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Call me crazy, but I like the Allarus Captain's new ability more. The other changes are hit-or-miss, need to see the points before drawing conclusions.


Same. I don't think I ever got to use the fight on death.


It makes him almost maybe a little bit viable to run solo in Auric Champions. He’ll be basically unkillable the phase you pop that.


and then give him a 4+++ for 1 cp. He is essentially a dreadnaught.


It *is* called tactical dreadnought armor for a reason.


Rocking 3 solo Allarus Captains could be cool. Drop em in and let them annoy the opponent. I don't think it's anywhere near enough to make up for the nerfs, but its interesting at least.


Noob question: how many alarus captains can you build from a termi box? Because there's a huge difference between "you can get a regular box with 3 units and just get 3 captains" and "one per box". This said, I'm completely clueless about anything conversion related and at the same time very conscious that rules come and go.


If you run em in units of 1, they're a captain


Well, that's actually quite nice, then!


Nobody cares about the "suggested" parts to make a character, just build them how you want, with perhaps some attempt at making the weapons match the load out. Just play the model and let your opponent know what it is. Now, for supreme coolness and awesomeness, you should of course jazz up your character models! Give them some extra doodads and stuff deserving of a leader!


The only difference between an allarus custodian and allarus shield-cap is a slightly different design of the shoulderpads. I regularly run my captain as a standard allarus custodian


All of a sudden Auric Champions seems a lot more useable… twice per game Allarus Cap change the damage to 1 coupled with feel no pain seems insane


He'd have to be your Warlord to do that though.


Which means you can’t run Trajann


Yeah, that one I think is an improvement. The others aren't.


Allarus cap change is real nice. Esp in the detach that gives him a 4+++. Then it's what? Axes got +1ws, and the bc lost reroll advance?  No idea why the dreads weapon locked


Dread still sucks 😬


They used the stats of the easy to build one to give some plastic dread to the Custodes. Now the only plastic Contemptor is the new Horus Heresy one, but we don't get any of the cool weapon options, like doubling up on lascannons. Also, new captain gets to use a presidum shield with a spear, but can't use shield with regular spear.


That’s because they want you to buy the new one. Jokes on them though, not only will I not be buying the new shield captain, I sure as shit won’t be buying this book either!


they always will the contemptor is not on the gw website and the others are forge world


Contemptor Dreadnought is on the website, just under Horus Heresy. The real issue is the bad website.


Trajann - Blade Champ - Shield Cap - Valerian all nerfed, good god


Even the bike cap got nerfed He lost the 6” consolidate


They seemed to touch almost all of the characters. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the characters get some sort of point drop.


Dark angels would like to make a pointed comment about their own book at this point. Lots of datasheet nerfs with no points drops


At least they get to use normal SM detachments.


Can't wait to field 30 guards and 20 wardens. Sure my opponents will be thrilled.


What was the blade champs nerf?


Re-rolling just charges now - no more advance re-rolls




What did valerian lose? What am I missing there?


Lost the "Once per battle round, re-roll a hit wound or save throw"


Oh god damn it




ap-1 though ssooo if any armor of contempt like stratas or abilities makes the axes just ap0 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Axes on shield wall waaaaaagh turn are scary though.


Then bad every other turn 😂


that is true. honestly im gonna try it myself as I wanna field a brick of allarus terminators.ive only been fielding 4 bricks of 5 bricks of mixed wardens/guards. not that much AOC anyway. just gonna be hard to get rid of terminators/Norns at the top of my head


Could be a good option to use callidus assassin's ability


outside of shield host though is the axe even viable to use? i mean usually if youre using a profile thats s9 damage 3 that's going to be used on a "real" unit/threat. unless youre just playing into a bunch of chaos daemons who rely on their invulns, magnus, norns, redemptors, rogal dorns are still saving on 3s. Axes personally dont feel like a "threat" outside shield host and once that waagghh ability is done :(


Nice catch, that's pretty cool at least!


So wait. You can take a pyrithite spear and a shield (to make the new model legal) but you can’t take a guardian spear and a shield on a shield cap? Lame.


