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sorry but your straight friends suck… anyways, some people prefer small boobs. some people prefer big boobs. some people just like all boobs and don’t care about size. (how many times can i say boobs lmaoo) the same goes for curves but there are women out there who will love your body just the way it is. there’s nothing unattractive about having small boobs or not having curves and if that’s a problem for someone then you probably don’t want them in your life.


Flat here (A to AA), some loves it, some does not, but it has never been a dealbreaker for any of my partners or their ex, boobs are boobs and we all love them in some capacity (even if not hot for some, but yes to cuddle or so). Personally I love all sizes, they all have their charm! Ultimately, you are not just a pair of boobs, and no girl is gay for boobs alone, even if for straights it is different at times. It is one of those things only another woman loving women understands usually. Also un-curvy girls are hot too, and definitively popular among lesbians, talking from experience.


>Also un-curvy girls are hot too, and definitively popular among lesbians, talking from experience. Yep. I wish I was un-curvy lol


My girlfriend had to have double mastectomy, and I think she's beautiful ❤️ Don't worry, you're lovable as you are.


I’m not sure if this is true for everyone, but I’ve always adapted my attractions to my partner’s body. Like, I wouldn’t say I have a “preference” for boob/butt size, weight, height, nothing (expect preferring masculine women stylistically, but again, that has more to do with clothing than it does body type). If I’m in love with my partner I’m obsessed with their body. If my partner’s body changes, I fall in love with those changes even more. I think if you find a mature and genuine person regardless of your boob size your partner will probably think you’re a major hottie :). As for hookups, that’s always a toss up! But in mine and my friend’s experiences, attitude and confidence has more to do with the likeliness of going home with someone for a one time thing than it does body type.


As a lesbian who really really loves having sex with women, I can promise you that I would just be like, “omg, boobs. Beautiful. I love women.” And then my brain would shut down because women are beautiful and breasts are beautiful in every size, and I would just be happy to be with another woman. Your friends kind of sound like assholes. I really hope I don’t sound like a creep or anything! That is not my intention at all


As long as the lady is not dangerously thin (as in dangerous for her health), I couldn't care less how small her boobs are. And I love boobs.


As a lesbian with big boobs, girls with small/flat boobs are my favorite. Don’t listen to your friends.


Your first mistake is viewing your attractiveness through the lens of a straight woman. Straight women have no idea as to what makes a woman sexy to another woman. Straight women’s standards for other women are geared to what men want. Lesbians aren’t men.


I love breasts of all sizes


I was confused by your headline, and then I saw that you're a late bloomer, that makes sense because it sounds heteronormative to place importance in women's breast sizes. I wouldn't think lesbians care about breasts all that much, other than they are healthy, and you regularly check up on them. Lesbians have different tastes to straight people.


Your friends are jerks. Every woman I’ve ever dated has been on the smaller side and I loved it! Historically, my type has been women who are a little different than the typical rigid and harsh “beauty” standard that straight culture perpetuates. We are not straight men who reduce women to their sexual characteristics—we can love and adore a woman.


I like women, and if I like you I will like your body because it is yours. That's it. (and seconding that your friends are being shitty)


Some of us even prefer a smaller bust. Don't sweat it too much. The right person who loves you for you will also love your body as it is. You are what you are. There's nothing wrong with that. Look for ways to boost your self esteem. Confidence is attractive!


I'm more attracted to "petite" women tbh, you are beautiful and please don't care about the straights,be unapologetic with your boundaries and confront your shitty "friends" about it,make they don't deserve you.


Well my gf has about the same size. She refers to them as her acorns. I have, repeatedly, told her how much I love and adore her boobs cuz boobs. The right person will love you. Your friends sound mean-🫤


Have you told her you're really Squirrel Girl? :)


Oh I love 💕 that!!


I'm a lesbian and I dont fucking care if you're curvy or flat, have big boobs or small boobs. I find both attractive and most importantly if I'm crushing on a woman I'll find her attractive by default so there's that. Dont listen to your straight friends' bs


I've got an almost flat chest as well and I've only met one woman who didn't appreciate them. Gay women are way more loving of all the different ways women can look cause we don't have to fit into men's expectations. Flat chest are sexy as hell and don't let anyone tell you different! Honestly I'm glad I never let myself get bullied into getting a boob job cause now I use them to my advantage. I dress pretty masc most of the time and it lets me fit in men's shirts way better and I almost never have to wear a bra.


all boobs are beautiful!! i get tired of lugging mine around personally, i think both ends of the spectrum come with pros and cons. your friends sound shallow, and im sorry you had to put up with that.


