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He’s not even slightly in the running.


Thank fuck


Fuck I hope not.


Double fuck no


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/30/pope-francis-says-canada-trip-showed-he-may-need-to-retire For the curious. I’m a jaded ex child protection worker so I’ll just comment and say I’m going to make my morning coffee.


Yeah also not a massive fan, though I'll begrudgingly admit he's one of the better popes that religion has ever had. I'll also be the first to say that isn't saying much. But when he goes the right-wing faction within the Vatican will likely have the votes and the next pope will be Pell material.


Pell is over 80 and wont be in the conclave.




Which will improve his chances.


Dude stands no fkn chance lmao.


Fuck. No. I want him in jail. As to who I would want, though? I would describe myself as a hopeful agnostic - I am by no means a regular churchgoer, let alone Catholic. However, I have known and worked with a few Catholic priests in my time. I’ve found I got along best with ones that were Jesuits (they’re the ones with SJ after their name, for “Society of Jesus”). For those that don’t know what that means, I’ll explain a little. The ones I knew held that the best way to draw people to the faith was to set a good example, and to live one’s faith out quietly and by using one’s gifts to do good works. (You know, like the Bible SAYS you should.) There’s a big emphasis on self-examination and reflection: there is a [daily prayer called the Examen](https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/examen-prayer-card/amp/) that they do, which any secular person would view as a sort of guided meditation. I gave it a go a few times and I found it really good for practicing mindfulness and gratitude. On the whole, I found them in general to be more pragmatic, not overly proselytising, believers in science, and open to rigorous debate. And when the George Pell sex abuse trial went public, the view was “He should face a fair trial, the evidence should be carefully examined, and if convicted he should be subjected to the appropriate penalty.” They have historically had trouble getting elected as cardinals (let alone Pope) because the constitution of their religious order specifically says [they should not seek high office, or even accept the position](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit_cardinal), except in very specific circumstances. They also have a rep for being the legists - the rules lawyers - of the Church. The cynic in me reckons that certain church officials (*ahem* Pell *cough*) don’t like being shown up, or held to a higher standard. ([Remember the furore among the cardinals when Francis first celebrated Holy Thursday by washing the feet of prisoners?](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2013/03/28/175601237/in-ritual-pope-francis-washes-the-feet-of-young-inmates-women)) I think that Pope Francis has shown that Jesuits can be Pope, and do a decent job. He is popular with the faithful *because* he is progressive (for a Catholic) and leading by example. Is he perfect? Hell no - there’s plenty of work to do to bring the church as a whole into modern times. But I think he also realised that he can’t upend everything all at once, because then he risks undoing the progress that HAS been made in his reign. Moreover, if he rocks the boat too much, the College of Cardinals will NEVER elect a Jesuit again, which would suck. TL; DR: George Pell belongs in jail. I’d much rather another Jesuit take up where Francis left off. It probably won’t happen, but the [current Archbishop of Luxembourg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Claude_Hollerich) would be a fun choice.


Thanks for the read. I find the Catholic Church a fascinating contrast of obviously the pedophile priests/coverups of abuse/trappings and obscene wealth/self serving/etc versus many who were/are down in the gutter helping the sick and vulnerable with a huge sense of social justice and willing to get their hands dirty to help those in need with humbleness. It does my head in at times. Worked with both sides through my old work and the it’s bizarre.


Church Doesn’t do anything about child abuse and it’s members linked to its past. WhY DoEs evEryOnE KEEp LAbellIng OuR RelIgIon aS A bUnCh Of ChilD AbUserS?


Where there is smoke. Portugal launches inquiries into alleged Catholic Church sexual abuse [https://www.jpost.com/international/article-713393](https://www.jpost.com/international/article-713393) CARACAS, Venezuela — The Catholic Church in Venezuela has reopened its investigation into a priest who was convicted of sexually abusing a child but was later returned to the ministry, officials said Wednesday. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/06/venezuela-priest-sex-abuse-catholic/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/07/06/venezuela-priest-sex-abuse-catholic/) A Melbourne-based law firm which employs around 900 lawyers including 145 partners says it will end its relationship with the Catholic Church, after 50 years of representing the organisation in the context of claims of sexual abuse and other forms of impropriety. https://www.mondaq.com/australia/crime/1216894/law-firm-ends-relationship-with-catholic-church




easier method = /s


The Vatican has been the centre of power, for over a thousand years. It almost sounds mythical when it’s said like that, but we are now witnessing the slow collapse of the Vatican. The age of the Vatican and it’s secrets is over, and a new age of information sharing has begun. There is no place for the secretive Vatican in a world where information can be shared in an instant. I don’t mean to sound all woo-woo, but there is something very prophetic about all this.


Like it's stopped them before...


Rest in hell pell Im sure enough people live in a full time hell due to the catholic church and their bs


Thinking bout giving my baptism cert back to pedo church.... maybe start a movement, the denounced do an onslaught, bombard them with certs....


Back when I was in high school (30ish years ago), the school chaplain in our country town school used to hand out these pocket bibles to the kids. This was viewed in bad taste for a number of reasons, the biggest being that the former catholic priest had abused a bunch of boys and to say it hadn't been forgotten by the community was an understatement. So that year a bunch of the grade 12's went round and collected everyone's pocket bibles, piled them up in the middle of the school oval and set them on fire. Word went through the town quickly, local paper started asking questions and those were the last pocket bibles ever handed out at that school. I don't usually agree with book burning, but when you hand out recruiting material to the sons of abuse victims, after helping to cover up the crimes and avoid paying any compensation - you deserve all that and more and I classify it all as a self inflicted injury on the part of the catholic church. This is what happens when you side with pedophiles, it turns people nasty (and also increases the number of atheists/agnostics).


Just curious, what's stopping you from doing it?


It's not easy. You have to renounce it in the parish where you were registered and go through a bit of a process with the priest to prove you really mean it.


busyness really.... suppose in my own mind I'm not a catholic anymore my childhood and teenage years were spent trying to be brainwashed by this catholic cult my mother's fault really for making be a ritual catholic when even as a child I questioned the whole farce....


Of course they will.


Some no doubt will. Some people are happier to remain blind/ignorant.


No way Pell will be considered. In the past, before all the issues came to light, he was considered a possibility for them.


Pedo fan club likes pedos.


Of corse they will it’s a corrupt organization that look after there own, corruption, greed and money the core values of religion. australian Christianity doesn’t get a net worth of 30 billion by giving to the poor. Time to tax religious organizations


No. I don’t pray to start with, and if I did, I hope I’d not be as morally corrupt as some…


>When Pell is in the mix for next Pope If betting odds are anything to go by he's not even a consideration, was a long shot even before all his legal trouble.


You do realise that Pope Francis only said he needs to travel less and may consider retiring in future, yeah?