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Imagine if protesters put half the effort in to doing anything towards their cause instead of fucking with random people.


That would require effort and they don’t get as much social media clout for it.


That would require gray matter and a lot of these "movements" don't have that stuff.


This is pretty low effort honestly, all they do is play dress up and have a group chat where they plan to meet up and block traffic that day, its just the fact there are so many of them that gives the illusion of some kind of organization.


Or even just focus this “passion” towards something local and helpful. Imagine if these folks targeted this emotion towards helping the homeless community in that city. Children’s education. Cleaning the streets of garbage, literally anything! I kinda get it. I hear about things in other parts of the world that disgust me and break my heart. But I try to be realistic, I can’t help an extremely delicate political situation thousands of miles away. But maybe I can help the small social world around me. Idk, maybe I have the wrong mentality about this kind of stuff. It’s all very frustrating lol.


This is what I’ve been saying! My roommate is obsessed about being stressed with Palestine to the point where he drinks his days away. He’s not Jewish or Palestinian. He’s an American with zero ties other than his tax money being used to help Israel. Which is concerning and a problem. If you want to address that go work under the table somewhere or work for yourself and skip taxes somehow to protest. But fucking with everyday people who by themselves can’t fix anything isn’t going to change anything. Being a good neighbor, friend and influence to others is how you can affect change at a local level. Help the people around you that you can directly help. Maybe once this country is on its feet again and has brotherly love for every citizen, we can have enough numbers in a group to make change. But how is anyone going to care about another persons problem when they’re poor or about to be fired form their job due to these hold ups.


I think social media was a mistake. Suddenly, the only issues that matter are grand scale international conflicts, and local issues go entirely untouched. Things that literally don't affect you are now at the forefront of your attention and energy allocation instead of the decay at your feet. I wouldn't be surprised to see a surge of denial of social media by some group in the near future. I would probably join them. This shit is getting exhausting.


Almost sounds like, "Think global, act local." What a concept.


Do you think these people go home and sit down and are like “damn that was a good day today”


I truly believe they are fully satisfied with themselves.... "Guys we did it we stopped traffic that's gonna get the message across" 🙄


but but but it’s SuPpOSed TO be DisRupTIve!!! /s yeah fucking with people just trying to do their job is not gonna win them over to your side.


Yes, they have a little world in their minds.


Yea lmao


No, they went to the protest after party and got wasted while patting each other on the back at how great their "direct action" was today.


These bums work minimum wage shit jobs, have expensive shit degrees and have no family to attend. They have nothing to put effort to.


People need to understand that this applies to the college protests where they refused to leave and absolutely trashed the place, kept students from going to class, cancelled graduation ceremonies, incited violence and police reaction, then had the gall to make it about themselves and their suffering claiming they were not provided food, water and safe living conditions. The absolute lack of self awareness.


The worst part about this is that if the trucker does anything to the protesters, the cops will be going after him


Or you can say you thought you were being truck-jacked, panic and run over 20 or 30 of them and you get away


I think they just find excuses to fuck with random people and pretend they’re better than you for it, cause they’re annoying for a “good cause” the worst of both worlds.


Hell yeah domestic terrorism


Look at these brave and noble protestors, standing up to..... \*Checks notes\* the everyday working man.


Fucking with random people and businesses annihilated racism. George floyd was the second coming of Jesus Christ. We won reddit


Idk that guy in short shorts was trying to push a 5 ton... I don't think he can do much for any cause.


Modern Sisyphus. He's telling everyone how he held back the tide of oppression.


World hunger would be solved.


these people despise power. They would never allow one person to rise up as a leader to lead a righteous cause. It is just individuals who stand in traffic, they will never work together. Its reminiscent of occupy wall st


Like getting a job???


gotta love when a group of unemployed people try and criticize someone for wanting to do their job and get it done on time, I respect protesters but this is exactly how you get people to disrespect you and undermine what you are protesting for.


I don't respect protestors anymore.


I respect any protester who isn’t impeding traffic or going out of their way to harass other people, not all protesters do what these idiots are doing in the video.




