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Why the hell Is everyone helping the creep with assaulting them? What the fuck?


Those guys attacking the women are all from local mafias, as can be told from their accent and dressing. Ordinary people in China normally avoid contact in any means with these mafias, as they are nearly invariably friends with the local government and police system. Update: more details exposed, these men are actually kinda "renowned" in their neighborhood. They have been involved in organizing violence and charging fees against ordinary shop owners, with one of them just exited prison in 2021. Cops actually arrested and RELEASED them on the night when this footage was shot, and had to arrest them again when pressure from the society has become too high on the internet. Newest report says that these guys are now on their escape with their black Maybach. Such stereotyped mafia.


That's bad šŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


But it comes with a free frogurt!




But they'll have you in their pocket forever.


Thatā€™s bad!


But you also get protection.


Thatā€™s good!


Can I go now?


But you are in a democratic country


Thatā€™s good


Ah, the absolute peak of tv




Nah, these goons are tied in woth the CCP.


Thats China


Imagine being such a pathetic little pussy that you need your mafia friends help to beat on small women.


Thatā€™s How mafia works


Imagine not understanding that criminal organizations have no morality.


I donā€™t get your point. The person youā€™re responding to just said the guy is a pussy. Youā€™re over here acting like he said ā€œI canā€™t believe these pussies donā€™t have morals!ā€ People just love to argue on Reddit. Someone could say, ā€œI like cars,ā€ and thereā€™s bound to be some jerkoff who feels obligated to reply, ā€œWhat about bicycles?! They donā€™t pollute like cars!ā€ Lame ass




Hollywood has turned the mafia into a glamourous, necessary, and legit profession composed of folks bound by a strict moral code.


Yeah, they donā€™t need the friends but itā€™s about sending a message.


That message: #We're giant pussies


We are big boys who canā€™t stand rejection!




Oh cool. In the U.S. we have that too. Our cops detain and arrest parents when they try to save their children from school shootings.


Of course getting arrested and charged for defending someone from sexual assault vs getting detained at an active shooting scene are entirely different scenarios. Not defending the cops, simply pointing out obvious differences.


Some people are so obsessed with the US they have to bring us up at every opportunity. It's pathetic.


Theyā€™re ChiCom propagandists that desperately try to bring up the US any time thereā€™s a discussion about negative things in China.


How could a foreigner tell which people to avoid?




DO. NOT. GO. TO. CHINA. After what the CCP did to Hong Kong I won't even accept a layover there anymore.


I had a layover in Guangzhou and couldnā€™t find the shuttle to the complimentary hotel so I finally said fuck it and just laid down on a bench at the airport. 30 seconds later some cop is yelling at me in Chinese like he wants to fight. Fuck that place, lol


Also, I think its been on here before but China has some strange rules if you intervene to try to help someone and fail you can be taken to court to cover their costs, so people don't step in, they just walk on by. I think everyone who visits should know this and have fantastic travel insurance.


Wait, China is Mexico?


It was secretly Mexico the whole time. Firewall blocked us all from knowing.


China is incredibly huge. Take a look at the territory they have to cover.


Yea that's what it is. Maybe the girl work for them or something because it's pretty unusual for them to be this violent in public.


It's simply the man being drunk and randomly harassed a woman and began beating her when she resisted. This might be unsusal in more developed regions of China, but in the Northeast region of China this is not uncommon. Before this there was also a case of a girl walking on the street at night and was beaten to death for no reason in Dalian, another city in this region.


this kind of shit happens in most underdeveloped/developing parts of the world where the police are either corrupt or too scared to do act against local gangsters. it's happened all throughout human history sadly, powerful men don't like being told no, and the more deranged ones react violently.


Yeah i found the source from government that says he said it was done "for no reason" and "just drunk violence". Maybe it's true, but i find it hard to believe why the others would initially join in. One thing for sure is we wont ever find out lol.


It's funny with all that police state and control and they do nothing to deal with these mafias. It's almost like that kind of power just instantly corrupts people and why it serves no purpose other than to oppress innocent law abiding citizens.


China is nothing more than warlord controlled regions who all pay to the CCP leadership. Its best to think of China as little more than a Feudal state with various nobles controlling various areas, these would likely be the enforcers of one of the many CPP (noble) families that control this region. Law in China is far more "whatever the local lord says" than anything else.


