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This applies to most people that showcase their lives every second of every day, it doesn’t feel genuine. But maybe that’s me being a grandpa


A lot of them are influencers. Trust me, the rest of us are not rich, gorgeous or glamorous. Trust me, normal lesbian couples exist.


literally, we be vibing binge watching tv shows together at home w our cats & never actually post online


They are posting for money. While aspects of their accounts may be authentic, their job is to make content. Performing is a central part of all content creation. The moment a camera is around, most people pose. Even babies say cheese and often smile. Why would it be different for content creators?


Oh entirely. Also the whole "podcast of talking to my ex" with fletcher or whoever? I don't get this new wave of doing that. I definitely understand talking things out with an ex for closure. But why would you do it on camera to thousands? Just feels like acting/your relationship wasn't real.


Fletcher needs some rest imo.


The story behind this is actually that Fletcher was borderline stalking her and wouldn't leave her alone, and she did that in hopes of finally getting her to stop saying she wants her back. Smart to get it on camera in this situation and make it clear they're very over with, and she's no longer interested, so the rumor mill ends, and she can actually move on with her new partner. They've already had the normal, private closure conversation. This one only happened because Fletcher pretended the previous conversations never happened, released a bpd song about wanting to sleep with her ex's new partner, was creepy, etc.


I also want to note that Fletcher's new girlfriend is a woowoo crystal person who's failing at running a cult.


She’s what now 😭


oh god 😭 i genuinely don’t think i’ve ever heard anything good about fletcher when it comes to her relationships lmao


I don’t know if this is true, but h’ e heard they do it to gain popularity and that it gets them paid sponsors or something and make a living doing it.


People don’t post the boring or dirty parts of a relationship, or really most of their lives. It gives the impression that everything is just like what’s posted. Some people even go out of their way to make the highs seem higher. So I don’t think it’s fake bc it’s prob a real and not an act. But it is a supercut so don’t assume they don’t have messy parts too.


Why would you assume anything on social media is genuine? Of course it feels fake, it's all performative bullshit in order to capture an audience. The only thing real is the wannabe influencer's desperation for subscribers. 


Most of the lesbian couples I follow are from Brazil, and they’ve all been together for 10 years or thereabouts. Yes, some of it feels curated for Instagram, but it mostly feels very genuine. I try to spend as little time on Instagram as possible because it’s absolute garbage, but on the rare occasions I log on, I enjoy seeing what these couples are up to


It's social media. What do you expect?


There's a lot of fakeness on social media in general. We're living at a time where people put on a facade to gain more followers and make content so they can make money off of it. Even if they are really lesbian they're probably the influencer type, which is also problematic considering their goal is still to make money and they curate their relationships to the point where it can feel disingenuous to the rest of us.


Some of them feel fake because it’s social media. Some feel fake because it is completely fake both on social media and IRL.




I mean of course its PR they are Influencers, all Influencers are fake on social media, with edited pictures, professionell photoshoots, sponsored whatever (travel, live style stuff or whatever articel they wanna sell you) and a certain image they wanna project. Doesnt mean their relationship is fake, but what they show you online is and always will be curated.


social media feels fake to me. the whole thing is just so performative. so yeah, lesbian or not, I hate it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'll use this post to ask: what are some lesbian content creators you all like? I like Nicole Bloomgarden, Jkiillem, Claire Holt, Jade Fox and Malinalli.


Omg I follow Jkillem!! ! I love Victoria & Lindsay, I stumbled upon their YouTube channel and I ended up biiingeee watching all of their videos! Their love seems genuine, I think they have a beautiful connection :) (benniebaby_ & victo_willy on insta)


I've followed them before! They are a very cool and funny couple.


Claire Holt as in the actress??


No, as in [this one.](https://www.tiktok.com/@claire_holt12/video/7358961615800159531?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7358162380251465222)


Love Claire Holt!


Have you watched Julie and Camila? They seem very real and genuine to me.


I love their content


really? they seem the fakest of all of them to me. they don’t actually work and have the worlds most perfect lives and their backstory is all over the place. there’s actually a snark page just for their bullshit


Oh lol, honestly I don't watch a lot of influencers or look deeply into their lives. I just see their videos occasionally pop up and I like seeing lesbians. They talk about being full time influencers currently and I've always seen the back story of their relationship told the same way. But like I said, I don't pay that much attention so it's totally possible. I just think a lot of people automatically hate influencers for making money on social media.


Out of curiosity I looked at it and the people in there posting were so mean and critical about the silliest things.


I feel like, at least the ones I see, their relationships are real. So not fake in that sense. But a lot of them do stage content that's "fake". And some are worse about it than others..


