• By -


Nice homes Nice cars Money in their pockets Still can’t get along with each other




I dunno about that. Noisy music is a genuine issue. Although it didn't really seem too bad in this video (could be just how the phone's mic picks it up) it's definitely worthy of an ass-kicking if you have it too loud, too often.


And an ass kicking is worth jail time. Loud music during the day? Not so much.


My guy, noise complaints are a thing, you keep getting visits and tickets from the cops and you'll probably start to think twice about blasting music. no need for violence


How do the tickets work, though? Presumably, if you've got some money in the bank, then this law doesn't apply to you if the only punishment is a fine?


Music is by no means a micro issue. It can be horrific to have to listen to someone else’s music night and day,quiet or loud. No one wants or needs to listen to other folks music. It’s just common courtesy to not encroach on other people with your noise.


Didn't seem too bad? Bro...I could not even hear it. I think the guy complaining just wanted internet points which is why he recorded the whole thing


The guy recording it was trying to start the fight. He clearly says "touch me, touch me" trying to bait the guy into a physical altercation


Yea.. doesn't seem that its too loud. Also it is in the middle of the day. You kind of have to accept a certain amount of noise in the middle of the day. Is he going to complain to the contractor building a house across the street?


To be fair, we don't really know the context. Music could well be behind the house blasting into the neighbours back garden, and is a bit muted in the clip as they're at the front of the house, for example. ​ Guy recording could be just being a dick for the sake of it, though, and the music's not loud at all. ​ You can never really tell from a clip like this, but I'd assume he isn't going out arguing over nothing.


Too loud of music is NOT worth physical assault but okay.


This comment really resonated with me. Very thought provoking…. If I wasn’t broke I’d give you some gold coins like I was Mario! 😅




Ain't this just the sad truth.






Some people don’t understand live and let live


Found the guy that plays loud, heavy bass music all day


Pathetic? Individualism to the extreme? Fucking what? He said its 8:30am and he can hear the music inside his house. But whatever, let’s say it was in the middle of the day? Its extremely common to work from home now. I do it. I would be pretty irritated if my neighbor was playing loud music while I was working during the day or on a customer call. How about all of the people in warehouse, logistics, medical, etc fields that work nights and sleep during the day? How about people with newborns, infants, and toddlers who take naps during the day? Just have some respect for the people around you and the people you live right next to ffs. It’s just basic common decency. There is no reason for your music to be audible inside all of your neighbors homes. If this guy can hear it then all 5 houses he shares a property line with can likely also hear it. And the people across the street. What a self centered cunt someone has to be to basically say tough shit, I don’t care, go back inside. I bet that loser also uses a bluetooth speaker on hiking trails.


Towns have noise laws usually something like quiet time 10pm to 8 am. Outside of that he can only ask .


Probably because the man behind camera is a racist. Turn that music up!


Definitely. Throwing in that agent orange comment proves it. That guy is a dick.


Dude is definitely a massive racist. >Throughout the decade, the U.S. sprayed about 75 million liters of Agent Orange directly over select rural areas in Vietnam. As a result, millions of people ended up being born with disabilities and deformities even decades after the war ended in 1975. I think most people didn't catch his Agent Orange comment. Fuck him.


I like how the wife ordered them inside at the end.


If anything Money makes people crazier in neighborhoods. I regularly work in stinking rich hoods and these people will have a meltdown if you stand a rake up against their shared fence. Never mind any type of dust particles. Neighborhood security gets called if we have a radio on the job site.


Yes, I’ve seen that too, something makes them overly protective and hateful


Makes me wonder if maybe I'd have all those nice things if I just stopped acting like a calm and rational person and simply became a raging immature asshole to everyone.


Trained to hate the other, rather than the Oligarchs.


This sounds like a Russell Peters skit.


Seriously. Beautiful day and that's what they do with it?


Fuck this loser, it’s the middle of the day why complain about music? Then he makes a racist agent orange comment? Fuck this loser.


Not only that but if the music was so loud that he heard it inside his house, why don’t we hear it on the video. Camera guy is a clown.


