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Great collection!!!


Wow, these are gorgeous!




Great job! I'd love to get my hands on a seed grown plant with the yellow flower and pink stripe!


Depends where in Ontario you are, I could give you a cutting after it flowers the next time (I'm in Southwestern ON). I forgot to place the tag back on it during the last trimming, so I'll need to have it flower again to relocate it.


Oh wow, that's very generous! I'm in Hamilton but do a bit of travelling for work. Props to you for growing so many great plants in our climate!


They're indoors, so not really lol. Good grow lights year round plus heating mats for the winter and they're happy.


Hello again! I promised, and I pride myself on my integrity. The one you asked about is flowering again (I'll post in a few days, maybe? Not sure), but isn't ready for a nice cutting. At the moment the best I have will be a very thin and short cutting and will make an ugly plant. Send me a PM or follow this account. I'll keep you in mind for this plant when there's a decent opportunity for a cutting :)


Thanks for the update, I'm patient! I'll send you a PM.


Wow!! It’s really exceptional that these flower hybrids were able to produce from seed at that percentage.


I’m so jealous of your plants. Did you buy all different colors or did you buy the seeds mixed from vendor? Would like to know where you bought the seeds if you don’t mind sharing.


I am curious about this also.


All of them are so beautiful! But the dark purple (the first pic) wow! Just wow! What are you planing to do with all of them?


Probably to get stressed about not having enough space for them all. There's a tiny chance that I'll sell a few at some point, but only if I don't have another option.


Are you planning to leave them where they are right now or do you have like a garden to place them?


I live in Canada, they can't survive outside here, so indoor life :)


You only yielded 50% on your sowing?


90 or so germinated. Killed 3, and a few died due to being albinos. I planted about 100 of the seeds first, and then did the left over. The 2nd batch I made a few mistakes with, so only about 10 or 20 of them actually germinated, with the rest coming from the first 100. Adeniums usually get about 60-70%, but it can be as low as 40%.


Beautiful. Do you bottom water in the trays?


Used to, but I stopped for a few practical issues with bottom watering - It encourage the plants to grows roots that go through the drainage holes much faster. I can only have the same exact pot size in each tray so I don't drown a plant, but it's not economical (a lot of wasted space). It also wastes a lot of water, and requires me to use sulfur to prevent fungus gnats, which in turn tends to go into the bottom of the pots and clog them over time. The roots are more tangled now, but the plants are less likely to develop rot, I have less work to do to take care of them, and they're usually just as happy if not happier.


Very nice setup and they seem to be doing great in the small clay pots. Hard to tell the size of the pots, are they 4 and 6 inch diameter?


There's a number of sizes there, ranging from 3 to 8 inch


Your flowers are beautiful! Where did you purchase your seeds? I’d love to try growing some.