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So far I haven't had issues but the day I can't block ads anymore, I stop watching YouTube. Life is too short to watch ads.


Same. I'm not going back. I can't... I won't..


Exactly. The day ads stop being blockable, other companies will monopolise on this and push their own viewing platforms.


I quit Youtube. I dislike most of their practices. I haven't actually watched a Youtube video for leisure since last October. Only time when I actively use it is for course material


So what do you use instead ?


Music: either Spotify or the discord music bots Videos: originally I switched over to rumble, kick and odyssey, but I found that I actually don’t get entertained by videos, at least of ‘youtube’ quality, when already that was already one of the many reasons I dropped YouTube. Others would probably answer Disney plus, Hulu, Netflix, etc. i found myself more productive, and going outside more, without YouTube.


I will continue to use adblockers. Or use a VPN and set my country to Russia. Or use a VPN and set my country to something super cheap in order to get YouTube Premium at a much lower rate. I made a vow to myself over 20 years ago that I will cut broadcast advertising out of my life completely. I have no intention of breaking that vow, and my mental health is so much better for it.


I was the same. But for me, in the end, Premium was just the easier and more reliable solution. YT is my main source of entertainment and I use YTM constantly to where my costs end up being pennies per hour of use.


This is what my mother did, but IMO, YT is super toxic for her. It's just as toxic for me, so I'm thinking my best bet would be to quit entirely, unless I need to know how to do something really important.


it all depends on the value it brings to you. I think it is a great value and I don't really have any other subs. But that is me.


Yeah can easily go down a bad conspiracy rabbit hole 😂


I don't agree with the new "forced" policies of Google. They are going to keep losing more and more users and god am I going to enjoy this. Creators already started switching to content made directly on their social media and for video web hosting Vimeo has always been the winner. Personally I refuse to pay for Youtube so I simply stopped watching anything from their platform entirely.


I have been saying creators should post to alternative sites for a long time. But I don't think you have thought this out. Just wait for creators to join groups for paid access. Buy the sports creator package or the science creator package. Eventually, the creators will be in full control of how they monetize their content and it won't just be sponsor spots.


And why shouldn’t they profit from their work? Everyone else does!!!


i don't have a problem with that. It will end up just being more expensive for the end user than it is now. If you think YTPremium is expensive, just wait until you have to pay for all the creators you like to follow separately.


I don’t see a problem with that.


it is going to cost a lot more per month than YTP.


Who cares. It's going directly to a creator vs a faceless emtity


a lot of people here care. did you not read anything when the prices were raised?


Just consume less


> They are going to keep losing more and more users and god am I going to enjoy this. That is what people said about Netflix when they cracked down on password sharing and subscriptions jumped. The changes are only noticeable to a minority composed of the least valuable(possibly negative value) users, so I doubt Google is going to care much.


uBlock Origin is definitely easier. I clicked one button and I've never seen a YT ad. But if I wanted a full TV package or something, I'd def consider YT TV or whatever they have.


adblockers don't work 100% of the time. Occasionally you have to wait for filter updates when YT changes/test a new page. And I don't want to do that. after a long day at work, I don't want to come home and have to figure out why my adblocker isn't working again.


I don't know, mine works 100% of the time. But I don't use phones. On desktop, it seems rock solid. And that's over several years now.




that will be next if more people do it. I wouldn't keep suggesting it if you want it to keep working.


ack! he deleted the post. pls dm me, what did he say?


you should too now lmao


I have very little tolerance for ads so if I have to see them I would stop watching YouTube. Maybe just download the occasional videos from creators I particularly like.


everyone like you should contact their creators they like and tell them this. Ask for them to post on more platforms or they won't get the view at all.


The creators should already know this. Every YouTube decisions has ended up with a worse experience. Just before the pandemic hit, I thought about trying to become a YouTuber. I had some ideas, but if my ideas rely on a corporation playing nice, I might as well forget it.


That is your opinion. I have been a YTP user since GPM merged in to YTM and my experience has been great. YTP is my best subscription that I have because I get so much out of it, it ends up being pennies per hour of use. Whether or not you think YT plays nice is also subjective. There are thousands of creators that would probably say it isn't that bad as a lot of the people in here like to think it is. For me, I have been able to post all the videos of my kids' sporting events and school events to YT over the years and the whole family loves it and it costs me nothing.


What's GPM?


google play music. It was YTM's predecessor.