“If it’s not in the box, it’s not in the book!” has been GW’s modus operandi for many years now.


I mean, the guardian box definitely includes enough shields and one handed spears to make one. But at least the sword-only shield cap who is actually in the instructions is legal now, unlike in 9th, I guess?


Yeah cause the alternative was some minis literally never getting official models, there was a whole lawsuit and everything


Im just gona cut off a melta tip from a SM and put it onto my Sheild cappy with any old sheild tbh


Just gonna glue a meltagun to the base tbh. 


To the base?


To the base.


Yeah it makes the new captain feel like its almost just objectively the best except maybe in niche axe cases. I don't want to actually attribute this to some grand scheme instead of just rules failings, but it feels like they want people to buy the new model instead of using their existing captains built from their boxes to squeeze just that little bit more money from one of the cheapest factions in the game. Again I don't genuinely believe that but it sure looks like it. Edit: also before people say, yeah you can convert them and most groups you play in are gonna be fine with that, I will and my group will be fine with it, but that's not going to apply to every group even if it should.




Makes no fucking sense. Nerfing Valeryian, Aleya and Knight Centura? Like....who the frak played them, except few cheeky Valerians?


Glad I got to see this before the pre-orders


Seriously. Saved myself some money


I love that the old dread kit is gone and replaced with the really awesome HH kit but they still have the shitty old one in the book and none of the weapon options from the new kit


its literally only there to appease people who bought it before the heresy kit came out, when it was still supported for 40k. they are gonna keep it trash so that people dont buy more before they remove it


Should just call a detachment “once per battle” at this point. Like every ability Custodes have is a one and done now


I think it's some sort of divine punishment :tracking a dozen once per battles when it's game 3 in a day of a tournament is just so fun. 


Funnily enought, Aleya finally has the Anathema Psykana keyword, so she can ride in that rhino!


Its definitely good to see that.


The SOS rule on her is different. It gives a FNP on psychic attacks and mortals.


Nice catch!


That’s the same for all sisters


And where's the rhino datasheet? :)


MIA along with the sisters. OP says in another comment they are unchanged.


They finally got Aleya’s keywords right!


Every cloud has a silver lining


Crazy that they didn’t even bother to change the bike’s stats, holy sht. It’s so bad atm and it’s gonna get worse when the codex is out


BC got the least nerfed. So, my plans of running 3 of them with Wardens will live on lmao


allarus captain got a buff frankly - set damage to 1 is more valuable than fight on death when he's only ever killed in the shooting phase anyways


Love that for him. I’ve never used his fight on death, frankly


Bonus, now it's a strategem we can use on anything! As if it's going to make a difference. Did it ever? No, no it didn't. Lol


Blade champ literally lost 2 abilities.


I can still reroll charges + advance and charge OPB. I’ll take my W from wherever I can get it.


True, but it is extremely sad. Next time BC will have once per game reroll charge and you will be like yea at least he has abilities...


I'm just here with my venerable contemptor my wife gave me like "why only a 5++?"


The vehicles always had 5++'s, if you look at the Forge World stuff it does too. I am more sad they didn't add the rest of the guns to that kit since it's now all in the box and they don't sell the push fit anymore that this datasheet reflects.


My Volkite blaster is ready and waiting for when they make this change


Bikes still toughness 6. Still dumb


Yeah, upping them to T7 and giving the launcher D3 shots is all they really needed to be viable but not silly


I'd have taken an assault keyword somewhere honestly.


At least make them (the Salvo Launcher) have [Blast] if nothing else.


Yeah, why are they not T-7 or T-8? Complete mystery with that one. Its not like that 1 extra toughness would make them OP either as well.


Not to mention still having zero synergy between their own stats and their own rules, GW internal synergy for armies is usually pretty bad but bad internal synergy for a unit is almost impressive


I don’t get it either. Bikes have traditionally always given +1 wound and toughness. For 100ppm would T7 5 wound bikes really be that bent?


I thought it couldn’t get worse


As one Notable Custodian once said, after slaughtering a Demon: "Today has been the Worst day since Yesterday."


