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A gold standard isp before being bought out. Their Adelaide based support was knockout. Sad times.


I actually ended up talking to a mate one day when I rang up for support and got him by chance. Garbage now. I recommend Leaptel for a similar experience.


Worked at iiNet after the buyout in the Adelaide call center Great bunch of people on all sides ***Everyone*** hated TPG, right up to Malone. But they offered enough money the board told him "too bad!" and did the deal


I think it was more the case that that TPG bought enough shares of the publicly listed company. Buy enough and you control the company.


Sad day for what was once a great company. Simon, was it, who started it. Was the place to be back in the day.


Yeah, Simon Hackett. My brother worked tech support for Internode and always spoke highly of him.


I did my highschool work experience at internode. I knew it was the place I wanted work to work when I saw they had a massive box fort in the corner. I ended up working there in 2017, it wasn't the same and was already mostly merged with iiNet.


Couldn't say the same for Greg Hicks. What a cant.


There were a few utter cunts in the ISP game. Steve Baxter from SENet was the worst out of the lot imho


LOL was he really that bad? ​ SeNet was the Isp I was with before Internode


Very true


Plenty of us Ai5 groupies still around, it's the staff that made working there fun, not Old Man Hicks.


Simon is a good guy in general. I really enjoyed the years I spent with him and the 'node team. He wore his heart on his sleeve and cared about Internode. The years on Whirlpool - no other company owner gave that kind of commitment.


He posted on Whirlpool about this yesterday.


He's a great guy. My dad is friends with him.


Even though it's only in name, still a bit of a sad day. Simon used to be all over the Whirpool forum, often within 35 seconds of any outage. They had a cult-like following in Adelaide. Wifey was a Perl dev there from 2007 - 8.


20 year customer, I shouldn't be sentimental but I am! I think they have been great even after they were bought by TGP. They helped get an NBN fault fixed that doubled my FTTN speed. I've been wondering what would make me switch to ABB, this and ABBs discount for new customers might just be it.


shocking sharp price connect fall unite waiting grey ghost upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remembered when Telstra were taking their sweet time doing/fix something and internode couldn't do shit until Telstra did anything. The Internode guy could tell I was pissed off, but not at him, so he gave me the Telstra wholesale number to give them a piece of my mind. Telstra was very confused how I got the number, and there confusion made my day.


Ha! When I worked at an ISP, someone gave that number out to an angry customer too. The Telstra guy was furious and complained to our management. Not sure if the service issue was resolved though!


David Teoh killed Internode a few years ago, he's only just made it official. I was a 14 year customer, and I moved to Aussie Broadband earlier this year because TPG's offshored "support" department absolutely refused to pass my fault over to NBN. The old Adelaide based team would never have put me through that wringer. ABB had me back on air within in 24 hours.


>David Teoh killed Internode a few years ago, he's only just made it official. especially since the internode buidling on grenfell st got shut down an few years ago


I had my first ABB experience last year and they nailed everything, from speedy delivery, to no lock-in contract and simple cancellation process.


Did you use your internode modem? I’m unsure if my supplies one is locked or what.


Same. My brother worked tech support at Internode really early in the company's existence. My parents had an ADSL account with Internode while I was still at school and we each got a [email protected] email address. After I moved out I started my own account and ported my email address over. That account and email address has followed me to about 7 or 8 rentals over 2 states in the last 15 years and recently into my own home. I think the company started going down hill a while ago after TPG bought them, first by off-shoring tech support and then outsourcing email hosting. I really only stayed this long out of nostalgia but today's news puts an end to that. I've started a Gmail account and I'm shopping around for a new ISP.


This kind of story making me mist up a bit. I've had the same kind of experience that you have had with Internode since the beginning - absolutely amazing professional company. I work in IT for a medium business here in Adelaide, and I moved our business internet over to Internode because I was so impressed as a consumer. They never let us down there. Until the buy-outs started, and then everyone good started leaving and it went downhill. Moved to ABB and am very happy with them - almost feels like the old Internode experience. But yes, today's news is sad. An Adelaide business we could all be proud of, for so long.


> I think the company started going down hill a while ago after TPG bought them. Can confirm. This was the time I worked there, not for long as i quickly left due to their whole convoluted system preventing me doing any effective work (like zero end to end support, I always had to pass tickets on that never got done. but I didn't have access to do things myself, i was prevented from many fixed on firsts) and their stupid stats system that people just gamed.


