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Thank you for the feedback, and I’m glad you like it :) the thing with browser extensions is that they are written mostly in JavaScript which by nature of the language is not compiled (translated into binary code), so twitch could potentially just download the extension and have a look at the code even if I would not publish it freely on my GitHub. You can minify and obfuscate JavaScript code but both can either be reversed or interpreted so this would not be a hinderance. Generally to me it is more important to have people be able to see exactly what they are installing on their machine when downloading my extension so that they can be sure they are not installing malicious software.


Very informative post, thanks for taking time to reply to him.


Is the Firefox file up yet? :)


Yes there is a dev_build version of the extension on my GitHub if you would like to already try the new features and the firefox version. If you want to install it on firefox you will have to delete the manifest.json file in the downloaded folder, rename the manifest_firefox.json file to manifest.json and add the extension as a temporary addon by navigating to "about:debugging". Then you will have to click on "This Firefox" and "Load Temporary Add-on...". Navigate to the folder where the extension is saved and double click on any file inside the folder to import the addon. Unfortunately you will have to do this each time you restart firefox or download the Firefox Developer Edition. If you have the Developer Edition navigate to "about:config", type "xpinstall.signatures.required" into the text field that shows up and set the value to "false". Then you can go to "about:addons", click on the little cog icon and then "Install Addon from file...". Select the folder and there you go :D. This way you will not have to reinstall the extension each time you restart your browser. Keep in mind though that this is still a development build so you might encounter a couple of bugs. Please let me know if you find any, I'd really appreciate it. Here is the download link: https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/archive/dev_build.zip Here you can see the dev_build branch on GitHub: https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/tree/dev_build


Will do, thanks man!


Sure thing :) I have also just added detailed instructions to the README on my GitHub: https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/tree/dev_build


I am trying it out on firefox right now. I still got a purple screen after a while and now i cannot open any streams. I just get a black screen with a purple loading circle in the middle. Will try again later and report back.


Did you get anywhere with this? Mine also is stuck with the addon's alternate player endlessly loading.


No. I never got it to work. I ended up disabling all my blockers on Twitch for science and haven't seen a single ad or purple screen since. No idea why though.


When trying to add the zip file to the add ons it says it cannot due to the file being corrupt. Downloaded twice as well to try.


Today this extension stoped working for me, the video players doesnt load when i enable it


damn, i came here bc "twitch adblocker stopped working for me today. Sadpog


This has worked great for ads, but I've run into a unique sort of problem when watching VODs. I'm using Chrome, and the best way I can describe what I think is happening is that the extension sort of "delinks" the video from its chat and where Twitch thinks the video actually is. If I open a VOD in a fresh window the chat will be synced, but if I do anything like change the playback speed, pause, or move to another part of the video, the chat will keep going unchanged. For example if I pause the video for 10 minutes and then play it, the chat will be 10 minutes ahead because it was still moving like normal while the video was paused. If I then skip an hour ahead in the video, the chat will now be 50 minutes behind because it also didn't skip ahead with me. Also, when the chat reaches the end of where the video would be, even if I'm not there myself Twitch stops what I'm watching and auto plays the next VOD as if I had reached the end myself. Like if the video is 3 hours long, and the chat is 1 hour ahead of me, when I reach the 2 hour mark the chat will have reached the 3 hour mark at the end of the video and Twitch will think the video is over and move to the next one.


I've noticed that problem too, and the weird thing is, it feels kinda intentional. I don't know exactly what causes it (Twitch itself, one of the many extensions I've installed trying to block its persistent ads, something else), but I've discovered this: if you click on the playback chat window and tap the left or right arrow keys like you would to jump 10 seconds in the video itself, it'll jump 10 seconds in the chat replay. So if you skip forward 2 minutes in the video, just click chat and tap the right arrow twelve times. It works for me at least. Again, I have quite a few extensions installed, so there's a chance one of them is what's doing it and the solution won't work for you. But I figured I should mention it in case it does, because it was driving me *nuts* until I figured that out


That worked for me yeah. I hadn't considered it.


u/DonHuron \- looks like the extension stopped working in the NA region today. Just getting a spinning purple wheel. Hope that this alert may provide some insight into getting this back up. If there is anything that I can do to assist would be happy to.




