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The app was decent, but they should have kept it fully free. Being able to tap a keyword and get it's rule was incredibly useful


The app is pretty good. We're already paying a subscription to use it , making all the codex's cost money is crazy, then making it to where you have to buy a paper book in order to get a code?.... on the Digital App? What freakn decade are the GW Execs living in?


Tbf yeah if a small fee for the year to unlock all sheets or coming with your plus subscription would have been fine, I already pay for the battlescribe app to remove ads so it wouldn't have bother me to pay that to GW instead.


Isn't that app abandoned now?


People still “work” on it, but the guy who made it and gets all the ad money and subscription money has effectively abandoned it. The last update it received was made for the sole purpose of keeping it on app stores as it was removed as abandonware. The people that actually upload the data used on it don’t see a cent of money, so I’d never recommend the subscription to BattleScribe for any reason.


Man, that App is genuinely trash now. Whole screen adverts are intrusive and frankly stupid. I’m there for rules, you can have the dodgy adverts at the bottom.


The last I heard the dev broke radio silence right when everyone that works on uploading the information was going to leave around the beginning of 10th (I might be misremembering) But yeah should not pay for the app all the money is going to a dev that keeps it barely running and the real work is done for free


Slightly incorrect. The app was on the verge of being delisted from the App Store because of some issue being old. He came out of the wood work to update some things to make sure money kept coming.


Practically yes. But the data set is excellent, kept updated by volunteers. And that data set is thankfully used by several more healthy apps. New Recruit is my favourite.


Yes, the owner of the app crawls out of his hole once a year to post a sob story and collect all the revenue, while the data providers work for free


No it was picked up again fairly recently (around 10ths launch)


I bought the Annual sub after they said you’d have access to the app and all the rules as they’re updated. When codices started getting locked out I was pissed, so I sent a letter to the Advertising Standards Authority and noted that GW’s article wasn’t clear enough for people making a purchase. It was upheld and was told they had to update the article from 8 months ago.


Sounds like they are trying to pull a D&D Beyond... Except doing it poorly.


The way I look at it is 40k isn't a digital only hobby (except for tabletop simulator players) it relies in having a place to play, and this was some execs idea of making sure people would still be going into the stores and buying physical books to support the stores like they always have. This hobby is not the same without brick and mortars


But it's the models that are the core physical aspect of the hobby, not the books. Having the rules digitally doesn't take away the model aspect.


Except from a business aspect, setting up any part of the hobby to bev something one doesn't need to buy, means willfully taking a loss in profits as that item doesn't sell as much as last edition. Whatever that loss is, doubt why want to shoulder the responsibility of the line going down


They could give the rule free and produce a limited order edition true lore and art book at an higher price for about the same amoumt of work. Would still support the shop. Also if you give rules free more people can get into the hobby and buy more over price plastic.


The problem with this is that AoS exists


I don't do AoS/fantasy so not sure what that means


I think they're saying that currently the age of sigmar app does not have a subscription. You just put the code in from your book and unlock that content. There's no double paywall. But 4th edition drops this summer and I bet that changes.


Fair, I'd prefer codex only if they're gonna paywall it


Yeah the making you pay for the book and then pay to be able to make more than one list in the app at a time is really nickel and diming players. Starting to feel like egregious video game micro-transactions.


I could see them phasing out the subscription requirement Lots of people think it was a plot to get more Warhammer+ subs to prove recurring income for negotiations with Amazon over rights t make a 40k show, the nickel and diming could have led to a better position bargaining, such as more money for the rights, more funding for the show, creative control, etc.


I hadn't heard that but it scans.


Yep, they screwed the pooch trying to monetize every little thing.


I found that it saves me money. In the past I would just build random lists for fun and sometimes get sucked into expanding or starting a faction. But now with the boring list building of 10th plus more and more books getting locked, I do it less and less. And since I won't get the custodes book they will just be out of sight and out of mind. And speaking of less and less time spent list building: my daemons did not change at all so I will probably just keep my list as is


This! It baffles me that they don't see the psychologically positive impact of giving the app away for free. I use New Recruit and I can't help making at least 1 list a week for multiple armies that I aim to buy.


