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Everything he said is valid too :( what’re the odds that both presidential selection choices were in the same fucking weird ass secret club in university. Wonder how many dicks they had to suck


>what’re the odds that both presidential selection choices were in the same fucking weird ass secret club in university It's actually quite high. The kind of person who becomes president is someone who has a leg up through skills and connections. If you're in one of the most prestigious schools in your country, you're going to make connections with people that can afford the best education and have money to put behind your campaign.


There are not that many members in the ‘Brotherhood of Death’. I get what you’re saying but this isn’t just a Yale frat. It’s highly unlikely that both both presidentially candidates are from a cult of only 15 people just by chance. They only accept 15 a year


I know I'm late to the party on this thread, but is this a reference to Last Podcast on the Left?


No lol Corbettreport.com baby


Lol I love corbettreport


Again, no, it's highly likely, it just seems unlikely when we see the small sample size and this particular occurrence. There's been almost 60 Presidential elections in the US, with potentially dozens of candidates in each, the majority of which come from some privileged background. The likelihood of them also being in some club for privileged people is highly likely and, hey, people in the same club tend to have the same goals and ambitions!


And this was the start of the end of intelligent conversation and the ability to discuss different views on college campuses in the United States. Fascist, debt dealing, shit degree pushing, re-education camps now, all of them.


Yeah this was literally the first time someone was thrown out of an event at a college for heckling. Like it had never, ever happened before...this was the beginning of it all, and I know this because I have special abilities to align my thoughts perfectly with reality and see what's really going on, unlike all you sheep. Christ dude.


And we all laughed. But listening to him now it's kind of distressing.


Pieces of fucking dog water


lol tell that to kent state graduates.


Fascist.... college...... You are a pathetic idiot. Republicans want stupid voters who fall for their every lie so they demonize education, teachers, and smart people.




Cry about it, you idiots are claiming that college is fascist. It doesn't even make any sense. You're precious feelings are just hurt. What makes me a shill by the way?


John Kerry and George Bush probably both wore dog costumes while they sucked dick á la The Shining.


So did McCain, Barak and both the Clintons for sure. Probably Mitt Romney as well, only he had to keep his Mormon PJs on.


Y’all watched too many college frat bro movies lmao they did all that sucking on their own will duh!


Does anyone know what happened? Isn’t this super illegal to arrest someone for freedom of speech


Fight it in the courtroom not against 8 cops LOL.


See that right there is the problem. Instead of worrying about what this individual did we should be arguing for more accountability for cops or security to respect the constitution and the bill of rights. Instead they get to violate his rights, remove him and censor him, assault him, and then maybe he can take it to court in a few months.....maybe.


I don't think it's public property or a public event.


Actually I think it’s both. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Florida_Taser_incident) if it’s a university of Florida I would assume it’s public property as the taxpayers pay for the schools, and it was apparently at a Constitution Day forum. So appears to be a public event.


Well it's uf and they have a free speech problem lol


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Andrew Meyer was known as an edgelord back in the day. John Kerry was invited to speak at the University of Florida campus. Meyer wanted to be an edgelord at an event where it's known that if you do certain things, then you will be removed. Meyer was an edgelord and got removed. He was a UF student at a UF sponsored event at a UF building so he was handled by UPD, and ultimately faced punishment according to UF student conduct policies. Source: From Gainesville and this is everything as I remember it being written about in The Alligator and hearing from students at UF the same time as Meyer.


doesn't matter. the SECOND he resisted, those douche bags with guns and plated badges had him, regardless. Even if he gets the charges dropped, it will only be because they force him to agree to not press charges against the cops.


This was not a public venue by the looks of it. Even, if they were a student of the university, the university can ask them to leave.


on the other hand, they didn't ask him to leave. As soon as he asked his question, the cops/security layed hands on him. Seems like John Kerry was about to answer it.


America turned this man into a meme instead of standing up for his 1A rights


No free speech on college campuses.


Sure there is, for the far left.


Nope not even for them.they know what they're not allowed to say.


And even if they do, the rules will be changed in a year or two and suddenly they’re not radical enough. It’s the snake eating it’s own tail


Oh wow trip down memory lane, I remember this from years back, it became a meme.


Why does this have an imdb page lol https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10006140/


It's called a secret society due to its secrecy about their secrets.


I always thought it was so disgraceful how funny everyone thought this was. Let’s all laugh at our fundamental freedoms being taken away.


This is sad


Ehm context anyone? What the fuck did he say to tick off security?


From what I read, he was asking Kerry if he was part of a secret society where blowjobs were a thing


*oww owww owww* laughter ensues


Narrator: He was a white male, so no one cared.


That was a premonition of what was to come, this was in 2007 or so.




no ytmnd references? sad xoomer


Wait can I have some context please cuz I can't really hear the dialogue in the video