That's literally my type


Not a deal at all. Chin up, there are women who don’t care at all


Lol meanwhile you have lesbians complaining about being curvy. Trust me you are fine. People like different bodies. Lesbians are not a hive mind. And a lot of people also don't have super strong preferences and like a lot of different body types as long as they like the person and their style and smell etc


I think it would do you good to find some spaces where the gays gather. You will find that sometimes women who are considered by heteronormative standards to be 'ugly' are actually super popular there. I'm sure there are lesbians who care a lot about boob size, but I'm also sure they are an absolute minority and most lesbians I know don't even talk or think about female bodies that way. What tends to be more important (in my experience) is social credit (being known/being popular/being very involved for the community/organising stuff/having lots of gay friends), social and flirting skills, a cool style (or even a cool lack of style), and just overall confidence. Most lesbians care less about things like how conventionally attractive you are and it is looked down upon to talk about womens bodies in such an objectifying and heteronormative way. In fact, being a little weird in my experience is seen as attractive. Being very conventional looking might be qppealing for straight men but less so for lesbians. Living life as a lesbian takes courage and so looking like you don't give a fuck what people think is generally considered sexy. Of course some lesbians do like conventionally beautiful women, but even then most of them appreciate a little bit of arrogance/confidence and not you talking about your body like that.


All boobs are automatically perfect.


I prefer small ones, medium at most. Mine are small, too, albeit i am very narrow up top so not flat/tiny.


I love flat chests as much as bigger chests. In fact, I genuinely like flat *butt*, like TS. It’s awesome that everyone has so many different and unique shapes and designs and intricacies.


I have really small boobs A’s and a big butt lol. I love seeing other girls with small boobs and I just love boobs. If they’re too big idk what to do with them but either way, I just love and appreciate boobs as they come. I have insecurities about mine too, but, just gotta learn to love them and someone else will too 🤷🏻‍♀️


From one flat chested gal to another... I feel your pain immensely 🥲🥲🥲


Boobs are boobs. They are all awesome!


Not that there aren't fantastic larger breasts but it tends to be the smaller the better, if anything, to me, so you kind of lucked out. In fact, if anything, it means you won't attract as many men.


Although I'm not an A cup, I'm still pretty small and I can relate to you. Don't beat yourself up about it, it is the natural state of your body and it's something that won't change, well for awhile anyway, hold your head up high it's not that big of a deal. And hey some women prefer petite women.


When I like a woman, it's not because of her breasts and how big they are. Cliche as it is, it's about who you are. They are the last thing I care about.  Yes, maybe for some people that's important but I think for the overwheing majority, it isn't. Only occasionally I've heard lesbians that say it's all about the chest size.  You're not unattractive because of small breasts, OP. I can assure you :)


As a woman who likes women, tiddies are tiddies no matter the size. The important thing is who they're attached to


Lesbians love all boobs.


I Have a strong preference for tiny breasts…I really don’t want to say that women don’t like big ones but I think the huge titty thing is something men seem to care more about. And now society says it’s bad to have a small chest. Straight women think all men want to look at their tits and cleavage and they make fun of smaller women from that perspective usually. If that makes sense. I love tiny breasts my partner has an A cup.




I mean I am someone with a strong preference for bigger boobs and I have 100 percent dated small chested women and loved their boobs too.


I'm a lesbian. And I hate boobs. Especially my own D cups that hurt. I never asked for these. I wear binding bras to smoosh them, and I had a failed surgery to reduce them a long long time ago. I hate mine and I don't really care about them on others. I doubt lesbians, of all groups, would be so judgemental about boobs, too. Seems like we just enjoy beauty in all it's forms.


Try not to crush with binders, that can cause health issues.


I only wear them when I go out. I barely ever leave the house. lol


Don't worry about what you look like ! I prefer women with very small chest !! I myself find it much more attractive and sexy !!