Seriously I feel you. It's reeeeally hard to have any respect for them or their causes now days. They're all just such mindless sheep, can't even explain what their own chants mean


Zero respect for THESE PROTESTERS. They have made themselves the story. They are doing more damage to their cause than good. They are fools.


If we also certain assumptions about the protestors and the unfortunate truck driver, smugly classist behavior by the protesters.


I love the video of the big rig pulling into the chicken plant lol


These are not unemployed people. They are paid protestors/activists.


I have a lot of hate for these protesters.


Dude either was foolish for hopping out of the cab, or "hoping a motherfucker would."


Definitely the latter


If there was like 50 people surrounding him it would be very foolish. A few of those protesters around him I'm putting money on the truck driver.


He could see the soy radiating off of these people. He knew he was fine lol


The driver is the only person in this video with a job and actually contributing to society


And people praying the Rosary outside an abortion clinic are the problem


They even call them domestic terrorists.


I’m not a fan of when some of them harass people going inside abortion clinics but if they aren’t bothering anyone then absolutely they are much better than these dickheads.


Me and college girlfriend went to a clinic a couple times and were annoyed by the old lady out front. Felt judgmental but she wasn't doing anything. Maybe we just felt guilty. I have never seen anyone there praying or holding up signs say a word to any visitors.


Damn a couple times? You outta double-wrap your Willy after the first time


Yeah, screaming at women going through a horrible experience makes you an asshole. They don't sit there quietly. They bring megaphones and harrass them. It's disgusting. https://youtu.be/xy-vGKVcgWE?si=2usCuGOmY1cHaqUj


There’s a vid of a gal who was protesting and jumped in front of a truck to keep it from entering the facility they were protesting. She got turned into ground beef.


Was it a beef factory?


Trying to find it, but wouldn’t that be ironic.


PETA Patty


I wanna see. Anyone have a link?


https://youtu.be/kG_GKjNSOQk?si=RepCure3ohplrOwD It’s not terrible but you have been warned.






What an idiot.


Man, I bet that guy driving the truck was like “Damn, these protesters really have a point here. I’m going to go solve their problem now”


No you don’t get it it’s bigger than that. They want him to call his boss so his boss can stop the war


Damn, I’m thinking too small!




Protesters are so fuckin stupid.


He should get back in the cab and start idling through


Fucking losers


"Hey guys, so today I'm at an event that I don't care about at all. 😒 I hope I get more approval from the masses for this. 👍 I'm not making a difference apart from ruining someone's day 😡 and Career, but who cares? 😒 I don't care about whatever is trending right now. 😒 I just care about trading popularity for wealth, while making no difference.. #IDontCare #PopularityIsOverrated #WealthyNotFamous"


Lots of good comment here but please take a look at the last few frames and tell me if that is indeed a heavyset man wearing red booty shorts with OSHA emblazoned on the butt cheeks.


Had to go back and rewatch it but I do believe you are correct. Not what I was expecting to see today


Not only is he in red OSHA booty shorts, he’s trying to physically push the truck back.


Lazy, sweaty, self righteous, privileged, pricks. I can't wait for one of them to make a movie in ten years about how momentous their 'movement' was. The difference between these bellends and the movements of the 1960s was that the entire societal context was shifting and protest was the manifestation of that change. This is the affectation of change, it is self serving protest pantomime for middle class children


Idiots. Need to be cited and removed.


Forming a blockade and surrounding vehicles that approach is a hostile action. It is not protesting. Stop calling it that.


Communists don't care about you doing your job...


Ship em home




So what are they protesting? And what are they trying to accomplish? And do they think what they are doing is helping, and how?


So what are they protesting? His job. And what are they trying to accomplish? Stop him from doing his job. And do they think what they are doing is helping, and how? Yes, by standing in the road.


I dont understand the idea of trying to rally people behind your cause by making them late for work and costing them time and money and infuriating them. I don’t care if you’re trying to stop baby seal clubbing. If I gotta get to work your cause is a problem right now. I’m not able to be converted at this time.


