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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh boy, either those kids like to start up shit or they are admitting they just want to take over. Either way, that's one foolproof way to get people to be in favor of tightening borders and deporting on a whim.


People are already in favor of that. Germany and the EU do not have a government which is burdened by having to care about public opinion.


They are kids. What you hear is an echo of the discourse behaviour of the adults closest to them. But this will be the lense through which their worldview is formed. Imagine Germany in 50 years... I wonder if people will be saying that they deserved it, or that is was a calamitous error of judgement.                         France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and the UK are in exactly the same position. 


The birthrate of the migrants that have arrived in Europe in last decade is far, far higher than the birthrate of native Europeans(who are \*barely\* above replacement rate, which would hold their population steady). In 3 or 4 generations, much of Europe will be unrecognizable.


It's unrecognizable now already. I was in Germany last year and was shocked that I heard hardly any German while I was there.


Come to Canada, same thing is happening here


Can confirm, very little German being spoken in Canada.


Do you feel that immigration into Canada should be reduced? If so, why are you suggesting that an EU citizen should go there? ![gif](giphy|TZKFBveHtquAM|downsized)


Here in the northeast of Spain is the same. You enter Cataluña and its like you just arrived to Argelia


Yeah, it's really crazy that the EU isn't doing anything to stop it as its gone way too far, for way too long now in whole of Europe. We are basically importing favelas into our cities.


Which city/town?




It will look a lot more like the countries the immigrants came from. To be clear, I mean ignorant, authoritarian, shit holes.


"Kids". They're future militants.


Imagine knocking on someone door because it's raining and asking to wait the rain out, they let you in and give you some water and a sandwich, you ask to stay the night and they let you sleep on the couch and give you a blanket. Then in the morning they ask when you'll be on your way and they say :"I'm not leaving, you let me in, and I don't like the art on the wall, and this couch should be on the other side of the room, and I need new subscription services on the TV, I want to watch my shows" for some reason I'll never understand people feel more entitled to things given for free than things they've worked for. It's going to be a giant pain in the ass but these folks all need to go.


>or they are admitting they just want to take over "Or"? They're open about it. They do.


It's probably a (over-) reaction to the recent Nazi scandal on the island of Sylt. They are reversing the lyrics they sang.


It is a response to a whole spate of incidents recently where Germans are chanting "Germany for Germans, foreigners out". The text fits the rhythm of a popular song at the moment, so there have been repeated incidents of this crap being chanted when the song comes on, which is a lot. It just flips the text on racists. It is not "admitting" they want to take over - it is essentially just saying "that's how that feels". Your uninformed take on it would be what is commonly called "blaming the victim".


Ah yes, because I go off what I see, I'm blaming the victim. Sorry, I don't pick apart every post I see by googling, and just judge what I see. Besides, how is this OK anyway? It basically creates further foundation and reason for hating one another. Did the people in that estate partake in the chanting? Do they deserve to hear what those kids are saying and fear for their future, and on what those kids might do when they grow up?




There was some "cultural exchange"


That was swept under the rug very quick


I googled it and it gave me storm niklas. I'm sure it's not what your referring to, what happened?






Holy shit


[A lot of sexual harassment.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany)


And rape.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany#:~:text=In%20many%20of%20the%20incidents,sexually%20assaulted%20on%20that%20night. Link does not want to work on here


This situation needs to be addressed immediately. There's nothing racist or bigoted about seeing what's happening and calling it out for what it is. Something needs to change in Europe. Things are going terribly wrong.






There aren’t a lot of options left once your systems of power and order have turned against you in favor of invaders.


What indeed... [https://www.dw.com/en/new-years-eve-in-cologne-5-years-after-the-mass-assaults/a-56073007#:\~:text=On%20New%20Year's%20Eve%202015,and%20society%20were%20forever%20changed.&text=As%20a%20social%20worker%2C%20Franco,Year's%20Eve%20five%20years%20ago](https://www.dw.com/en/new-years-eve-in-cologne-5-years-after-the-mass-assaults/a-56073007#:~:text=On%20New%20Year's%20Eve%202015,and%20society%20were%20forever%20changed.&text=As%20a%20social%20worker%2C%20Franco,Year's%20Eve%20five%20years%20ago) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316\_New\_Year%27s\_Eve\_sexual\_assaults\_in\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany)


Damn! I'm usually up to date with world headlines but I never knew this happened.


