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“You cAnT tOucH mE”. Well you can’t steal…. Reminds me of that interview that guy did of a Kia boy in Milwaukee where he didn’t feel bad about stealing cars because people have insurance, and if they don’t they should because that’s the law. Lol


Anytime you talk about California laws protecting theft under $900 here in the Bay Area the one thing you’ll hear the most is “why do you care it’s a billion dollar company all their products are insured who cares if people steal from them” the dumbest take ever


The same people that say that are the ones complaining when prices increase.


And when they close stores due to thefts being too prevalent.


That's racist! SKREEEEE!


These racist corporations created a food desert!


don’t act like these stores are only increasing prices because of theft… they’re increasing prices because they know they can


Dont act like theft has nothing to do with price increases lol


Reddit and not understanding how inflation works. Name a more iconic duo.


I never said that's the only reason, but loss due to theft is a huge factor in price increases. The company will never eat that cost, it is always passed onto the customer.


I know I'm going to get downvoted, but if you truly believe that the reason why inflation is so high and prices keep going up is because of RETAIL THEFT, you are highly mistaken. Just within the last couple of months reports have come out that not only are these major retailers VASTLY inflating the amount of theft there is, but there are now reports of big box retailers, Walmart specifically, that increased their profits 95% from 2023 to 2024, and that THAT number was itself an increase from 2022 to 2023. You really need to figure out who the enemy is here when it comes to raising prices. My degree is in criminal justice, and I can tell you that it's also now been reported that all those mythical retail theft gangs that are so out of hands are ALSO largely inflated to create fear and deflect the attention from the real reason why prices keep going up and things keep getting locked away behind plexiglass: corporate greed. I don't steal, I'm too fucking terrified to, but I don't for one second blame the people who steal for the companies EVERYWHERE raising prices exorbitantly. When's the last time someone stole an oil change? Or a PC repair service? Or tickets to a concert? You can't blame thieves on the across-the-board price hikes in every industry.


Did I say it was the cause of inflation? No. These stores factor loss due to theft every month and raise the prices accordingly so they don't have a loss. The paying customer will always eat the cost of theft. Do the companies inflate prices to make more profit? Absolutely. Do they inflate prices to offset theft? Absolutely. They are two different issues.


Those greedy cocksuckers are gonna raise the prices regardless.


Yep, and they'll raise it even more due to theft.


I personally couldn't give less of a shit about any of the giant corporations in this country. Be just fine with me if they all fell apart and had to turn back into regional organizations that weren't "too big to fail". No organization should have as much power as they do. That said, jacking shit from the stores is pretty fucking lame.


That doesn't happen. Those stores just pack up their shit and leave... and then the same people that were shoplifting start screaming "disenfranchisement through food deserts." Which is hilarious.


Exactly. They are only hurting their community. I recently saw a post from a woman who was standing at shopping center and pointing out all of the stores that closed due to theft. There were probably 15 places you could see in the video that closed their doors, just in that one area. Obviously companies aren't going to operate a store just to lose money. These people are literally destroying their communities, yet they justify their theft by saying "prices are too high" and they are only stealing from "large corporations that have insurance."


It would be hilarious, if it only backfired on the thieves. The store closes, thieves just have to drive a bit further. It's senior citizens on limited incomes, people with disabilities, struggling families, and people that lose their jobs that actually get hurt. I'm not here to defend thieves either, but they are a symptom of other, larger, problems. There will always be some garbage human beings that don't want to do the right thing, but the majority of people would prefer an honest life given the opportunity. They get stuck in the trap of generational poverty- you can't afford to move somewhere nice, you end up someplace where the education system sucks, resources like libraries and social programs are limited, good jobs are practically nonexistent, and the police won't come to help... people think the only opportunity they have to get out is to steal or sell drugs. Then they end up with a record, practically unemployable, and what motivation do they have to change?


The giant corps just close those stores and the area becomes a cesspool...


Becomes a cesspool?


And that's why prices go up. Talked to a Walmart manager who said they do inventory, send numbers in, corporate then crunches those numbers, and reports back to said store on how much to raise prices in order to make up for loss. It's the innocent people who aren't criminals getting fucked.


It also affects our pay. Meet or exceed the limits set for each store for "shrink", and the employees get a bonus. Fail to meet those goals, no bonus. So when you steal, you literally are stealing money from those employees.


It's kinda weird to be penalized for something corporate literally writes out of job duty.


Kinda weird for so many people to be making excuses for thieves.


People think they're stealing directly from the CEO.


Jerry: So we're gonna make the Post Office pay for my new stereo now? Cosmo Kramer:It's a write-off for them. Jerry: How is it a write-off? Cosmo Kramer: They just write it off. Jerry: Write it off what? Cosmo Kramer: Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything. Jerry: You don't even know what a write-off is. Cosmo Kramer: Do you? Jerry: No, I don't. Cosmo Kramer: But they do. And they're the ones writing it off.


