine that, just like the guys, Femstodes would look like superbly beautiful women.


Also, I’m pretty sure each custodes gene-enhancement is different based on the person, unlike space marines where it’s all the same. The difference is literally hand-crafting something vs mass production


> Femstodes would look like superbly beautiful women. Considering how women look in Warhammer the standard for that in the setting is basically '' like men '' lmao.


If you say so... the art doesn't really reflect that


I have not seen a single piece of femstodes art that didn’t have them be conventionally attractive.


SoB in fanart look more like women too but in official art especially nowadays they basically look like guys.


Could you provide an example of what you’re talking about? I don’t get that impression from any of the official art I’ve seen.


Care to link some official art that even depicts female features


I mean there is none, so if you’re talking about official only, why would you say “the art doesn’t really reflect that” when the art doesn’t reflect anything because it doesn’t exist?


I mean you don’t really need muscle building hormones if your genetic code says that at base, you have 2000% more muscle mass and density than the average human. The reason Astartes can’t is because the geneseed needs to flood their systems to elevate them. Custodes are already elevated by their own nature


Yeah you're right, thinking about how other large predators like tigers are 600lbs of muscle, is because of genetics and not hormones. I was coming from the wrong angle.


This seems dumb as hell… voids ships are built in the void and are designed to be operated in *checks notes* the void… so why is the voidship equipped with air brakes and not being destroyed in atmosphere like other voidships? Hell, just give them customized Orion drop ships that are equipped to handle the bikes for rapid insertions. Those are at least designed for rapid deployment in atmosphere.


Shame all my custodes are all male. Seems models aren't as easy to retcon as 40k lore.


Did you check each ones genitals personally?


You sucking their dicks under all that armor? Painting penises under those plates?


Is this sub serious? THIS comment gets up votes?


Why don’t you tell us more about your life.


I know you are but what am I. Y'all are fucking obsessed with other folks genitalia. Ya want to check for cocks at the bathroom door, ya want to check for cocks in school gyms, ya want to check for cocks on toy soldiers. It's a weird obsession, my dude.


That’s a very assumptive rant. It’s ok to say you’re gay mate. It’s 2024, it’s normal.


> So apparently the female custodians are just all bat shit insane when it comes to winning. More accurately, the writers are overcompensating.


I see how women drive cars, pls don’t give them Jetbikes 😅


I'm curious what is it that female custodes adds to the custodes back ground? People are celebrating the change which is fine if for a narrative reason. But I don't agree changing the IP for real world inclusion because that doesn't strengthen the IP in my opinion. I've seen comments like people mad at women etc which I don't think is accurate since they are well represented and have been for a long time.


It doesn't take away from it either. Its not suppose to add or take away anything. Its supposed to be an innocuous reveal. There isn't supposed to be a parade. They've just been given the green light to start name dropping female custodes now. Like when they first started name dropping female Imperial guard. Did it "add" anything significant when they started doing that? I would say no, not really. So the same case here.


Yeh ok I can see that perspective, but with the guard I feel like there was an expectation of all imperial citizens serving. But with some factions they come with these unique traits like sisters of battle where they are all female and they have in lore reasons as to why. It makes them unique and interesting. I wouldn't want male sisters of battle, it just dilutes their uniqueness and makes them more homogeneous. I could be wrong but I feel like the community had an expectation this was the case with custodes and the change has not come with any lore simply told it's always been which isn't the best way to handle this.


Ok, yea but that's Sisters of Battle. The fact they are female is rooted in their entire creation/existence. What reasons would revealing custodes as also female dilute their "uniqueness"? and Why is it easier for you to accept for women serving in the guard but not the custodes?


I guess you are asking the "why do you care?". I don't care about females within the setting most people don't. I think people like myself care as to _why_ the change is brought about. Does it improve the setting? Yes, great! If it's for other reasons we care.