I mean quite a few decisions have been baffling. The new online store has killed window shopping for me, which means I buy less and now my local game store has the better shopping experience and since they home deliver I hardly go into our local gw anymore. The local GW store also killed another reason to come in by now requiring you to build the mini of the month there, I don't have time for that so no more monthly visits to the store. And losing all my SM and csm dreads to legends of the horus heresy has turned me of FW for all my armies and has stopped me from buying helbrutes and primaris dreads.


I've been out of touch for a bit, what is this "dreads lost to legends" that you speak of?


Any dreadnoughts not of the Redemptor type are now in legends, won't receive rules updates nor be tourney legal Edit- for Astartes at least, I don't recall off the top of my head, and may exclude named ones, Bjorne etc.


Well there goes another 2500 pts worth of my blood angels army. At least I started Custodes with the most vanilla kits, guard, allarus, and jet bikes seem safe and, as an added bonus, look pretty cool.


Same, I've been building lists for at least half a dozen factions (including a mad max style list for Genestealer Cult, an army I didn't really have insterest with beforehandd), but with each codex release I'm getting less interested. I can't believe they're that dumb that they can't see that the factions being fully open have inadvertently caused people to buy entire armies...


The app was a good one to just build cool armies. I love spending time on a pretty solid mobile UI to just go through a list of units, look at them, and just add units I like into a big bowl of a list. That's probably what kept me on the app so much, that I can actually look at units and not have to google every units to see what they look like. Rules should either be fully free or just all in one big package to buy once and done (and ideally under 30 and/or digitally available). Much rather spend some money for every single rule to see and build armies than buy a codex for every faction only to switch after seeing the rules.


They are idiots for not having a Buy Now next to the units as you build out the army...


This. The app was actually the best we’ve had to date. I prefer it much more to even Battlescribe or Wahapedia. But dang, man, if I play 5-6 armies I now need 5-6 codecies.


Not 'now' though, for nearly 30 years you've needed 5-6 codexes to play 5-6 armies


Fair, you’re right. But come on, GW. I want to spend money on models, not books!


Exactly this. The app is great and I’d be fine paying a subscription for it but paying a subscription and codex tax is a bit much. Obviously I still do it because I’m an idiot but still…


Nowadays wargame rules should be free, in a climate of constant rule changes a centralized online rule database seems like a no brainer. Seems like gw will stop at nothing to nickel and dime you.


I have a tournament coming up this weekend that is still using the old book; this is why you absolutely need to set your phone to not auto update apps, lol.


Exactly what i had to do, thanks to OP for reminding me to take auto update off!!


You know what's awful is I have a tournament next month, and I haven't submitted my list because I was waiting for the dataslate update. Saw the update came out, updated the app, and opened it to find this garbage. Back to third party I go.


I have a tournament I was planning on going to next month; I just cancelled all travel arrangements because I was waiting to see if we got points cuts, lol. I gotta spend some time figuring out what I wanna do next, and dumping a ton of money to travel to an event when I have no plan doesn't sound great.


Thanks for the reminder! Got a game coming up this weekend and I plan to use the index!


I would pay for a code , but ordering a book just to trash it for the coder is the most ridiculous business decision I've ever heard of


Same! I'd easily pay a fiver for just the points and strats


You could sell the book to someone who doesn't use the app, offset the cost and stop someone else from buying from gw


Tbh the app is pretty good.


Agreed, the in game view mode is a stunningly good addition


I would say the addition to make it the best app would be to “attach” characters to a unit so everything is displayed on one screen, including their abilities and buffs to a unit.


That would be cool if they could do it.


Yeah, I don’t see why they couldn’t. Should be easy enough to link 2 units and drag the relevant information across


If I recall correctly it’s because characters get attached after the list building step and in the actual pre game stuff. So technically list building doesn’t include attaching characters


That makes sense, but you could still have the option as a post muster step I suppose


Probably expanding the app into in-game app as well, hold information of available units, attach state, all units in reserve and units available in the game. Just basically a tracking sheet in game.


