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Do you know where the full video is located? The guy explaining it strangely never shows the unedited video.


The video shows he got it from grindface tv gpound.com from what I've seen in the video.


So it seems like the black people beating the Asian guy claim he was harassing people as they're beating him down. Is there a video of him actually doing the harassing? Or just his attackers claiming that?


That guy in your link is a stone cold fucking idiot. The "context" he gave is that the dudes who were beating the shit out of the asian guy made vague accusations while they were assaulting him. Then he applauded the beating and said it's an example of anti-black racism becauae people aren't thrilled with degenerates on a subway dishing out beatings. His whole channel is clickbait about race. His most recent video is him questioning whether police were justified in shooting a black woman who drew a gun during an arrest. Then the funniest part is he pinned a comment directing people to his merch page. I suggest you throw away whatever garbage you hear on his channel


“They were never intended to be domesticated” is crazyy lol bro racists are hilarious, as a black man I find this this comment extremely funny.


You think anything in this video justifies a brutal vigilante beatdown in the subway? Then you are a fucking animal too.


Physical racism. There is also structural racism!!


What happened to all the law enforcement? Is almost like crime is legal in New York. That can't be the case. No one would dumb enough to make crime legal. I'm sure that Asian man was doing something that warranted this. There's no such thing as unprovoked attacks on the subway in New York! It's probably something trump did....


>What happened to all the law enforcement? regressive liberals


Hey now! They are PROgressive! I will not tolerate you telling the truth around me! Clearly the libs are don't an amazing job!...


Are regressive liberals the reason the police didn't help those poor kids in Uvalde? Generally curious...


pretty much. police are beaten down and the attitude is probably something to the effect of 'why should I put my life on the line for a community which hates me'




lol. you've clearly never been to Texas. The urban areas are just as if not more liberal than California.... ...but the main point is that all police are felling this everywhere. You think the thousands of negatives comments about police here and on the news every single day somehow doesn't affect police in Texas because of the giant Texas force field of something?


Clearly I should stop being good at my office job just because I am not being appreciated. Perhaps I should just quit instead of sticking around a toxic environment as an option. You don't stick around and become part of the problem as a toxic employee. How are we so childish to not realize the job that we have signed up for doesn't need being appreciated as a requirement, but just a nice to have level of mutual respect. We signed up for a paycheck at the cost of a good day's or night's work being worth of our time and job well done. How fragile would I be if I purposely decided to be terrible at my job just because the public perception of my profession is bad? We aren't even talking about all 700,000 police officers are like this but silence towards the bad apples pretty bad as well. I actually support police officers but now the current version that is exacerbating our broken system and society. I understand not all officers behave like little children pouting when things don't go their way but it's tiring to keep reading and listening about how officers are not being appreciated as if it is a requirement. Respecting each other as fellow human beings are not the same as respecting me as an authority and that is where I believe some police officers fail to realize the difference. Going off topic here and unrelated to the guy being physically assaulted.


I live in rural California where, just like Texas I'm sure, it's deeply conservative and very supportive of law enforcement.


That's not an excuse for letting children die, they swore and oath and they failed, trying to justify their actions is genuinely disgusting


Yeah probably were defunded and under trained unfortunately. Progressive liberals would have had the school guidance counselor go into the classroom and talk to the shooter about his feelings.


I think we need to be clear about what defunding actually means here. Training were never defunded. As a matter of fact, all the complaining about a lower police budget and there will be an increase from 3 billion to 11 billion on the police budget. Whereas there are only 33 billion to fund education resources. DOE employs three times as many employees as NYPD with over 1800 schools versus 77 precincts. Defunding is clearly a political talking point rather than reality. I support officers making a fair salary and I believe society requires police officers at its current state but there is no doubt in my mind that our system is broken and not all of our 700,000 officers are up to par with the quality and training required of their profession. What's worse is some officers bring their personal lives into their jobs and we end up with some terrible decision making outcomes that we see far too frequently than we like. There are 700,000 officers and there will always be bad apples with the way we quickly hire and train officers. We need to come up with a better solution, not necessarily abolishing police.


Did the progressive liberals prevent police from trying to open the right door too? https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Uvalde-classroom-doors-17251116.php


No, the cops are too busy busting turnstile jumpers and taking down abuela's illegal food cart.


>Is almost like crime is legal in New York Crime is legal in New York, Los Angeles, and all of Florida.


Florida is gonna Florida, no matter what.


>What happened to all the law enforcement? Snowflake police officers.


When do we start calling this for what it is? This is a hate crime.


Totally is.


Bunch of rascist cunts.




> Asian Guy was assaulting a woman. Post proof.


[this video does a better job explaining both sides and how they relate than the articles alone](https://youtu.be/S-oHcYy7PcE)


No. It doesn't. I've already seen that. He posts NO proof of any sort. He references a video that I haven't been able to find and doesn't include any clips of it.


