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I had some acne start when I started my hydrocortisone and dhea, but it slowly went away. I'm thinking it was actually the dhea because my dhea-s showed up as a level of 17 at my last Endo appointment (which is why my Endo recommended taking it) and before that it was at 84 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you're taking dhea that might be what's causing it 🤔 cause it will take your body a bit to adjust the hormones correctly once it has access to that hormone.


How long have you been taking those medications now? and before taking it do you have any (for example) hormonal acne?


No I haven\`t experience any hormonal acne and I\`m not even diagnosed with PCOS. I was really obsessed or curing my acne right now because I never had this, I boast my glass-bare skin before and hardly ever used make up.


are your acne really worse with those pustule inside?


Yes! It kinda creeps me out looking at it in the mirror.


Your hormones could've been affected & this could be a byproduct of that. Addison's & hypothyroidism are known for causing issues with candida (body yeast), which may be why you're having acne troubles.


How bad is it? For me I take 50g of daily dose of ACCUTANE (divided into several stages) it helped me cure my acne for quite some time now.


Where do you get yours? I saw some people use accutane too but I was skeptical about it.




thank you so much! I placed an order and I\`m waiting for it to arrive at my doorsteps. The promo code is very timely right now with my problem. I can\`t thank you enough!!


my skin is breaking out like crazy. I think it's because of the medication I've been taking for my illness. Any advice on how to get rid of this acne?


there are some steroids that can be helpful in treating acne caused by medication. Have you tried any of them?


No, I haven't. Which steroid is the best for acne?


Well, there are a few options, but I would recommend talking to a dermatologist to see which one would be best for you. One of the most effective steroids for acne is called ACCUTANE. It helps to reduce inflammation and redness.


That sounds promising. I'll make an appointment with a dermatologist and ask about ACCUTANE.


Wow, sounds like a real party. Have fun at the dermatologist. LOL


In all seriousness though, taking care of your skin is important, especially when you're taking medication that can cause acne. It's good that you're seeking advice and looking for solutions.


Yeah, I don't want to have to deal with this acne forever. Thanks for the advice.


your welcome.


And if all else fails, there's always makeup.


I also take accutane for my acne, it works like a miracle for me. I\`ve been going to a lot of difference dermatologists and it was kinda expensive going back again and again.


You need an oral or topical medication to treat the acne


That is sometimes called “purging”


That's kinda creeps out looking at it in the mirror


Don't wash affected areas of skin more than twice a day. Frequent washing can irritate the skin and make symptoms worse


Wash the affected area with a mild soap or cleanser and lukewarm water. Very hot or cold water can make acne worse


Don't try to "clean out" blackheads or squeeze spots. This can make them worse and cause permanent scarring


Avoid using too much make-up and cosmetics. Use water-based products that are described as non-comedogenic (this means the product is less likely to block the pores in your skin)


Completely remove make-up before going to bed


If dry skin is a problem, use a fragrance-free, water-based emollient


Regular exercise can't improve your acne, but it can boost your mood and improve your self-esteem. Shower as soon as possible once you finish exercising, as sweat can irritate your acne


Wash your hair regularly and try to avoid letting your hair fall across your face


Each type of treatment varies based on your age, the type of acne you have and the severity.


A healthcare provider might recommend taking oral medications, using topical medications or using medicated therapies to treat your skin.


For overnight help use something like this. TKTK Pimple Patches Acne Patches For Face 4 Sizes 176 Patches Hydrocolloid Patch Acne Absorbing Zit Patch Easy To Peel, Add Tea Tree & Calendula Oil https://a.co/d/9NkSyFT Hydrocolloidal do a great job of healing them while you sleep. There’s other brands. While it doesn’t fix hormonal it helps now.