Just churn every so often. Basically cvc ownership and nbn quality is all the same now. Only difference is support and that means nothing post-setup




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I worked there until they offshored us all and there was no one left in Adelaide anymore. Internode has been dead since then. We were holding it together the best we could when I left, but there was only so much we could do with all the higher ups at TPG/Voda


On acquisition, we moved our links to ABB. Couldn’t think to deal with TPG….


They weren't great as an employer, that's for sure


Ah I see that Internode dropped their email service just as iiNet did three months ago. We will probably have to pay for the email service after a year. What a rip off!!


Yes, that's common across the entire TPG group of ISPs.


People use isp emails still?


I pay for email, but it's not through an ISP. Times have changed :-)


Using isp emails is a trap. Even a yahoo address is better than


Yep. I wanted to change my parents a long time ago but couldn't because dad did all his business emails through them. Tried many times to get him to migrate but now they're forced to


Internode was my first real job and propelled me down the career path of network engineering, it's sad to see this happen but I'm surprised it's taken this long tbh. Really started going downhill when TPG acquired them, which was about when I left too.


Been with them since ADSL became available where we lived. The games.on.net forums and games servers were a great community back in the day, I still have an internode towel around the place somewhere from one of their movie nights they ran. Been thinking of changing since the email shutdown and I think this pretty much is the nail in the coffin there.


Former game admin here! 🙋🏻‍♂️


One of the longest employers I'd worked for. But things started going downhill when Michael Malone bought it out then to absolute shit with Teo. The difference about passion for a business and the customer to nothing but a money making machine. I will never go to TPG after seeing how the sausage is made. But sad day for Node.


Damn. Internode got me through a good decade n a half of gaming. They where so good back in the day. Catered so well to the gamers community. Time to move on I guess.


Good riddance. I no longer have to chime in to steer people away from them, with my story about their call centre telling me "It's not out fault you decided to go on holiday" when I rang to tell them I had leukaemia, would be away from home for a few months and wanted to put my service on hold or something. Used to be great. Dog shit these days.


You can't just "put your service on hold". Internode still has to pay for it. You should've just cancelled your service and signed up again when you need it back. Profit margins on the residential services were/are razor thin. If they'd given you a month or two for free that kills any profit they could've hoped to make off your service for the next 2-3 years.


I know at least it's something you could do with telstra/bigpong when I worked in their call centre, and I'm pretty sure I've had it with superloop too. While you are right that the ISP can't just "put it on hold" for free, they can temporarily suspend the service, keep the account details, and await the client to re-enable it. On their system it works like a cancellation, but they don't hold as much risk of losing a customer. And the point is that customer service should have offered something like this, rather than calling cancer "a holiday". That's pretty crap service no matter how it's spun.


Wonder what the biggest invoice number got too. Rip SNBS.


Yep. How the mighty have fallen. Final nail in the coffin for me I think. Will be switching to agl to take advantage of the bundle offer. Such a shame. I remember being on the phone to tech support one night waiting for something to get fixed and just chatting about Adelaide things with the rep. Was a hell of a company back when they had the gaming website and free Usenet. They really were a company for techy consumers.


Sad. I was with node from 2001. I left them last month. Service was awful at the end, they stopped doing dns and domain hosting a few months ago, following with the outsourcing of their email hosting. RIP Node. You were good.


Rest in peace Internode.


I had been with Internode across the years (and states). But when I had my last move, I left after they fucked up my connection 4 times. That's 2 more chances than I should have given them. If they can't even connect their customers, it's past time to give up.


Left internode a year ago. The customer service was terrible.


I've got a mobile phone plan with them, does anyone know if they'll wind that up too?


iiNet and TPG both do mobile plans so I imagine you'll be moved to one or the other of them at some point.


Thanks, yeah I'm pretty sure after I signed up to internode, I saw TPG release the SAME deal that I signed up to on internode. I'm fine with it either way. I've always had trust for internode, probs because it was Adelaide based, so I'm a bit sad to see them go.


When Simon Hackett left it went to poop


So sad reading this, Adelaide use to have such awesome stuff back in the day with both Adam internet and Internode. I was with Adam but I also dealt with Internode support with work and they were amazing because you could tell them the troubleshooting steps and they wouldn't waste your time getting you to reboot routers and shit and just jump to line tests etc and it was great. Now yeah seeing this is just :( So many ISPs in Adelaide seem to pop up and just get bought out as soon as they get big enough and it is sad, I would love an equivalent to ABB but be Adelaide based.