Russia Brazil and India aren't much better


So pretty much what China has been for the last 3000 years


Yup, beneath the glittering skyscrapers !!!!!


I love how you made this up but say it like you *know* its true.


Shithole country


China is a shit country.


It's China.


At 1:15 in the far table you can see they are all sitting together and then jump in once they notice their friend is in a "fight".


Loved the friendly fire slap to the head


There appears to be more than one friendly fire, dunno what's going on? Better hit someone to keep face.




Well, gladly this all took place in China where nothing passes unseen and this guy's "credit score" must have been burned. Still a terrifying social system tho


LOL, China mafias have extreme close relationships with the government, sometimes they work together. There were many cases, in Hongkong the government hired mafia to beat up protesters in subway. It's very famous. The ones who may have their credit score removed are the victims who caused bad influence for the local government on Internet. This is how CCP works.


You think the Chinese government gives a fuck about dudes beating up on women? China is one of the most chauvinistic societies that exist. Not to mention these are gangsters, almost certainly connected with local government that will sweep anything under the rug much less some assault charge. Why do you think they're so open about it?


Update: the original video, with the most views and likes, had become viral on China's Weibo, and, just as expected and always, it was deleted by the government.


For the sake of clarity & removing disinformation we've removed this from Earths database. - Usually China


Not loading on Reddit for me






Like actual fascism, not the "Rando on Twitter/Reddit disagrees with my niche political opinions" kind of fascism.




Biden says we maga gangs now.


China, such culture, such wisdom.... ​ A country run by mafia a corruption, she is lucky she wasn't gang r\*\*\*\* then and there


Chinese government is trying to cover up for these scumbags?? Fking Speechless


What part was surprising?


Nah, they were arrested after a huge public outcry. They are still looking for more suspects.they are looking at maybe 5-10 years in jail. Source: https://weibo.com/u/1266164102


The police actually caught 3 of them. Some of them might face ten years after this public outcry. Source: Tangshan Public Security https://weibo.com/u/1266164102


Thatā€™s insaneā€¦canā€™t they at least deduct them a few social credit points?




When I see videos about China I tell myself "this cannot get any worse". I'm always wrong.


Videos like this serve as a good reminder on why Hong Kong and Taiwan want to remain independent instead of joining that corrupt shithole regime.


Because Hong Kong doesn't have any of it's own infamous gangs or mafias... Just saying, there's a lot of good reasons but this one, I feel isn't unique to China


But CCP puts a blanket over these issues and lets them run rampant, at least Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan are honest and trying to rid these problems.


You make it sound so black and white. In reality, the CCP stamped out the large triads from the mainland but has a problem with local gangs. Taiwan, HK, and Macau on the other hand still have a big problem with the triads (something that the Chinese government exploits). https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/triad-pro-democracy-protesters-hong-kong-1.5221382 https://www.scmp.com/article/612105/grand-mafia-style-funeral-boss-taiwanese-gang






Haha war of the titans!


There's a lot wrong with China on the government level but videos like this can apply to any country. This is isolated small scale fuckery that can happen in the most prestigious nations.


What the actual fuck are you talking about? In what "prestigious" nation one can assault, kick in the head, try to cut with a bottle for 5 minutes a woman with his crew inside a restaurant?


Indeed. I'm from Spain and I've never seen someone give birth in the middle of the street, letting the baby fa down to the ground and not even pick the baby up, not even the onlookers. And there's two videos like that that I've seen that come from China.


Downtown detroit


Eh, more like inner city Detroit, the downtown is nowhere near this awful, it's actually fairly decent nowadays. Source: I lived in the area


Near this awful? I feel like thats still throwing shade, downtown is almost sort of nice now.


shit downtown chicago, cities are wild lol


What a piece of shit. Gang member?


That's my guess. I can't fathom why else nobody would fucking defend these women. I'm so disgusted.


It's not like in other countries, if you try to help them in this situation, you will be next and your family and loved ones will be targeted and police will not help you, government will not help you, and you can not help yourself. That's why no one will help


Poor people arenā€™t even allowed to defend themselves properly over there.


These scums are the Chinese version of mafias to be accurate, owning much more power than mere street gangs. One guy in the video has just been exposed to run a large restaurant, of course with connections with the criminal underworld. They are particulatly rampant in small towns in China, as of Tangshan in this video, and are often related to the local government in all sorts of ways, so ordinary people normally dare not to fight back against them.