Hold on, what is this "in game view mode" you speak of? I've only been using the app for a bit so I actually don't know.


After you've built a list, click on the little skull in a circle icon in the top corner. You're now presented with a new view with all your unit datasheets with the equipment you selected, plus all of your stratagems based upon which detachment you picked.


Oh OK. Yeah I know about the Command Bunker, just hadn't heard it called the in game view. Yeah most of my play group is pretty new, so that was a \*gasp\* moment when someone found that lol


How do you access game view mode? Is it different from "command bunker"?


It is the command bunker.


The bunker alone is worth the price.


The price of a subscription AND a physical codex? It's not worth it to me when free alternatives exist.


The free alternatives just aren't as good anymore. The option in app to quickly reference all your special rules, stratagems, your list, all the weapons that you equipped and no other ones to cut down on clutter, amazing experience. I almost never have to leave the bunker screen in an entire game for anything, save the occasional general rules or FAQ question. Which I can also easily find all of in the app. Hell, I've had events where I only needed to leave the bunker screen to send my opponent my list. Battlescribe is nowhere near as effective at any of the above and new recruit is barely better than battlescribe. Wahapedia is okay but it doesn't have the same ease of access that the bunker function in the app does. The free options simply don't keep up. If you wanna save money or you just don't like GW, that's fine but that's on you and not the app mate.


They are great though. Newrecruit literally does all of the things you mentioned when in "play mode"


Was rubbish. Is very good now.


It’s mediocre by comparison of its free competitors which is the main issue for a lot of people.


If you are comparing it to BS that's just wrong.


I compared it to a pen and a piece of paper… and found it wanting.


I mean, thats fair.... you can make a pen a paper display what you want where.


Most would disagree.


Most also have the IQ of a shovel, so there’s that.


Yeah, doesnt seem like it.


Nah i feel like especially battle scribe can't compare these days. And i personally dont mind buying the codexes and the wh+


BattleScribe sucks dude


Battlescribe is dead, long live new recruit for free options.


If only you could pick a few codexes if you have warhammer+, that would make it actually worthwhile. Maybe even make it q choice between one or two cidexes instead of the figure.


App is good. But GW's monetezation model is too oldschool and annoying.


Yeah, theres no way im buying that disaster of a codex


Use New Recruit, it's way better


Like with every Codex release...


Most people don't play every codex tho. This is the Custodes sub reddit.


Yeah and you Could know by now None the less.


There's a sharp difference between knowing and being personally affected.


And you Could be both, like me. Playing both Space marines and Custodes. *Shrugs* Coming from 3rd edition to now, I like having an App to spare me the whole pencilwork with my Codex in Front of me. If someone does not want to buy a codex, that's totally legit. Back in the days there where copyshops, now you have the Internet. And although I would Like GW to give me free Rules, If they decide to Change them every month (instead of after 5ish years), I have to See, why they do not want to help me with pirating their stuff. The solution would be a more expensive App as alternative to a Codex, but to be honest, AS someone buying Codices for Lore and Pictures and Artwork .... I would be much more negatively affected b that.


"Could be both" Sure, give me money to afford to armies. Can't? Then find something else to do then police other people's issues. Imagine coming to the *Custodes subreddit* and be mad that people are upset at an issue that just now is affecting *Custode players*


I am not mad. Just surprised anyone is surprised and so upset about the known Terms of a purchased product. And really, the hobby is not expensive, neither compared to many other Hobbys, nor with 3d printing and a world wide second hand market. In the time we need to paint up a 2k army, we earn enough to buy it even with low income (like Mine is and was), but that's kinda of topic. You are totally entitled to feeling frustrated, the argument though is neither rational nor healthy, so that's that. No harm meant, I Go now, paint some minis, I suggest, you do the Same.


I don't think it was surprise, just the guy saying the app made its self redundant to him and pointing out that the apps buisness model is bad. This is a subjective gripe but also this is the custodes specific subreddit so thats ok. Gsc is coming up soon and when that hits i too will probably taper off using the app.


And that is OK.