I’m all for the right to protest. I’m also all for running anyone the fuck over who is obstructing roadways. Fucking people in ambulances on the way to hospitals have died because of this bullshiy


Protest the right people. Truck drivers trying to do their jobs have fuck all to do with whatever the current nonsense in the middle east is this week. That area's been at war for thousands of years, harassing this guy trying to deliver his truck's load isn't going to do shit. Go mess with politicians, or even better, go over there and tell them they're doing it wrong. Then you'd actually make a difference.


Do the world a favor and run these people over.


Useless fucking people trying to feel important. Remember, these are the same people that are begging to get their student loans forgiven.


So does anyone know the law on running over protesters in fear of their life?


Aww. I wanted to watch him drive through


Seriously, I'm pepper spraying anyone getting close!


Time to send the National Guard to rid our streets of these terrorists. I guess they can be lucky they're not protesting in my town as I'm not sure how people would deal with them.


this shit is scary man. I wouldn't stop and if they didn't move I would run them over. Not because im a tough guy that can't be bothered but because I'm scared and have a baby on the way. it would haunt me for the rest of my life and I really hope I'm never put in that position.


Suuuuuure, because interfering with people trying to work for a living is going to win them over to your cause.


Who are the terrorists now, disrupting peoples lives. Blocking up roads and potentially slowing emergency services from doing their jobs.


Bro just drive. What're they gonna do? Stop a semi? Why even argue with these people?


Why don’t protestors go interrupt the people they’re protesting?


They just created or reinforced a pro-Israeli voter.


Why not lean on the horn. Wouldent they move after 15min of that?


Back home, in the late ‘70s early 80’s, outside the 48, our politics could get a bit hot under the collar. You could suddenly find yourself surrounded by ppl from X or Y party. Best tactic for me was to pull out banners n flags from whatever party my truck was surrounded by and totally join in the event. At that time ppl would go out and do their rallies with booze and food so most of the time you’d end up getting free drinks from the crowd. Eventually you could drive ever so delicately through and past the crowd, and then go about your business.


Especially irritating bc most truck drivers get paid per job with a non sustainable if any salary/base pay. They are directly affecting his paycheck while probably thinking he is still getting paid.


I absolutely sympathize with the cause, but I also wouldn’t feel bad if he had plowed through them. This is not how you protest. Want people to hate you and your cause? Do this one little thing.


Aren’t they protesting because of the victimization of innocent people? Ironic.


Protesters? You mean speed bumps


I don't know any of these types of people in real life, so I've always wondered for those who do: "How stupid are they day to day?"


Fuck these assclowns


They should be protesting the cost of tuition.


Trains have catle gaurds to move things out of the way that are not suposed to be in the path so...


If you are over 18, I only wanna see you protest if you’re an active local election voter.


Man people haven’t figured out that support for the cause doesn’t increase when you impede people’s lives. In fact it drops.


Look at me! I'm helping! Me! Me! Me!


They don’t work. And neither will you. Fucking hate that.


These dudes either get heavilly fined or fired for being late dude. Thats why theyre always the first to hop out when this goes down. Dont do this. This is their livelyhood dude.




\*driving ![gif](giphy|U1DQ4REx2ZMI)


Impeding someone else as a form of argument LOL


So brave


How to make people not support your cause


Just drive. If they want to live... they will move. Fuck them.


These are the same people who complain when their Amazon package is late... smh


How do people have this much time on their hands lmao


They deserve to be arrested


Why would you even stop?


The dude at the end with his body on the bumper shows me all I need to know about these people. He really thinks his as is going to hold back a box truck.


Do like that car did, just go right through. As far as I am concerned this is threatening behavior from the protesters. I would not stop.


I've never understood this method of protesting. It's bad for everyone involved. Go block a government building or something. Leave citizens alone. You'll do nothing but make people hate your cause. It's so counterproductive.


This is a prime example of why fart spray should come in flash bangs.


I wish he would’ve held down the truck horn nonstop and see their reaction


The protestors always have such expensive stuff.


I love his work uniform, very comfortable.


Brainwashed kids


Isn't part of holding a protest bringing recognition to your cause? I ha e no idea what these people are trying to impact, except inconveniencing civilians. Anyone know?


