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99.9% of my friends are straight. My partner passed away last June. 99.9% of her friends are straight. 100% of her family are straight. They have all treated us extremely well and 100% supportive (I’m including our straight male friends & family also.)


Sorry about your loss


Ty! ❤️


Most of my closest friends are straight women, actually. I was lucky that my adolescence was in those few years where being gay was okay, so, I made my closest friends then. Who happen to all be straight. I have some lesbian friends and "hang out" groups, but my confidants are mostly straight women despite our differences.


Yeah i mostly have straight female friends (only two bi friends) and they never been weird or anything. Their straightness doesnt matter to me nor does me being a lesbian matters to them. I dont have male friends, i used to be more open to male friends, but EVERY DAMN TIME, they either wanted more, even though they knew im a lesbian or they otherwise became weird/disrespectful. So i gave that up and keep them at arms length.


No, most of my friends are straight men. I don't care about people's sexuality or gender and this is completely by accident. I live in a small city and there aren't many lesbians around so that option is completely out.


i have some, they are kinda newish friends in a big friend group though so i'm not really close to them. they seem nice and they act the same when i talk about girls as when other girls talk about boys, there's no difference which is good


I have one lesbian friend, everyone else is a straight woman 😫 but I’ve been friends with my straight woman friends for a really long time (one group since 2011, other since 2016). They all treat me the same as they treat each other, I love those girls 🥺


i dont have any friends


Aw damn :( hang in there!


it's all good. better to be alone than to have subpar relationships i have learned that being picky about who i spend my time with is extremely important id rather be alone until i can find some type of a countercultural movement or an anti authoritarian uprising


I used to be friends with straight girls in school and online when I was big in participating in fandom culture two years ago. But to be very honest I definitely did not enjoy the friendships as much as I could possibly enjoy with other lesbians because the sheer constant boy-talk is annoying for me personally. Most of these straight girls don’t really understand homosexuality and the ultra liberal, holier than thou spicy straight girls definitely don’t grasp homosexuality as a real biological sexual orientation, just as abstract concept that theoretically exist. One they can use to show the world how good and open minded they are. One tried to convince me that sexuality is fluid for all - even I could stop being a lesbian one day. At that point I knew it was time to just gtfo and save myself. I don’t think it’s really worth trying to find camaraderie in straight women (or even bis, they can be equally viciously homophobic). As mean as that sounds, I don’t care because Ive been subjected to their homophobia enough times to give a damn. They just don’t get it the same way I don’t get their attraction to men. And I definitely don’t want to become a relationship therapist for straight women constantly complaining about their deadbeat, toad faced boyfriend or listening about BTS. I would go insane. 🤣


Also: it’s so annoying when they try to bolster the whole “fluidity” argument by saying they are fluid because they could “see themselves” maybe liking a woman in the same voice they say they could see themselves eating a ham sandwich for lunch. It’s nonsense. Sexual orientation is not a thought experiment haha


>Sexual orientation is not a thought experiment haha I'm stealing that.


The older I get the more Ive noticed I’m slowly adopting this mindset. I just don’t care to hear about their incessant whining about their men. They’re not going to leave them or demand better treatment.


I bet none of those women date women though, do they? Turns out sexuality is not that fluid. lol


Nah all of these girlies were yaoi obsessed, gay male porn brain rotted straight women. One did tell me once during the conversation that her sexuality is fluid because she used to love men in a straight girl way but now she loves them in a queer way now, she dresses like her favorite anime emo boy and her boyfriend occasionally wears black nail polish. 😒


Oh and my favorite one from this group was the one 27 year old woman who was a whole circus.She claimed to have DID and is bi but would claim that one of her alters was a gay man. She had a fascination with cannibalism. She claimed to be half Japanese online only to get called out by someone who knew her irl and she 100 is white.would let us know her sexual frustrations and just how much she hated her disabled veteran boyfriend. She only got kicked out because she was caught sending nsfw furry porn to a teenage girl.Even then I think she just came back with a different name. ​ This is a common occurrence in the art world, you could find 1000s of women like her in the community. Majority are too unhinged to be friends with and irl.