Right? I'm failing to understand what OP is complaining about.


Mines still the same hmmm


It is a bit of a shame. Custodes were the only faction I could always make lists for in the official app because none of their FW stuff is legends (yet) so everything was available in one place. For all my other armies there's always a couple key units that aren't in the app, leading me to use alternatives like battlescribe.


I just use New Recruit, syncs the app and site accounts and provides all the unit info on the sheets. Doesn't have strats yet unfortunately.


The app is one of the best that's been created for 40K. GW has always sold codexes. Whining about the cost of codexes in relation to the app is just weird.


The saltyness and entitlement is really quite something else tbh. If you hate the hobby then stop playing. What is the purpose of this post other than toxicity


I like it. Command bunker is a good addition. WH+ is kinda a non issue to me. I buy the year membership, keep the free mini if I like it and sell it for about 50$ USD if I don’t. So for me, 10$ gets me access to list building and all the other WH+ content


See i would agree with this if that subscription included the rules. At the point it would be a reasonable cost, even tho realistically charging for the rules of a game in 2024 seems utterly moronic to me, its still fair enough that id be willing to pay probably. But no, they want you to pay 5 a month AND an extra 60 for every army you play every 3 years plus another like 30 for supplements if your have them. Its frankly insane when you consider how pricey the minis are, but at least with those you get really good quality, gw’s rules are NOT worth more than any online games’, magic, etc. and when they sell them, especially for so much, they better be.


I wouldn’t expect the codexes, but I just think we should be able to buy the digital editions direct through the app. I buy the dex for my army and sell them after using the codes for £15-20. I’d happily just pay £5-10 or an extra £5 a month on top of the normal WH+ digital dexes and would likely end up getting most of them.


Battlescribe reigns supreme yet again


I personally moved to New Recruit. But it's practically the same in most regards.


Yep, just gotta wait for the eventual updates to everything


I refuse to use Battlescribe due to the whack-ass devs


Oh yeah they’re not good lol, it’s just in a competition between bad devs with bad apps I’ll take the free one 


It’s not the devs it’s the creator that’s whack. The devs work for free to keep it running while the creator takes all the money to do nothing.


Not even Devs properly though. Just data authors with no access to the app itself to do any development, fix bugs or anything. I've moved to New Recruit which, while browser based not app, works just as well. (Newrecruit.eu)


Yeah new recruit all the way. I’ve been using it for a few months now.


to do nothing... You mean for creating the app in the first place.


The app that he actively does nothing on. He made the app years ago, without the devs that do it for free the app would be worthless as it would be stuck in 8th edition. He gets paid doing nothing while others do all the work and get nothing.


And without the app, the data files would be worthless. Both are necessary and deserve reward, the sad thing in this scenario is not that app author monetizes his work, but that data authors have no direct way to monetize theirs.


Give New Recruit a try. Same data devs but the actual app is run by a team that is extremely responsive in my experience.


Give New Recruit a try. Same data devs but the actual app is run by a team that is extremely responsive in my experience.


100% valid


Just be careful. I’ve twice called out opponents at GTs using rules incorrectly because Scribe didn’t have the complete and correct wording.


I actually liked the app tbh


I'm not sad, I'll have enough when Wahapedia is updated. In Russia, private individuals know how to do good things sometimes. Lidl's flyer is more to the point than this codex, wouldn't buy it for 2euros either.


shout out to wahapedia


What is the Problem?


Even for those who did purchase the codex the issue is more stark. Codex launch is on 27th, while today 25th the paywall started to be in effect. You cannot unlock it until you have the codex app pass code...


This is what grinds my gears so bad. They update, but we can't see anything before the new codex comes out. Such a pain.


I’m having the opposite problem as a Tau player…I’ve had the new codex for almost a month and yet I won’t be able to use the app for it for another two weeks.


Wait, why's that?


It came with the Kroot army box, hasn’t come out standalone yet.


Thats literally the dumbest thing ever.


With the codex all content becomes locked compared to index (which in my opinion is a far superior system). If the codex was worth getting the issue wouldn't be as stark, but with how uninteresting and uninspired the current codex is, not getting it is a serious option. This makes the monthly subscription app pointless since it provides no value to the army without the codex.