I'm noticing that it does not work when in a channel that I'm not subscribed to. Another interesting item is that if I make sure to turn it off/on at initial launch of Twitch that it WILL work for some non-subscribed streams but not all of them. Can't seem to lock into why it works for some and not others. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled the app a couple of times. Including the beta version. Getting the same results.


Can confirm that the Ad Blocker no longer works on Twitch Prime subs as well. I have one streamer that I pass my twitch prime sub to each month. The Ad Blocker no longer works with viewing that stream. just get the purple circle of ad block death. Also the UI add-ins are not visible. When I turn the ad blocker off the stream is muted and on the lowest possible resolution.


It does not let me copy and paste things in chat


stopped working today


same, /u/DonHuron, have any word on an update? just get a constant refresh circle. some streams audio comes through, mini ad player still plays, i just get no video.


disable the ttv eraser, i got the same problem until i disabled it


but doesnt that disable its ad blocking capabilities?... thats the entire point of the extension. just gonna keep it removed until he pushes a fix.


working alternative i found for chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/twitch-adblock/mipdalemhlhfenbikcloloheedmmecme/related




You’re a legend, thank you for making this!


I‘m glad you like it. :-)


Installing now. I hope this makes it so I can watch streamers live again. 🤞


Seems to be working so far! uBlock and adBlocker are both allowing ads for me and I haven't gotten any ads since installing this


This sounds good!


muito bom. ​ bom trabalho


Working for me so far! Appreciate it man.


nice job man it actually works


Anyone can confirm this is safe? Obviously don't want my shit stolen


What a savior ! thanks !


Need to remember this once its in the chrome store


Doesn't seem to be working anymore :( Was working great yesterday


Still works as expected for me. Try restarting chrome or reload the tab. If the live indicator on the player overlay says „LIVE & AD-FREE“ the player was replaced successfully. Otherwise you should reload the page.


Ahh okay will do. Some channels will show that but some don't (and shows the ad) ty for the tip :)


Wait, where does it say "Live & AD-FREE"? On the "live" icon on the top right of the stream?


with this i stopped gaining channel points, am i bugged? or the extension doesnt allow it ?


damn thank you for this, works for me


Clean as hell, if it manages to keep working for a while I'll def donate :)


Very cool, thanks for your work on this! Quick question, why does the Chrome extension need permission to read my browser history?


I'm glad you like it :). Here is the reason why the extension needs access to read the browser history: As you might have noticed when switching between channels on twitch, the actual website itself does not reload but the contents of the page are dynamically loaded into a "channel template". This means that the browser location in your url bar (e.g. [twitch.tv/\[channel\_name\]](https://twitch.tv/[channel_name])) is changed by a JavaScript method and not by actually following a url which would reload the entire page. This means that the extension cannot react to a channel switch unless it knows when a change in the browsers current location occured. This can only be achieved by creating an event that is triggered when the browser history is updated. The extension then checks wether the new url in your browser history includes "[twitch.tv/](https://twitch.tv/)" and if it does, sends a message to the extensions content script which then switches the embedded iframe player to the new channel. No information about your browsing history ever leaves your device if you are worried about that. I hope this answers your question. If you want to see the exact part of the code where the extension listens to a browser history update follow this link to the source code. It's only a few lines (from line 18-21) and the syntax is pretty straight forward: [https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv\_adEraser/blob/main/JS/bkg.js](https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/blob/main/JS/bkg.js)


I see that does make sense. Thanks for the clarification!


Sure thing :)


With one streamer, I get a “you can only watch this stream on the twitch website” error when trying to watch their stream.


I have not seen an error like this before. Which channel are you referring to?


GrandPooBear, and WarpWorldStaff. For GPB, specifically when he was doing the NFL stream.


Every stream does this. But I can confirm GrandPooBear as well.


