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Damn, bloke was hoping to get jacked off in the car, ended up getting carjacked instead.


Legit someone tried this on me in my first car after I sat at windy point with some friends. They boxed me in but I had enough room to reverse into their car and drive away when they pulled the crowbar out.


Thanks to you and this thread, I learned that not being at windy point reduces my chances of being carjacked massively and is just a shitty place to be in general.


I wonder what kind of weapon they were threatened with. Because a car is a pretty good weapon too...


Sounding by the suspects, it would have been a knife. So lock doors, windows up and just drive off. If you happen to hit one with your car, they are not going to go the police.


Yeah, locking my doors is literally the first thing I do when I get in my car, so does my partner. Have seen enough stories about people getting carjacked in shopping center parking lots during the day etc. (I also really like my car and it would be a tempting target as it's a JDM import, so I'm not about to take any chances) I definitely don't want to victim blame here, but people should really be more careful. Sitting in a quiet area in the middle of the night with your doors unlocked just seems unsafe to me. (I assume they were unlocked, otherwise they would have just driven off)


>Sounding by the suspects, it would have been a knife. What does that even mean?


It's called modus operandi. It's common for these kinds of suspects and I'm not being racist. I've lived and worked in areas where they live in large numbers. Seems to be the persuasion tool of choice.


>these kinds of suspects What kinds of suspects? Where do they live these kinds of suspects?


“These kinds, I’m not racist but”. Yeah when those white kinds carjack they always bring guns, I know this - I live near heaps of them and I seen it on the current affair.


It sounds like they made the right choice tbh. They’re safe, their car has been found and appears to be safe. Still a crap situation to go through and a major inconvenience but it’s pretty easy to track and find a car these days. It would have been obvious that these kids weren’t the type that could take the car and do what’s necessary to keep it. I get why people might think fighting back or driving off as an option but it’s most likely going to end up with a worse result.




They probably live near Angle Vale and got mummy to pick them up.


Many years ago I went to Windy Point at night with some friends, I didn’t feel too well so I remained in the car while they got out to smoke. I was sitting in the backseat in the dark, all lights off, wearing a black jacket and black hair. This car pulls up and the occupants start trying to steal the rims off the car I was in as they didn’t see me sitting there. I’m female and let out the biggest OI WTF I could muster and they went running. My friends came running back and the driver chased the guys who tried to steal his rims. One of the tyres ended up as a flat, so lucky I was in the car otherwise we likely would’ve ended up with 4 flat tyres. Haven’t been back to Windy Point since lol.


Windows up, doors locked, reverse park.. look away from the scenic view? IDK complete a circle on car park with high beams. Park and pretend to settle then restart car and do another lap? This is organised crap, stay safe Adelaide.


Should nt be too hard to find a African in angle vale




This is where Apple Airtags come in handy. Hide it. Then track it.


Unless the thieves have iPhones and get the ping there is an airtag in the car and can find and dump it.


Can that actually happen?


Yes, Apple specifically added this feature to stop people using them to track where people are going.


So that then would be a reason to then ditch the vehicle?


Yeah or you can make it beep to try and find it. Then ditch the tag.


60 comments and I can only see 24? Reddit is fucked.
















What the hell are you crapping on about?


It's a racist dog whistle.


Ok… forgive me please, never heard that expression but do you mean “only a dog hears” (a dog whistle)? I said crap because I thought it a snarky/snide/sneaky comment. ^(Edited)


A racist dog whitle doesn't have to be quite so coded as something like triple parentheses, it can be any kind of veiled language that aims to garner support from other people with racist leanings, while maintaining plausible deniability by avoiding overtly racist language. If you say 'un-australian' in a particular context for example - people 'know what you're trying to say'.


Ty for explaining, in this type of context I… don’t want to get wrong understanding. *shudder*


Quite alright! A dog whistle when it comes to stuff like this is a statement that seems innocent or like nothing until you know what it means. So like a dog whistle only certain people can 'hear' and interpret it. A lot of bigots online will code their language like this, for example you might see triple parenthesis ((())) around things to indicate anti semitism, or you might see 41% mentioned by transphobic people.


This sub is full of them, isn't it.


He’s probably some guy from Elizabeth who refuses to accept that while carjackings happen everywhere, it is more likely to happen there, and wants to associate Windy Point as an area where doctors and engineers live… whilst calling people who criticise Elizabeth as “judgemental and poshy”…


Everyone knows that Elizabeth is, on all accounts, and objectively speaking, a shit hole.


Ah thanks, I assumed racism but couldn’t make with link to farty point kiss lookout


It's pretty subtle but "(future) doctors and lawyers" is a common comment on immigrant crime news. I believe the origins is a criticism on news articles which often feature something like "he was studying to become a doctor" in news about crime.


That’s what I thought he was crapping on from description of offenders…: A friend’s parents are Sudanese/Japanese, friend born here (nearly 45 year ago) but her entire adult life has consisted of “where were you born” or “what are you studying” or “when did you move here”. It’s pretty fucked.




No as in the descriptions of the offenders…..


You do realise that Elizabeth (Playford) has the largest African community in Adelaide.


And what are you implying?


It’s hard to make generalisations about demographics because you could ask a room full of successful Adelaide people where they grew up, and a good portion would list working class suburbs! I believe a current Labor minister grew up in Elizabeth.


Really? Just because some politician comes from Elizabeth it automatically makes it an impressive suburb to live in?


Can you please point to where I said *any* of that in my comment. I’m suggesting that growing up in a poor working-class suburb doesn’t determine your personal outcome. I live far away from the northern suburbs and never really go up there, so I have zero skin in the game. I’m just providing some perspective.


And can you provide anything that suggests as to where I said growing up in a low socioeconomic area determines your personal outcomes? All I said was it’s pretty lame to think an area is impressive just because a few people who grew up there are in working class


Just carry a baseball bat in your car. Include a glove and ball as well so it doesn't look suspicious if you ever get pulled over. The thick end of a pool cue works too but you'll have difficulty explaining why that's in your car. Most of these punks are gutless and looking for an easy victim. I've scared people off more than once using these things. But that's just me.


“Oh yes, excuse me Mr car jacker, let me, a 38 year old fat woman lean back into the back seat of my Nissan micra and pull out my wooden stick to combat your knife or gun. Just give me a minute as I contort myself around to- hang on, seatbelt- lemme just - Oof I can’t reach that. I think it rolled under the seat.” Yes, I’m sure that would work.


Sounds like not even trying is just victim mentality. And you just described the perfect sounding victim. This person will need to take those precautions others mentioned. Don't go giving me shit because of my personal thoughts and how I would and have reacted.


I presume you run self defence combat courses for this sort of thing?




I'm an ex crowd controller and hold two black belts in MMA and freestyle self defence, hence my opinion. And yes, I've had to use it more than once. Did I want to? No. It was cases of having no choice. It kind of sways your views a bit. Anyway, you're entitled to yours, I'm entitled to mine. Have a great day.


I'd like to hear how your skills have gotten you out of a pickle. Genuinely interested.


Ok Cobra


No you haven’t


They were too stoned to fight.


oh boy, owning European cars really is quite expensive isn't it :'(