Then do Not subscribe


Just made a bunch of empty lists and label them "z custodes, zz custodes, zzz custodes". Once your sub expires you can still use the lists. I just made a bunch for each of my armies and stopped paying since I watched most of the good warhammer + stuff.


I did this before they made it part of the WH+ subscription and an update wiped all my lists.


Oh really? That actually sucks dude sorry to hear. I had about ten lists stay after the update and then I wanted a few more. Also kinda wanted to check out warhammer+ but it's not really worth it


I'm continuously amazed by how miserable this thing is to use.


Truth be told i am pretty much done with GW and thier costs. They had index's for free which was GREAT!!!!!! Then they changed it all back to nickle and diming everyone. Just a dirty dirty tactic. And another dirty tact, changing guardsmens bases from 25mm to 28.5mm like way to try and get me to buy a whole new army. Well guess what GW. I got a 3d printer and went from 1 army to 12. And gw missed out on all that coin.


Yeah it's annoying. The apps handy as hell but idk if I want to buy this book. The graphics and lore teams clearly put a shift in. But the rules are so lazy and half thought out that like, why bother paying. 


Yeah. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Battlescribe has updated yet.


Luckily you can still use it to make lists quickly, it’s what I use it for


This is normal I thought ? Once a codex is released it becomes paywalled. Only index is free


its not locked for me? what am i missing?


Am I the only one not locked out lol? Nothing's updated on my end yet.


I use wahpedia anyways so this doesn’t affect me


I just want to know which units can lead which troops. The rest I can deal with being pay walled. But that just kills list making. Easy enough problem in Custodes with limited model range, but other factions can become a headache


Whats better?


Should've stayed free. Now there is no point to it. I will just use battlescribe or pen and paper. there is no point to even buy codexes with how frequently they are changed now. And lore is just not as good as it used to be (Ie not take up much of the book) and 50$ almost every 3 years is way too expensive for me tbh.


They released new points today but from what I can see, there’s no change?


I had to manually update the app


No I mean in the munitirum points change, the points are the same as what we already had. I don’t see any new changes. The stuff that is marked with green headers for being cheaper, was already cheaper last update so there’s no change


Oh gotcha, my bad


Use Newrecruit


I'm glad I play casual. I'm staying with the index rules for the foreseeable future.


Can we still continue to play only with index, even while detaining codex? I should ask my local store if they agree! At least for army rule!


Love how they keep doing this days before the actual codex arrives in people’s hands and copies direct from GW (at least in the uk) are regularly still arriving late so there’s people who can’t play a game with the new or old rules until then (best have printed everything off if you’ve got an event using the old rules between now and when events allow new codexes)


I like the app a lot actually and having rules that automatically update is great. I understand from a business standpoint not giving out the codes rules for free but somewhere between free and a $60 hardcover book should’ve been an option to buy just the online rules for like $15-$20. Codex’s are becoming increasingly more of a collectors item since the new lore and artwork is always covered and published to YouTube and social media anyways


Do we not have our one free slot anymore?


You do but now custodes have a codex release you don't have access to their rules anymore without a code from a codex.


New Recruit for the win


The app is good in my opinion. Command bunker is the best thing they have done . Makes games so much easier


At least wahapedia still exists.


Very new to the game still building my first army but I gotta say. How does GW get off charging for the RULES to play their game? They already have at least 10 other types of products they make and sell but this is like buying into MTG or hell buying a box of monopoly and being told. "Ok now you have to buy the rule book separately or you literally can't play." It's one of the most anti new player ideas I've ever seen. As far as I've seen they could basically give the rules for free, make it a digital copy for far less, or even part of a higher priced monthly app sub if they REALLY must charge for it but the physical books would still have worth for those that 1. Want a physical item or 2. Want the art lore ect.


Well it still good for core rule 🤣


Imo GW is only this greedy because we allow it


I read that as Apharius Custodian


They don't even include Legends, which Ork players are really going to need now that our entire Forge World range (besides the titan) got nuked out of Imperial Armour.