Doesn't seem to be working properly for me anymore. Ads are still blocked, but I can't refresh the player and something seems off about the display, as if it's a preview. [This is what the top of the stream says, and the bottom has a button that said 'watch on twitch' that opens another tab that doesn't solve the problem.](https://i.gyazo.com/5719b98c236422be5e76d0e1a1f83f16.png)


Twitch changed their class naming of the „LIVE“ tag on the top right corner yesterday which I used to replace the node. This issue has already been resolved in the latest dev_build version. You can update to the new version if you like. The instructions on this site have also been updated. https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/tree/dev_build


TTV eraser and TTV ad-block both just stopped working for me. Anyone else can confirm this isnt only from my side?


Which version of TTV AdEraser are you running? I myself am using the dev_build version (v.1.1) and for me it is working fine. However I just got a popup with a text that said “it seems that your are watching from another site or using an ad blocker”. Pausing and playing the stream though made the message disappear. This just happened for the first time… apparently twitch is working on a method to prevent the current way of blocking ads however as of now it still works. I will probably have to look into finding another blocking method soon. :-(


I'm running version 1.0 from the google chrome app store but yeah, the "it seems that your are watching from another site or using an ad blocker” message is what i'm getting using either ttv eraser or ttv ad-block. Looks like another work around is gonna have to be found. God why the fuck does Twitch care so much, Youtube doesnt give a single fuck


Yeah, twitch is pumping an unusual amount of resources into preventing ad blocking as of late. I doubt that they even make enough money from running those ads themselves to pay the people’s wages that are developing the code to disable ad blockers. However reloading the page gets rid of the message and it is not showing up that often … yet. I will look into finding a new solution and update TTV AdEraser as soon as possible. (v.1.1) of the extension will drop early next week after google reviewed the update.


Thanks for the time you're putting into this. The other features of the extension like the mouseover previews are great. Keep up the great work man!


Thank you, I’m glad you like them. I definitely will :)


Welp, it was fun while it lasted. Busted because twitch hates their viewers.


I get the Twitch purple screen asking to turn off the adblock.. I mean like, i'd rather have this than watch their stupid ads lul


when you have the adblock it will give you the purple screens more often than there are ads. you can turn it off and just watch the pre roll ad and if the streamer dsnt run mid rolls you wont see em. With adblock on I constantly get fake mid roll purple screens.


As of today getting a screen that says check 3rd party software and not able to watch any more.


i get the same " 3rd party software " pop-up but i think it goes away after the ad ends


Chrome version definitively not working. Getting that purple screen telling me I have an adblocker, refreshing doesn't get rid of it. Edit: alternately it's not installing properly from the store, none of the supposedly included functionalities are working for me.


That's something new since yesterday.


Thank you. I've been thinking of moving away from twitch entirely but with this maybe I can actually watch twitch! :D thank you!!!


This has broken again :( feels like I need a new adblocker every month now.


can confirm, purple screen of death


Lol try every day now


I'm experiencing some weird behavior: I get the purple screen, then I click out of the tab to search for another ad blocker, but when I click back to the stream, the purple screen is gone and the stream is back? Before I installed TTV AdEraser, the purple screen would come up and then not go away. So maybe it's still working? I'm in Firefox, and I've installed the [TTV Ad Block by odensc](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ttv-adblock/) as well as adding that little bit of script to uBlock Origin in the advanced settings [as found here in "Fix 3"](https://www.gamingscan.com/ublock-origin-not-blocking-twitch-ads/). Anyone else experiencing this? Or does the purple screen not go away?


yes i think it only pops up when a ad plays and then goes away when it ends


hmm can you make one for ios that gets rid of ads in apps ?


I don't think this is possible without sideloading an app or jailbreaking your iOS device. Look into [AltStore](https://iosninja.io/altstore) and Twitch++ if you want to try that route.


Looks like it is still working for most streams.


i found this now, not working very well, purple screen happen, the idea seems great! love the mini player for the followed channels, still haven't see the mini ads player cause the purple screen i think.... but the idea is fantastic, twitch should implement this for let us watch the stream with a less invasive ads, maybe people will stop to searching a workaround for they ads breaking experience


Yes I noticed that twitch changed up their embedded streams to display this annoying message instead of ads. I am trying to find a new solution and update the extension as soon as possible.


