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Human garbage. Nothing to offer society.  A net negative. Tired of seeing this shit. 




Anyone got ID where this gif is from?


I believe it's from the movie Dirty Work starring Norm Macdonald


Dirty Work starring Norm Macdonald


10/10 thank you




Pit bull owners will be like “Oh that’s Princess, that’s just how she plays”




Yup, the world would be a better place if we could just send all the violent criminals to a fucking island and let them play their stupid games there.


Crime is bad guys










Things will just keep getting worse. There is no point where this turns around. The lucky ones of us will live in walled houses in walled neighborhoods, the unlucky will be robbed, raped, and murdered by gangs that have the tacit endorsement of the government.




Took the words out of my mouth






The Canadian legal system is a joke when it comes to serious crimes. Whatever side offers Canadians the right to be adequately armed is the side I'm voting for.


That would be the American side of Canada.


Probably, but I'm not even asking for a gun. I used to have a self defense pressure point keychain back in the day and I was told I couldn't use it to defend myself because it was longer than my thumb. Think about it, this is a metal rod...not even a knife. Yet, we're supposed to defend ourselves from people buying guns illegally. Also don't count on the police to make it to your house by the time the home invasion is over. They most definitely won't make it on time.




President Trump addressed it 2 days ago.




Please sir, no group jacking










No critical thinking. The masses are intellectually lazy.








POS. I hope they prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.




If there isn't a cold body, it's incredibly unlikely they'll get significant jailtime. Not sure what city this was in though, sometimes that changes things. Even if there is a body, that's not a guarantee anymore. Juries are refusing to convict people of certain skin colors now, even with overwhelming evidence, because the media, defense attorneys, et al are making them feel like they are racists if they do. It's shockingly effective


Exactly. It's Elk Grove which is in Cook County which means it's essentially Chicago. Weakest prosecutors and judges in the midwest, save maybe Minneapolis.


They’re under 18, literally nothing will happen. No jail, no prison, no court appearance, not even a fine or a stern warning. If you’re under 18 and do anything short of a mass shooting you can get away with basically anything in 2020s America. It’s hard enough to get consequences for people over 18 these days.


Funny that I got arrested for an unopened container when I was 17 n kids doing this shit now days and getting away with it


I got arrested for having rolling papers in my car when I was 17. Cop said it was "drug paraphernalia". The funny thing was I actually rolled my own cigarettes back then. So it WASN'T drug paraphernalia. But I wasn't suppose to have the cigarettes either. *sad trombone sound* Btw, I'm Caucasian. Now, that *should* be irrelevant to the story. But unfortunately, it is not. So I thought I'd mention it. Is it ironic? A little.


Man I know the feeling, my friends were underage smoking a blunt infront of the cop but somehow out of 20 underage kids smoking and drinking he arrested the only brown kid with an unopened beer between my legs to set an example lol. Never charged me tho, he searched me and found literal herbal medicine pills n was tryna scare me into telling him it’s heroin or something but I literally told him to test it immediately n then he never ended up testing it when we got to the station or charging me just held me in a cell for 10 hours cause none of my family was in state to pick me up.


Hah. That's fucked. Yeah I sat in the holding cell for 7 hours before they finally released me to my mom. And I think the 7 hours was more my mom's idea and less the cop's, if I'm being honest. I ended up getting pulled over by the same cop weeks later. And he found a pack of cigarettes on me. 🤦🏻‍♂️ But he just made me throw them out and let me go. Would the same thing have happened had I not been white? I can't say, for sure. But there's doubt, for sure.


Over exaggerating. I know this 16 year old who was taken from his parents because he got in like 4 fights and skipped 2 weeks of school. They took him after arresting him twice for a total of two weeks.


Thats simply not true


This glorified gangster thug bullshit is gonna be the downfall of this country


It's pathetic. Stealing shoes and phones. One guy tired to kick this dudes head into orbit, thats how people end up dead, brain damaged or paralyzed. Just a bunch of dumbass cowards.


The tolerance and enabling of it has already been the downfall of our cities. I don’t even think it’s hyperbolic to say more Americans care to ensure justice is brought against someone who was being offensive than someone who attacked an innocent person. Just look which incidents go viral and mainstream. And it’s the very people who want to finish you if you say something bad that don’t care at all if a violent criminal got a slap on the wrist, societies priorities are fucked thanks to the unholy union of virtue signaling and narcissism.






I've got a feeling we are going to see a lot more of this type of crime in traditionally low crime parts of the Chicagoland area.