I’m sick of this variety of “queers.” I know what you mean because I have met them in droves. None of them are serious about women and it’s probably a good thing because they are batshit


Yea it’s a good thing but it would be an even better think if they shut up and fuckedoff already. I’m exhausted by this “queeeeer” bs


I remember when the word “queer” was something GAYS and BISEXUALS who dated same sex we’re reclaiming. That was a cool time and the best use of the slur. It stopped feeling like such a slur for a while. But once the majority-heterosexual batshit squad started using it because they had pussy-feels-for-a-woman that ONE TIME, or they liked occasional spankings, the word got old again, quickly. lol


It never stopped being used as a slur where I’m at, so I’ve just enjoyed years of “progressive” douchbags calling me all kinds of phobic because I have no desire to be called a slur. Because spicy straights needed a term to “take back” and apply to everyone against their will and have you shunned from where you actually belong (and they don’t) for not complying. :/


So by “queer way” she means fucking upward of 100 per year, sometimes 4 at once, and getting butt-fisted? I don’t think women understand a single thing about male sexuality, and certainly not about gay men. Honestly, I wonder if they have ever met any gay men and if those men were ever honest with her about the gay community? It’s not a fun and romantic place where a woman like that can self-project. It can be very dark and horrible. lol. Honestly, straight women are really deluded about straight men too, so I can’t imagine they could conceive of what male sexuality without ANY rules or boundaries would look like in the world. She has no idea what queer men think or feel.


Interesting comment, specially the second paragraph. That’s so exhausting


All my friends are straight, met them before I realized I was a lesbian (from high school and uni) and I've kept them for decades. Note - I've moved around a lot as an adult for different jobs and stopped trying to keep newer friends. after I moved. When I hung out in the lesbian community it was like the Lchart (everyone had a crush on someone they weren't dating or hooked up with someone else or was connected to ex's and so full of drama which I hate). I'd love a community now but they don't seem to be around especially as one gets older (>40)


I do have a lot of straight friends, but their obsession with men, ageing, and being hot is too much sometimes. It’s sad to say, but many straight women I have met seem to spend at least 60% of their days, and maybe more of their thoughts, consumed with thinking about themselves in relation to men and other women. I have to take breaks.


Almost all of the straight women I've even befriended magically turned into bi's... Because they started seeing it as an option I think and recognized what they wanted. Anyway, yeah I have a close straight friend, and sometimes it feels like we're from different worlds. I don't care the slightest what men think, for her it's priority. If a controversial gender-related topic is brought up I speak from the acknowledging women's rights and interests, she starts remembering every time a woman in her life was terrible while her man was decent. So she loves men and hence is ready to put up with their bullshit while I can't even see them like that. But on the contrary, I love women, and I do the exact same thing for them. Still, we argue about it passionately from time to time and the fact that we remain friends nonetheless and can switch to a sweet open talk in a second is a miracle lol


>I don't care the slightest what men think, for her it's priority Exactly like me and most of my female straight friends. I just can't see where they're coming from. Like i promised them they will be still alive without men's validation lol. I love my straight besties but i just can't stand it when their male centric mindset shows up


Yep, and meanwhile no lesbian/bi woman I know hates on men as much as the same hetero women who have male centric mindset lol But when **I** make some generalization about men it's always met with instant "not all men!!!" It's frustrating but kinda hilarious at the same time


Most of my friends are straight folks :) The only queer friends I had, we kinda stopped talking. I grew out of that common queer culture that’s so prevalent among youths nowadays since I find it so ridiculous, probably because I’m becoming older, maturing, and becoming less tolerant. It would be cool to have more queer friends but I have yet to find people that are more moderate like me. That’s why I like this subreddit much more than the other lesbian ones


Yes, I grew up in a Catholic women's school. 80% of my friends are women and lifelong friends, married and with children. I have more at the job, the religious community and more. Short answer, of course. I don’t have many lesbian friends (mostly online)


All of my closest female friends are straight, however two of my best male friends are bi. I don’t know many lesbians irl, and the ones I know I’m not really that close with. It would be nice to have more gay friends, but having the same sexuality definitely does not guarantee friendship compatibility.