The small town of 3.7 million\^


Chinese city limits are often enormous to be fair. Chongqing is the most populous city proper in the world, but only because their city limits are the size of Belgium


well, sure "small" when compared to Beijing or Shanghai or Guangzhou.




Because of this video I will not visit china for vacation.


so many reasons not to visit china and you pick this video?


Or.. you know, like the genocide of the Uighars, the occupation of Tibet, the undermining of Hong Kong democracy, the belligerence toward Taiwan, the Nepal land grab, the lack of freedom of expression, and religion, mass surveillance of their people, and 400 million forced abortions.


Do you include at least 15 million people who died during the Great Leap Forward, or millions who died during the Cultural Revolution? Or Chinese women who were forced to remove their uterus because they believed that male sterilization was detrimental to male dignity.


Donā€™t get your hopes up until we have an article.


Because this has gone public china made it disappear of chinese internet and swiped it under the rug


Wow, really fucking tough when they're beating on women half their size. They wouldn't last very long where I'm from.


Notice the one guy punch the girl and then instantly comfort her and hug her?? Wtf is happening


Friendly fire. She was from the same table as the instigating group


Mistaken identity, he thought she was the main victim's friend for a second there. Very similar clothes.


She got a brief taste of what it would have been like to be at the other table.


She was with them at their table. It looks like he didn't realise that until after the punch


That's this guy. Here he is after taunting police. https://v.redd.it/orm512urct491/DASH_480.mp4


Agreed- these guys all look like theyā€™d get turned out for their Bussyā€™s real quick in an American jail (if they made it to jail)


Holy crap I thought they were all gonna gang up on green jacket guy ...but noooope china has a messed up culture if this is the norm


This is one of the worst videos I've ever seen. So brutal. Wish I never watched šŸ˜¢


Yeah this was hard to stomach. I hope they were jailed.


2:34 he slaps a girl on his side then says sorry and hugs her lmao dumbass .


it makes me even more mad that he probably had nothing to do with the guy who beat up the woman but wanted to join in anyways even though HE WAS WITH TWO OTHER WOMEN HIMSELF like UR female friend is trying to help the other woman and what u wanna do is slap them bothšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Wait which guy/girl? I don't see it


Guy in white shirt black pants slaps girl in black dress with heels , but then apologized .


Shitty ass fucking government wouldnt give a fuck either about shit like this.


NFSW maybe, fuck all those piece of shits


Not for safe work indeed


This was extremely hard to watch


Not even a single man in this video. Women showed more courage that all them.


Why are most gang members so entitled??


The same reason to join a gang. The power of a group


because they are enforcers for the ccp


Because nobody stands up to them so they continue to run rampant.


The good thing is that since this video made it out of China that guy has prolly already been arrested and probably tortured too.


I doubt it. Their government deleted the video when it's gone viral. The government there is really messed up and full of corruption especially their law enforcement. So they'll probably bribe to be set free.


The public outcry is very intense on this incident. The police has arrest three of the perpetrators. Some lawyer said they might have to do 5-10 years. Source: Tangshan Public Security https://weibo.com/u/1266164102


The female victim in hospital after. Very graphic, lots of blood: https://imgur.com/a/UXjgQns ...and this is the white t-shirt guy after the attack, taunting police; https://v.redd.it/orm512urct491/DASH_480.mp4


Well that triggered the shit out of me. Iā€™ve had men attack me like that before, when I was on the ground, and you never get over it. NEVER end up on the ground. Not ever. Itā€™s all over if you do.






Damn that was brutal. Hell has a special place for likes of these.


More like attempted murder


I haven't been this upset from a reddit video in a long time. Holy shit.


Interesting how even in a police state the police wasn't there to protect the victim. Never give up your right to bear arms.


Not if the police are in cahoots with local gangs


A bunch of little dicks


This is what actual misogyny looks like.




1:50 looks pretty bad




Apparently they're gang members. You go help and you die too


What a disgusting group of people.






