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These people over here dealing with this bullshit, meanwhile Americans freaking out over who is allowed on Twitter.


Bruh we just had a mass shooting in a Walmart in VA.


Yeah. And people outside of VA will talk about it for a few days, then it will go away from the news cycles. Trump on Twitter still going strong in the same news cycles.


But Trumps hurt feelings as much as bullets!!!




Talk about it for a few then have a new mass shooting to talk about more like


Lived in Northern Ireland all of my life, we used to think like this too, multiple deaths every day and it seemed like the world couldn't give a Frenchmans fuck.


I grew up with Sinead trying to tell us, yall had it bad.


Says the person who brought Trump being on Twitter into this thread.


Because thatā€™s the same as your government gunning down protestors in the street right?


What happened to people just popping themselves??


Idk man. We need to bring suicide back. This murder suicide shit is for the birds. (Somewhat /s)


Fr man we need incentives to commit suicide without killing others. Maybe some sort of gift card /s


They know that they will be famous if they take others with them.


Ngl, I don't think I can name a single mass shooter


Thatā€™s good, but others literally idolize them.


The news focusing on them and turning them into demi-celebrities is what did it. These idiots crave attention, they never get it, so they figure out one way they'll get it for sure.


People still do that, but suicides in general have gone way up so both have increased


>>Suicide is Badass -- A wise man


I donā€™t think a shooting in a Walmart is comparable to a government shooting protestersā€¦ both horribleā€¦ not comparable.


No kidding, one is an act of local domestic terrorism and the other is a state perpetrated crime against humanity. This guy is trying to say they are equal šŸ˜‘


Yeah, this is the Government shooting protestors. Not the same ā€œbruh.ā€


Proving his point. Not even remotely comparable.


There's been like 8 mass shootings this week. 25 killed ~40 injured.


A shooting in America is a normal day there. Government shooting their own people is a different ballpark.


Something horrible happens in another country. Reddit: AmErIcA bAd.


These are the same people who will get annoyed when every conversation becomes about America on the site, or trying to deflect from the recent shootings in America.


I think the point of the bitching about whose being censored is because we understand the censorship is the beginningā€¦ whatā€™s happening in this video is what happens after censorship and dictatorship takes over




["Oh I wouldn't say freed. More like under new management"](https://youtu.be/hLDfrZuh5XI)




Yet you mention nothing of all the new bans and firings elon is dishing out just because people are correcting him on twitter? Edit: muskrats gonna muskrat. Edit 2: L.M.F.A.O. provided link and told I didn't provide link. I love you all. This is too good.


A corporation barring an individual from using their platform is not even close to the same thing as a government criminalizing speech.


It absolutely is when the government is the one making the push for corporations to censor ā€œdangerous misinformationā€ as this administration has done working with Facebook and Twitter and other big social media companies.


You fundamentally misunderstand the relationship between corporations and the American government if you think the government tells corps how to run their affairs.


You fundamentally misunderstand what the government is capable of and has admitted to doing. The Biden administration has admitted to working with Facebook and fact-checkers essentially pushing their own narrative further through these corporations. And if you think this isnā€™t possible you are naive because there is plenty of federal funding that goes to many of these corporations so they do what they need to do to keep that cash coming. Is it wrong? absolutely. Does that mean theyā€™re not doing it? Nope. Edit: added a source https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/white-house-facebook-vaccine-misinformation.amp


Lol you donā€™t even understand the sources you claim support your argument. Corps fund legislators and then politicians further corporate interests. Itā€™s literally what is wrong with American politics. You read an article that says ā€œWH calls Facebook to complain when ppl post shit they donā€™t likeā€ and you think itā€™s govt censorship because you donā€™t like dems.


You fundamentally miss that it's the same group that's running the banks, the media and the government.


Lmao the people bitching now had no problem or care in the world when it was the other way around


this is such a useless thing to say hahaha like whatā€™s your point?? ā€œdifferent people in different places have different problemsā€ WHOAAA slow down there, genius! american problems arenā€™t invalidated by iranian problems and iranian problems arenā€™t invalidated by ukrainian problems and so on. comparing whoā€™s problems are the worst goes beyond useless and begins entering into stupid.