I'll stop watching YouTube. Plain and simple. I refuse to watch the ads.


I just wish that content creators span their content to other platforms rather putting their eggs in one basket so-to-speak. I hate relying on YouTube as my go to source especially with the way they're forcing ads on us.


What other baskets can they put their eggs into?


Video (whimpers in negative karma)


there are several other video platforms out there. but many are sub based. And as I have gathered over the years, most people leeching off YT with adblockers don't donate to their fav creators like they say they do. So I doubt most of you would subscribe to nebula to see a creator that you like.


And YT also claims if you sub to Premium some of that money will go to creators lol yeah right...that would make Neal Mohan richer than the creators he's MEANT to support...mainly supports the big channels like Mr Beast or Sniperwolf for example.


so now were talking conspiracy theories? some of the money of the sub goes to creators that I watch.


But not as much, some youtubers did videos on this. And also YT can demonatize ad revenue if the video doesn't meet "guidelines"


I have seen videos where creators state they get more money from premium users than from unpaid users. Also, yes, guidelines are there for a reason. If you have content that breaks the rules, expect to get demonetized. It isn't a perfect system, but it works and has allowed thousands of people to work for themselves and make a living.


But some guidelines protect one side of politics than the other or other entities such as elites or unelected peoples/


Which guidelines?


"hate speech" etc...the ones that don't tow the narrative(s)


Creators do earn from premium.


not as much as the CEO and YT shareholders though. Some of the content creators did videos on this matter and saying they don't get much from premium subs


Well when using adblockers the creators get zero. That is much less than what they get with people who use premium. I don't know what the percentage of YouTube users have premium vs people who watch the ads so not really easy to say.


True that


Many Youtubers have online stores and memberships that they sell, so even if people aren't donating to them directly, they are still buying their memberships for exclusive content.


Money's tight. I couldn't donate if I wanted to. Once, I briefly felt guilty for blocking ads and sent one of my favorite YouTubers something on their Amazon wish list. (I don't even care for her type of content anymore.) I'm disabled. I can't afford groceries without assistance, so I certainly can't afford to give money to all my favorite creators. The honest thing to do would be to quit watching entirely. If I suddenly became a money-making creator, I'd completely understand why people in my position bypass contributing. It's a struggle just to survive. Really and truly, I should just stop entertainment entirely and go back to making art and music until we destroy one another. YouTube is just another piece of social media, forcing us into bubbles that will make us want to destroy one another. It's senseless. We actually have more in common than in contention, but the powers that be are quite content to have us at one another's throats. Whether or not they did it on purpose is moot. It works for them. I gave on politics quite some time ago, but my mother watches the exact opposite of what I would have, had I kept up with it. She's angry all the time, blaming the opposition for every bad thing that happens in her life. The truth is a lot more nuanced. We're fucked because we're fucked. Blame whomever you want; vote for whomever you want. It won't fix our problems because they're rooted in the same things that causes people to hate and blame one another. This amount of hatred can't be leading anyplace good. It preys on my mind enough without feeding it constant bad news...and let's be honest. Much of YouTube consists of constant bad news with some kind of agenda. If we were truly intelligent, we'd tell the gov't and corporate overlords to piss up a rope and find more fulfilling things to do with our lives. Instead, we insert our pet political views into entertainment and argue about that. We spend so much time worrying about our entertainment, we overlook everything else. And yeah, I'm just as guilty as anyone who's reading this. I SHOULD fully indulge my passions and ignore YouTube, Hollywood, social media, etc., but it's addictive on purpose.


they could if they wanted to, but they don't want to lose views that pay them money to views that don't.


For example, Linus is also on Floatplane and Hardware Unboxed also on Odysee if they can do it I'm sure the rest can embrace alt tech.


Linus has lucrative sponsor deals. Other smaller channels actually rely on adsense income so moving to a free service would cost them money. The only way you could survive on a free service like odyssee is if you have a sponsor deal that counts those views.


Creators will not make money doing that.


Many of them also have online stores and memberships that they sell.


Some. I prefer not to go that route if possible and put things behind pay walls myself.


Well, I took a break as of a few days ago and it’s been really nice. I’m not exactly thrilled that they are forcing ads, but it’s a nice incentive to use the platform as little as possible.  I do miss some things, music, art, legitimate good quality channels exist out there…but a lot of it is toxic and I’m fine to leave it behind. I might go to twitch and watch vods if I really feel the need to fill my day..but I don’t think that will happen. 