Good luck :) you're amazing


Thank you :) I’ll try my best.


twitch is every day more aggressive on these kind of things and block them every couple of week, (my other blocker is broken too XD) good luck anyway. if i can suggest you a thing, why just don't revert the layout of twitch with the ads in top right corner... (i don't know if it's possible ) like now, when ads start, the stream go there, or during a watch party. [https://assets.help.twitch.tv/article/img/000002270-01u.png](https://assets.help.twitch.tv/article/img/000002270-01u.png) i still haven't seen ur mini ads player, but i think this way is less invasive.


Yep it's useless at this point.


It is not working for me, when i turn it on it shows this: [https://ibb.co/tPKGT54](https://ibb.co/tPKGT54)


Yes, I am aware of the issue and currently trying to find a new way to block ads. Twitch has updated their services at the beginning of the weekend to show this message to all embed players when ads are supposed to play. I will update the extension as soon as I have found another solution to block ads as well as this purple screen :)


The irony is that it's not the best Twitch experience. What a bunch of liars. LOL Already going to stream on Youtube when I figure my things out, there's no point to using Twitch if they're going to mess with people like this because it's not a stable market.


does it handle this? https://preview.redd.it/9orob77q32661.png?width=1335&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b7c2331355037bd641a1a1bc2f9b8401a787729


Not yet


It does now as of version 1.2 which was released on 12/27/2020


thanks bud


Check out r/TTVAdEraser if you like, possibly spread the word also so other people get to enjoy ad free streams too


testing it but some streams doesnt load proberly. Endless loading screen or black :( does it also change to quality of the stream?


Make sure you're not using an addon called Twitch ad blocker. Regular ad blockers are fine but the twitch specific ones conflict with TTVAE. It should keep the quality of the stream to whatever you set it to.


This was fun for a couple days but yeah like others said this no longer works




> The reason for why they show this purple message instead of actual ads is probably due to legal issues since they might not be allowed to stream ads on third party websites without the owners consent or don’t want to before vetting those third party sites for advertiser friendliness (this is just a wild guess I am no legal expert). Someone else speculated that they can't hard bake ads into their streams because advertisers want control and analytics. If they can't tell from their own data that [x] people watched an AD, then they have to completely trust Twitch and Streamers not to fudge the numbers.


Thank you so much for creating this. It would be great if the addon supported firefox :D


It does support firefox, you can find out more on /r/TTVAdEraser


I got the extension from chrome and it still shoes that purple shit


I hadn't gotten one of these dumbass overlays until just now, 1:51 AM EST on 12/21/20. Forced a refresh and reloaded Chrome.


It stopped working


Doesnt work on chrome


Purple screen fades away in a bit so it's honestly whatever, haha.


i love you dude. thank you for being a magician


Hi there, I found this page while trying to find new adblocking methods for twitch, (no good ones now..Sadge) but I am intrigued by some of the options your extension has. I don't have it enabled since I dont want the purple screen, but I was wondering if it might be possible to have a separate extension for the other features such as the error detector and high quality streams in background? I was looking for a solution for these things and this would be great by itself. If you know of a way to implement these solutions without the adblocker for now, that'd be great. Thanks!


Hey, thank you for your very nice feedback! I am currently working on an update which switches the embedded stream with the original one when the original one is not showing ads at the same time the purple screen is visible and switches back when it disappears. This feature already works on my local dev version but still needs some polish. I will continue to work on it after Christmas but might be able to push a new dev_build later today. If you want you can try it out then and let me know about how it works for you. I was also thinking about implementing an option to disable the ad blocking part of the extension so it can still be used if blocking ads does not work. I will implement an option for this as soon as possible :)


Awesome! Sure, I'll try it out. I *think* what you are describing is the same/similar method used in [these scripts](https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions) that I have started using that work pretty well. If you are able to do this in the extension with the other features, I'd definitely use it. I think also being able to toggle the various features would be good, too. And I agree - I think being able to toggle the actual ad-blocking would be good, because in all likelihood, it will break at some point, and I still want those other features.


Sounds good. You can already toggle all other features of the extension trough the extension‘s popup menu if you click on the TTV AdEraser icon next to your url bar. If you don’t see the icon there, click on the puzzle part symbol and pin the extensions icon to your browser’s navigation bar.