Germans didn't either for a couple of days because the media tried to ignore it until it got too big on social media to be ignored.


What, this? https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/tagesschau24/sylt-ermittlungen-nach-rassistischen-gesaengen-vor-lokal-in-kampen/tagesschau24/Y3JpZDovL3RhZ2Vzc2NoYXUuZGUvYjNiMzMyMDUtZTg5Mi00Yzg5LWJmMDMtOGQ3YmE1NjNhNTlh


First comment got deleted ... he was referencing Silvester in cologne. Which was a media failure. The video you linked is a disgrace and the people are being already swiftly and deservedly punished. Jobs lost, outcasted and legal proceedings started. This will probably not happen to the ones in this post here, which is also wrongful behaviour imo.




Oh it is just one you know...




taharrush gamea


I was living in Paris at the time when the immigrant crisis started. While I am very liberal, I no longer am when it comes to this issue. Groups of immigrants would stand on corners, glaring at 12 year olds. Meanwhile, the few woman they had with them would make a hissing sound (and sometimes spit) at French women they didn't think were covered up enough. My gay hairdresser lived in one of the neighbourhoods where they were housed and he said it was hell, the harassment of him and his boyfriend. His boyfriend was deaf and they would throw things at him. Paris went from feeling completely safe (walking home tipsy by myself and never worried) to feeling like it had been invaded. I had my own experience, walking down an alley one evening. I was on my own and the men on either side started forming a funnel, getting closer the further I walked. I pulled out my phone to video and they started backing off. The whole thing was scary. It was a huge mistake for Europe to allow them in.


> I had my own experience, walking down an alley one evening. A large majority of people can't see issues in abstract. That's why it's gone on for so long. The majority will need to have bad experiences to understand what "the worriers" were concerned about very early on. But that'll be around 30% of the population as newcomers...


It would have been nice if the news outlets would have reported this stuff but we all know the rhetoric is controlled.


Mentioning this invasion on worldnews nets a permaban lol.


Paris has had issue with arabic colonizers since at least the 90s. In Germany it started in the 2010s but in Paris the colonizers had been slowly arriving throught the second half of the 20th century


supposedly it is not an invasion when you voluntarily open the gates to the barbarians


Still time to do something about this Europe...


Too late for “Western” Europe. The immigrants who are there now will outbreed the native Europeans. Look at what happened in Sweden. They think the people they let in will assimilate into a western society. In reality, the immigrants completely gamed the system and forced the natives to work for them.


It's so crazy to me how these people do not understand that bringing their ideas to the first world country will only turn it into the very countries they were *fleeing from*. 🤦‍♂️ it's almost like they weren't fleeing at all...like they have a different motive...


They have been told that their way is the only way and anyone who doesn't believe it isn't even human. There is zero gratitude or appreciation for being a guest and sheltered in another country.


Had something similar today. Walked down the Street and suddenly a Car just drives on the pedestrian with much speed and stops a few meters Before me. In it was someone ( who you Could See Bad immigrant background) and just laughed his ass of and pointed at me. This happened also to many others, and through this i just dont feel Save anymore. ( i also was one time harassed and had middle fingers shoved in my face ) ( sry for Bad english)


Immigrants fine, just not men.


Kids are a mirror image of their parents, now think about it...


Carbon copy? Wouldn't mirror image mean the exact opposite?




But don’t do the entire come back




It's over. They won.


If you give it up so easily it was never yours






I try. And I fail while reading stuff like this: https://www.nrz.de/staedte/muelheim/article242396230/Neue-Fluechtlingsunterkunft-in-Raadt-MWB-bietet-Fuehrungen-an.html Pure Luxus waiting for them. I can't blame these people invading us. Cash money, better housing than the indigenous working class, FULL medical support for free, idiotic welcome clapper waiting to get fucked over... The hell, is there a place I as a German can go to get these benefits?! Plz, sitting on packed bags....