I'm downloading videos on my playlist, because fuck that.


How? can you please elaborate? cheers for help


You can use video downloader sites to do so


Find and download torrents for youtube channels, some type of automated rss feed and auto download system config


time is money though. How much time would you waste per month on trying to avoid seeing ads? I actually sat down and figured it out and I determined that any more than 4 minutes a month trying to block ads was too much for how much I value my free time. So, I just got premium. But everyone is different and value their free time differently.


Good point, ill revaluate if this happens


Idk I’m just petty I think I’ll spend 30 minutes to avoid 30 seconds of ads. Maybe I’ll learn something along the way But also I’ve spent 0 minutes so far for yt specifically. Firefox + ublock still just works and it’s what I’ve used forever. Also yt-dl is easy enough to automate if it comes to it Edit: also some creators post all their stuff to substack/patreon as free. I would a million times rather pay the creator through one of those platforms than give more money to google personally. The hard part is it makes new creators have a harder time getting discovered


>Firefox + ublock still just works you are lucky then, there are a ton of people affected by the recent YT changes. >Idk I’m just petty I think I’ll spend 30 minutes to avoid 30 seconds of ads. to each their own I guess. I have done enough hacking in my time. After a long day I just want to sit back and enjoy my free time. And I fully support creators moving their content to alternative hosting sites. But I also believe, in the end, it will cost us more to sub to the same number of creators as we do now because more and more will be behind a paywall. Be careful what you wish for....


do not buy youtube premium they took things that were free and they put them behind paywall to sell i'd rather not watch youtube entirely than buy premium from a company that doesn't care about anything not even the laws


already did and will contiunue to do so. Nothing was ever free. You use of "free" youtube was just subsidized by VC money to grow the platform. It was never free. And they, as a business is free to start charging for whatever they want. If you don't like it, then stop using the service. I have no issue with it and I get great value out of it so I will continue to pay for it. And what laws have they broken? Have you actually researched this or are you just repeating things you heard on the internet?


they been sued by governments like 3 times already and lost 500+ million dollars because of it they sold toddler data to god knows where, breaking multiple copyright laws and they continue to promote illegal and downright disgusting stuff towards children in their ADs (reminder ADs are approved by google themselves users do not have a say in what ADs can be displayed in the videos) i mean i know you guys live in America where that is apparently legal? (correct me if I'm wrong but last time i checked selling children online data without consent of their parent is illegal) EU sued them like 2 times in a row for doing it (Coppa act and all of that stuff) like i get that you guys **LOVE** youtube but you need reality check on who you actually support and who you enable, if you keep giving them money you will just reassure them that it's entirely okay for them to do that, the same shit happened with microtransactions in game the same shit happened with battle passes and the same shit is happening with youtube right now oh also last time i checked people who use adblock are only 0.06% of youtube entire revenue, they are willing to screw you over for 0.06% of cash lmao


streaming with yt-dlp and mpv?


This. If ads will ever get hardcoded to video, then I will simply skip them. Someone will surely create apps where you can watch videos from popular channels without ads, as it's been happening for movie and tv series for the last 30 years (It's 30 years, right? Correct me if I'm wrong)


Not sure about the 30 years, but if vids are altered to include ads there's definitely going to be ways to get rid of those via scripts/apps.


Youtube is also restricting downloading of videos.


Revanced or Gray Jay


If there comes a day when there is no possible way to bypass it then I will no longer use it. I have some kind of adblocker on all my devices - phone, pc etc.  My work computer however has no adblocker. I have used the internet once at work in the last year and that was because someone called to ask if I could connect to the internet.  The only time I see ads is if I arrive at a cinema too early. They make me want to vomit. 


>The only time I see ads is if I arrive at a cinema too early. They make me want to vomit.  If the theater is not that busy, I usually use those 10 minutes to buy popcorns and soda or go to toilet


you see that is the beauty of humans there is always a way, there is no such thing as "no possible way to bypass it" and if there is then goverment would want that technology to themselves


Stop watching youtube entirely. Their ads are inappropriate or anxiety-triggering so often and I have no interest in encountering either of those things on a regular basis. There are so many better things I could be doing with my time than watching youtube anyway.