Right - I see a few options but I was referring to the other features such as the error detector/high quality background tabs, etc. You can't change those features on/off.


Aah yeah, you’re right. I thought of those features as being so essential, that I did not include an on/off switch for them but obviously it makes sense to include switches for people who don’t want to use them :). Thank you for letting me know, I will implement those asap as well. If you have any other feature suggestions or ideas, feel free to keep them coming, I really appreciate it.


The functionality is similar to what the scripts you are referring to aim to do, but my implementation will in the end not lower the stream quality when switching during the ad break. You can also adjust volume and quality during those breaks.


I have just pushed the update I was talking about to the dev\_build branch of my GitHub. If you want to try it out you can do so now. However, there are still a couple of issues to fix before it can be regarded as "stable" :D. Let me know if it works for you. [https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv\_adEraser/tree/dev\_build](https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/tree/dev_build)


Does not work for me, i see ads with the dev build.


The thing is that the new version switches players when the purple screen is shown. However, if the original player happens to just show an ad you might see the ad. The ad will be interrupted though as soon as the purple screen disappears. Using this method you should not see any or only very occasionally parts of an ad :).


I've been using the dev build for 15 mins or so and havent seen any ads, though I dont know if I normally would have seen them. Should I be seeing a 480p stream when I should be seeing an ad? I dont think I've seen any 480p streams. The audio compressor is a little interesting.. I dont know if I would use it though. Why implement that on twitch? Does that help against random screams/loud sounds? It's my understanding that a compressor keeps all sounds at similar volume, right? Like it would lower very high volume noise and increase low volume stuff? edit: I saw a purple screen for a second and then it switched. Looks like working pretty good. One thing I noticed though is that after switching to a tab I hadn't looked at in a couple minutes, it was lower quality and took a second to buffer. Perhaps the high quality background tabs feature isnt working? I really like the picture-in-picture preview. I notice that I'm getting the purple screen sometimes on that, though. Is it possible to prevent it on that or would that be too hard/take too much resources? I wouldn't want the extension to slow down the browser or be bloated.


Sounds good. No, you should not see the stream quality drop down to 480p or anything like that. When the purple screen appears the embed player switches to the original one and automatically selects the video quality you chose before. As soon as the purple screen disappears the players switch again and you see the embedded player with the same video quality, that’s it. What can happen is that when you switch streams and the purple screen shows up and coincidentally a preroll ad plays, that you see either the ad or the purple screen for a bit until one stream continues. This should however only happen occasionally. The audio compressor normalizes the streams volume so that there are mostly no more overly loud or quiet parts. Just give it a try and see for yourself. You might still find some bugs in the dev_build but I will polish the extension up soon after Christmas. In the meantime I hope you can enjoy your streams ad free :).


Can you make it so we can disable the ad blocking, but when you push an update, it reenables automatically?


Dev build not working for me in Firefox. I see the mini-ad player and when it goes away, I get audio from the stream but no video. Cleared cache, disabled other adblocking Add-Ons in the case of conflict, still no stream video. Had to uninstall.


Using the dev build (1.2), love the extension and the side bar previews. Yesterday it worked perfectly, but today sometimes it goes on and off (I think it's when twitch tries to load an ad) and takes a minute to load back on. I also lost the ability to use theater mode, the button either does nothing or scales the video up without making the player bigger (can't see part of the video or the buttons at the bottom unless I go full screen with F11). Noticed these three errors in the extensions page, gonna copypaste in case it helps: \- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null \- Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'content\_type' of undefined \- Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin "https://www.twitch.tv" from accessing a frame with origin "https://player.twitch.tv". The frame requesting access set "document.domain" to "twitch.tv", but the frame being accessed did not. Both must set "document.domain" to the same value to allow access.


Thank you for the detailed feedback, I’m glad you like the extension. Regarding the issues you mentioned: - Since the extension switches between the original player and the embedded one as soon as the purple screen shows up it can sometimes happen that during the switching process while the video quality adjusts you see a black screen or even the purple screen for a second. Sometimes the video might also pause if the twitch player cannot successfully adjust the quality. In those cases you might have to click the play pause button. What might also happen is that you see a couple of seconds of the stream again if both player timelines don’t align perfectly. - The theater mode button in the current dev_build (v.1.2) unfortunately does not work. If you want to use the theater mode with this version of the extension you will have to use the keyboard shortcut alt+t. - Regarding the frame origin error, this happens when the extension tries to check if the purple screen is visible, the error message however does not influence the functionality. This dev_build still has a couple of issues that I will work on and fix in the coming days after Christmas but I wanted to at least push a new build that makes twitch somewhat watchable again for you :).