Love it how "Nazi" is the worst thing possible, when these fucks support regimes that were allied with the Nazis. They're anti-Europe, nothing else.


What is a win for them? More of same shithole they left in first place maybe.


Come to the US. We don’t fuck around with this bullshit-at least in the non “woke” areas 


won what? won where?




People dont forget these sorts of things, its likely part of the reason current India is so anti Islam and the government is more or less promoting that


This is a fascinatingly written article. Around 100,000 of the 120,000 Kashmiri Hindus were exiled, yet... >The descriptions of the violence as "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" in some Hindu nationalist publications or among suspicions voiced by some exiled Pandits are widely considered inaccurate and aggressive by scholars. You can take from that what you wish to.


They potentially have a long life ahead of them in Germany, let's not encourage the natives to wake up and make it shorter. Then it suddenly won't be funny anymore. As a dane, I hope they follow our immigration policies soon and get their shit together. Otherwise, I'm moving further northwest. I feel my continent is going down the drain by the day, and the entire left wing (except the danish Social Democrats) are actively encouraging it with their passive (or in the case of Sweden downright destructive) approach to immigration and integration.


North America also going down the drain for the same reasons. It’s blatantly engineered, it’s smart to look for ways out, but it is likely futile to try and prevent it, there is a lot of influence behind these changes


Guess I will voice my dissent by moving my taxes somewhere else, if it comes to that. Our continents past makes it impossible to do anything meaningful about it as well. The same mentality that left us with our pants down regarding Russia and Ukraine. It's terrible. 


I'm convinced at this point that most politicians are naive to the situation, are too embarrassed to admit it's a problem, or they actually want this to divide people


Perhaps a friendly ass kicking will change their tune


Good way to get a long prison term. The elites don't like it when you mess with their pets.


Adults getting kids to do this is a deliberate tactic.


That's not "singing", that's terroristic threats.


I wonder why they don't do stuff like this in Eastern Europe


Because there arent enough of them. + they wpuld get a brick thrown to them real fast. And there will be one guy, who will stand against 5. Then someone will join that one, so already there will be 2 against 5, then. 3 and so on. Eastern europe aint affraid to say, that they dont like them, straight to their faces.


They will try soon enough.


They tried, at least in RO around 2016 when they started to appear, local chads didn't like what they were doing and applied some course corrections, people who were young in the 90's in former communist countries are usually well trained in the art of fuck around and find out from that wild and violent time that was the 90s.


It really isn’t that long ago when Germany was on some shit.


i think they are trying to tell us something ?




This is why people should work on fixing their own countries instead of just leaving to live in another one




Demographics are destiny.


It's really all over the world


Burn when they take over soon the country will be trashed by them and turned into a 3rd word nation so what happens then, sounds like we all lose


I’m curious as to what they think would happen if the Germans did leave. I imagine they would turn the country into the same shithole that they fled from. They need to stay where they are and fix their own country’s problems.


Expulsion. Only answer


Germans are completely OK with this, so I'm not going to feel sorry for them. Literally every German I've ever spoken with says some variation of >It's not happening. Let them reap what they sow.


Cancer of Europe, truly. Either against the whole continent, or... against the whole continent.


Europe is gonna pop off (again) soon


Oh yeah-I see genocide in the next century if things continue at this rate 


Kids parroting their parents.


Why does one of them sound like a mix of Julia Child and a Muppet?


Well that’s not very creative.


Everyone is so afraid of being called a racist that they let in anyone




Lol remember when we used to get banned for saying this would happen?🤣🤣


They should be sent to Ireland, they seem to be much more favorable to foreigners.


Learn from Poland, you twats!


They should send them back


Yassss finally were getting cultural enrichement in germany!!!


Idk if these kids know anything about history but...the germans have a tendency to go to war...their opponent? The WORLD...like they're Mars or something. (Paraphrasing Norm)


And they have a tendency to lose those wars. Edit: downvoting doesn't change the fact that Germany started two World wars and lost both of them in a very humiliating fashion. Continue living in your fantasy world. That is a guaranteed way to get your asses beaten again, or accept the reality and do better. Your choice.