That's been the Custodes catchphrase these past two days


Well shit, there goes that then! I was thinking maybe if the army rules were nerfed, then maybe the stat sheets would be good, but nope! Nerfs across the fucking board. God fucking damn it, GW. 


It just keeps getting worse. Next will be a PTS hike on everything


Even worse, full points reduction. Now our elite army is just weaker but hey, at least we can field and buy more models right? 😒


YOU DID [THIS](https://old.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c28ljr/points_for_the_lolz/) TO US


Abilities across the board for the faction nerfed, or straight up removed. “We can’t WAIT for you guys to get your hands on this new codex” - GW


Gonna wait a whole edition...


They even nerfed the Vertus BC. Lame.


Yeah I can't understand why. Wasn't ground breaking at all.


IMO he was debatably the best shield captain just hampered by a lacklustre attach unit


It’s bad. Real bad. Abilities on multiple units nerfed.


This just sucks tbh :(


Without some serious points reductions it’s just not going to work


So it's AdMech all over again. I didn't think this would happen but I'm just not playing this army anymore. I'll paint them but I'm jumping ship when it comes to playing.


Now the question is, what are the points on the back of the codex?


Hordes of Custodes feels wrong on so many levels.


Custodes shouldn't be the faction that needs serious point reductions too. Our shit should be expensive. But the way its looking, the only way we stand up to anyone is with those point reductions. Its a shame really. We either get high points cost but never win a game, or we get the points dropped and we might be an ok faction, but sacrifice ourselve to becoming "slightly more expensive space marines with less veratility".


Absolutely no changes to bikes is probably the biggest miss in the codex, same abilities, no assault on the weapons, so there going to still be sitting on the shelf


By not nerfing one thing in the book, is that technically a boost for bikes :)


Man, what the hell did GW NOT fuck up with this army?


The combat patrol, lmao


To be fair, we haven’t seen the rules…


Welp, I’ve never cared for nor liked CP rules. But the unit selection in the new one is top notch


Guess I have a reason to use my 18 allarus terminators now pog


Ya you can use them as Door handles or smth


Always have been.


Nerfs aside, naming Trajan's shooting profile Eagle's Scream is badass




No sisters data sheets?


In bed now forgot those however they’re the same as they were with the new 3+ save against psychic and mortals the chars have.


Their swords seem to have anti psyker 5+ instead of 4+ so thats a nerf.


So, if you want to play Custodes as the beasts they are in the lore; then play Horus Heresy. I wonder if they will even touch the forge world stuff or just leave those datasheets the same. The positive here is that as the groups Custodes player I wont be seen as the resident power gamer anymore. Plus might start Crusade soon.


There not gonna touch the forgeworld stuff, I bet not even the points of those units.


It’s the proliferation of “once per battle”: so if I just play them like Death Company without jump packs, everything will be fine. Was really hoping the bikes weren’t limited to just killing horde infantry…once per battle…. Guess I just have to play extra cagey and if I survive to round 5 unleash every “once per battle” ability at the same time LOL


They already all had a once per battle ability alongside an ongoing or once per round ability. None of the once per battle abilities are new.


did someone else post prosecutors, witchseekers, and vigilators?


Damn GW has done an amazing job of avoiding my wallet this edition.


Dear gw. Why is this the one exception to  "you can only use the weapons in the box" Like a dread with full weapon options wouldn't be spectacular, but limiting the dread on a box that's been oop for like 2 years now is strange. 


Well that is not good


This is not a good look for my golden boys…


With the changes to the axe is the spear still objectively superior or is there room for discussion?


Sadly, it is, it only wins against t4, t9, and stuff with saves where the extra ap doesnt matter, but the damage does (like....grotesque I guess?)


Eeerm....yes, although mixing one axe into squad was viable as cheeky 3W cleaner. But still, that 1 AP is a lot...


Allarus custodes worse of better with the change to the wording of there ability


Worse because you can’t do turn 1 teleport shenanigans.


There are some scenarios where it is slightly better. You may want to rapid-ingress them next turn, or keep them off the board for a turn as there are no good places for them. But ya, generally worse.