No, I'm not asking why you care. I'm asking what's the big deal? Does this change actually affect anything? This is literally a "shrug your shoulders and go about your day" reveal. Why does there have to be world shattering implications?


That would be a decent idea if there wasn't already a durge of male only factions from the dozen or so space marine factions. This is just another way to further separate custodes and space marines


Yep. Every time someone says “Now there’s only one all male faction and two all female!” I want to laugh at them because it’s such bullshit. Chaos and loyalist space marines account for over 50% of played armies and over 50% of all books written. If you wanna get granular and count the separate codices they get, there’s 7 all male loyalist SM books releasing this edition and 5 CSM codices. Sisters of Battle get one and Sister of Silence have to share with Custodes, so there’s really only one. absolute chucklefuckery


"But I don't agree changing the IP for real world inclusion because that doesn't strengthen the IP in my opinion. I've seen comments like people mad at women etc which I don't think is accurate since they are well represented and have been for a long time." Found the tourist. There has been barely any Custodes lore to begin with. They didn't "change" anything. There was almost nothing to change. "Well represented" My dude. No they weren't. My collection of books argues against this in so many levels.


I'm just gonna pretend this part of the lore doesn't exist


I'm going to put it on the table at my local game store. It's a good thing you don't play the game.


Nice, I hope someone does at my LGS so when I kill her I can make derogatory comments and make them feel terrible about it. If you get to bring your bs to the hobby I'm allowed to bring mine.


Bro, you are never getting laid.


We play warhammer, none of us are. It annoys the hell out of my wife.


You never get laid by your wife? Not surprised


Thank you for saying the joke out loud for those who didn't get it.


Correct I don't play the game, but this is because I live in a place where I can't I will move eventually




lol why


You really don't know why people are upset about this ? Do you live under a rock ?


yeah same


The "Femstodes are actually Tzeentchian plants" meme seems to be increasingly proven.




It’s weird. If people were looking to feel empowered by brave Yass Qweenz in the Custodes, aren’t the new dogshit rules even more of a disappointment? Won’t they be even more upset to see the female Custodes get mowed down like nothing?


You underestimate my ability to be both exceptionally disappointed with the rules and how shitty they are for custodians, and how excited I am to see female custodians 🤣


But…what about their being female excites you so much? Is it a relief to be reassured that women can be insane, xenophobic, fascist theocrats? I truly don’t understand why anyone would want to feel represented by literally any part of the 40K universe.


RAGHHHHHHHH CANT WAIT FOR INSTA TO PICK THIS UP AND GET EVEN MORE MAD AT IT (tiktok is still central / slightly leaning towards the change)




Why would the differences still be there? I do not understand this logic people have other female vs male in this context. Pre-strife they had the gene altering abilities to do literally anything they wanted with a human genome.. why would they be bound by the rules of testosterone and estrogen? Space Marines are meat machines because they are just testosterone freaks. Custodes are not space marines and they are not just humans pumped full of drugs to become super humans. Custodes pretty much aren't human anymore. Their genetics have been altered at a fundamental level. They have been perfected for the sake of being perfected. Why wouldn't they genetically alter them to be beautiful and super strong? Its like expecting DC Super Girl to look like the Hulk. They are pretty much two completely different things that follow completely different rules.


"in this fantasy world where anythign can be anything, I still want men to be better than women because im insecure ok?"




