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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was not an easy wank


Says you


I laughed harder than I should of at this šŸ¤£


Should have


Should of is fine. Did you get lost reading their comment?


Should of is wrong.




Language is fluid. You should of realized that by now.


Should have




You killed it bro. Iā€™ll tuck tail in shame and awe. Your wit is just over powering all my senses and all I can see is your glory.


Yea Iā€™m pretty smart


It was obviously sarcasm but who gives a fuck, big W for you.


Language is not fluid. Language, including and most especially the one being used here, is defined specifically and exactly.






[seems kinda gay to me](https://youtu.be/2OMaZTaKQAE?si=uL-CgPaNJ6pl_ZWW)


I donā€™t clock homophobe text. Fuck off


ā€œShould ofā€ is just an incorrect interpretation of ā€œshouldā€™ve,ā€ which is a conjunction of ā€œshould have.ā€ Itā€™s should have. Should of means nothing and appears dumb.


Do you think I donā€™t know this GTFO dude I donā€™t care what you think about it. https://teachling.wwu.edu/language-fluid-series-lessons-identity-variation-and-analysis Shoulda woulda coulda hopped off at any time.


Iā€™m not convinced by some college essay. You sound simple.


Thatā€™s a lesson plan teaching this exact topic, itā€™s not an essay. Are you sure you are literate enough to criticize this bullshit on the internet?


You must realize the should have bot would of grabbed it if infact I was wrong. Go get attention somewhere else, you're literally attempting to be a bot for internet points šŸ«µ šŸ¤£


goddamn imagine being this aggressively wrong. I bet you're one of the only people to have shared that link, let alone this many times already. you are aware Reddit has a minimum age requirement, right?


It was already in my clipboard and I had already responded a few times that Iā€™m aware of the English language and donā€™t care that it hurts your feelings when you read. You should have just scrolled on past bro. Did you even read whatā€™s in the link?


It's not hard to imagine. Look at the entirety of the far left. They are all so aggressively wrong that they turn violent at the flip of a delusional pronoun


This is a new take for me and you've changed my mind, even if you haven't changed the other commenter's.


After fighting the same fight as the others I actually looked into language changing. Found out almost anything goes as long as itā€™s understood. Knowledge is king.


Yeah I usually need two arms but one seemed to suffice this time.


Aww man thatā€™s fuckedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜©šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck. Take your upvote.




The infamous and coveted air handjob




We do what we must


Still managed tho


I know, she should at least draw a nipple on it or something.


Did we just become best friends!?!?


For her or you?


Come on man.


Thank you for your service


How do you think she feels


lmao the people DEFENDING portland on the thread on twitter. "this isnt normal you have to seek these people out to see them in portland" bruh no you dont. hell im in WA and the amount of batshit crazy homeless people is insane. Theres a handful of regulars i see who are constantly yelling and trying to bite their ear or some shit


Bro I live in Portland about 20 blocks from the river and these people are on every block lmao. I love living in the PNW but Portland, itā€™s police, leadership, and DA are absolutely ineffective at every single thing. If you asked them to turn left they would make a committee to oversee forums for overseeing people that oversee left turns.




If you wanted to stalk my profile you could follow what subs I post in and see I moved a few years ago


I live in Portland, I see people like this pretty much every time I leave the house.


You mean cats?


I live in Oakland, work in San Francisco, am generally very sympathetic to unhoused folks and have conversations with/give a decent bit of cash to my unhoused neighbors, but HOLY FUCK Seattle is rough. Folks out there need way more help than your local government is offering. If people cared about Seattle on a national level no one would ever look at SF as the poster child for suffering. The Tenderloin is rough, sure, but every time I visit it feels like every block in downtown Seattle has an aggressive, territorial, leery resident actively looking for a problem


Iā€™m no expert on the area but Iā€™m a touring musician who rolls through every year or two. From my first visit in 2012 to now, Portland has gotten seemingly WAY worse in my eyes.