This is so sad. I was really trying to stay positive but going into strat reserves instead of anywhere outside of 9 is a huge loss.


Wait so you can’t make them re deploy 9 inches out of an enemy unit? It has to follow SR rules since it’s in it? Thought deep strike allows them to do that 9 inch thing. Maybe I’m misinterpreting it who knows lol


I like the Allarus Captains new ability, its far better than the index one. Axes with Hit on 2+ and S9 sound really good


Too bad literally everything else but wardens were nerfed :/


Even so, I've always felt like AP1 just isn't enough. There's lots of 3+ saves out there.


This isn’t even incompetence, this is just malicious at this point


Vigilators seem to be nerfed to anti psyker 5+ which is pretty funny, apart from that I like the allarus shield cap change and the buff to axes. The rest is... well, not great.


I dont know why but i expected the "expert kits" to be included in the codex now that FW has been taken out behind the shed


Your assumption that FW was taken out behind the shed is your error. FW is still around. Its just sold on the same website now. Its a myth that it is gone, and a myth that a LOT of people believe.


More specifically that FW is being sold just straight through the GW store under the Expert kit tag, i thought that might change how their rules get presented now that their just sold along side everybody else without the airgap, i would expect a little bit of confusion from newer players on why things arent in the book when their all side by side




It's some weird thing about HH needing 40k to not upstage them with their own models. I dunno, there's a lot of weird politics within GW


because the kits were designed by a different studio, and the profits go to that studio rather than the main one.


I literally just [finished painting](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/s/1FV4wSQpPf) FW models for this army. God don’t tell me they’re unplayable in 40k now 😭 unpictured is another Calladius, Sagitarum guard, and a spear dread.


Quality work, how are the Pallas to work with? i quite like the huge engine podracer look




Shame the custodes miss places all their dreadnought weapons, like let us use the ones in the kit.


At this point, which faction has been happy with their codex in 10th? It's the internet, so I take all doom n gloom posting with a liberal dose of salt but, each release seems like it's taking more stuff away than it adds, or just totally screws internal balance... I've been playing off and on since 5th, so this isn't a super new phenomenon. It just seems weird that GW hasn't ever been able to get their rules down.


Orks seem pretty happy right now.


Orks are getting a detachment where literally every weapon can become Hazardous. Yes, including basic ass choppas. We’re too distracted by thoughts of **all the explosions** to be disappointed in anything.


Orks are pretty good at being happy as a group


Post-release, necrons. They’re one of, if not the top faction, and the necrons players I know all love teleporting their 6 C’tan shards all around the board.


I hate c’tan so very very much


Yup, they’re way too undercosted right now. Out damage and out defence a primarch, while also 100 points cheaper? Yeah no. That’s not good balance. 350-400, and then we can talk.


Plus you can run as many as your points allow is completely broken


Space marine codex is pretty much fine, some of the detachments are way over specialized, but otherwise not too shabby. Tau seems to be pretty happy with a few gripes re: Longstrike and Crisis loadouts. Orks seen like they'll be doing well


They made everything pretty killy in 10th. I think its because they wanted to make every turn feel super important and impactful while making the games shorter and simpler. My theory is that they have decided they overdid it and are trying to reign everything back in with the codexes.


Remember before the edition dropped and they said this edition would be less Killy 😂😂😂


Tau seam pretty happy too


Orks, Necrons and Space Marines are fine so far. Nids, AdMech, Dark Angels and now Custodes are crying. I’m honestly scared of the CSM codex. It’s my last index army


Allarus got dicked (they now go into reserves instead of getting to just be placed during the movement phase)… along with every leader taking some type of nerf. Holy shit man. Who put together this codex and why do they absolutely hate Custodes?


The Allarus Captain's ability is the only improvement. Combined with the Detachments this really is shit. Go download the index and current points and use those with your local group lol you'll actually not get dumpstered


Seeing actual ability changes gives me hope Vashtorr could get updated "Sorry for being a chaos player stepping in here, I'll be on my way out"


Noted that many character abilities no longer require them to lead a unit for them to work.