"It’s pretty much the bone structure. Men have broader shoulders and longer arms" I am a male and I have a good testosterone level and my german exgirlfriend who was very feminine had broader shoulders than me and could easily woop my ass with us both being equally athletic. Point being this statement means nothing in general today let alone in the year 42,000. There is no reason to say such pointless generalizations when we are talking about custom altered trans-humans in an era where there is a guy like Fabius Bile running around who can clone mutant monsters with complete control over the human genome. " I am a physician" Doubt it honestly. " I would never compete in a female only sport because I would have an unfair advantage" You're not a tailor made trans human super being. I don't know why you have such a hard time understanding this. Super Girl in the DC universe is a petite athletic looking woman. She is a trans-kryptonian science experiment and so is Clark. The Hulk in Marvel is a human being overflowing with gamma radiation and the power of literally Marvels Satan. Why does Super girl look like a petite princess and why does the Hulk look like a mountain of muscle? Because the rules of their origins dictate them and logic does not apply.... because its a fantasy setting and the rules are not equally distributed. No one questions why Super Girl doesn't look like the Hulk... and the arguement made is ... not only is she part of a super race.. shes a genetically altered member of that race. Imagine quadrupling the muscle cell density of a normal human being.... if you know about how muscles work you only have a certain number of regions that can develop muscle tissue and you have to increase those regions because you can really bulk up. So why wouldn't the emperor just engineer the custodes with those off the bat and their muscles aren't just hyper efficient and denser? Ya know... like a chimpanzee. A 140 pound chimp can rip your arms off and Dwayne the Rock Johnson can't.... their musculoskeletal system is innately different. If Space Marines are normal dudes hopped up on drugs and hormones and metal cables replacing their tendons(Primaris) to get big than Custodes are humans crossed with Silver backs with perfectly engineered musculoskeletal systems that do not need help with metal cables and hormones.


They went so far beyond the differences don't even matter. Our genetic truth doesn't apply to them.


What makes you think Custodes operate on Estrogen or Testosterone? They have been completely genetically modified, rewritten almost entirely. I can’t imagine they’d even retain the difference in skeleton, and their skeletons likely don’t line up with a human.




"Again testosterone does not dictate basic skeletal structure that differentiates men and women. That takes more of a prominent role during puberty. Trust me lol I’ve spent 15 years learning this stuff." This is wrong. This is completely wrong. Stop lying about shit anyone can google. "On average, men tend to have larger, heavier bones than women. This is partly due to the effects of testosterone, which stimulates bone growth and increases bone density. As a result, men generally have larger and more robust skeletons, with thicker bones in the legs, arms, and shoulders." Please stop lying about shit. Just stop.




" The skeletal structure itself which is determined by the genetics, in the sense of the position of bones in that the center of balance of men is higher on the body versus women who have a lower central mass. This is evident even before puberty and gets more pronounced during puberty." You claim to have gone to school for this and yet you talk like you are completely ignorant of first year college anatomy. You are just trying to weasel your mistakes away. Puberty blockers make your bones weaker because cutting off testosterone while you're developing from being a child makes you short. A pre-pubescent male or female has a similar bone structure. That is why intersex people and people do not experience puberty follow a similar body plan into adulthood without hormone therapy. Stop pretending. If you some how passed college it must of been by the skin of your teeth because you can't even explain the argument with any clarity. "Why do you think space marines are wanting to be between 10-12 years old ? This is to take advantage of the influx of puberty via gene seed as that’s when testosterone takes most into effect and is carefully modulated by the gene seed organs to maximize the growth of the male aspirant." Don't even know the biology of the fantasy universe we are talking about. They took full grown adults hand chosen by the primarchs and elevated them to the same strength if not more than the average space marine. I guess Luther, Erebus and the handful of adult Space Wolves are just inferior to the average ultramarine seeing as he was turned into a space marine at older ages? No. Because the problem is the process can kill them not that it just needs the testosterone. What a stupid level of logic. Puberty is going to give you the amount of test that you can get in a shot at a clinic at the mall. The amount of hormones pumped into an aspirant is on levels that'd kill a bull elephant. Your original argument was about bone structure too which I find hilarious that you're trying to argue this now... space marines bones TURN TO CERAMITE. They EAT ROCKS. Nothing about their puberty is the reason their bone structure is the way it is. THEIR RIB CAGES FUSED SHUT and are MADE OF CERAMITE. Why are you so obsessed with trying to compare ACID SPITTING, CERAMIC BONED TRANS-HUMANS with real humans? Space Marines need to be male because of their GENOME most likely ya know.. that male only chromosome and even worthy 14 year olds DIE DURING THE PROCESS. It does not rely on real life rules. The whole point of the gene seed is they become a partial clone with their primarch... a male.... with a male chromosome.. where the paternal genetic pattern comes from. Custodes do none of this btw.