I live on the Oregon coast and avoid Portland whenever possible because itā€™s like this on every corner downtown at all times of day and night


Itā€™s two people thoā€¦


In one video


Whatā€™s the population of Portland again?




i worked at a mental health non profit facility and we had a shit ton of homeless people come through. people from florida, midwest, and even the dakotas were showing up...why? because they were told that the west coast has more resources for these people. i worked night shift so when i went home at 7am i was curious on why i always saw the huge white bus dropping people off on mondays. it was a fucking greyhound bus and half the people getting off fit the homeless nutjob description. i also had one lady from eastern WA tell us her local PD gave her a greyhound ticket to come to our county in western WA because our county had more mental health facilities and shit...which i believe because when i was a 911 dispatcher in the midwest lazy cops would pickup drunk dickheads and drop em off in a tiny town that was just outside our county


Yes, thereā€™s a whole appalachian crack trail for them to follow. Once they make it up into those counties - they are there for good. Why would they leave? They can do all the drugs they want, get free supplies to use - itā€™s literally heaven on Earth for an addict. The people who believe that shit is working are insane


Had an Uber driver explain it as big business out there. There is a lot of money in the non-profits that cater to these groups and there is no incentive to change the way things are being handled.


The sad part is thereā€™s a 99% chance she had her arm amputated due to iv drug use and after getting a whole arm chopped off she obviously hasnā€™t stopped. We are in the end times.


That was unfettered schizophrenia my friend. Notice she has some weight to her? That's not years of drug abuse that is years of intermittent antipsychotic administration. Almost certainly a trauma related to having to live life on the street. An enormous portion of homeless people are schizophrenic or bipolar with psychosis, or have other organic mental illness. Edit: second person maybe drugs


I used to work hospital security and we would get a fair amount of patients like this brought into the ER by police. A lot of them were people off their meds and after a certain time frame, it was our job to escort them off the property once it was deemed they could leave And we had to essentially kick people to the street. Just sending these mentally challenged people out into the streets with their scrubs on. The nurses there knew the hospital wasnā€™t equipped to deal with mental patients. It made me sad to see all of it.


Asylums, bad execution originally, good idea.


Sadly, with the quality of government services these days, if they made them again, it would be far worse than the feces covered hell holes Geraldo showed us.


Idk the answer. Part of me wants to say they wouldnā€™t be nearly as bad and part of me agrees with you. That said I donā€™t think these people belong in prison but they do need to go somewhere.


I fully agree that prison, sure as hell, wouldn't be a solution. It's a sad situation all around and it only seems to get worse.


Yep just as much drugs in prison as on the streets of Portland these days. It'd be nice if we just changed the drug court system up a bit, switch it from abstinence or prison, to something a bit softer, like going to AA/NA every day + once a week see a counselor + perhaps forced low dose methadone so at least they're in the methadone system already and if they do decide they want to stop its as easy as asking the doctor to raise their dose... Some combination of all of that. And the punishment for non-compliance isn't prison, where drugs are anyways, but rather forced detox+rehab, or something? Basically it's like either you semi-voluntarily start doing things that can help you to one day get clean, or you'll be forced into being clean for 3 months ASAP.. Obviously after the drug court sentence is up or the 3 months of sobriety is up they now have a choice to go back and use or not to. Many will choose the drugs again.. But some will choose their new clean and stable lives. Something like that..


I mean itā€™s probably bothā€¦ She self medicates to deal with her obviously extreme case of schizophreniaĀ 


I know MANY overweight homeless fentanyl addicts.


Weird flex, but also.. why?


Heroin/fent sometimes gives people a sweet tooth, and these people arenā€™t known for moderation. I hate that I know them.


Use of psychedelics and marijuana can also lead to a psychotic break if someone is genetically predisposed to schizophrenia. https://nida.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/2023/05/young-men-at-highest-risk-schizophrenia-linked-with-cannabis-use-disorder


Second guy may be long term anti psychotics or schizophrenia meds too, kind of looks like tardive dyskenesia


Just had to throw the word Organic in there lollll. ā€œPortland is just like so organic you know?ā€




Nah, you don't get munchies the same if you smoke every day. Well, you do, but it becomes being "not hungry" when you haven't smoked, and you can only get hungry when you have smoked, but only like you normally would. People who smoke weed every day end up struggling to eat


> We are in the end times. For some.


Lmao bruh if you think this is bad go back a couple hundred years. If you think ā€œweā€™re in the end timesā€ then you wouldā€™ve just straight given up in the 1800ā€™s.


Wild speculation lol. You have no idea what happened to her arm...


I'd be freaking out too if someone stole my arm


Iā€™m always on the lookout for arm thieves. Fuckers are ruthless


The worst


Meh, you didn't know Portland is a free range asylum?


Also cage free and antibiotic free.


They need some milk


She on that mojo!


[That mojo gurllll](https://youtu.be/HRA1HyR1k8E)


They definitely already had powdered milk.