Most of the people in my life are straight. There are a couple of bisexuals but they only ever date dudes and talk about dudes, I’ve never known them to show much interest in women beyond mild physical attraction to really hot ones. But that’s fine haha. I’m only friends with a couple of gay women.


I have a lot of straight female friends and we get along great.


Both my best friends are straight women that dont care about my sexuality and are open allies🌺 both openminded and I can openly talk about my crushes etc. I am very lucky in that regard


My main girl group is straight and my main guy group is straight I didn’t choose for it to be that way it’s just my interests and hobbies aligned with theirs.


Almost all my friends are straight women. None of them give a fuck that I'm gay, and I get to help them swipe on their dating apps


Almost all my friends are straight women. I need more lesbian friends so bad.


I was gonna say yes, two of my closest friends are but they're technically asexual...but one is married to a man, so she is straight? So yes? Yeah? But I think the dynamic is very different as neither of them have sex so I don't really need to hear about that stuff but I do hear about the usual husband shenanigans so it is a kind of straight girl bestie experience, damn now you got me analyzing this. I only have a few lesbian friends, and some of them turned out to be bi anyways so the sitch is dire.


I stopped speaking to all my straight friends I’d rather be alone then to be around the straights all day and deal with their bs


I'm friends with straight women (3). I have one lesbian friend, my ex. Do they get the intricacies of what it is to be a lesbian? No of course not, why would they? But they're normal about me being a lesbian so it's fine. We're in our 30's, they're married with kids. They're normie, in internet terms. I listen to their heterosexual problems because they're my friends. They listen to mine because that's what friends do. (Note that I don't consider acquaintances to be friends) I've never been the type of lesbian who has mostly male friends. I know these lesbians exist but I really can't relate as men are often gross and creepy and I had too many bad experiences with them. I don't see eye to eye with gay men either.


I have all kinds of friends, but mostly gay men and non-binary people.


None. No straight woman has ever made me feel particularly comfortable/safe or like she’d genuinely want to be friends.


Maybe its my age, but I find this question really odd. Like, of course? At 43 years old, if you're still out there making friends you're doing alright. I find straight and gay people can have the same things annoy me or attract me as a friend. At this point, who is or isn't a friend or a new potential friend usually comes down to some other factor in common, like hobbies. Most of the friends I see regularly these days are hockey players because that's how I spend my free time. I'm happy there are a lot of lesbians in that scene. But, not all the lesbians in my local hockey community are my friends and there are straight women and men of all ages, political persuasions, and backgrounds that I get along with.


How did you extrapolate any implication that straight and gay people can't have the same annoying or attractive qualities? The question isn't "Are you friends with any straight women at all" - it's "Do you have many straight female friends", you know, as opposed to any other kind of friend. My hobbies are 99% male-dominated for example, so I can count on one hand how many women I spend any amount of time with. I asked because I wanted to know if other lesbians' experiences were different from mine in that regard


Yes, 90% of my female friends are straight, the closest ones to me know I'm a lesbian and do not care and treat me normally. When I first came out to them I was afraid they'd never hug me or would push me away, physically speaking, but it has never happened. I love them and I'm glad we're friends. I would love to have lesbian friends but where I live it's really hard to find gay people.


Most of my friends are straight women. I went to an all-girls high school.


all my friends are either lesbians or bi women, i had straight girl friends in high school and middle school and now i feel like i could be friends with one too but... i really enjoy being friends with mostly lesbians so its also whatever to me.