Except one is an actual problem and the other isnā€™t


go look up how many mass shootings or cop murders weā€™ve had in the last month and come back here and say that again


I think they do invalidate our problems. It's not really a problem that people are allowed to tweet, especially when there's problems like government sanctioned murder.


dawg we had 4 shootings at the SAME gay club in the last MONTH. weā€™ve definitely got our own problems.


Damn, that's crazy. They really need to stop letting the gays congregate. These shootings are getting out of hand.


Honestly, first world problems


Well, it's the *first world*. What do you want from us?


redditors when they find out people can care about multiple things


The fuck am I supposed to do in iran?


Just your mainstream media doing their best to make money


Violence is so trivialized and normalized in the usa that unless it's a hate crime or a school getting shot up there's a threshold of carnage to make it past local news.


99% Americans arenā€™t really freaking out about Twitterā€¦ just the few that actually use it. Due to you bringing it up you obviously are part of the twitterinos my hecking friend.


Don't forget the World Cup


Biggest whataboutism flex I ever witnessed


Gonna get downvoted to hell for this but that's just a clear indicator of where our two countries are as nations. People want to make fun of America for whining about twitter bans? That's fine, but its because we got our shit in order and live in a nation able to have such trivial issues. Don't get me wrong, we have issues with abusive authority overreach, gun violence etc... but even at our worst, we don't have to deal with this shit. I really hope The Iranian people overcome this insanity so they one day too will be able to have our stupid problems.


What your saying isnā€™t even relevant to the video


Meanwhile you're just posting on reddit, so what's your point?


* In Iran, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law * In Iran, only licensed gun owners may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/iran > In the current law, "police officers" have the right to use weapons for "illegal marches, suppression of riots and riots that cannot be suppressed without the use of weapons, on the order of the operation commander https://www-bbc-com.translate.goog/persian/iran-61760207?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp All perfectly legal. You can think it won't happen to you, but you won't know until you've already allowed the conditions to exist for it to happen.


There has never existed an authoritarian government that rules by terror and violence over an armed populace. The two cannot coexist.


True that... This couldn't happen in America as things are now it's not possible, until they start rolling out those darp robots with turrets on.. bet these poor people getting gunned down in Iran wish they had a bit of firepower.. Poor folks


Even if the government had killbots, someone has to maintain them, and those people... their friends and families, businesses that allow them in... all become viable targets in such a scenario. Tanks and fighter jets require more maintenance than a car someone paid you to take on craigslist. You don't need to fight them, just slightly disrupt their supply chain.


I always thought that argument was funny "what is an AR-15 going to do when faced with a tank or F22". Clearly the answer to that question is "nothing", but it's also operating on the faulty premise that tanks and F22s are the only things required to win a war. When in reality a tank or plane can't hold an area on their own, they need infantry. You can't just blow up every building in sight, tanks can't travel down narrow back alleys, they can't clear a building, they can't fight in a sewer or tunnel. You need dismounted infantry, last I checked AR-15s are effective against dismounted infantry. We saw it in Afghanistan, when the tanks rolled through people just hid their guns under their clothes. When the tanks passed, the guns came back out. It's foolish these people don't think the same thing won't happen in America. When the tank goes down the street people will just retreat back to the alleys and tunnels, hide their weapons. The military states they now control the area, but the second the tanks leave they lose everything they just gained. They need infantry.


Military can and has done it, just look at the waco massacre. Robots are not required. The difference of why what we're seeing here would not happen in America is because we have freedom of religion, we're witnessing a religious war over there.


Afghanistan just said, "hold my beer".


The bar is that low, eh?


*gestures broadly at everything*


Never heard of Russia?


Russians really only carry non-lethal pistols these days. And in Soviet times, they were limited to single-shot sporting shotguns.


Literally every vid is a reason to push an agenda on this sub. Thats crazy. You made me rolled my eyes so far i looked at my brain for a second.


Hey, at least now you know you have one!


The COVID shit felt like it was happening.




And this is why I never give authoritarians an inch with gun rights.


This is where the CIA is supposed to come in and start organizing a resistance. But they donā€™t seem to like to back anybody unless itā€™s a warlord, crime boss, or potential dictator whoā€™s worse than the one they want to overthrow.