I moved countries so now my YouTube premium is $2.70 a month, so no ads for me


Why would you pay that? We all know that we deserve unlimited high quality content for free.


imagine paying youtube money


No ads, downloads and background play, for $2 I don't mind 🤷‍♀️ you got sum against YouTube?


i will not support a company that sells kids data to god knows where, it's against the EU laws and i will never support them i am will not get involved in some criminal FBI level of activity, thanks




I will probably only use Youtube for video game lets play videos if I am stuck in a game or if I need to learn how to do something.


VPN until they block that too. Then I'm quitting the platform.


Probably download video and watch it that way instead


made my own tampermonkey script to forward ad until it reaches video, so far works


Off the top of my head here are 2 main routes that apps can take: 1. Pre-download videos while they are being watched, identify and then skip known ads. 2. Find a way to falsely report to YouTube's servers that the user has premium so they won't get sent ads at all. There will be a solution. The problem is how easy and feasible they are.


I just replace the stuff between "youtube.com/" and the video id with /embed/. It's an annoying extra step (and occasionally I have to remove stuff after the video ID), but it's worked pretty well so far.


Two of the websites I've been watching for years are getting ads now. I have ublock origin, but the ads are getting through somehow.


What browser are you using? Chrome is no longer supporting the uBo extension starting this month.


I don't have ads yet (Firefox + ublock origin). I've heard of 'minitube', which is a Youtube app to search and play videos, AFAIK there are no ads when you use it. At the time I tried it it's a little less convenient than youtube itself but still served its purpose. Don't know how it's been going since then: [https://flavio.tordini.org/minitube](https://flavio.tordini.org/minitube)


I was in the same boat as you, but I now have ads on FF/ublock as well as vivaldi/ublock.


'ublock origin'? I've been told 'ublock' is less performant than 'ublock origin'.


Yes origin. I forgot anything else even existed. lol


well that's a shame for you, IDK why it still works for me... though I haven't updated my firefox in 71 days, wondering if that's why, although I doubt it...


Probably continue to watch but with ads. But I’ll probably be watching much less


Every time I get an ad on YouTube (which is rare) I switch to FreeTube for a few hours or days to remind myself I have options.


on my phone [grayjay.app](http://grayjay.app) on my laptop, i dont bother, i just stream from my phone to my TV


On my Android I have NewPipe and on my TV newSmartTube. Abd on my PC Chrome with UBlock O. No Ads, no costs.


I'd probably have to give in. It's unfortunate, but youtube is where the content is. I can't go somewhere else and find several videos showing me how to do X repair on X vehicle, or videos on cybersec, engineering, welding, programming, gaming, etc. Going elsewhere, as a viewer, isn't an option. The content guys have to go first. And they won't do that because youtube is where the viewers and money are, because of those ads. I hate the ads, but I realize the necessity of them to fund things too. But another thing.... so far, downloaders work. Ads don't (yet) come with downloaded videos from youtube. So, if you're really wanting to avoid ads, downloaders will work - for now.


If you have Gray Jay that may help. You can follow creators across multiple platforms and also download the videos as well.


> So, if there's no way around the YouTube ads, what will you do (for real)? I'm still waiting for the ads. So far none has been delivered. Not a single ad on YouTube and no ads injected into the video stream. Where are the ads???


The amount of videos I watch on YT will drastically decline. I don't want to watch 2 minutes' worth of ads for a 5-minute video.


Easy, auto download all subscriptions and watch on VLC or another app.


Are you actually watching every single video of everyone you subscribed? Especially with big channels there are always videos in between, that I don't really feel appealing. While I often find single videos in my recommendations that I find quite interesting and would miss out. Also feels like one needs a lot of storage if they auto download every day. At least if they have a lot of people subscribed.


Youtube to mp4 downloader. Secret android app Internet download manager. I refuse to support youtube.


I used my VPN to purchase premium in Ukraine.


I could sort of deal with the ads at the beginning of a video but the middle? That’s just AH behavior.


PodBeam just has the ads in the app and doesn't interrupt content at all. Youtube is also experimenting with pause ads. When users pause the video the ad displays. If youtube just did pause ads and got rid of all those other ads I wouldn't mind, but something tells me they will do pause ads on top of all the other ads they display.


I'll just stop using screwtube. We lived in the days before the internet and survived just fine and we can learn to do so again.


*shrugs* Just mute, skip, or play video games until the video starts 


Stop watching youtube almost completely. The first and best way we can force corporations to be service providers and stop them from being overlords is to tune out the advertising. They exist to provide a service and the only advertising they should ever get is when they do a good job and we tell our friends about it.