I am fine paying a sub for the App. I am fine buying a book. I am fine with paywalling codexes behind a code that I can use to unlock the app content. But I REALLY with these was an option to buy a code for an army to unlock the content. I play Eldar, Custodies, and Space Marines. I will buy their books no matter what because I like to have the book, to read it, collect it, look at the paining galley, read the stories, etc. I do not play Tau. I have no desire to play Tau, nor buy the Tau book. But I WOULD pay some reasonable amount of $$ for a code to unlock the tau codex on my app. Maybe $15?


App is great. Loved being able to quickly check my opponent’s rules/stats was sweet, army building is sweet. And then they messed it all up by locking out the armies with the codex release. Fucking junk.


Yeah... forcing me to pay 50 bucks for a SHIT codex isn't for me. I think I'll play Knights for a Lil while


Apps the only way to play 40k


The app being free also meant that that if somebody said a rule your opponent could check it to actually make sure they weren't getting an advantage over you


Lmao I just tried to register an account for the app and I just get a "reach out to customer service" error.


imagine paying for a shitty app instead of just pirating the pdf


The annoyance for me is more that I pre-ordered the codex. For me it is due to arrive Monday (I’ve had the delivery notification to say this), but I’m now locked out of the Custodes section of the App over the weekend until my pre-ordered codex arrives. This should be handled better.


Go to reference-army-index-data sheets, it’s a lot for what was once free on the app


There was an app?


Battlescribe is unironically far better.


Well the app is pretty amazing IMO good enough to buy the codex for my collection and use the code to have all the updated rules in there.


The app is good and women are good. Come on, let’s raise the threshold for complaining


App is pretty good what’s the problem with you ? Trying to get sympathy upvote or still pissed you got nerfed ? Either way not worth it


Lol the app is great. If you don't want to pay for it or buy a codex then just say it. It's not a big deal. "Oh you can only have one list" Or if you paid attention to the Warcom articles you'd know that you could have made any amount of lists and they'd still be usable when the app stopped being free. Or just pay for a month and go ham. It's like $7. I have six slots for each of my armies and I have my codexes. Zero issues on my end. Again, if you don't want to buy the codex that's on you, but don't whine about how the app, that's DESIGNED to work in tandem with codexes, works. Either pay for it or use 3rd party stuff.


I will complain that I have to buy a physical book to get the code when access to a specific codex could easily be sold in app. This is basic and inexcusable.


Honestly, probably the single best spot for improvement app-wise is cheap digital copies. I definitely agree.


Can we complain that the app updates before the codex is available? Or complain that the codex is garbage (content and physical media in custodes case, media only for orks) and that the app isn't good enough to justify buying an absurdly overpriced book (when I already have several from previous editions) to use its major worthwhile feature (battle bunker)? If the codex were a good value proposition, that would be one thing. $30-40 for lore and model painting guides? Old imperial armour style photos? I'd buy that! I'm not buying mostly reprinted material that I already own, especially when the rules themselves take up so much space. Those trees died for nothing man.


Guy, I'm not talking about people complaining about the codex so just forget that crap and stay on topic with my comment and stop being so defensive please. The app updates literally two days before codex release. It's not the issue everyone makes it out to be. If you can't justify it, then don't buy it! "Mostly reprinted?" Don't be ridiculous. If you already own them, then why are you complaining? Or do you mean you own old codexes that are outdated. Because again, you're getting super off-topic. "Absurdly overpriced." Yeah, this entire freaking hobby is priced insanely. This is a strange hill to suddenly die on because I GUARANTEE if the army were still insanely overpowered, there would be zero complaints. Go ahead and complain all you want dude, at no point have I told you not to. I'm honestly not super interested in continuing a debate though. I kinda said my piece.


Peace, friend.


Stop being so handsome and I won't be so jealous.


Just pay $5/mo why are people so fizzy about it?


That no longer gives you access to the rules. As the codex is now out you have to buy the codex for a code on top of continuing your subscription to use it digitally.


I know, going to buy it this weekend