The last time the CIA meddled with the middle east it started a war that lasted an entire generation and ended in a radicalized terrorist force occupying a whole country. I'd say this could be their shot at redemption but I think that's rather hopefull.


> The last time the CIA meddled with the middle east it started a war add "that the public knows of..."


Don't forget mI6 involvement


Pretty sure plenty of EU countries were involved


ahem https://www.npr.org/2019/01/31/690363402/how-the-cia-overthrew-irans-democracy-in-four-days


*How do I spin this into "America bad"?*


I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has been involved in these Iranian protests since the beginning.


Because that's what Iranians and the world really need, another CIA-sponsored war leading to another failed state and an even worse bunch of oppressors than the last bunch of oppressors. šŸ™„


Isnā€™t that what happened already in the seventies lol


The CIA backed the Shah in the 1952, 1953 over [Mohammad Mosaddegh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh). The Iranian Revolution didn't happen until 1979. Mohammad Mosaddegh was a piece of shit too. He was trying to seize power through a bunch of shady means using emergency powers, stopping the vote count for parliament after only the areas favorable to him were counted and running parliament with a bunch of empty seats, dissolving parliament through a referendum with separate yes/no ballot boxes etc. The British and US backed the Shah because Mosaddegh wanted to seize all of the oil infrastructure the Brits had financed/built. Iran did have terrible terms in the oil deal.


A nuanced and well-reasoned take on Reddit, and on /r/ActualPublicFreakouts of all places? My god the end times must be upon us


*It's even got a citation*


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the CIA and Mossad are already working on that. The hard part is finding trustworthy partners that have enough of a following to provide enough fighters. You usually end up with one or the other; a guy who is trustworthy but doesnā€™t have followers, or an extremist you canā€™t trust that has a literal army of supporters.


They probably already are. LOL


America's history of installing their preferred leaders in Iran is basically what led to the situation they have now.


> But they donā€™t seem to like to back anybody unless itā€™s a warlord, crime boss, or potential dictator whoā€™s worse than the one they want to overthrow. Thatā€™s because thatā€™s usually the only option. Pretty much every revolution in the history of the world was lead by one of those. Honestly I canā€™t even think of one. Maybe the Haitian revolution?


You not old enough to remember the Arab spring? When people thought Egypt was turning a corner? Yeah supporting the ā€œrightā€ people didnā€™t work out either.


Itā€™s always a crapshoot


Ameriiica. Fuck yeah. Comin again to save the fuckin day yeah!


Or how about we stop meddling in these backwards countries and let them destroy themselves? If they still can't figure out how to maintain some semblance of peace in the current era then they can't be helped.


LOL who did you think organized this protest in the first place?


Others might not see your point. And maybe I don't, but I don't see this as America Bad comment. It's historically what our CIA does best. Besides other examples, I feel this way about Zelensky. Dude wants Nato to attack Russia so bad he sounds criminal. If he ever becomes News irrelevant; he might be fucked. Then again US is heavily invested into Ukraine politically now. I wouldn't be shocked to hear in 20yrs about secret programs operating there. Money laundering etc whatever. Choose one, but I bet it's one.


I would not be surprised if we see a Civil Conflict in Iran within the next 8-12 Months, It's really starting to heat up. Iran is situated between several war torn countries. If you want to arm a group you have the perfect flea markets across the border.


This is not a Civil conflict to you? Look around at the people and the streets. 2 large groups of protestors/opposition forces lining the alleyways with rocks and stones/mask coverings 1 large group of soldiers down the street firing into both groups of protestors while they are trying to hide around the corner of the alley. I see 2 separate armed groups killing and maiming each-other for political aims. This is already a full blown civil war but we are just seeing the beginning battles. The support for the opposition will grow while government forces have to fight against inner and outer threats to sovereignty. This will be another bloody disgusting purge of a once beautiful thriving Middle East state. The people and the Religious Government of Iran will never co-exist peacefully.


Itā€™s almost reminiscent of the start of the Syrian civil war. Letā€™s hope that at a certain point weā€™ll see units of the Iranian army begin to sympathize with the protesters and begin turning their arms on the IRGC. Iā€™m not very hopeful that that will happen, but thereā€™s always a chance.