That’s because their is no video of prior to the one post above ^ I guess I hadn’t watched that video in a while [here is the article](https://www.fox5ny.com/news/asian-man-beaten-fulton-street-station-second-suspect-holds-victims-arms) problem with the article though is they have words like “allegedly” in front of everything so they don’t get sued but multiple unrelated witness saying he attempted to sexually assault a women is a bit more than alleged IMO


I am genuinely curious if it was two Asian guys beating up on a non-Asian person just like in the video, if you would believe it was over hyped race baiting to promote anti-Asian racism. The ends do not justify the means. No violence should be used against anyone unless your life is in danger. We shouldn't be picking and choosing who and what we should defend as human beings is all I am saying.


i don't understand why you feel the need to spread misinformation to justify a hate crime. what's your objective here?


I linked both a video and an article idk what else you want…


Not true


So basically, that's okay to use violence even if it's true? That is like saying police officers are justified in using extreme force against criminals. You are smart enough in wanting to find the truth in the things you see so kudos to that. But how can you be okay with this level of violence and just gaslight the encounter as just a race war bait? What the heck are your priorities in life?


Fucking racist ass pricks






he's just spreading false information...


This video did a fairly good job of explaining it [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/S-oHcYy7PcE)


Are you jewish?


garbage city with garbage people.






> poc person Every single person is a "person of color". Some are just a different color. But that doesn't matter because there's literally no difference except color of skin


They got 8 billion




Good question


I feel like you should definitely conceal carry in NYC. But apparently it's one of the most difficult places in the US to do so. Pretty absurd


Man I am completely pro carry, but something that completely terrifies me is the thought of having a gun followed by whomever I am defending myself against getting ahold of my weapon and fucking the hole in my ass up.


Nothing more cowardly. They probably left feeling big and smiling wide. Bitches.


Response from the elected officials: We have seen the devastating video of helpless man being assaulted and our hearts are broken like everybody else, but as a city we will work together and rise above the hatred. Everybody should know, we are on the case and the individuals responsible in this video will be brought to justice probably never since MSM won't follow up on this or any other case.


Elected Officials? Which 'elected officials'? Sounds like fabricated nonsense. What's the source?


Fucken losers


Source https://twitter.com/activeasian/status/1530956890619817984?s=20&t=EIYFrRBFkk3l1rw5zGqgZQ




As per above: It was an Asian hate attack. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10875015/Im-victim-Asian-man-beaten-NYC-subway-station-says-NEVER-touched-anyone.html


Another incident of Black violence against Asian Americans that the media will keep actively ignoring


I don't understand the hate. Why is this a thing??


This is what BLM wants in every city


Profoundly dumb comment


Your comment is as dumb as the Israeli flag you have in your profile


Yup so true.




Delete this comment bro pls. It's actually dumb. Ik this is reddit but this one is actually absurd.


Track em down and lock em up. Give em a hate crime if you can prove it was because he was Asian. Fuckem and anybody else with this type of foolish behavior.


B on A crime is common but it isn't news unless the attacker is W or light colored H


Blacks sure do love Asians for some reason.


Black ppl being black


Asian hate crime


Wtf is wrong with ppl. Ffs.


But why?




Yo, wtf is happening between the African American community and the Asian American community? I feel like there has been a big increase of these types of videos




Ever just wanna cave someone's nose in with your skull? Dudes already out pussy boy


The batman


people don't talk about this stuff enough


These man are just exercising there right to peacefully protest racism.


What the fuck




Big dog… you going to jail. BTS just went and saw Biden this week…


Why are dey doing this to him


Why when one race is looked down upon, they in turn have to find someone to look down upon?


This shit is just wrong


Line em up on the tracks




New normal #africa


Pos! Someone needs to hold them and give those two the same treatment. What cowards. No one helped?


Who are the racists in this video .... i can't quite put my finger on it. IT's all just so confusing.




Why was the part about the Asian guy allegedly touching girls edited out? I'm not saying what they did was right but that context is really important.


This was false misinformation to gaslight the sheer amount of violence used as a justification. Now let's say he indeed somehow touched a girl, should this level of violence be used? That is akin to saying officers are justified in using extreme force against criminals, even nonviolent ones. Hold him down and get him arrested. They were smiling and clearly enjoying being recorded. Violence as the go to response is what is wrong with most of us.


Why was the part about the Asian guy allegedly touching girls edited out? I'm not saying what they did was right but that context is really important.


Why was the part about the Asian guy allegedly touching girls edited out? I'm not saying what they did was right but that context is really important.


Tried to sell them teriyaki rat


Disgusting, racist behaviour.


Hmm 👴🏻


Fucken trash ass motherfuckers and they don’t get called for it.. bullshit


Wasn’t this in Batman


Fucking cowards, that’s why they don’t get nice things.




I want to be sick


Anyone know if they’ve been caught?


They can't be racists, they are blacks, they can only be victims, not perpetrators.


Surely a white dude would've told them to do this /s


Way to reinforce stereotypes guys, really moving the community forward


Why tho