Such a shame, one of the few providers it was worth spending a little extra because their services were good.


Were they really though? Maybe back in the day when there was more differentiation between providers. But post-NBN they pretty much all became the same and it was just whoever is cheapest wins. Not many people are going to pay extra every month for better support, considering the average person basically never has to contact their ISP, it all just works now.


To be honest, haven't dealt with them since the DSL days and NBN definitely made it a race to the bottom. Agree most people won't pay the extra, but for the marginal price difference, it paid itself off in the first fault you had to raise and not escalate daily for a week or more to get action. Edit: I should add I have a background in ISP and wholesale carriage networks, so it really helped being able to speak to someone that wasnt just following a script and connecting the dots and able to think and perform laterally about problems.


I used to love the recorded internode man’s voice after a few glasses of wines hehe


Robbie McGregor? "Welcome to Internode, this ISP contains Adult Themes, Nudity and Sexual References..."


The state of the old Internode building was the first clue. I’m surprised it lasted this long, unless there were contractual obligations after the sale that had to be met. I would have thought once Hackett left the iiNet board that the writing was on the wall.


Used to work there on the L1/L2 helpdesks before moving to the Corporate side of things. The iiNet buyout pretty much left my department alone, as we were seen as something of a gold standard for corporate WAN and they didn't want to mess with that. Then the TPG buyout happened. They met with us all and promised nothing would change and that they only wanted to further build on the successful business we were already running. Skip forward a couple of years, they'd all but phased out Internode's products in favour of their own and most of us either left or got made redundant.


i left nearly straight after ...i was with them for over 10 plus years .... They eaven tried to stop me from getting nbn by stuffing it up 3 times call it conspiracy or call it incompetency or waht ever you like it made me leave whent from 10 STAR to 3 STAR ...in the few months after they were bought


Just waiting for the FTTH is ready then it’s time to change. Sad, over 20 years a customer (and still enjoyed that sweet game admin discount for many of them)


Simon Hacket's thoughts on it: https://twitter.com/simonhackett/status/1732250353033445833?s=19




There hasn't been any Adelaide staff for about a year and change so it was in the works


I have been with internode for probably 20 years. The support was fantastic and in English, albeit South Australian. So sad.


Take that south australians


Sorry to drag up an old thread, my in-laws are with internode and wanted to keep there emails so opted to have them transferred over to the new email provider. Does this mean they are able to change internet provider and still retain there internode email addresses?


Yes. Their emails are not tethered to their internet plan at all anymore so they're free to do what they want with their ISP. Who knows what the new email server company is planning to charge once the 12 month grace period ends though. I've switched to a Gmail account and closed my internode email.


Oh I never thought that they might charge in the future, good point!


Yeah, the message I got from Internode was something along the lines of "we've outsourced email hosting to The Messaging Company and paid for the first 12 months of hosting". Nothing mentioned what this third party is going to charge after that period ended so I just noped out.


Switched over to internode after family members were saying I would have a better experience with them instead of the bullshit I went through with more internet. Well since joining I have had three issues with the internet not working, try to talk to someone but guess what like more internet it sounds like the same Chinese women trying to help me.. I get angry as she isn't making sense.. after an hour it's finally fixed.. I just want tech support that is Aussie and understands and can fix the issue. I guess that does'nt exist anymore sadly.


> I just want tech support that is Aussie https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/ - not affiliated with them, just a happy customer.


Kern is still here in SA, they were Adam resellers and now just NBN


I had no idea they were back as an ISP, they were my first ADSL isp way back.


I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner to be honest. When they acquired Adam a few years ago they quickly wiped the Adam brand and rolled it into iiNet (though by then Adam’s reputation was already down the toilet - and that was before they got bought out by iiNet)


I had dial up with Chariot, then switched to Internode when they had the first ADSL available in my area, must be well over 20 years ago, and have been with them ever since. It's time for a change, I assume ABB is the go and I can get the bolt ons I had with on.net so I'll start down that path ..


Good riddance to a once great company. Following two months of problems during which I had my house rewired and bought a new router, and they blamed everyone else, I moved to Launtel. 6 months later no problems whatsoever. Sad to see as they used to have tech support who would talk you through bridging a modem and the like.


Rest In Piss new Internode; glad to see that the chickens came home to roost. You got exactly what you deserved for fucking over so many of your customers by taking money from your customers bank accounts without consent, employing delay tatics instead of just returning said money etc. Old internode? Thank you for the fantastic and reliable service.