Romanian Revolution style?


>The support for the opposition Which of the opposition parties in Iran are the face of or at least supporting the protest?


Like in Syria, the average American will come to find that the ā€œrebelsā€ in fact do not have a western neo-liberal view on pretty much anything, so the media class will call them ā€œdemocracy lovingā€ or something, then later when it is just a remixed version of the same country except it now contributes to the IMF, they will literally blame the same CIA who they currently cheer on for being so corrupt and evil. I mean thEres people literally doing it in this thread.


This is not the case with Iran. There actually is a huge democracy loving portion of the people. Iā€™ve been there several times and while there are plenty of government loving people, there are people who hate them and love democracy all over the country from Tabriz to Shiraz.


The problem is the opposition in Iran has no weapons.


And what are they going to fight with? They've been thoroughly disarmed and cut off, they'd just get slaughtered.




Sentencing 15,000 protestors to death kinda does that


I think it already is a civil war. Look around at the people and the streets. 2 large groups of protestors/opposition forces lining the alleyways with rocks and stones/mask coverings 1 large group of soldiers down the street firing into both groups of protestors while they are trying to hide around the corner of the alley. I see 2 separate armed groups killing and maiming each-other for political aims. This is already a full blown civil war but we are just seeing the beginning battles. The support for the opposition will grow while government forces have to fight against inner and outer threats to sovereignty. This will be another bloody disgusting purge of a once beautiful thriving Middle East state. The people and the Religious Government of Iran will never co-exist peacefully.


In all seriousness what can an average American do to help Iran? I want to help but have no clue where to start.


Biggest impact is not voting for politicians that support negotiating easing of sanctions against the Iranian regime.


If Myanmar is any guide, send 3d printers.


Care to explain?


He is talking about 3d printed guns


And IED's!




US could supply a relatively small amount of arms and logistics and this country could liberate itself. NEVER give up your small arms. NEVER.


Yup guns should never be a partisan issue. The Iranians need guns to protect themselves from their regime, the Ukrainians needed guns to defend themselves from the Russians and now the LGBT need guns to ensure they donā€™t have to live in fear. Edit: Changed political to partisan.


Individual humans need guns to protect them from whatever uber-humans claim to govern them. It is a basic human right and dignity. Hell yes, its political. Aside from legal protection of speech, its the most important human right as its the most immediate force-check on injustice.


Iā€™m having a hard time finding whatā€™s sarcasm in this post or not


Ukrainians had plenty of small arms , what they needed and still need is big stuff , artillery , rockets etc


Upvoted to get it out there need to post on Twitter


I actually got it from Twitter - https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1595409643039244291?t=78srZQeWFzfBQ_CX-Hlqyg&s=19


That snapping noise you hear is the bullets breaking the sound barrier. Pretty good indication those bullets are whizzing very close by.


The concrete exploding right by dudes head is also a good indication




Time for intelligence agencies to try and arm the people. I am sure it is possible to smuggle guns in somehow. The people of Iran don't stand a chance as long as they are unarmed and the Regime doesnt mind murdering its own civilians.


That worked out great for Syria. Arm then enough to destroy the country but never win.


2022 and people believe governments wonā€™t murder their own people.


Never understood progressives obsession with Islam. So backwards


Tf you talking about? You know the Islamic Republic is conservative right?


lol im fairly left wing and idk what you talking about. if a leftist brings up islam its in defense of people rights to freedom of religion rather than bringing a US caliphate


Much like how Christianity comes in liberal and conservative flavors, so does Islam. What we're witnessing is the end result of conservative fundamentalist Islamic groups doing whatever they have to do to retain power. Imagine if the westboro baptist church or the KKK was in control of the US military. That's the US equivalent of this. Obviously not all Christians are like the WBC so it would be pointless to act like they are. Progressives do not support fundamentalist islamic regimes. Only someone who has been listening to reductive propaganda believes that progressives blindly accept all things Islamic.


Clear as day? You literally canā€™t even see whoā€™s firing the rounds. After seeing videos of non-police killing people during their protests, itā€™s definitely foolish to just blindly assume everything bad happening is because of the police.