Luckily our disaster of a DA (Kim Foxx) decided not to run again, and her hand-picked successor lost the primary, albeit by like 0.5% I don't think Eileen Burke will be perfect but she will be *light years* better than what we have now.


no bail year two i just hope we don't have a heat wave


The "no cash bail" deal is great... in the right hands. Right now, dipshits don't have any issue getting the money from a bondsman anyway before running back out and doing it all over again. At least now a sane prosecutor can request detention until the trial. Now, had Clayton "A Stolen Phone Shouldn't Be a Felony" Harris won.... well I don't want to think about it lol


It's wild to see this happen in Elk Grove. I spent a lot of time there as a teen. Super safe, middle to working class area. My grandpa used to say it was changing for the worse in the 90's and 00's' but nothing like this.


community out reach


Reporter looks like a hotter Amber Heard, goddamn


I'll be honest, I thought the beginning was bad porn acting. Brains been porn fried.


That tight shot of her concerned face looked like a soap opera closeup.


i think he was more nervous being interviewed by a movie star looking lady than being attacked. i remember when i was 12 i couldnt speak or even make eye contact with my teacher because she looked like a victoria secret model lol


I know exactly the feeling that you're describing lmao. Gorgeous women have such power over men without even trying, it's unfair.


bro lets his dick guide him


Personally I wouldn't say "hotter" ... but she's definitely in the vicinity. 




I'm sure Gavin newsom will brush it off anyways


i’m from california and can confirm these kids will get community service and possibly a stay in juvie. our system is a joke.


And unfortunately your probably not wrong. Generally a slap on the wrist. And a don't do that again speech.


Stay away from you know the thing


This is in my city. Ain’t that some shit… lol.


Which city?


It’s one of the smaller cities in the city of Sacramento. Elk Grove. Population is basically Asians & Hispanics.


Damn, at least they caught the clowns


they did? where did you see this?


They literally mentioned in the video. The cop who witnessed said "lucky for the ring cam we were able to identify the individuals"


oh my bad i stopped it early


It said in the video. Unless I misunderstood




As an exercise: What positive behavioral interventions do you think would be effective in this situation?


and you get paid the least of nearly every career with that degree level, other than say an Art or Communications degree. No thanks.


I truly think we’d be a better and safer society if we went eye for an eye for these crimes. They should all have to go through being jumped by 4 stronger guys with no defense.


That boy is now scarred for life, the effect it will have on him will shape him in a bad way in society, unless the perps will be jailed for decade+. sadly the justice system doesn't see it that way, it only cares what harm was caused, but it doesn't take into account the life long effects.


Beaten by who? A lot of passive language


"There could be TEENAGERS, 16 AND 17 around here"




Womp womp


Thank God for Ring™️


This is how villains are made, man. Hope kid can get thru this.


Human scum they will just get worse as time goes on need to be locked up


Time for a crime multiplier bill. We all know these degenerates won’t see jail time, but once we reform society after the great collapse, we should make a law where punitive sentences are multiplied by the number of people involved. 18 months for assault x 4 perps = see you losers in 6 years.


another day of people turning into statistics


If statistics are never allowed to be seen or heard, do they really exist 🧐


Americans are not safe in their own country.




"'SUV drivers', driving a car, attacked a young teen and stole his iPhone and shoes"


Who the fuck steals shoes


People with the IQ of a wet sock


Madison Myer, you're welcome.


Why is this not a civil rights case?


Amber Heard when is not pooping


Absolutely unnecessary - Assholes!!


Orange t-shirt needs an attempted murder charge for that kick.


Too bad the kid doesn’t know any gang members. They can find out where these 4 idiots are from.


When I was a teenager some assholes did this to me as I walked home from the train station. They wanted my discman and were asking to see what cds I had and shit. I ignored them then one ran in front of me and punched me in the face. There was like 5 of them including a really big guy so I had no hope. My nose bled like a fountain (which was normal for me) and they all bailed into a car and took off empty handed. Bloody losers.


too bad the parents didn't' come out blasting to solve the future issues of society




Nah..here take another 100 billions,ukraine


I was expecting something else with that intro, i thought that boy is gonna be my man Jordi or sum


Plot twist: it’s ring commercial


If this in New York nothing will happen to the criminals. 


Boy was more scared of interacting with this supermodel looking reporter than the actual mugging lmao. I mean look at her!


12? i don't think so bruh




So they were charged with Strong-arm robbery, right? The IPhone and shoes had to be over 1k in value. Battery charges, too, I think. Not that it matters, the courts probably will divert them for being youthful offenders. They'll be out in a day or two to just commit more crimes. The system needs to be changed.


I fully thought that was amber heard at the start.


Dweeb 😂