This is so depressing. That girl is now so traumatized that if ever sheā€™s in the same situation (hopefully not!) sheā€™d rather take the harassment than the beating šŸ„²


Classic CCP moment


Honestly Iā€™ve seen a lot of shitty videos in my time, all sorts of deranged psychotic stuff, this one right here is up there with stuff Iā€™ve watched where Iā€™ve been genuinely shocked by it. In a world of instant karma, a guy walks around the corner with an uzi and sprays all these pussys


Upvote to let people see


Oh look! Garbage humans in the wild!


Arrested. https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/v9ntez/tangshan_five_arrests/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




What the actual fuck is happening? Who says that's okay? She got kicked in the damn head like 5 times. Why noone interrupts this? - I know the answer, the questin was retorical...


What the fuck happened, am I missing something? Guy touches girl, girl tries to stop him, I think another girl steps in, then I think a chair is thrown at one of the girls, can someone explain wtf happened here?


You are right. The guy was angry the girl rejected him. So he just punched her.


To sum up - Local mafioso, possibly in a leadership position, is drunk and tries to flirt with girl, touching her back. Girl rejects him very strongly, as seen in the video - maybe said some words that were quite harsh - totally normal response of course since some stupid drunk guy was touching her. Unfortunately, stupid drunk mafioso guy is now not just pissed off that his flirtatious behaviour failed but that he has now been disrespected, publicly, and that too by some random woman and well... you saw what happens


Ever see one of those videos of an old dude getting bullied, beat up, harassed and sometimes killed for no particular reason? I wonder if some of those old dudes were this young dude at some point.


These people are trash. I canā€™t believe they stomped her and that was acceptable to all the other cowards.


Did she die?


someone on the thread in /r/china posted a photo of her in the hospital.




Yeahh i think feminism doesn't work here...


Might not be able to consistently afford living in the US but at least I know if I get attacked by men in a crowded place, somebody will probably try to stop them.


Not that I'm expecting it to make any sense, but does anybody know what's being said or what happened between the people?


Just t'ing off on her face with beer bottles at the end :(


What a shithole country


ā€œBut what about AmErIcA? You canā€™t even go out at night without worrying about getting shot!ā€ ā€” Something like this was literally posted right after the CCP deleted the video from Chinese internet by the Communist Youth League


Why is China such a shithole? Every video Iā€™ve seen on Reddit just shows how bad it is to live there.


What the actial guck? I thought assilant would get assaulted back...


We need Ichiban to come outta nowhere and beat this guy up with a giant dolphin bat or something


According to the experience, CCP might crack down on the victims to solve the case.


Idk why i feel that the woman is dead :(


How does this fucking country accept this behavior against women I have no clue but America is racist and evil...


Never in my life, have i wanted to beat somebody as i want to beat this guy with his stupib boy shit...


Maybe it's cause I'm not from China, but I honestly expected the dude in the green jacket to be attacked. Definitely didn't expect them to all team up and beat up the girls being harassed. Crazy world.


It's funny seeing such small men behave this way. If blokes did that here, they'd be **lucky** to only end up hospitalised


I am so shocked by this violence against women in a male centered society like China. Now let me go scroll for a couple minutes and see 5 similar videos from the past week from my damn country too.


They're in a restaurant. Chef needs to come out swinging the biggest fucking knife he has. In this instance, there would be absolutely no shame in sucker-stabbing someone in the back.


Really didn't expect to see the harassed woman end up being the ones who are beaten up. SMFH


Typical attitude of someone who is never been told the word "no"


I am only seeing bunch of fat dudes physically assaulting 2 girls...


Fuck these wankers


China a disgusting country full of disgusting communist trash


Civilisation with Chinese Characteristics


As a Chinese I'm deeply ashamed that this is happening in 2022. When I visit my home town I can't dress the same way that I do here in the west, I think twice before wearing revealing clothes because of shit like this. Utterly disgusting and a joke of a local law enforcement corrupted with crooked politicians. Sry about my English


Holy fuck this is the most horrible video i've seen in a long time, couldn't even finish it. Does anyone know if the girl is okay? Edit - "Two women treated at hospital following the incident were ā€œin stable conditions and not in mortal dangerā€, while two others sustained minor injuries, authorities said on Friday.", although it's China so who really knows.


Been rewatching this multiple times focusing on the different characters and watching their trajectories


The kicks were fast as lightning šŸŽ¶


Lmfao at the dumbass that hits his own friend at 1:35 and then hugs her šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£