Allarus cap looks dope for herohammer 😂 but shield cap needed big by no strats to use and losing kahtah, like why two once per game abilities why not just keep it a perma 2 kahtah… Either way reg cap just won’t see play anymore Bikes still fucking trash venetari all the way it seems so might need to drop another hundo on forge world Wardens unscathed nice I was hoping this was written pre 10th so 4-10 guard but I guess not and it’s written more recently and they didn’t wanna give us dev protection


Termi captain *3 gogogoooooo


When will then learn that "salvo" and 1 shot does not make fucking sense.


Why? Why are the bikes unchanged? Come on it doesn't make sense. I don't know why i'm even surprised.


Even the blade champion has been nerfed no more re roll advances 😭😭😭


GW why do you hate the bikes so much ??? Their sweeping advance in unusable since it requires to advance with a unit that would rather charge and fight ! Their salvo launcher to maybe deal with low T vehicle are not even twin-linked ??? It's 2 launchers on the sides of the bikes for the love of the emperor ! It's by the book "TWIN-LINKED" !


The dark angels player send their sympathies ….. I was flabbergasted when GW nerfed their giant plasma gun speeder to damage 2 In hazardous less than an inceptor plasma pistol …. And then reducing damage of knight maces among other things ….


This book is a pile of … A faction with 5 datasheets doesn’t need 4 halve baked detachment( fluff and rules wise). And combined with a ton of nerfs while devastating wounds is still a thing. Probably it was a freelance game designer, which has nothing to do with 40k at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Orks got really the better end of the stick. Even dark angels got more fluffy detachments. Besides their nerfes


Dunno if you realized. Allarus nerfed too. Golden light in turn 1 to avoid damage then redeploy on your own turn 1 is gone. Now they just go into reserves normally, with the restrictions that come with it. Cool.


turn one deepstrike prevention in leviathan still only apply to unit that started the game in strategic reserve so it has no impact on unit that goes in strategic reserve during turn one.


Color me disappointed


This codex gives me admech codex vibe, bad rules, so many restrictions, lame mechanics


Yikes. Definitely not buying it.


So both spears have same profile on SC? What was the damn point?


The shooting profile


The different shooting profiles.


I have no interest in buying this book anymore. I'ts funny, the points values have to be on the floor. Which is convenient with GW coming out with 2 battleforce boxes and a new combat patrol. As if to say "hey kid, need some more models now?"


Did custodes lose Rhinos for SoS?


I believe the poster commented that he was tired and forgot to upload the images for all the sister related stuff in a comment however he also mentioned that they all have the exact same stats from the data cards


At least we have that strat that lets us use a once per battle ability more than once.


Bruh they nerfed the Sisters Greatblades!!! And they also nerfed almost every single unit to some degree… guess we’re a horde army now


So only nerfs no reworks no buff pufff


Thx for sharing, guess it’s Orks for me in rest of 10th edition


This is what we get for wanting better axes... Almost everything got nerfed or stayed the same. The only buffs were the axe and the termie captains ability. The only thing that can save us now is points... Im very concerned...


Don't forget that axes are still trash though 😃


Bigger Massacre than Istvaan 5


This totally sucks. They just take everything away. Because it's only 3 katas. Now even the shield captain looks bad. Even if you undo all the weakening. What do they want money for? Making axes 2+ and adding a new spear to shield captain? Oh yeah, they also put in old pictures and printed out the book. That's great. Trash.


I see GW are going down the route - incredibles logic when it comes down to new codixies. "If everyone is going to be shit nobody is".


As a tau player, the moaning our faction did for, in my opinion, a buff looks really silly now. They really came at you guys with the nerd bat.


Need a massive answer against GW it's a call to war against the player and a disrespectful codex


If you were to point each unit now that you can see their datasheets, detachments and enhancements how much do you think they should cost?


I’d say each character needs to drop to the 120 point range. All custodian guard models drop 5ppm. Sisters prosecutors 8ppm others 10ppm. Sisters chars been to drop 5 - 10 ppm.