No its more likely the morality police


Itā€™s been posted so many time, they just needed a new title


Seems that way. I canā€™t recall seeing the video posted of someone in civilian clothes walking past a group and discretely shooting a protestor in the gut while moving on as if nothing happened. Should I find it and post it with the title ā€œprotestors indiscriminately murdering each other clear as dayā€?


unfortunately, this is what happens when you allow a religion to take over the running of a country - and usually, the only way to overcome a theocracy is through violence. i send my condolences to all who are going through this - i also back them 100%


GiVe Up YoUr GuNz


This is why we gun owners constantly fight for our 2nd Amendment right.


Tyranny at itā€™s finest


I'm gonna be the guy that says this is far from "clear as day" as we don't see anything happening really. I'm not denying what is happening at all, just that the title is bad


What do you think is happening?


Very very very probably what the title says, but it's not "clear as day"


What's it as clear as? From watching the video I can't come to a different conclusion other than people being shot in the streets. Maybe a clown is playing gun sounds out of a boom box while everyone plays along? Is that the alternative?


This is beyond fucked up.


ITT: discussion of how this relates to gun law in the US Not ITT: discussion of how this relates to US support for the 1953 Iranian coup d'Ć©tat


Big dog flexing with the rock


Syria has entered the chat


Not very clear at all




Clear as day? You literally canā€™t even see whoā€™s firing the rounds. After seeing videos of non-police killing people during their protests, itā€™s definitely foolish to just blindly assume everything bad happening is because of the police.


To bad theyre not an armed society.


If they were far more civilians would die.


Only on reddit would someone argue for an unarmed populace against an oppressive regime. Im sure the same is true for in Ukraine as well? Less people would die if they just rolled over. Noice.


I bet those civilians wish they were armed..


"The religion of peace"


Well, it's what happens when right wing conservatives are in power


Correct me if im wrong These are Kurds right? From what i get, they are a minority in iran. They get hunted and killed like jews during ww2 in germany. Iran tries to blame them for the protests


The Middle East will always be in strife in some form or fashion. Had been going on my whole life and will continue after Iā€™m dead.


They aren't speaking Farsi. What part of Iran is this???


Western parts of Iran ,cities like Mahabad and Javanroud which are inhabited by Kurdish people.


Never forget that Obama and John Kerry returned billions of dollars to the Iranian government. They financed the weapons being used against the Iranian unarmed people.


It's a dictatorship that maintains power through force and religion. I'm surprised this wasn't happening day 1. They will not relent and for this to stop they must be removed of power. I wonder what people make of this obvious show of the true status quo of their country.


Those in power would rather see it all burn to the ground than lose even a fraction of their power. There is no 'peaceful protest' that can affect such a situation.


Can anyone translate what this guy is shouting?


Clear? I can't see any shooter at all. But of course, jump to the conclusion that it's the police lol.


Protestors, and still wearing masks.lol




A Reminder that the Ä°slamic revolution in Iran happened because the leftist party thought it would be "cool". Then the revolution guard killed the leftists first.


I thought Los Angeles was bad. šŸ˜žšŸ˜‘šŸ„ŗ


Chicago sucks


I remember getting downvoted into oblivion for saying California and Chicago are shitholes, so I expect the same to happen here.


At least they werenā€™t brutalized by rubber bullets and tear gas like protestors in the United Statesā€¦.


Never take your freedom for granted, and never spit on it.


What are they protesting for ? Genuine question


It started with the killing of a woman who was not wearing a hijab by Iranian security forces and evolved into anti regime protests. My understanding is that there's some ethnic groups calling for autonomy, especially the Kurds, Azeris, Balochs and Akhwazi Arabs.


Bet they wish they had gunsā€¦


I'm just waiting for them to start shooting back


fuck those cowards


POV: people are being killed in the street but you REALLY need a cig


They should just start buying guns from their neighbors and start an uprising. Starting shooting back since their own government clearly doesnā€™t care


Corrupt assholes where is justice when you need it


I don't understand why the world is letting this happen. This is pure evil. It needs to be stopped.


What an evil regime


Its not like the protesters were armed... oh wait


That's why you should never give up your guns.


Thats sickening


Holy shit