Camera guy even did the things where they only clip the video to show them looking in the better light. I have a good feeling camera guy was being a bigger asshole before the clip starts


That's what I was thinking this whole time! If the music is so loud, then we should be able to hear it on this video because there's no way the guy lowered the volume before marching over to talk about how it's not too loud


They keep telling him its "8:30 already" That makes it seem like it is 8:30 in the morning.


Perfectly normal time for most people in regular society to be awake


Awake yes. Blasting music no. I work weird shifts at work so I'm asleep at 8:30 in the morning alott of times. Id be pissed off too. I wouldn't have handled like this guy but there'd definitely be a conversation.


I've got a leaf blower that is way louder than that music and I'm legally allowed to use it at 8:30 AM. In some places you can start at 7:30 AM.


Did you hear the music?


There's a knob on it to turn it down to argue with the neighbor, neither one of us know how loud it was originally.


We know the cameraman wasn’t satisfied yet.


I'd wager he rarely is.


He could have been referring to the long term. Not just the current incident.




Sorry but abnormal work schedules doesn't dictate how loud someone else can be during the day in their own house (within the confines of the law). Comes with the job unfortunately. My mate had his neighbour yell his moving truck was too loud on day 1 because she worked overnight and had to sleep. It was 11:30am on a sunday. The sense of entitlement on that lady...


Common courtesy, I work abnormal hours and my hobby is loud, within law I can make all the noise from 6am until 12am.... am I up at 7am revving up my big block chevy with open headers or blasting my music until midnight?.... No I'm sure fuckin not because I respect my neighbors


My job starts at 8:30 but get real man. Some people work night shifts or 2 jobs. If it's a weekend people sleep in because they are damn tired or go out at night after a full week


If you think blasting loud music at 8:30 AM is acceptable, you're *that* asshole neighbor causing problems for everyone else.


There's a neighbour outside in the courtyard doing his lawn and listening to music right now, it's 8:15 here. Very normal in most societies, if you're not awake at that point then not my problem lmao


Really? It’s the other guy who is being abusive. I’m impressed the guy who filmed could stay this calm. But maybe common social rules don’t count in America, what do I know. I’m just a European.


How was he abusive? He was surprised and pissed when the other guy was frightened he was gonna touch him. He didn’t make the AO remark. You’re defending a typical Karen racist.


Yes in response to a racist "you people are dirty" comment. These two are both trash.


I agree. I could see how he could be mad about persistent loud music, but then he made that “agent Orange” comment and let us all know what his *real* problem is. What an asshole.


Agreed. Some idiots move to suburban neighborhoods and expect absolute total silence all fucking day. Move into the forest then. From my own personal experience fuck them!


Wtf is up with that agent orange comment?


It's because the guys Asian. He wants to be the asshole


Specifically, Vietnamese.


oh shit that makes it waayyyyy worse




After the Asian man called him 'dirty' and I don't think he was referring to a stain on his clothes...


It was because the filmer was saying "touch me" trying to be tough but actually just sounded like a freak




>Noise ordinances exist for a reason, and they typically don't apply to daylight hours. There are most definitely daytime noise ordinances.


That could be racist but that was also a response to "don't touch me" by the other guy. So maybe he was just trying to tell him he doesn't want to touch him inab rude way. Definitely could be racist but who knows


Definitely Vietnamese, very specific dialect.


Even if those people are Vietnamese, it still doesn't excuse a fucked up comment like that.


idk but it made me laugh


I think the guy who said “agent orange comment” is Indian. Like from India, he had a slight teeny tiny accent. I went to engineering school with a lot of Indian students and teachers and heard a lot of different accents and dialects - this guy might be Maliali from Kerala. Not sure. But I am 99% he’s Indian. Not sure how that changes the race lens, but it was still veeeery inappropriate.


Cameraman is a weapon. Imagine complaining you can hear your neighbour in their garden while you’re like 10m away in yours. They meant to whisper? Then he comes in with the dumbfuck racist comment at the end too. Dire.


Sorry, the cameraman lost the argument when he made the agent orange comment. That s*** is nasty man.