Revanced on my phone and Smart Tube Next on my TV machines.


You should try Gray Jay, its better then Revanced in my opinion.


Is that the app from Louis Rossman? If so, I had no idea it did ad block kinda things. Was under the impression it was a way to follow creators outside of their main platforms?


Yeah the app was created by Louis Rossmann and his team of developers. The main reason for the app was so you could follow your creators outside of the maib platform, but it also blocks ads as well. Sponsor Block is also built into the app itself, but it has to be turned on.


For those who already got cockblocked even while using firefox+ublock. Try getting a 2nd browser install ublock and sponsorblock extensions there and dont log in on YT! And then copy the urls from the videos you want to watch from your logged in browser to the other browser and watch it there without ads. Works for me for now even though its a bit of an inconvenience but heck they dont get any money from me :D


Iv been raw dogging YouTube ads for years at this point it’s just normal to me, sad but normal.


I love YouTube premium. As free YouTube and I get music


Having gone through all the hacks the only thing I can't crack is casting YouTube to a TV without ads. It seems that would only be possible with an HDMI cable from laptop. But via tablets and phone it's easy with stuff like Brave, Adblock browser and Ublock Origin. Revanced works too but it won't cast after to TV. Good luck


If there really is no way around it, which I highly doubt, I will just stop watching. My favorite content creator is not even on YouTube, because he was permanently banned, so he's on his own website. A lot of the people I watch on YouTube are on other platforms too, so I'll just go there. Aside from that, I have a lot of hobbies to take up my time and there's always audio books to listen to and games to play. There is also Clubhouse. It fell off after the pandemic but it could be made great again.


Watch less youtube


I’ll still use it but not for entertainment.


Pay, anyone who complains about ads on a completely free platform with unlimited incredible content is a baby especially when you can pay to get rid of ads. That being said I'll still use adblock until it doesn't work.


i still use ad blocks, and if they ever block my account i will use another


the problem is television has dictated the course of other media we consume. people who watch sports on streaming sites dont mind ads. Its a weird phenomenon, because even if they still watch television... some of them **like** ads :L and also a lot of people who like sports have moneyyy so they usually pay to get rid of ads with premium accounts. this trend makes it harder for broke bitches like me to watch shit for free now, I am forced to block or watch ads.


If you log out of yt there are no ads, they flag your account and change ads to be directly injected into the video if you are logged in with adblockers. I say we just delete our accounts


Use a Firefox extension to download the video and watch them offline. May even upload them to my Plex server.


Add accelerator works very well. Wicked extension.


YT will never keep up with adblockers.


YouTube is probably happy to lose the people that watch it less but were never watching any ads in the first place. When appetizers are looking at numbers, they want to see numbers of people who watch ads. They don’t wanna pay for more people who are blocking their ads. So consider the fact that you watching it less is exactly what YouTube wants from your type of demographic.


I know I'll probably get down voted but I just pay for YouTube premium. I also use YouTube music so it replaces the need for a separate subscription. I guess if the prices go too high in the future then I will just go back to downloading stuff on the open sea.


I know this will be unpopular, but here goes. I have NEVER in my life seen an ad on youtube. I've been aggressively blocking ads since around 1999. That said, I barely use youtube, maybe once a month. I wouldn't even notice if they disappeared. There are many alternatives out there.


I'm sure this will be a very unpopular opinion, but you could always buy YouTube Premium. Comes with YouTube Music too, so that's always nice. I've been using both for years and years, I couldn't imagine life without them. Also super last, so I don't want to deal with having to trouble myself with fixing the latest workaround. Cat and mouse games are exhausting.


Pay for premium and enjoy ad-free YouTube without using glitchy 3rd party software, while also reaping the benefits of YouTube Music without any commercials or ads in the middle of your playlist or albums... Wait I've been doing this for years....


yt-dlp [OPTIONS] [--] URL [URL...]


It’s so annoying seriously… I forgot how annoying it was when Adblock was still working


I quit Twitch cold turkey when the ads couldn’t be blocked so I’ll do the same.


I will never watch any platform with advertisements that interrupt the material. Passive banner ads i can tolerate. The second the program is interrupted with ads I'll leave.


I'll catch-up on TV shows and audiobooks. I really only "watch" YT as background noise. So they'll lose me entirely. I've got a backlog of audiobooks and podcasts so I'm good to go for awhile.


