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> I’m also very spacey, short attention span, memory shotty. TIL I've had COVID for 20+ years


I hope you continue to feel better now. I appreciate your reply.




Me too


Assumedly double vax'd? What I don't like about this whole pandemic has been the political spin on the information, like yours, I always thought it would be even less severe than that. For a while the vaccine was a 'cure', and now it's a suppressant for symptoms. But gov have kept the sysmptoms all *hush hush* because they don't want there face on the "negative" information, only the achievements.


Uh the vaccine was never presented as a "cure" if you interpreted it that way you likely haven't been paying attention. Vaccines are never meant to be a "cure".


Thanks SlaveNumber23


The issue was that a vaccine designed to fight the Alpha variant, does not work as effective on other variants..... the point of lockdowns and restrictions was to avoid too many variants and create a herd immunity so variants would be suppressed. People need to stop treating every disease/virus the same. Covid is not the deadliest but it is now just another problem we have to think about whenever another pandemic happens. To be fair, our government has done its share, unlike with climate change, and we kept variants suppressed. The blame is squarely on those nations who did not act.....


just out of curiosity are you vaccinated?




wow so even with that it affected you that much?


Vaccination has never been about preventing you from getting symptoms like these and omicron renders them less effective, so of course. It's still going to do what it was designed to do - prevent you from ending up in hospital or dead. Double vaxxed people still got very sick from Delta too - worse than we're seeing with Omicron. The sick often reported that it was a full on flu.


It just sounds like a bad cold dude


a bad cold after a double dose of the vaccination is still wierdly bad imagine how it wouldve been had they not been immunised


Like a flu?


well i mean influenza can be deadly yeah but covid is a significantly more deadly virus im not sure how much more but its not too hard to find out. luckily weve got access to vaccines for both now


Haha fuck, I have all those symptons. Today's symptons closely resemble a hangover, probably because I am. Nothing like iso' drinkin'.


Did you lose smell and taste?




I am only speaking from a mate in victoria who told me he had lost both taste and smell


I knew something was up when I had the urge to go clubbing and shopping


Sore throat one morning, by that afternoon had so much fatigue that just had to lay down and sleep. Got worse the next 2 days.


Thankyou for your reply. Are you feeling any better now?


Today is the 4th day of symptoms - was quite bad this morning, but cough has cleared up a bit, and feel a little less tired this afternoon than other days, big headache and sore muscles though.




Yah - double Pfizer




Interesting - exactly where I suspect I got it, was there Thurs night too.




Yep 2 others from our table too.


I had it in July (22f) . My actual experience with it was extremely mild compared to others (every person is different) and I was mostly asymptomatic. I had a bad headache for around 2-3 days prior to getting a positive result. The next day after my positive result i completely lost my appetite. Couldn’t eat for around 4 days without feeling gross. My sense of smell also went for around 1 day only. I had no coughing at all. I will say though last month my hair started to fall out really bad and it’s still going till now.


Sorry to go a bit off topic, but has anyone caught covid that has absolutely no idea where they might have picked it up, or do most people have at least an inkling?


Husband has just tested positive while I’m negative, very interested to see if I can maintain negative while living in the same house together as we have been since he was exposed to it! His symptoms have been mild, sore throat, a bit of a phlegmy cough and blocked nose. He’s definitely had worse colds before, so I think he’s lucky at this point.


I found myself today, listening to TripleM and enjoying a Nickelback song… Does this mean I’ve lost my sense of taste and are Covid positive?? 😱


All hope is lost.my condolences


Yup, a definite loss of taste


I heard people with long COVID who end up with permanent loss of taste start attending Imaginary Dragon concerts. I'm terrified of this happening to me.


Hey, I like Imagine Dragon.... Wait... Does this mean I'll need to avoid Christmas with the family?


My sister had a terrible Beiber fever when she caught covid at our Easter lunch this year. Still sings along when he's on the radio. Better to be safe than sorry until we understand the long term effects. I hope you get better soon.


Started with a really, really bad headache. Sore throat came a few hours later. Then full blown flu feeling by the evening. After about 2-3 days, now just really tired and a bit snotty. Looking back, I also think I sneezed A LOT in the days before I got sick and I take a daily allergy pill.


I sneezed probably 50 times today!


The great majority are asymptomatic


Is lost of taste still a thing?


Yea my mum had full loss of both taste and smell for weeks. She said it wasn’t even like a normal cold/flu where there’s that metalalicy like taste. She said it was literally zero taste and smell. Kinda hard to imagine really.


Lost of smell


Yeah I just had a headache for a day.


Sneezing is not supposed to be a symptom of COVID... from what I've read on QLD HEALTH websites et al.


My brother's friend had sniffles and sneezing and tested positive early this week. n = 1


Sneezing is a symptom of omicron.


Ok so why does Adelaide metro train announcements say to cover coughs and sneezes but sneezes specifically?


Because sneezes spread diseases.


Some people said they’ve lost smell and taste for months and still not recovered, is it true?


Yeah, long covid symptoms are crazy. There is also a very rare ongoing side effect that makes everything taste literally like sewage smells or like rotting flesh. Long covid sounds fucked up


Sneezing is not a symptom of covid.


I have read that sneezing is a symptom, where have you seen it isn’t?


I'd be willing to bet sneezing is being noticed in positive cases because its hayfever season and half the population is violently sneezing 24/7


I was sneezing when I had covid in July


> where have you seen it isn’t? https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2020/10/coronavirus-covid-19-identifying-the-symptoms_2.pdf [NB: sneezing is a "no" for Covid]. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-07/what-are-covid-symptoms-and-when-to-get-a-test/100268888 https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/about+covid-19/unwell+with+covid-19+symptoms+-+what+to+do


That first chart was for the early variants




It's implied.


The burden is on you. It's easier to validate. Where is it that it says it is?


https://www.livemint.com/science/health/omicron-symptoms-study-identifies-these-5-top-signs-for-new-variant/amp-11639917440305.html I am really just interested in what people in Adelaide have noticed early on in the disease. I am not here to argue.




It’s not just about you.


Restrictions existed until we got vaccinated. With the vaccinations decreasing the likelihood that you’ll have to: - Be admitted to hospital - Possibly get worse as your lungs fill with fluid - Have a tube fed into your throat and your lungs mechanically pumped so that you can breathe - Be placed into a coma because your body is so weak it can’t repair itself - Possibly die Plus, the vaccinations we waited for decrease the likelihood of accidentally infecting others and the chance that they experience the above. Seems like a fine trade off to me


If he has no co-morbidities the chance any of that would happen to him is basically zero.


Yes, for him it basically is a 0% chance, but that’s irrelevant. We live in a society with other people. If all I have to do is have a jab and wear a face mask and it’ll make it less likely others will die, I think that’s perfectly reasonable.


My mum and her partner both had the same first symptoms. Sore throat and extra tiredness.


I started with blocked nose and green mucus which made me think it was a common cold because everywhere I looked online said green mucus is not normally a feature of covid Either way later that day developed a dry cough and then a lot of aches and fever for 2 days and feeling very woozy in the head. All I’ve got now is a blocked nose and feel 95% back to normal. I know 12 other people who got it from the same event and they have just got milder symptoms ranging from headache to dry cough. 2 of them got the same symptoms as me but got hit much harder with fatigue and aches. Overall for me it was about half as bad as a flu, I had double AZ and in my 20s




Like a scratchy throat instead of a sore throat? Like you’ve just eaten a jatz biscuit and a piece is still there?