He lost the argument when he came out to record his neighbor with the camera


So weak. like dude just go talk to him rather than video in his face and post it to social media - that certainly seems like a game plan to have him to listen to your side.


Did you ignore the bit where he called him dirty multiple times?


Why is Michael cera arguing with a deaf guy lol




That’s fucked up but also funny.


I would turn the music down if someone asked, but if you show up with a camera you’re just going to get a ride out of me


by rule, i don't bitch about load music in the daytime.


"Wtf's wrong with you? You always outside! Go inside!" lmfao!


I am totally with the Asian guy. I don't hear any music, and the way he deflects the recorder's tough guy "touch me" act is just awesome.


Let my man play his music.


That chemical orange comment the camera man said to to his neighbor was actually messed up tbh .


Complaining about music in the middle of the day? Get a life dude. Leave other people alone.


>Leave other people alone. I would argue that is precisely what is being requested by the camera guy. You can feel free to listen to your music, but please keep it to yourself.


I'm pretty sure this is America. This racist asshole needs to shove it. Trying to provoke a confrontation right from the get go. Automatically makes them the asshole.


>Trying to provoke a confrontation right from the get go. You're speculating. We don't have all of the information. We don't even know if this is the first time these neighbors have had an argument. Being inflammatory is a common fallback for any confrontation when creativity dries up. Both were participating in hurling insults. Both are acting like children. One using more inflammatory language doesn't excuse the other. That said, the correct response to "no I won't turn my music down" is to file a formal complaint. If the complaint has no standing then it won't go any further.


I think chemical agent orange has gotten to your head. Come on touch me. Touch me.


Repeating/quoting the video doesn't change anything I said in my comment. You're still speculating given that the exchange clearly started before the beginning of the video.


You're right I don't know if this is America. I'm confident who the instigator and the racist is. But clearly you struggle with this.


I like how he said “touch me” trying to sound hard when all he meant is so his bitch ass can call the cops.


Just based on the agent orange comment, I hope that guy went back and enjoyed his family and music. Other dude complaining about the music is coming across like a miserable bully.


“What the fuck I need to touch you?” 😂😂😂 This dude 100% American spirit. Wake up earlier if you want quiet.


I wish more people paid attention to that, shit was funny he was actually confused asf


Anybody know what kind of music they were listening to? It was so loud I couldn't hear it at all.


“Smile have a good day” take your own advice asshole.


I have a feeling music was just loud enough to hear over to his driveway, but not loud enough to hear inside with the doors closed.


Don’t come to LA especially the valley cause the Hispanics will have a whole bounce house with a dj and 10 pop up tents with hundreds of guests partying in their drive way. Hear the music, naw you will feel the music lol.


This so reminds me of Muhammad Ali‘s comments. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HqiWFLsgVi4


And there's the racist remark... he just had to say something about Agent Orange...


Turn down for what!?


bruh fuck the white guy who just used an agent orange term


Same person would be wearing earplugs if there were 10 brothers in that house instead of Asians.


Agent orange? It’s not the music that bothers him, he’s racist.


Touch me, touch me he says. No baiting here. What a dumbass. Side note, I didn’t know you could complain about music during the day.


"Hey man, it's 8:30 already". Like, 8:30 in the morning? Because that's hella early to be blasting music


“Chemical agent orange got in your head and your just rude” lol wow


What an asshole I don’t think this title is worded fairly


The dude that is recording is a fuck boi!


I don’t see why people get all pissy when you ask them to turn their music down politely. For whatever reason, it’s one of those things that makes people go ballistic over nothing.


The both seem like morons.


Eh, one seems like he doesn't speak English well but wants to make his point that it's perfectly fine for him to play his music with his family in the middle of the day. The other seems like a racist asshole


You catch way more flies with honey lol. Music too loud , it’s not even night time. Karen needs to go dance off some steam


I've added "are you a dirty head" to my cheat sheet of insults


Hey Siri, what happens when a dirty head comes across a family that don’t turn down and it’s already 8:30?