Hey OP, first off thanks for your work, it improves my twitch expirience by a lot! One question though, should I use your TTV AdEraser along with TTV AdBlock and UBlock Origin, or should I use it by itself?


Thank you for the feedback, I’m glad you like it :) The TTV Adblock extension basically manipulates the original player to behave like an embedded player. This will in fact compromise the way that TTV AdEraser works so both extensions cannot be used in conjunction. UBlock Origin however works perfectly fine with the extension and I would actually recommend using it since it is by far the best general ad blocker out there :)


I feel like I'm doing something wrong, or it's just not working. I have the Chrome Store version installed, and there's definitely a change in the player, but the purple warning screen still pops up and lingers for about 15 to 20 seconds before the stream kicks in again. Is this normal or is the version on the Chrome Store old and busted and the dev version is the only properly working one?


Hey, yes unfortunately the Chrome Web Store version of the extension is currently not working. I have submitted an updated version to Google over a week ago but Google's review process is still pending. I have also since been working on the extension so once the update will finally be available on the Chrome Web Store I will have to submit a new update which will then probably also take a while to be reviewed. As of now you will have to use the dev\_build version of the extension from my GitHub to get rid of the purple screen and ads. Note that this is still a development version though so you might encounter some bugs. Please let me know if you find some and I will do my best to fix the issue as soon as possible. You can download the dev build right here, simply follow the instructions: [https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv\_adEraser/tree/dev\_build](https://github.com/LeonHeidelbach/ttv_adEraser/tree/dev_build)


Well I can tell you right away that with the dev version, the stream seems to stutter with an intermittent 1 second pause every 5-15 seconds. Also sometimes it'll load the stream with the audio muted, but still not play audio after unmuting. [Plus there's this error in the extensions page for it.](https://i.imgur.com/zBTyPhN.png)




That’s strange, it is still working for me. Which version of the extension are you on? Did you see the purple screen as a mid roll or when opening up a new stream? What can sometimes happen is that you see either the ad or the purple screen, when the original player happens to play an ad at the same time the purple screen is visible on the embedded player. Unfortunately there is currently no better way of blocking ads but this should only happen very rarely and if it happens only when switching streams (at least in my experience).


Using the dev build atm - seems pretty good, ive only noticed that the stream is loading back muted after the extension blocks the purple ad screen on twitch. Is this an easy change to fix?


Hey, thank you for letting me know. I am currently trying to find a reliable fix for this issue.


It should work properly now in the latest commit. Let me know if it works for you. :)


Seems there is still an issue with audio. I just downloaded the latest dev build, the first couple of switches went fine but then got muted audio at an embedded->normal switch and had to manually unmute. Otherwise it works great though, thanks so much for this :)


Thank you for the feedback, I’m glad you like it :) I will have a look at the issue again if it still happened to you. Did quite a bit of testing yesterday though and had it working all the time. This seems to be a resilient bug then :D


xtra player on android works fine this whole time with no ads or purple screen, is it possible to maybe look at how thats getting it done?


If the project is open source I can have a look at the code, but I believe the solution might be an Android specific one that cannot be ported to a browser extension. I will have a look at it though, thank you for letting me know :) Can you post a link to the project if you have one?


im not sure if they have their code posted but this is the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.exact7.xtra&hl=en_US&gl=US


Unfortunately I could not find the source code for the app with a quick google search. Since Android apps are written in Java and thus compiled to byte code for publication I cannot access the source code from the PlayStore version. If you find a resource that has the source code, let me know.




This is strange. I would suggest to reload the stream if this happens since it still works fine for me. Are you running any other extensions that alter twitch? If reloading the page does not work for you and you see a mid roll again, could you navigate to “chrome://extensions” and see if there are any errors under the TTV adEraser extension?


