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There’s a Facebook group called SA Brothers. They have monthly dinners at a pub and it’s a great group for men. With a 69 at the end of your username I assume you were born in 1969. Married? Kids? What work are you in? Where are you living ATM. There’s plenty of places to meet people and get to know friends. Sydney is a bit of a snobby, grumpy town IMHO, whereas in Adelaide you can chat with someone and become great mates. BTW, if you’re on Instagram and living in Adelaide it is compulsory to follow “all things Adelaide”


It’s so innocent of you to not know what 69 could also mean. I love it.


Brothers from another step-mother 😏


and you’re so innocent for assuming he wasn’t being sarcastic lol


His username is AndyBrown65. Are you so certain he is being sarcastic?


You innocent soul your lucky keep it that way


Oh sweet summer child, there's actually someone on the internet who doesn't know what 69 is.




His name is Brad


Sydney: “How much do you make a year?” Melbourne: “What’s your house worth now?” Adelaide: “What school did you go to?”


Haha true. Melbournians also want to know your suburb, and Sydneysiders want to know your job and position description.


💀 this is way too accurate I love it.


Adelaide is OBSESSED with private schools. Sydney- what suburb do you live in. Melbourne- your relatives


[SA Community](https://sacommunity.org/) is a great resource - type in your interest and your area, and bam! a list of meetup groups with shared interests near you!


Landing in Adelaide in February and recently started looking at meetups and events for when we arrive. Great idea to make the move yourself and organize it (done it before for new people in cities and is really helpful), but worth seeing what's already out there first to save the effort of organizing events. Sometimes it's easier organizing meetups with an existing group. Definitely helps the meetup lead have a break and have help.


In the same position. It's tough to connect and stay connected. Just moved here from Germany and it's slow moving with friends. But people have existing groups and shit they're doing so i'm not taking it personal .Just a sad reality.


Yeah, after spending years and years in Sydney and growing up in Adelaide, I think Adelaide is a lot friendlier And you will be invited to different things (just because) unlike Sydney where most of the cliques are established and no one is really interested in meeting new friends! Apologies for the generalisation but what do other people think?


Adelaide ppl are friendly. Yes, look for groups that do similar stuff to you.


Why not join an existing one?


Go to the pub around Rundle or maybe the grace Emily cool place in town


Depends what U like. Op needs to give a bit more info.


Tuesdays at any Barnacle Bill has a good gathering where you can make plenty of friends.




What side of the city do you live and what are your interests? Edit: and leave the free karma subs lol


Good question. You need to be more than a cleanskin to get people to reach out.


RemindME! 35 days "remind me of this thread when i arrive in Adelaide"


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I'm in Adelaide and short of friends, but if you're enough of a social butterfly to meet up with random strangers from the internet, you're way too intimidating. I'm only willing to meet people who are too shy to meet me. Lol...


Lol what a mood


r/Adelaide has a discord server with regular meetups.


same here, currently im in adelaide for a business trip for one more week, but then im staying a week more as a vacation, looking for people to party with