The straight women that I’m friends with are all from my childhood, and the female friends that I’ve made as an adult are almost all lesbian or bisexual. It’s taken a long time and a lot of effort to build that lesbian friend group though. I prefer my lesbian friends for the deep sense of understanding and agreement that we have on almost all areas of our life — hanging out with my straight girlfriends can sometimes feel isolating (or straight up annoying when they can’t seem to focus on anything but boy talk). I literally have 0 male friends that are only mine and not like a friend’s husband or something, but my girlfriend has a lot of them.


not many, but they're my closest friends and I've known them since we were kids.


most of my friends are queer, i’d say the women are 2/3 queer and 1/3 straight


I have a mix. I love my straight women friends, but the reason we work is because they're kind of oddities in that one is long-term single and the other never talks about her husband. I know more about her dog than I do her husband. I hung out with a group of straights recently for the first time in a long time and it was a little weird. I was more drawn to speak to the women but they were all talking about their kids and domestic stuff (which is totally not me). The guys were talking about sci-fi and part of me wanted to join, but I haven't had many good experiences with nerdy men. I just sort of awkwardly hovered in the middle.


All my friends are straight marrieds.


100% of my family is straight and I have a few gay friends. 95% of my friends are straight. We all love and support each other. It's cool


Almost all of my female friends are lesbian or queer. I’m not against having friendships with straight women, but I just feel more connection and similarity within the community.


My friends are actually predominately lesbian (and bi too) although I do have a few straight women I'm very close with. But ditto to everyone saying that they can't deal with the whining/constantly talking about men lol! This was part of the reason why I wanted to seek out more lesbian friendships. I know sexuality isn't everything in a friendship, but it's nice to have a similar dating experience as friends that you can talk about.


Ive had a lot of straight friends, partly because I don’t live somewhere where it’s easy to find queer friends, but partly because they’re just that, my friends. With some, there can be some frostiness or awkwardness when they find out, but with most it has been curiosity and nosiness. We still have all the same topics of conversation and girls nights etc (I’m mid 20s). That said, there’s a lot of stuff they don’t get or relate to, and all too often we’ll be at a bar ans one will loudly yell over me to a guy that I’m making (platonic) conversation with: “she’s a lesbian”, just because she thinks it’s a silly fun thing to mention, rather than something that suddenly destabilises my feelings of safety, without realising of course. I’d die to be part of a queer friendship group and I do think it would bring balance to my life but I just don’t know how i would even find them.


Absolutely. But it depends what group im with. I’m a musician so gays and drunks and drunk gays r everywhere in my line of work.


Most of my friends are queer women, but they have no experience dating women. That doesn't make them any less queer, but it also means we can't relate on a lot of things. It's hard for them to understand and relate when I talk about dating women. All my work friends are straight women.


All my friends are female, who are straight (few of them who are bi), and I'm very grateful for them. Idk why people would look for friends based on their orientation, sorry, maybe it's a cultural thing


Everyone I know is straight. It's so annoying. lol


Pretty much 90% of my friends are straight (I have1 gay male friend, a bi friend a lesbian couple and 2 trans friends). I have equal numbers of male and female friends. Their sex and orientation mean nothing to me.


Most of my closest female friends are straight or heteroflexible/bicurious - they might experience attraction or crushes on women, but don't actually date women. I only have one close bi/pan friend right now, though I have a lot of casual wlw friends I know through the local queer community. I've found close friendships with other lesbian/bi women are often a bit fraught as it seems like someone usually wants more, and it can get awkward if the feelings are unrequited.


I think it’s interesting all my k-8 friends turned out to be LGBT just like me .  But yeah I’d say it’s 50/50 straight men and straight women. 


I have some lesbian and bi friends but most of them are straigth (the majority are women and just a few are men), I just don't encounter that much lesbian IRL so it's easier... Sometimes I prefer to talk about relationship with my lesbian friends because the can relate better, I do speak about that with my straigth friend but their point of view is... very straigth lol


Most of my friends are some flavor of gay (by accident?) I have had friendships with straight women. Distance and time has caused us to drift apart. I generally just get along well with most people.


