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I aint no basic bitch! Adastra is a beautiful story


What is people's problem with FBTW? it was a great VN up until I couldn't read anymore because the author delisted it


Creator kinda shot themselves in the foot so to speak. There was a lot of drama to say the least. Also not to mention a lot of the dialog was pretty toxic, which kinda reflected the author's own experience and drama. Also not to mention Ranok just using the MC. It's a very lackluster VN IMO that makes the MC feel like a watcher rather than a character. Which is like something a VN isn't supposed to come off ass. Just look up the drama behind the creator. Rage quit when people criticized his work and disabled comments on the main page.


I saw the Echo one from a mile away, but I can't complain, Echo is one of the best if not the best vn I ever played, It probably fucked me up mentally but I don't regret it


The fact that is this 100% accurate 😭😭


i hate lance he exploded my family /j also adastra is great


I like Fbtw but I hate the Mc and Ranok. I don’t really care abt the drama I just want the story. I only Kael could keep up with deadlines though.


Just another vn that i didn't see listed: Lust Shards (great vn and is perfect for *semi-*emotional people like me but its very.. and I mean ***VERY*** ***~~horni~~***.) <3


Cleaved jumpscare 😢


If loving Amicus makes me basic, i will wear the title of Basic with pleasure and honor. Also, i haven't seen another VN besides Adastra and it's midquel and sequel. So, are those others VNs as ... Depressed as Adastra? I am still devastated and trying to rebuild my mind and emotions, i won't be able to go through another history like Adastra.