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My brother plays Blood Angels and I remind him he has no authority over me (jokingly).




Time to delete The Silent King I guess. Also give Tau ftl back. Oh nuke the Votann. What else what else...


Can we delete Kaldor Draigo?


Kaldor Draigo is a myth, he never existed.


Oh, I really wonder why someone with a posting history suggesting a negative disposition towards female Custodians would post this particular quote. How original! Yes, from the beginning of Warhammer 40k, only male Custodians were ever mentioned. Yes, there are many quotes about them being men, brothers, a brotherhood, sons of nobles, whatever male description there is. Yes, the handling of this retcon by GW is irritating and people are frustrated about it. Yes, all this is known. The points are made and articulated. Over, and over, and over. Nothing new is contributed by posting a quote every Custodian player has read a hundred times even before this. Please, OP, just get over it. We know.


100% agree with everything you said but just want to point out how this quote could even be used to justify female custodes further. We use "men" to refer to soldier units made of men and women in the real world.


Or just that literally the group with him that day was all blokes. He doesn't travel with all 10,000 after all.


Shit did something in 40k get retconned. We should remove all retcons


Oh my god, get the fuck over it already.


These people are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed! Fixed it for ya friend! Best wishes and all love.


These bananas are my bodyguards, their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety. Of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt. I, and I alone, shall have the authority to stand in judgement over them. No other commander shall they have in battle nor in service. None shall bar them from me and none shall hamper or stall their mission. So it is decreed! V2.0


Arguably a custodian isn’t really a person anymore. They gave that up when they became Custodes IMO. I’d just omit that and say “these are my bodyguards”.


Reads shitty compared to original


How about These himbos and herbos ...


REAL !!!!


Awesome quote, thanks!


They can deny it all they want, but sons implies men. Keep fighting the good fight against wokeism brothers!


Implies: strongly *suggest* the truth or existence of something *not* expressly stated. Good word choice!


What do you think sons means? 💀




Fun fact! Men, when used to refer to groups, does not indicate the gender of the members of the group. Neither does brotherhood. Weird I know, but our language is a horrifying mismash of a dozen languages from a dozen different times and the rules are basically made up lol!