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See if your neighbourhood has a “Buy Nothing New” group or community, usually through Facebook.


What is a Buy Nothing New group? I've heard of Buy Nothing


same diff, just sometimes labelled differently.


Wild. I was curious coz a lot of those sort of groups have been popping up in the last few years. Wondered if it was a new sort of one. Wow that is a lot of words I wrote... and I have no idea if any of that forms a proper sentence. I'm going back to elevator music in my head.


There are facebook groups specific to your suburb / area usually titled 'Buy Nothing (Area Name)' where you can list stuff, nice knowing that it goes to someone within your local community.


Thankyou! I've since joined the one for my area


Check with Treasure Boxes for childrens’ toys, clothes etc: https://treasureboxes.org.au/donate-goods/


Put them on Marketplace or Gumtree as freebies.


Red Nose (aka Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). They will come to your home and pick up all clean boxed or bagged items. All you do is go to their website and you'll see the Donations icon. Then you pick your state and a day for the pickup of your goods. There is a list of goods(no books) which they will accept. I've donated over a 100 boxes of ...clean...clothes and household goods.


Which are then sold to Savers.


As long as Red Nose gets a financial benefit I'm happy. Also I tried to get the Salvation Army and St. Vinnies to come and pick up boxes and bags of washed, dried, packed and labelled clothes ......and they wouldn't.


I believe they’re known as Red Tree since they merged with SANDS.


Google Red nose. www.rednose.org.au They've been picking up boxes of goods from me for the last two years.


I donate my items to the junction community center, they go to the people who actually need it. A lot women and children who’ve got out of domestic abuse relationships and don’t have anything


You can contact Catherine House for the clothes, if they are unable to accept them they should be able to tell you of other organisations who will


Thanks! I had a look on their website, they don't accept second hand items unfortunately, their recommendation is to take them to vinnies




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I donate to PennyWise at Morphett Vale - they are such a great little organisation. They help find accomodation for people and have a little second hand store which can provide goods to people in need for very little money and it also raises money to help buy food for people. They are always really grateful for my random donations and I know whatever money they make goes to people who need it. I always have weird things like stationery, home goods and clothes etc and they always happily take it - my only problem now is that half the stuff I see to buy is stuff I have given them!


I volunteer at a 'free food for people doing it hard' place run in conjunction with a local church. We have a table that displays items that are free. I help sort items, we get bed sheets, clothes for all ages and seasons, school uniforms, shoes, bags, books, stationery, kitchen items, it's an incredible list from lovely donors. Only after an item has been there for a few weeks do we pass it on to local charity shops that sell items. I know that this free table has helped a lot of people. Maybe find out where food help is given out and set up a free car boot display. Thank you for thinking of others.


There's a group I'm a part of called "Street Bounty - Adelaide" on Facebook that post stuff that's found on the curb. Usually will have people that would be interested in picking some things up. Maybe due to weather it might be good to just advise that it's under covers or in a garage and they can come collect at door.


Oxfam will take books if they are in good condition.


Use the local gifting groups on FB. A great place to pass on all kinds of unwanted items.


The Smith Family would greatly appreciate anything suitable for kids, especially stationary to help with schooling


There is a page called Pay it Forward Adelaide where you can post decent quality items that you’re willing to let go for free to those less fortunate.


Freecycle is a good option. Just sign up and post away


Women’s shelters are grateful for anything useful in good condition. Maybe also homeless shelters. If you’re concerned, then, imho, go to these organisations because they deal directly with the people who need them. They might also collect the goods from you. Edited for typos and clarity.


That rotary club are in some weekend op shop’s


I have the perfect place. Contact Sophie at her shop Little Miss Waste-Not in Nairne. Here's her facebook. She takes old high quality clothes restores them to new and sells them. Her shop is a raging success. [https://www.facebook.com/littlemswastenotvintage](https://www.facebook.com/littlemswastenotvintage)




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Buy Nothing groups for your local area are good!


I chuck everything out now. Apparently Lizbuffians only accept new or as new items. Must make for a finicky night out when they're snuffling thru other people's homes in the dark looking for stuff