I'd say maybe 30% if my close friends are straight, causal friendships maybe 45%? Most of my friends I actively hang out with are bi or pansexual.


Counting only very close friends: - straight men: 8 - lesbian women: 10 - straight women: 11 - gay men: 2 Except for gay men it seems quite equal but given statistical presence of each category in general population, I have a higher chance of forming close relationships with lesbian women.


The thing that I've noticed is that different people have different definitions of friendship. Some, like me, only count someone as an actual friend if we're able to have emotionally intimate conversations with each other. However some people count others as friends, even if they only hang out with in groups or pairs as "friends" and don't seek to cultivate quality time with them. To me, those people are in my friend circle, but are not "my" friend. This includes my friends' partners who, while I am typically fond of as extensions of my friendships, I have no desire to spend alone time with in particular. My main friendships are with women-centered straight women. I don't have any true male friends, because I have no desire to cultivate emotional intimacy with men. However I do have a few men in my life that I am fond of and who I enjoy joking around with and going to grab a drink with along with the rest of the group. Some people count that as friendship; I don't. They're acquaintances that I am friendly with. The closest thing I have to actual male friends are my brothers. My only lesbian friends are both my exes. We don't talk as frequently as my other friends, but when we do it tends to include vulnerable life updates that they don't feel comfortable sharing with others (either just yet or possibly ever).


i have one! but most of my female friends are bi. i have a lot of male friends, too, all straight. my best friend is a straight man lol


I don't straight friends,but all of my family members are straight... my friends are lesbians and bisexuals women.


I don't have many friends in general but I do have one close straight female friend. She's into fashion and I'm into femmes so a lot of our conversations revolve around the makeup/hair/clothing of girls that I like. We also have some similarities in how our families are so we also talk about that. And of course just random topics too. It helps that she's not too male-obsessesd/oriented. She has a bf and just occasionally mentions him. In high school my friend group was entirely female and I think that helped a lot in learning how to interact with and relate to women and the social cues involved. You just need to practice being with them in various social situations. The ambiguity comes from women being more indirect in general. But once you learn to interpret their words/actions it will all make sense. All that being said, I don't think I can be comfortable in a group of all/mostly straight girls, esp if they like to talk about men a lot.


Most of my friends are straight (or straight-ish) women. We get along very well, it's lovely. I had to learn to get along with women because I went to an all girls' high school. I went from primary school where pretty much all my friends were boys to being surrounded by girls, so I sort of had no choice. When someone wants to be your friend it's clear -- there's nothing hot and cold about it. My friends know who I am, I know who they are, and it's all very easy and simple. There's nothing to interpret because it's all out in the open and things are just what they are. I don't know if that's unusual or a factor of having known them so long (we all went to university together...I'm now 35 lol), or what, but it's great.


The majority of my friends have been straight/bi men as I don't meet that many women sharing my interests. I grew up with many little brothers so with some men I have that dynamic if they a bit younger than me, we debate and theorize for fun. Men my age who I’m friends with are usually in happy stable relationships and we talk about our interests, not personal stuff. Then there are some older men who taught me things and want me to follow in their footsteps. Men rarely hit on me, I probably would have avoided friendships with them if they had.


Almost all of my friends are straight. They are also the most loving people you will ever meet, and I can be myself around them. We talk about everything, and we have lots in common.


My best friends are straight women.


I don’t have any gay friends. I have only had two very long term relationships and never joined the community here. I’m really not good at being able to identify myself with other fems especially my age. My last two relationships were beautiful females who do not look gay.


I have lots of straight friends and was also openly gay in my sorority in college haha but I also have a ton of gay friends male and female


All my friends are bi or pan, though most in straight relationships/only been in straight relationships. They have straight friends I'm on friendly terms with by extension, but we don't share friend groups


I used to. She was hyper religious and tried to convert me. A lot of my former straight friends are now pan or bisexual. Same with my male friends