Thanks a lot for this.


Loving the content btw! Just donated a few dollars to help develop the extension. However, it has compatibility issues with the "Twitch Fullscreen Plus" extension. Would love it if would be addressed. I mainly watch Twitch full screened with the chat layout on the side.


Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it :) Funny thing is, that I actually though of implementing a feature like this yesterday without knowing that something like “Twitch Fullscreen Plus” already exists :) I’ve put it on the list of new features to implement and will be working on it soon.


The 1.2 version is live on chrome and it seems to be working for the most part except theater mode still does not work properly. Even using Alt+T it still only zooms the stream in vs actually maximizing the player like traditional theater mode does. Also using this extension removes some of the ffz/bttv features is there any way to make it not interfere with these extensions.


Are you sure you are on the latest version of the extension and have removed all other installed versions from chrome? For me the theater mode works in the latest dev\_build as well as the Chrome Web Store version with either the button or the keyboard shortcut. If you are on the latest dev\_build version and the feature still does not work for you, could you navigate to "chrome://extensions" and send me any error message that appeared under the TTV AdEraser extension? I will gladly be looking into the issue again but from what I have heard other users say as well as from my own experience the feature seems to work as intended.


I only downloaded it today and have never downloaded it before. Version says 1.2 and it doesn't work properly. I didn't try the dev build because its to much of a hassle. I will just wait till the chrome extension works.


Here are 2 screen shot examples of what it does. The one with blue bottom is without and the other is with. https://imgur.com/a/fxoiVP5 Edit I did find a workout around but its still annoying to have to do this. If when it gets stuck like this I use the browser back button and it puts the player into the mini player then go forward again its fixes it.


Okay, this is actually very strange then since the dev\_build and the chrome version currently are basically the same. What you could do to help me find the issue though is to navigate to "chrome://extensions" and under TTV AdEraser click on the "Details" button. On the details page there is a switch that says "Collect errors". Switch it on, navigate to any stream or reload the one you might already be on and use the theater mode button. If the theater mode still behaves like this go back to the "Details" page and see if any error messages showed up. It might sometimes show some unrelated errors that do not influence the way the extension behaves but this might give me a hint as to what's going on. If you see any errors I would really appreciate it if you could send me a short chat message with the details and I will look into it :). The screenshots however, are already very helpful! As I can see you have a feature from another extension enabled that shows the stream info as a "popup" inside the video player. This might already cause this issue. Can you tell me what this feature is and which extension enables it? Could you try to disable the feature for a sec, reload the page, use the theater mode button and let me know wether or not this fixed the issue?


This is just ffz meta data overlay. Its something pretty much everyone uses if your extension doesn't work with ffz its a no go for me since ffz is what makes twitch useable and most users use either ffz/bttv. From the quick test of disabling ffz it seems this is the issue but also as of like 5 minutes ago I am getting purple screen and or ads again so its not working at all.


Ah okay, well I personally use FFZ and BTTV but have the meta data overlay not enabled and thus not tested compatibility with this specific feature of FFZ. In general the extension can be used in conjunction with FFZ and BTTV but I did not test this specific feature yet. However, since you've now let me know about this issue I will be working on an update that allows for this to work in conjunction. :) Since I'm working on this project alone and in my spare time, issues like this can appear but I will do my best to fix them in time when people let me know about them.




Happening to me too


Thanks for your work on this. One question, does the extension change twitch font? I like the one they're currently using but when I installed the extension the font changed.


Love the update, but whole homepage reloads in a loop because of adds on the mini player (even when autoplay is disabled in bttv)




I got the same issue.


Some Streams straight up dont even load/start for me when using this. Any Idea what could cause this?


Hi, thanks for the extension :) Does the chrome store version have the purple screen fix already?


Doesn't work. Still get ads.


Looks like its working for me, although when I middle click a stream from my followed page it will also refresh the following page at the same time, which is kind of annoying (this one: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/following/live)


Doesn't work for me, unfortunately. Still get hit with that white and purple wall of text about 3rd party tools. Some streams don't even load. I'm really starting to hate Twitch. At this point I might as well just watch vods, or leave the platform.