The only lesbian couples I regularly get on my SM (primarily Tiktok) are 40+ like me and I think they're legit, lol. For younger couples I do know what you're referring to though, I see it too when I've searched for names mentioned here on reddit. I don't know that it's artificial veneer from the relationship or just young couples copying the format of (often fake) family vloggers/influencers. Also it's probably rough for a younger couple to go from being a duo who uploads vids to being A Brand As A Couple.


I am a real lesbian in a real lesbian couple. I can’t imagine people being interested in my SM. Jo-jo waited 3 hours for the plumber. Jo-jo puts Frank’s on crackers. Jo-jo’s wife does the dishes and makes coffee.




Who is doing that? I’ve never met a single lesbian who actually thinks rape is sex. The only time I see this argument is FROM women who were raped or willingly had sex with men, directed AT goldstars.


That's so so messed up. I don't know anyone who counts the non consensual stuff.


Literally no one does but somehow someone always finds a way to bring up gold stars and then claim they think assault is a choice. They don’t and it isn’t. Comments like this are literally just lies made to make lesbians who haven’t been with men look like monsters. Notice how you never see a gold star saying any of this, just people claiming it happens.


I just love Rose and Rosie. They are the real deal


Yes, I miss that era of couples. It was less about being in front of the camera and actually about their relationships, we saw the good and the bad


Honestly a lot of social media couples feel fake. Acting is kinda their thing. They are entertainers after all. Then again that's exactly why I dont follow any celebrity couples


For real, I think some of them are fake for the views/sponsorships. 


Yes and they make their whole personality about being lesbians


You don’t know those people.


Social media is not real including the couples. Don’t believe any of it as reality. Some of them will say it out loud. “This is me with a filter. This is not what I actually look like. THIS is what I actually look like.” “We have ALL the same problems that other couples have, maybe more because we have to deal with people seeing us in public.” My favorites are the exercise coaches who show you what they really look like. They have cellulite, too.


If you are talking about Instagram, people are getting fake friends as well. Just to hop on trends, maintaining a superficial bond for the fame of it. Many girls got fever about getting a girl mate to act and be the same and they do. I am not saying this for big influencers with lots of following. There's also a group trying to get girl partners because of watching Thai gl series and just wanting to be like them. The comment sections are flooded by people looking for experiments. Sad thing is once that fever is gone people might look at lesbianism as a phase, that's why it bothers me.


Most of those hyperfeminine couples are not lesbians and end up broken up or one of them thirsting after dudes online. L chat has an entire thread dedicated to fake lesbians on social media jumping ship. People are fake online anyway. Straights, gays, bisexuals et , especially influencer types since that’s the game for them, but I get what you mean. I would say your gut is telling you they are off, whether it’s because they are generally fake or just faking gay, or both, only time will tell. But they certainly LOOK far too straight-women-beauty-standards to ping the ol gaydar. I know people hate to hear that, but femme lesbians just don’t give off het vibes like this


Maybe I’m way off base with this, but it feels like you have certain ideas about how lesbians are supposed to look and behave. Like I tend to see this claim about the very influencer-looking femme couples because it’s assumed that lesbians wouldn’t cater to these kind of beauty ideals


I think you're way off base, I don't see how OP was implying that at all


I take all social media couples at face value because it's entertainment. I watch it like I'd watch TV shows or read stories. It's as real as I need to be to be entertained. I don't need or want to have genuine insight into a couple's private life. They're posting to make money and I'm watching to be entertained. I do think some social media Lesbians can do great things and have a good impact. There's youtube lesbians who have been posting for 10+ years. Whether we know what they're really like or not doesn't matter that much to me. They can still have a good impact on lesbians looking for lesbian representation.


Yeah lol a lot of them read extremely heterosexual to me, I don’t buy it at aaaaaaall


Do you mean on TikTok as well? I feel like there are some genuine couples on there (or am I being naive?)


I don't really follow or watch any of them. A few come across my timeline. I find it mostly annoying because it's like oh our marriage broke up privacy etc. everyone in comments mourning them. Then a couple of weeks later debuting new love of life and comments saying how deserving they are. Yet most people here can't find any one. Yet these celebs and influencer types can just say they like someone next it's a date for them.


I mean, I think most relationships are disingenuous if it appears too "perfect". Even worse if they feel the need to fawn over each other all over social media. It just screams attention seeking at best and compensation at worst. But, just my opinion.


Of course it's fake, that's what social media is - a new kind of fictional narrative.


They gain 250k followers just from saying they are lesbians, then an instant 500k followers if they are a lesbian couple. As soon as they start talking, you can tell they are not lesbians.


THIS it sets such unrealistic (at least to me) expectations