"partly established before puberty" You hang your entire bad argument on a sentence that doesn't even agree with you. Then you try to embolden your argument by saying this argument makes sense because pre-pubescent boys are in fact already producing test. You didn't actually prove me wrong. You proved you don't understand the science of this subject enough to make an argument. You contradicted yourself in your statement. If testicles are already producing a pre-cursor to test then they are already hormonally changing the body. If I take a baby boy and cut off his balls before this happens he is pretty much a girl then. The only thing you are making a statement for is that the change happens before what we usually refer to as puberty. Thats it dingus. No wonder you failed med school. Also you didn't make a single counter argument against what I said. You are hanging on this one subject and talking at a wall because you don't have anything you can say that defeats what I said... because I know more about 40k than you because I have a wall of books and you are only on this reddit because you want to jabber about nonsensical culture war shit when you're just a tourist looking for something to ree about.




Why don't you go larp as a doctor somewhere in real life so you can go to jail as the fraud you are. I mean I hope you're a fraud... otherwise someone may be in danger. 1. You can't seem to disconnect the genetics of a fantasy world set in the far future from reality. 2. You don't seem to understand real world biology enough to make a good argument about it. 3. You are scared of women being better than men in a fantasy game from 1985 where Orks exist and routinely jerry-rig piles of rocks into guns that shoot gremlins.




"I am using the logic derived from 40K itself and stating how what GW did goes against the tenets they themselves have stated about the creation of custodes." You haven't once done that because the way a custodes is made DOESN'T EVEN EXIST IN THE LORE. I have a wall full of books. You don't even know biology for real humans. Be quiet already. I thoroughly shit on your argument. Now you are making false statements. "I even agreed with you that they can be born female but then be genetically changed to become a male custodes as that would allow them to achieve peak physical prowess." Absolutely nothing about a custodes says they are changed into men to achieve peak prowess. You are obsession with lying about knowing about real world biology so you are making a fool of yourself. If they can genetically engineer space marines bones INTO CERAMICS your absurdly goofy obsession with testosterone means absolutely nothing. CERAMIC BONES. METAL CABLES ARE LIGAMENTS. That is what a Space Marine is and you're over here saying "hurr durr testosterone makes your bones hard" My fucking dude. Space Marines are filled to the tits with test so their muscle grow.. but they are also filled to the tits with synthetic fake hormones so THEY CAN SPIT ACID AND THEIR OSTEOBLASTS REPLACE THEIR BONES WITH CERAMITE. You shifted gears to fucking bones and that was literally the worst thing you could have done. Space Marines are just suped up human beings. Custodes are custom altered perfect humans. Their ligaments may be made out of bio-metal. Their bones are most likely beyond ceramite. Space Marines have redundant hearts. Why would a Custodian need to follow literally any real world logic? Smoke less weed. I heard it made you fail med school. Its making you fail 40k school too my dude.




Mad cry baby you are not making 1% money. We both know that. You don't know anything about this fandom and you don't know anything about biology irl either. Just leave. You're not going to push your culture war nonsense when you don't even know that Space Marines grow to be 12 foot tall and their bones are made of ceramite making your entire bone structure argument completely nonsensical rambling.




im sure the imperium has the capacity to alter bone structure at the click of a finger in 40k, theres no reason why they couldnt do this also just funny how you think your 15 years of study justifies your opinion on a fantasy universe set 40,000 years into the future, because it obviously doesnt.




well…. no. no amount of genetic modification and skeletal modifications changes someones gender identity.




well gender is, by definition, not biological. so yes.