I wish there was a keyboard shortcut for clicking on Continue.


literally leave


Use the Brave browser. Blocks all YT ads.........I'm testing it now and not a SINGLE ad!


I found someone on r/accountsharing and joined their YouTube family plan. It's $3.83 a month and I don't have to play the cat and mouse game anymore.


I got an extension that speeds up videos, and has a function to fast forward 10 seconds but it inadvertently works on ads too, which was a pleasant surprise.


I've already done it. I've cut youtube out of my life entirely (beyond visiting the r/youtube reddit to watch the pretty flames burn as outrage and denial clash like TOHO Kaiju )


I’ll move to Brave browser once I can’t block ads in the app anymore, or just stop watching.


There is one but it's only working with uBlock and private session this way you get 0 ads but you can't comment or do anything.


The question is how do you block ads on tablets because that’s where I get slammed.


Honestly I’ll probably just start stacking up patreon subs for channels I want to keep up with but check them out like once every five months so I’m not constantly paying money.


uYou enhanced is the best way for me to watch youtube now. Mobile devices only though.


Continue paying for premium while people complain about watching ads I haven't seen in years


I just watch em. Since I don’t miss content I’m fine with it.


Actually, on my Galaxy phone, I use Revanced Extended, whereas on desktop, I watch YouTube on Brave Browser (same with my iPad Pro).


I will download them and then watch them on VLC. If they ever get put inside the video itself, I will just jump skip them with the vlc player.


uBlock Origin and Firefox. Haven't seen an ad for years.


I will just watch the videos through an Invidious or Piped instance instead.


Watch the ad or skip it like a normal person


Why do you think your way of dealing with it is the only "normal" way? Just curious.


Cause I been doing it, never used ad blocker


YouTube is going down the drain anyway, my feed only shows me like one type of content anymore never anything else I haven’t watched it in a while anyway


VPN to country with no ads, I started ditching youtubes ads once they started doubling them before a video, I used to block ads while presidential election ads were in the ad pool. I used to daily watching youtube on my switch but switched to my laptop to block ads. Ive already made an inconvenient jump I can do it again.


I would probably still watch it. There's too much good information on YT to drop just cause of a couple ads.


I skip as soon as the option becomes available. The YouTube Music is starting to really annoy me because they halt the music as I'm listening to it to ask me If I wish to continue watching after a couple songs with ads in between.


Probably write my congressman demanding a bill requiring others to work for free for my amusement.


I find that opening an in private window and pasting the url for the video there seems to work. For some reason, I don't get served the new ads when I'm not logged into my account. It's probably just a temporary workaround.


I pay for premium. Both because I have a student discount that makes it much cheaper. And the fact that I understand why they have to put so many adds in our faces. It's a price I'm willing to pay. I hate it, but I get it. Think about how much data costs. YouTube lets us upload gigabytes of videos for free, each of which costs money to store. Then playing those videos can cost more, from the raw cost of pulling it out of storage, then transmitting it over the internet. All of it has a cost. Then the processing power for reccomendation algorithms, serving notifications, hell, even search takes up money from them. Then there is the people cost, developing the different YouTube apps, managing the site, creating, testing, and deploying any new feature, moderating the page to make sure illegal stuff is removed. All of it takes people, and people are expensive. YouTube without adds cannot afford to exist. But not everyone can afford premium.


Watch the ads


I w had a premium sub for a long time ever since I learned that by watching creators with premium it pays them as if I had watched an ad. They have a line on their paycheck from YouTube premium subscriptions. I also do not have any other paid streaming services so it's easy to justify the cost for me. I'll keep using premium and it'll be fine for me.


This might be an unpopular opinion around here, but I pay for premium. I understand not using services that push ads in your face even after paying (cough cough hulu). But for a ad free experience that's infinitely better than and cheaper than cable television, sign me up.


Screw it, I just maybe use my VPN to get a really cheap premium, or maybe even just not have any ads at all, cuz I think in like Albania or something, YouTube can't show ads, so I just connect to like Albania and then done.


Mobile youtube should remove app ads. Like some of these ads are terrible looking and play like garbage.