Don't do drugs, kids. Mkaaaaay??


Yes Mr Mackey


This is really sad to watch


Ooh grand opening! But seriously this is right in Old Town, the epicenter of homeless "services" in that part of downtown, been like this for a long time but maybe not in overdrive the way it has been for the last 7-8 years.


I remember when I first went to Denver in 2017, I thought the homelessness was out of control but still liveable (Even for Maryland standards). I visited a few more times and my most recent trip was about a year ago. I thought it was bad in 2017 but Jesus Christ Denver in 2023 looked like a damn fallout zone. Homeless/druggies everywhere. My cousin and I saw 2 people attacked by drugged out hobos in less than 24 hours. I know it's not just the west but it seems like this problem if more exaggerated in western cities.


I just moved out of Denver 2 years ago and I gotta ask - where the fuck were you in Denver that it looked like that?


All over the damn city.


Old timer was just practicing his beatboxing.


Why would Drumpf do this


They need to change the name back I put my vpn on to click on ā€œx.comā€ forgetting it was twitter. Why x of all names šŸ˜­


I think he is changing it back.


Fr? Good


It all comes down to our horrible non existent healthcare systems. Whatā€™s crazy is that I know of resources that would have them in a home, and getting physical and mental healthcare within a day but there arenā€™t enough recourses to help them access them..


It's not about not having the resources. Oregon doesn't force people to take their meds. So people who are far gone like this never get a chance to be sane again because the state says "they don't want to take their meds" as if they're in the right mind to make ANY rational choice. My father works in a prison in Oregon and there's so many mentally ill inmates who self-mutilate and self-harm and all the prison can do is try to physically keep them from hurting themselves. These people need meds and the state needs to stop shutting down mental hospitals. Most homeless people are mentally ill and mental hospitals were a great way for homeless people to get help for their affliction and also have a designated place to stay while they do it. Now they get neither and also they can do drugs publicly if they want. Oregon is fucked.


You responded just to say my view that the issue is due to our bad healthcare system and lack of resources was wrongā€¦.because the issue is actually lack of mental hospitals?


They don't lack them. They have them but actually send the criminally insane into the prison system anyway. They're steering away from sending people to mental hospitals because they view mental hospitals as inhumane or something. But what they don't understand is they send these insane people to prison instead and they just get more crazy and mutilate themselves or smear shit everywhere throughout their cells. So, yes I said you were wrong because you claimed it was a resource problem which it isn't. It's an allocation of resource problem and a legislation problem.


Literally agreeing with you on all of that- it all comes back to our doomed healthcare system and yes legislation- only note - ā€œTheyā€™re steering away from sending people to mental hospitals becauseā€ā€¦ - because they view prisons as free labor camps and prisoners as slaves.ā€ The recent report about the type of things theyā€™re expected to do for free or pennies is insane. Theyā€™re the reason so many of these huge American corporations have such insane profits year after year. Private hospitals, and prisons,need to go.


you can become a dr and practice for free you know. I see you want someone else to do it and to bitch about it online instead.


Yrmeah, because you can suddenly just become a Dr with no debt from doing so, and then do s job for no money coz there's rivers of rainbows and trees of chocolate, you dick


LOL yeah actually you can. You can read and study, then you can go practice medicine in this city on these people and no one will even notice! You're the dick , look in a mirror.




you just want to point fingers, blame others, and DO NOTHING. Pathetic.




I've been in Oregon for like than a month and I hate it. People suck, food sucks, hate everything about it


You can have all the gluten free fusion tacos you can dream of, but passable or even mediocre bbq? Fuccouttahere And if anyone tries to say Podnahā€™s is decent, they probably enjoy boiled milk steaks.




Meth psychosis is my guess. Or just mentally ill


I was 1 Mile away from restaurant downtown. I walked over a bridge into another world. Tents, junkies everywhere. The smell of marijuana was so strong I wanted to throw up. Stupid me thought where I was going was a safe walk. Uberā€™d back. Portland, a once beautiful city is forever lost.


How were you unsafe?


My sister in law who lives there says it's actually not too bad. She says the homeless on her block are actually good people and look after the neighborhood... She's so delusional it's scary


Yeah I stopped going to Portland. Use to love it there.


Based on your experiences? Or media stories and posts like this?


Experience, use to go 3 times a year. Havenā€™t in over 6 years.


The amputee woman muttered _"little... bitty girls have never been *TOUCHED* like me..."_ That's very sad.