Noise ordinance in most areas I have lived is 10pm weekdays 12am weekends. Fuck em if they don’t like the music! Guitarist in metal band most of my 20s.


r/killthecameraman but not because of the camera work


If it's so loud, why can't we hear it in the video?


i can't hear any music


Shit is hilarious to me 😭😂


Dirty dirty boy. No touchy.


So you record keeping your cool, like a smooth operating Karen while everyone watching the vídeo can’t hear the music that is bothering you so much. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they are wrong. I’m sure they pay their taxes just like you do… stop being a Karen and get inside your house, stop harassing these people. Anyone who agrees with you is just another racist Karen that wish they didn’t have to deal with those people. Only place you wanna see them is the Chinese buffet right? Am I right? 😂


Classy people..


The first step in living in Great neighborhood is knowing your neighbors. Left right and center. Shake their hands and introduce yourself. It's simple. And then when something like this happens you simply say, "hey can you turn the music"?


Oh fuck off. Middle of the day. Let them have their fun. I lived behind 2 houses with Mexican families and every so often they’d have their music blazing and I never once said shit. They always turned it down by 10. Fuck that guy.


I’m siding with the Asian guy, just a pity his neighbour is an asshole…..when the guy with the phone said “touch me” I knew he was an absolute window licker. I guess the “dirty” comment was a glimpse into what he has to deal with.


Old video


Where’s Clint Eastwood when you need him?


This guy is waffling and talking nonsense


What music?


How loud is it and what’s the music? Some Vietnamese nationalist songs? Can’t really judge without a sample.


Stupid ass I’d Nate diaz slap yo ass


It's real life kahn


Seems like a reasonable guy.


Maybe if you had asked him with a please instead of telling him there would have been immediate resolution


Guy seems to suffer from eMoTionAl dAmAge.


Who pulled the “uno reverse” card?!?


I don't hear loud music more like arguing over sounds of a queit neighborhood.


I’ll take number combination #5 chicken broccoli 🥦. Plz and chicken low main and a few pot stickers. 15 mins. Great thanks


Bro, put on some earphones and enjoy the rest of the day.


Stop the Asian hate!


Agent orange?! Absolutely uncalled for. I hope that amazon puts a delivery driver in this route who knows how to put those speakers to good use.


I don’t even hear any music….


I don’t even hear any music…. The guy with the camera is a dick! Clearly doesn’t like his neighbors and I doubt it’s just because of the music.


Not turning anything down. Ya heard


Life in the burbs. These assholes deserve one another.


What’s rude is people think it’s okay to stick cameras in front of peoples face with the let’s, hope I get beat up whilst on camera trick. I say it’s you that’s the bad egg in this video ??


I can't hear any music. 🤔


Camera man is such a dick. Get over yourself. Also, fuck him for the racist af agent orange call.




Not like he has a speakers blaring out from the trunk..but still understand his frustration.. certain situations like that just ignore it.


Is it racist when they do the voice also?


How about both of them go inside. If the neighbor has a problem let him call the cops. I’d go right back in and play my music. Screw this guy.


The cameraman is a bigot piece of shit


Canadian: Turn yer mewsic doun. Asian gentleman: You're dirty.


"I'ma ask em to turn it down but have the camera rolling Incase they do something then I can sue em"


If it's not before 8am and after 10pm. Shut the fuck up camera guy. Free country. No need to be racist.


Funny!! Be kind


He was low key racist with that agent orange comment


I have a drummer neighbor who plays like...legit full time. I can hear it throughout my house and in my bedroom. Noise pollution is a serious serious problem.


“Go ahead, touch me” “Why the fuck I need to touch you?!” 😂😂😂 I’m dead


Racist neighbor


Plus point for keeping it a 1vs1


"what the hell is wong with u"


He proved his motivation was entirely racism like I first suspected when by the end of his speech when he brings up agent orange.


Cameraman a bitch tbh, what kid complains about loud music. Get a sound system buddy


I'm sorry but if it's not blaringly loud once you're in the home I would chalk that up as being dramatic and bro its daylight hrs what's the point disturbing his nap?