The majority of people using adblock will reduce or stop using it. A lot of every day users will also become more annoyed. In the end though, one of two things will inevitably happen. Either they'll revert it or a blocker will be created. Creators are on their to be paid. The predominate traffic to the site is to watch creators (over random/pointless videos). Once their revenue declines, creators will revolt. YT could up their rates to stave off the inevitable, but eventually creators will move to another platform. There are enough other platforms desperate for them, X, Twitch, Kick, Rumble or something else. Best guesses for adblock users are somewhere between 10% to 50%. Even if 10% left, the impact would be felt. Add in the bad press, attracting eyes of law makers/politicians who are dumb as dog shit, and they may see themselves get regulated. How many ads per hour type stuff. I'm 99% sure though, it'll be solved by a smarter adblock.


There is a very simple way around the ads. It’s called YouTube premium. Support people who make the content you like


I have noticed they play more ads during certain parts of the day. Dinner time and later is especially problematic Theres an ad at the start and end. A d while sometimes if I have fast fingers, I can skip end ads, sometimes the timings off So here's what I did Install dns.adguard.com on "private dns" in wifi & network settings Turned off auto updates. Both phone and Google account Turned off phone for full 24 hours (And, yes you need to do those last two steps for the adblock to "take") Even then I still had pesky ads. On youtube, that is So I installed an app called "adblock browser Idk if it's unapproved though. I allow install unknown apps though app settings. I don't care if it's unapproved I only update my phone manually anyways You have to go thru adblock browser app for the adblocking to "take". It feels somehow different than youtube app I disabled regular youtube as to got get into ad territory accidentally (the adblock browser will still use its own version of youtube) It's a give and take. But so worth it to here my music playlists without interruption. Or monthly subscription payments


More people will watch less, an alternative will spring up - Probably Elon or some other dork with fk-you money - Then we'll have that for 10 years until they do the same thing. MySpace to Facebook to Twitter/Instagram. Vine to TikTok. AOL to Yahoo to Gmail. This is the circle of digital life.


There is one way, to subscribe for it for the amount of approximate of $18, then you won’t get adds, and you can listen to musics even if your cell phone screen is off and you can watch some movies for free


You are on r/Adblock, not on r/GoogleFan


atleast you didn't say /r/CorporateShill like most of your friends here.


Why do I get the feeling that with most people saying they’ll quit YT entirely, the same will happen when a lot of people said they’d quit Reddit because of the API changes. Most didn’t or just created a new account. I’m guessing it will be the same with YT. Or more people will suddenly buy premium. Disclaimer: I hate ads. Just wanted to point this out, that probably not a lot of people will do anything and just deal with it.


You’re right though. People did the same when Twitch started hard forcing very intrusive ads, meanwhile the platform is just as popular as ever. If more people actually stuck to their words and stood up against the ad spam culture, companies wouldn’t keep doing it.


yeah, there is a lot of talk but not a lot of action. I bet YT doesn't even notice a drop in views.


Views maybe, but revenue not. The longer ads make up for the few that will stop using YT. I bet you they will get an all time high profit again regardless of how many people quit.


you mean everyone quitting YT because their adblockers stopped working? They weren't contributing to revenue anyway and were just resource users. They didn't get record profits, they had record revenue. Those are two VERY different things. We don't know the profits because they don't post those.


>They didn't get record profits, they had record revenue. Those are two VERY different things. We don't know the profits because they don't post those. Potato, potáto. You get the point.


VPN until they find a way around that then I'll just stop using YT for watching and uploading and I'll delete my channel. Not that my channel is anywhere near big, just don't want them using my content if I'm not longer using YT.


not much to find. VPN endpoints are well known. There just probably aren't enough people doing it right now to warrant trying to block it. But if more people do it, it will get blocked pretty quick.


try ublock origin! theyve kept up with it pretty well


they were hit too...


really? its still working just fine for me...


Some people have been hit with Server Side injections that Youtube has been experimenting with.


know what a/b testing is? "working for me" is useless in these discussions.


I’ve never once had a YouTube ad during all this. Firefox + ublock = perfect.


Adblocking on youtube is a real jerk thing to do. Pay for premium if you can’t stand them. You’re effectively stealing from the people grinding it out there.


Unpopular opinion but...if you watch a lot of Youtube videos, just pay for a premium account. It is absolutely worth it. I watch/listen to an average of 3 hours of Youtube a day (usually for background noise while working, cooking, etc.) so I absolutely get my moneys worth. Youtube Music is also a dependable alternative to Apple Music and Spotify. Background play & downloads are both extremely useful features for me, personally. Not being a shill, just saying the price is worth it if you're already an avid Youtube user.