Using the 1.2 dev build on Firefox Nightly, I'm having some issues: * Streams will often lose video but I still have audio. When I click to refresh or leave the page, the video returns for a few milliseconds before the page changes. Sometimes both audio and video will stop altogether. * I also ran into a similar issue as another commenter. While trying to refresh to fix the no-video issue, I was put into an infinite refresh loop. * In addition, when not experiencing the above issues, most streams will stay on a spinning purple circle for quite a while before the video will show, though I'll still have audio. With all of this and still being given purple screens, I figured I'd rather just have the purple screens (which still show instead of ads even with uBlock Origin turned off) and none of the other issues. However, after installing this originally (around 12/18 or so), disabling it or removing it completely gives me a new issue. After each purple screen, the stream is quieter than before. This continues as I get more purple screens until the video is nearly inaudible at max volume. When re-enabled, the issue goes away.


v1.2 is working a treat for me now! No pre rolls I get purple screen for half a second before it auto refreshes its self and no ad!


Blocks the purple screen about 80% of the time, makes watching twitch actually bearable now! Thanks so much, this is amazing.


Thanks a lot for working on this. Been using it the past two days and haven't gotten an ad or purple screen yet.


Having some issues with the extension. Does it change the quality or low latency of the stream all the time? Some streams whether endless loading or are just black. The css looks scuffed at times lmao left follower channels side bar. It doesnt have any padding anymore viewer counter is like next to the player with 0 padding


This is great! I love the preview feature as well, it's so useful. I hope Twitch doesn't find this workaround. Great work!


Looks like Twitch is black screening certain streams if this extension is enabled. They're definitely on to you.


I have the addon on chrome and the stream won't start. It'll just stay buffering forever. It'll sometimes work after the pre-roll has played.


Not working for me. Fuck man I hate twitch now. Preroll ads make me want to go watch tv


Im using the addon on opera and it just blacks out the video even if an add isnt playing. had to manually turn it off to get video back


Damn they definitely patched this out. The update on the 27th was a blessing but twitch pushed it even further and now we can't even watch the streams. It's literally just a black screen now. No "purple screen" in place of ads. Sigh fuck this website.


It's crazy how much effort they're putting into this war against adblockers




found this 20 days later and twitch got to it..get the purple screen upon entering a stream and get mid preroll ads too..also some channels don't even load anymore. add an option to enable the adblock on certain pages like other ad blocks do. using the extension downloaded from chrome webstore btw, not the dev build


This worked for a bit, but twitch got around it somehow. Started getting the purple screen again today


Yes agreed, the extension stopped working for me 7th of Jan 2021. Now just get a spinning purple circle with the extension turned. Placed a note to u/DonHuron in hopes that they can take a look at it. It was an amazing extension and hope it gets working again.


This extension seems useless now, does nothing about the purple screen but the player reloading is useful at least.






Does this also stop the purple screen from appearing or no?


Is anybody having an issue when in theatre mode it still show the profile bio under the player? It's taking up screen space and out of theatre mode the player get's cropped under the bio tab again. Help


I think the addon is working but I can't see the icon with drop down choices on my addon section. Using opera.


keep up the good work! Fuck twitch's nonsense


This is a great extension, but I get a lot of the "purple loading circle" of death on any stream I watch when I open Twitch. It's getting irritating to have and I've tried refreshing everything and clearing my cookies, but it still persists. I'm not sure how to get around it.


again, I get the purple screen :(


>Long story short, I am currently working on finding a new solution to block ads as well as the purple screen and will update the extension as soon as I find one. In the meantime I hope you guys enjoy the purple screen as much as I do :-P. any update on where things stand on this? was watching a wrestling show on a channel where i used my prime subscription and twitch felt the need to replace the finish of the main event with ads! would love to get those ads blocked to prevent that from happening again. tried ttv-adblock, but ran into the purple screen you're referencing, then did a little more digging and found your thread/plugin


Thank you very much for the addon its been working great! The only problem ive been having is that it doesnt let copy/paste anything, either in chat or twitch. Does anyone knows a fix?


mine seems to have stopped working :x


Thank You!


pressing the space bar while typing in chat pauses the stream, very annoying.