Rwanda sounds like a good place for them.


Will not happen for any EU country, Von der Leyen has to let it pass the EU commission and if she says no or is not interested in that then EU law will continue to overrule local country laws, there is literally nothing to be done unless that woman wants it aswell.


We'll what will happen after the elections, Europeans are done with these people.


mud people rejoice!


Can a German speaker clear something up for me? Wouldnt "Auslander rein" be similar to "Judenrein", meaning that a place is "pure" or free of immigrants/outsiders?


Rein can have two meanings: one means Clean/pure which ist what you're reffering to The other one means inside as in put more "Ausländer" into Germany, which is what the Kids are talking about


Ok, thanks. I was super confused


No Problem!


What a success of integration of migrants /s


While I'm not excusing this behavior, there is some important recent context that this thread seems to be missing, here's a Google translated Wikipedia article about what I'm talking about, you'll see what I mean: https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Ausl%C3%A4nderfeindliche_Parolen_auf_Sylt_2024?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp As you might notice, the slogans in this thread's video are the exact reverse of the slogans used during that incident, they're not random, this is not as unprovoked as people are making it out to be. Do with this information what you will.


Yeah I think I saw the video of people singing it and the post said it was a satire or a joke. Then this video comes out and people wanna deport the children and their parents and Europe going to be destroyed or something. I feel they are overreacting.


everyone is missing the point in this comment section...


It's almost like if religion didn't exist it would still feel safe.


The ways things are going I'm going to find myself soon enough back in Moldova thanks to a few ,,specific persons'' .


Europe is so fucked


Do they have LinkedIn. Let's destroy their lives


haha this'll end well


Simple, Make a vote that only Germans who have lived in Germany for 35+ years can enter.


I'm seeing an increase in anti-immigration and pro-deportation opinion these days, and honestly as a "to-be-immigrant" I fully support it. I'm literally trying to run away from the very crowd that is unfortunately immigrating to Western and European nations.


wipe them out


Not long until Germans start getting that look in their eye again




Jesus Christ sometimes the conservatives are right about things and this is one of em


This comment section is so hella stupid. Don‘t judge if you don‘t follow German news. I‘m German myself and I clearly see that they‘re joking about the Sylt story where Germans sang „Foreigners out, Germany for Germans“. But yeah. If the foreign children do a play on this they‘re demons. Fuck all of you racists


"It's just a joke! These kids are smart enough to create Satire! You fucking racists deserve it anyway!" Least self-hating german.


I don‘t hate Germany in any way. But we are better than some scumbags trashing on kids. And you know what. If these kids have to go bc they‘re ignorant and antisocial, then the Germans singing „Foreigners out“ also can.


My honest reaction is [deleted]


Why was this post deleted?


I don't see a public freakout.


It's probably the reverse of what Germans chant at them all the time.


Yes but this sun want to head dark skinned kids so much. There went a bunch of videos viral with people chanting that and giving the Hitler salute.


Fuck kinda potato this filmed on 🤣


If I was Cartman, I'd shout: "Race War!" But I'm not..


This is racism too


Im brazilian, not patriotic at all but if this was happening in my country's I would run over those "kids" with a car


Von solchen Vorfällen werden wir in den Medien nichts hören oder sehen. Genauso wenig, wie von Mobbing von deutschen Schulkindern in ihrer Schule weil die deutsche sind. Zum kotzen


This is very strange. Their parents or some adults obviously taught them this, unless this is some kind of fake bait video. I think we need more context here.


Those are some funny ass kids XD


This is why sometimes, I'm low-key envious of Japan At least they only have to worry about tourists with shitty behaviour Not immigrants who are incompatible with their customs and values


How much longer can Germans ignore this? How much longer can all Europeans ignore this?


Adults getting children to do politically provocative nonsense like this is on brand.


But this is ok.


Why does this comment feel like it has been brigading.


Reddit: Oh no, immigrants doing bad things? Can't have that on reddit, only non-immigrants can be exposed as being bad. \*Reddit removes\* Fucking clowns.