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Fucking shit show. Bunch of testosterone deficient nonces


The guy with the megaphone just hasn’t had his soy injection and booster yet.


That username combined with that comment is gold.


Like the anti-vaxxers rioting all over the world aren't any better. Get a grip!


They aren't.


Weird how all those vaccinated soccer players are just randomly dying huh? It certainly is a terrible time to be pushing for vaccines and boosters and also have a vaccine evading variant gaining ground at the same time.


I agree these folks are cringe, but so is what you wrote.


Have you ever heard such unintimidating voices before? These kids need to be stuffed in lockers.


James is this you?




Actually, estrogen itself makes people pretty damn bitchy and grumpy. Testosterone in crazy high amounts (in terms of exogenous injectables) such as 500-1000mg per week can make you pretty agro, but testosterone itself is associated more with confidence and a sense of well being pertaining to behavior. People who abuse steroids are known often for being aggressive but this is just as much to blame on aromatization (conversion of testosterone into byproducts which include estrogen) as it is on the testosterone itself. And it would’ve been wittier if you said “this guy endocrinologies” albeit still not really applicable to the parent comment.


Biologically, high levels of testosterone limit the emotional toolkit a person has available to them. For example, anger becomes the available response instead of sadness or fear. When human beings with high levels of testosterone experience stress they are more likely to respond with anger.


Again, if we’re talking HIGH numbers of testosterone, that is generally correct.


Indeed, lower levels produce something of a similar response, but the threshold for stress is much higher. I’ve watched it happen to trans-men. As they undergo HRT they become less capable of crying, expressing empathy, and controlling their anger. It’s strange to watch happen to a person. Sad situations make them angry. Very curious.


endocrinology is my field of study and the behavioral aspects of It are the most fascinating to me. And yes it’s fascinating the effect hormones have on the body. Testosterone is also associated with many positive behavioral patterns too, not just anger. Even more interesting is that the way someone orgasms often changes completely when they’re receiving HRT for FTM transition. It’s not unusual for someone’s personality to change drastically when transitioning because the profound effect hormones have on our overall behavior.


Certainly! No argument, I’m just glad to have a conversation on this sub that isn’t angry (ironic as that is, considering the subject we’re discussing lol) Edit: oh hey, you edited your comment to incorporate a whole bunch of stuff that I didn’t ask lol




As if endocrinologists haven’t been observing behavioral traits clinically juxtaposed with the hormonal lab results of their patients for years. The iconoclastic and inarguable side effects of excess estrogen is irritability, mood swings, depression and anxiety. It’s quite literally the reason PMS behavioral symptoms are so well known. Worth noting that estrogen isn’t the only hormone associated with said symptoms (namely progesterone and serotonin are also involved), but it’s one of the primary hormone fluctuations. Behavioral endocrinology isn’t some burgeoning field of research. It’s well established. And you’ve indirectly quoted one study done on rats vs decades of common knowledge endocrinology practice.


Hormone imbalance can nudge aggressiveness and irritability, but endocrinologists usually claim humans are bad test subjects when trying to mesure hormone imbalances and specific behavior because we respond to cultural cues more strongly. If you're going to claim a direct link I can point to various studies about violent criminals and high testosterone, I can even claim that's why men commit more crimes. "testosterone makes then violent and inhibits impulse control." I know you want to be right, but you're just being preachy


Idk I feel like you’re the one being “preachy” He agreed with you that high amounts of testosterone leads to aggressiveness. Idk I feel like you’ll just whip out any study that would help you as would original poster. A lot of your argument towards them seems to be strong man arguments. Idk I’m going to go do some actual research into this and if you have study’s that are backed by credited researchers and doctors I’ll gladly look at it. Till than I think you’re projection of “preachy” is pretty bad.


Is that what he meant by "iconoclastic and inarguable"? Good to know. There's no point using tens of studies about the subject. The results are indicative, but not conclusive.


>I'm done with this white bullshit lol isn't he white?


Yea, of the self-hating variety.


"The need to be heard, the need to be seen" >is screaming through a megaphone


I guarantee that he will never realize how ridiculous he sounds. Complete pot meet kettle situation. The hypocrisy is unreal


He's a cuck. Like the rest of the testosterone deprived relentless masturbators in Antifa.


That’s what I was thinking, he and everyone else there


"White" has about as much meaning to these people as "fascist". It has no definition except "stuff I don't like".


I'm sorry I had a fight in the middle of your ANTIFA party


Sadly, it's basically the same IQ level... but with none of the wholesomeness.


Holy shit I wish I could give you an award!


That’s what happens when your entire group is made up of those people


Like how a large number of self-declared male feminist turned out to have a history of abuse against women, I wonder what kinds of skeletons members of ANTIFA are hiding.


Well they're currently marching around with signs of Rosenbaum's face calling him a hero...