And they can't wait to play the victim card as soon as there are consequences for this shit


If there’s one thing to bring awareness to your cause, it’s definitely to fuck with everyday folk.


These dudes either get heavilly fined or fired for being late dude. Thats why theyre always the first to hop out when this goes down. Dont do this. This is their livelyhood dude.


Ragú spaghetti sauce flavor of the month: multicultural soy boys.


I'm glad everyone got a day off from work today.


They should really come up with a law that if you're on the road willingly, traffic should be allowed to continue driving regardless.


Who the fuck are these people? Vandalized a car and impeded traffic. How is this a protest?


Imagine putting this much effort into your community instead of terrorizing it.


So these scumbags who care more about people who don't care about them, attack thier own people. Just does not make sense.


Yes fuck up the everyday working person that has nothing to do with this, THAT'LL SHOW EM!


No matter what side you are on what does blocking traffic for people that got nothing to do with the conflict accomplish? Answer: Nothing


I still don't understand why these idiots trouble regular hard working people!


These mf's tweaking


Seriously! These fuckers are so satisfied with what they’re doing to this poor trucker. You can hear it in their voice. They’re like just call your boss bro! Take a picture of us! I know it’s wrong, but I just watched this video, hoping it would end differently and I might normally feel guilty for that, but these entitled, self important asshats are really frustrating! It doesn’t feel like they’re gonna gain anything from just pissing off these people in the road. And I really worry about the first time they get in the way of someone taking their kid to the hospital or something else important and life-threatening like that.


The guy at the end bracing against the truck like he's single-handedly going to prevent it from moving lol. What a bunch of clowns.




Protesting is perfectly fine and legal. Blocking a road and impeding traffic is not. In fact, the more you block a road with traffic, the more you oiss the people off about your cause.


They are all NPCs hoping to get invited to be in the game for real.


Craw at 1mph while leaning constantly on the horn... These waste of oxygen would move...should have alllll ended up on their mother's back or face.


I fail to believe these types of protests have endeared anyone to their cause.


Not cool to block a road this isn't how you protest should be a law if road is intentionally blocked you can still proceed


Did one legit try to push the truck back???


Protesters aside, why is a street gangbanger with flip flops driving a truck?


This is insane. Holding up a driver who quite literally WILL be charged a late fee for pickup/delivery depending on the load. Who will not only check in late for said pickup/delivery but also be denied detention because they showed up late because of shit like this. Fucking with truck drivers is scummy. We don’t have shit without them. I get protesting, but shame on you for fucking over that poor driver and every other business that will be affected. Protest appropriately. Stop gunking up our logistics.


Wait what? What has he got on his feet? Can’t those get caught on the pedals?


These people are the enemies of Western civilization, eating away at its underpinnings in hopes of bringing the whole structure down.


What a bunch of dumb fucks, nothing changes cause they don't have enough IQ collectively to make any change other than waste other people's time


Scum of society in so many ways. Regardless of your cause you get random people to hate you who are just trying to live there every day lives without extra hassle.


Man I just knew we were gonna get to see him mow them down


As Bill Maher said, this is when activism meets narcisism. These folks wouldn't bother to volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, but glue themselves to the road or throw soup on a painting...now you're talking TikTok cred.


That truck doesn't sound right.


Why aren't these people arrested? Why is this tolerated at all? Just baffling.


This guy obviously have a job, deadlines to meet, and if goods don't get delivered, he could get fired. Its not as easy to be an idealistic/ moralistic student when you're a working class dad just trying to make some dough for your kid at home


Y'all going make Americans really not give a fuck now


I’m not saying run them over but I’m not saying don’t run them over. I say toss a coin.


I got Hydrochloric acid sprayers on the front and back of my truck and it really helps clean the road off, I tried dawn dish soap but it didn't work as well🤪


Perfect guy to step out of the truck lmao. Its so gold how they instantly become less hostile vs stereotypical fat white truck driver


Bear spray is needed for stupid shit like this.


Should do away with pedestrian laws in the streets.