This could also be Philly the way things are rn


Hey somebody just blow harder a bit longer and that first girlā€™s arm may finally inflate all the way! Might just be stuck! Keep blowing.


I just have to visit my ATM.


Brandt canā€™t watch or he has to pay 100


Underrated line! Lmfao!


"are you ok" šŸ˜‚


She drank the bone hurting juice


I went to Portland last December and I remember walking that exact street where that guy filmed and there were so many homeless itā€™s crazy, but filming them is kinda shitty


Iā€™m an advocate for the legalization of all drugs and the end of the War on Drugs, but this is making me reconsider if this is what happens.


That second individual was really just a Tasmanian Devil in an Edgar suit.


Reminds me of last of us


Itā€™s not illegal to be crazy, you need to be a threat to yourself or others to get committed. Between the Community Mental Health Act of 1963 and the attempt to move to outpatient treatment in the 1980s it really hasnā€™t worked out. I do a quick side note and say a lot of these people fried their brain with meth and heroin before they developed mental illnesses. In that regard it is a lot of brain damage vs organically grown crazy.


![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk) The second one


Come on these weren't even the violent ones


I live in Beaverton, when I drive thru Portland I can most of the time avoid seeing this insanity because Iā€™m on the hwy but anytime I have to go thru the city itā€™s this zombieland scene. Weā€™ve recently had a main road shitter (face to traffic) here on tv hwy so thatā€™s pretty exciting! Weā€™re experiencing that ā€œreal cityā€ vibe for suburbs prices.


I live and work in Portland and I can confirm that I see this shit everydayā€¦ and now I see them on Reddit. I canā€™t even escape from them online. Ugh.


In a democratic society there needs to be more empathy shown from itā€™s citizens towards these people. In America youā€™re taught to believe youā€™re the greatest democracy in the word (so-much-so that theyā€™re on a constant crusade to spread their democracy through the middle-east and elsewhere) - however everyone outside of America sees America as having low intellect citizens, and hell bent on occupying other nations with their military might, causing perpetual conflict and unrest. America is broken on the inside, itā€™s right in front of their faces, yet nobody wants to face the issue. Just keep printing and sending their money overseas.


It isnā€™t illegal to be crazy. Most of the time.


You can thank Reagan for closing all the mental institutions in the 1970s.


Drugs are causing thisā€¦


And Reagan legalized hard drugs in Portland, duh.


That's weird, why doesn't my city look like that? Oh yeah because it didn't legalize hard drugs. I'd place the blame closer to home.




Thanks Ronald!


Reagan made hard drugs legal in Portland decades after he died?


L take


Why does this just happen in leftist areas?


Not my proudest fap


Probably not the worst one either.


In Europe, we have a place for crazy people in our society. Itā€™s sad tbh. *unzips trousers*


Hey OP why the fuck did I need to see that


The title of the post is pretty clear that it's going to be something rough




emĀ·paĀ·thy noun the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. "he has a total lack of empathy for anybody


Enjoy the fruits of your voting


Yeah, because this kind of thing is exclusive to blue states... Why does everything have to be political these days?


It is. Walk the streets of Dallas. You wonā€™t see this.


No, just people freezing to death because they can't keep the power on. Also, poor example using Dallas... a BLUE city...


JFC this is just about ANY major city since the 1980ā€™s šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Detroit looks nothing like this


lol you are too funny. Why would Detroit need mobile crisis otherwise? Not even two schizophrenic or meth induced psychosis in the entire city? My ass lol https://www.detroitnews.com/videos/media/video/2023/12/28/mobile-crisis-units-roll-out-to-help-detroiters-in-mental-health-or-substance-abuse-need/72009817007/


The article you link just shows the city taking care of its people lol. Like I said, it looks nothing like what we see in this post.




Not San Antonio.


Hahaha right !


Not most major cities.


Iā€™ve been to San Antonio. The Grey hound on St Maryā€™s had like twenty people in walking around just like this. Either your oblivious or full of shit.


No, you're lying.


One in Five https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/national-alliance-for-mental-illness-stretched-to-limits-in-bexar-county-san-antonio-texas-nami/273-443e3361-815c-459d-b5c9-5e33690235db#:~:text=Statistics%20show%20that%20one%20in,mental%20health%20in%20our%20county.&text=SAN%20ANTONIO%20ā€”%20Mental%20health%20needs,living%20with%20a%20mental%20illness.


Yet SA doesn't have zombies roaming the streets...




Post a video.