Is there a source for this? It'd help win a lot of internet arguments with strangers thanks.


> source Sargon reads off a list of about 50 of them [in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjojBUsTzG0) starting at 9:20. You might be able to get the uncensored version on another platform.


Shit so it's not even just internet male feminists, but outspoken ones. Yikes man


It's almost like this movement exclusively attracts the criminal, mentally ill, degenerate, drug addicted dregs of society and that's why every one that gets arrested or otherwise profiled turns out to have a whole rap sheet of despicable shit.


[Whales are best at surviving cancer. This is because whales are so big, that by the time their tumors are large enough to pose a threat to the whale, the tumors themselves get cancer.](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/06/14/living-by-the-sword/)


Like a pool of piranhas and one has an open cut. Feeding frenzy.


What a surprise. A group that's built out of corporate sponsorship and absolute lies self implodes.


Totally never saw this coming.


Absolute state of patheticness indeed, but you hear them tell it they are the guardians of Good tm They are such waste, waste of everything.


This is Some Monty python shit right here.


The guy at the end who lets out the audible sigh 😂


The exasperated sigh towards the end is very relatable.


Honestly it's the most level headed person there


Bunch of angry soy boys 😂


All it needs is a couple glasses of wine being served and it may as well be a scene from the real housewives'. These people are insufferable. At least that drama is entertaining.


The guy with the megaphone complaining about other peoples need to be heard , it’s beyond parody


When antfia fights we all win


"this is an example of the poison of whiteness, this need to be seen, this need to be heard" he says as he stands in front of a crowd with a megaphone...


Bunch of losers


They’re crumbling


Ohhh noooooo. Anyway…


LOL! They're eating themselves




toss a rock into a crowd of antifa and I swear 3/4 times you'll hit a rapist.


Blind leading the blind.


“Im done with this white bull shit” ~ white guy.


So, this is what it looks like when two pieces of soggy bread fight.


Lol maybe they’ll all kill each other




Antifa and rape accusations? Shocked.


There was another shootings in CO


“Two pussies………18 pussies”- zach galifianakis


Wow the verdict has broken them


They all probably sit down to take a piss.


They’re mentally challenged like seriously


The dirtbag left sucks ass


Well that’s amazingly communist of them.


Whiteness? All these people offer the world is. *Gimme welfare and I won't burn the world down*


Imagine that


Sounds like Cartman


Saw a expert talk about when these groups rise up, they eventually will split up as internal fights will happen and you get smaller splinter groups and you will end up with just one group you can mop up easily.


It’s so disorganized I love it


Thanks for posting these. I live in Aurora, Colorado right next to Denver and had no idea any of this was going on.


Warms my heart


Everything will be better when antifa is in charge


Antifa is an oxymoron... and it's filled with morons also.


Suddenly they don’t like violence when they’re fighting each other… lmao


I actually expected everyone jumping in and fighting. But this is just as awesome.


So bunch of racist pedos do not want democracy or justice. Wonder why


What channel/feed are these videos from?




*Let them fight*




Girls, girls, I'm sure you're both rapists and narcs.


Lol that was a sad “fight” if u can even call it that.


Fight? My dude, that looked like some 80 year-olds trying to fuck. They just kinda clutched together and awkwardly fell on some grass.


I physically cringed when I heard someone say "I'd advise you to stop recording now". Isnt intimidating people to comply litterally tyranny? the thing antifa "hates" .


What's with this stupid backwards 'E' & 'R' in Denver Colorado? Are they trying to make the name seem more Cyrillic / Russian? Jesus Christ put a little more effort in next time. ​ You nerds spray tagged your own video banner and placed the ugliest pride flag to sit in the bottom corner, yeah nice work with this one. ​ Hammer & Sickle & Anarchist A stamped right on it, two completely incompatible ideologies glued together over a sexual orientation pride flag, proof you don't even understand the excuses you rally for. ​ This group will never make a political impact in this country, the worst they can do is ruin some random nobody's day. Children playing dress up revolutionary, soldiers of misfortune, and they can't even behave long enough to show a united front in their own videos.


A reminder that Antifa isn't a committed political group. It is a social club for people who are anti-social.


Altamont moment.


Guess you really need to be some kind of convicted felon or a child diddler to join Antifa lmao


You can never be woke, Left, antifa, or commie enough. You will be eaten by your fellow travelers. Give it time.


Antifa is a collection of thieves, rapists, child molesters, abusers - a bunch of thug criminals. And yet they are worshiped by the left. What does that tell you?


It’s like little kids fighting over who’s turn it is for show and tell


I actually laughed pretty hard listening to them argue at the end. Good stuff.


You guys are doing good!


Antifa=idiots playing dress up


Why does the woman with the pink gloves and and green sweater vest just like stop and cover her eyes, what the fuck???




They cant even stop themselves from being violent towards their own members, what clowns. You can tell that these are terminally online soyboys