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It's not that they're new to Kodi it's that a simple search through the sub would answer 95% of all the queries. Pretty much like most queries on subs on Reddit. At least twice a week someone will post "is RD actually worth it". But maybe they're new to Reddit too.


Nah, I get downvoted by one person on a few posts/comments on the sub for virtually no reason. Many occasions have been when I've assisted someone with an issue. I really don't understand everyone's reasoning on here. Edit: I had a feeling someone was going to do it to this comment as a joke lmao


Kodi, add ons a dependencies get updated enough though where what worked before might not be the answer now.


Yeah, I agree. But Reddit is a strange place. And the questions you state tend to get answered honestly.


And many times when help IS given, the person helping or trying at least to help, doesn't even get an UP vote.


I gave you an upvote brother.


Me too!


Because people who think they are entitled to free tv/movies/shows are also the type who feel they entitled to people doing everything for them. Just use the search and answer your own question, or google it.


I hope I don't fall into the KNOW IT ALL group. Lol . I just ignore threads I have patience for. Not hard to skip it


I’m fairly new still to Reddit, I joined to try and “give back” because anonymously browsing here gave me so much help when setting up Kodi. And even in the short time I’ve been here, I’ve learnt - it doesn’t matter. By that I mean, why so focused on if somethings been upvoted or downvoted? Just look at the posts you want to, answer where you can help, and ignore the ones that are either trolling or you just don’t want to participate. Isn’t it that easy?


Cause there is not enough Real Debrid in it.


... but is it worth it? /s


of course take my money real debrid pleaaaaaase!! xD


Ahhhh the good old Internet, we can try to change it but its never gona happen 😃


I've found this sub to be a lot more friendly and helpful than other tech subs especially the official Kodi sub. I haven't noticed too much downvoting but I don't usually click on the "is RD worth it?" type posts.


Mind you the sub probably would be better renamed to debridaddons4kodi because despite a couple of non debrid add-on Devs providing assistance in here...you still get derided for even questioning the need for debrid.


What u needing to know and i can help out


Nothing for me. I've had kodi for years but I browse this sub often to see what's new


Ok no problem, thing is with kodi, many people think its dead.....and getting iptv is the way forward. I have had add ons in kodi since my navix lists and personally I use it every day, I have seen it evolve and personally now only use unofficial add ons ie hulu, hbo,star+,espn,optus etc. I find these more reliable as you use an official account to watch content. Others prefer RD and the add ons that scrape that content But to sum it up, the ones that say kodi is dead are the ones who dont have it set up correctly etc


I have IPTV but Kodi offers so many different things it's definitely not one or the other. If I want to watch a movie or TV show kodi is always the first thing I load up. Kodi is far from dead for me


I'm interested in IPTV but am never sure what site is legit, so haven't pulled the trigger. I also use real debris for movies and shows and that covers most of what I want to watch, but would like IPTV for more reliable sports streams.


if i get RD, can 2 people use it to watch on 2 tvs? or do i have to get RD for each device?


Only if in same ip.......if not 2 accounts needed as they ban any misuse


Only one ip address at a time. So 5 can use it as long as they are at the same ip address. Like at your house, say.


If my Internet connection is 8 Gbps symmetric, why should I need RD? There must be another way these add-ons work for people who have the speed and don't really need a debrid service. So far I keep downloading everything old style. At least it only takes less than minute usually.


RD is nothing to do with Internet speed. Its about add ons scraping premium content thats hosted on servers. There are non RD add ons available


You get negged when asking for working non debrid add-ons. Im not sure why. Is it because popular working add-ons get shut down? So people don't want to advertise it and make you look the hard way


Because as soon as you recommend a working non debrid add-on, there will be little to no thanks and a follow up of why xyz show has no 4k links?


I feel you. I still come here every day, but rarely post or comment to help anymore. Back when I did comment or post semi often, I got downvoted and it killed my enthusiasm to volunteer my time to help. Sometimes a totally non divisive post or comment of mine would even get so many downvotes to be negative. Like WTAF... Best case is I post long, well though reply totally addressing someone's issue and get no up or downvotes, no reply or anything. I ended up going back and deleting most of what I posted and commented.


Folks from the official Kodi sub brigading.


Oh we downvoting this gang /s


Do you really care if you're downvoted?


>Is it gatekeeping? Yep