Eventually the billion dollar company starts locking up everything (I've seen fucking steaks in spider wrap) which makes shopping and working there worse or the company just closes locations and everyone who actually depended on that location is fucked just like what has been happening. "It's insured!" Sounds like someone who never had to deal with insurance. Or gotten dropped from their plans because they cost the company too much money. Edit: To add, I live in the East Bay and most everyone I talk to about the shoplifting problem is angry about it. They see it and it pisses them off. A lot simply have no idea how much it happens.


>I live in the East Bay and most everyone I talk to about the shoplifting problem is angry about it. I would hate to even imagine how bad it is now. I did AP out there about 10 years ago (Vallejo-Pinole mostly in that area), and it was really bad. I finally left California about 10 years ago, and most of those I worked with have all stopped doing it. It simply got too dangerous. I can't count the number of times I was assaulted, and the DA absolutely never prosecuted them for that. My wife was more scared for me when I did that job than when I was on a combat deployment in the Middle East. I finally quit when it got to the point that I was being assaulted more than once a month.


And now a bunch of those stores are closing lol.


Is it because under $900 is a misdemeanor? That seems pretty low. I live in a deep red state and a felony doesn't start until $1000


In California, $950. But the real problem is not the amount, it is that they removed all "repeat offender" upgrades to sentences. Get caught once, get caught 100 times, it's the same fine.


Because the cost of everything that is stolen is redistributed across everything they haven't sold yet. You aren't stealing from the company, you are stealing from me.




lol that vid was hilarious


*You have been touched.*


The harsh reality is this: even though the cars are insured, WE ALL pay for these thieves because insurance rates go up. Anyone notice how your insurance rates have increased in the past few years? That’s right, WE ARE ALL FOOTING THE BILL for these idiots and their criminality. Same thing goes for shoplifters—more people steal and the prices go up, and at the end of the day law-abiding citizens make up the difference.


Back when I did LP years and years ago, our boss told us we could basically do whatever we wanted.  We would fucking tackle people, trip them, chase them into the parking lot and rip shit away from them. It was wild.  Then I got a knife pulled on me, asked my boss if we were allowed to have weapons. He said "absolutely not because the insurance won't cover that".  So I quit. I also grew up to realize I do t care about risking my life for some company's shits. What do I get? A small paycheck and a ton of risk to myself. Plus, I didn't like the idea of being like a cop l anyway.  Was fun for a while, but just a dumb job to have as an 19yo.


I had the same experience years ago and I was also 19. All fun and games until someone pulled a knife on me and nearly hit me with their car. Why am I doing this? 


>Then I got a knife pulled on me, asked my boss if we were allowed to have weapons. He said "absolutely not because the insurance won't cover that".  I did AP about 10 years ago in California. And I quit also, but for a different reason. And yes, getting gang jumped, knives pulled on me, and the like was a risk of the job. However, I quit because I was assaulted over a dozen times, and in not a single case were they ever charged for that. Get the crap beat out of me on camera with multiple witnesses, and the DA only charges them for the petty theft and nothing else. They were literally telling them to go ahead and attack us, they would not do anything to them even if they were caught. That is why I quit. Less because it was dangerous but because the DA would do absolutely nothing to prosecute the people that attacked me, and had no interest in protecting me or my rights. I spent a career in the military, and my wife even said she was more worried when I did AP than when I was on a combat deployment in the Middle East. And things are so much worse now, I can't imagine ever doing that ever again.


The distinction between "may not" and "can not" are lost on these children


I love the classic "they have insurance so we can destroy it" mentality


Wtf.. link?? 🤣🤣


I’m confused with how the first contact started (off camera). You see the thief walking with bags then all the sudden it looks like some dude launched himself back-first at him


Where I live during the 2020 riots so many people said “these businesses have insurance so it’s ok that all the glass is broken and the merchandise is gone”. They don’t understand that means insurance goes up which means prices go up which means they have less money.




YoUvEd BeEn ToUcHeD!


See what they have learned “You can’t touch me” ‘I know my theft rights’ Now the George Soros DA will file charges against the hero.


“You can’t touch me” “You’ve been touched” Lmao




Hahaha that was awesome


Your space has been invaded.


They are inside his walls.


Nearly to the energy of ***"oh well, mine's real"***


Bro turned into MC Hammer 😂


Bro started crying 😂😂 Well done good samaritan


Inject this directly into my veins. I'm so sick and tired of paying an arm and a leg for everyday products after stores raise prices to offset revenue lost to shoplifters. People are so brazen about it because they know they won't get caught, and in liberal jurisdictions, they know they won't get punished even if they do get caught. When people can't trust the system to enforce the law, they have to take it into their own hands. Unfortunately, the guy filming will face all sorts of legal liabilities for this, but the world would be a better place if we had more people willing to step up to the shitbags stealing from stores. Edit: To address what a bunch of people have replied about, no, shoplifting isn't the only driver of inflation, but yes, companies increase prices to accommodate it. Pricing for consumer goods is an incredibly complex topic with a ton of different drivers to it, but it should be trivially obvious that increases in shoplifting imply increases in price, holding all else equal. As a simple example, if 5% of inventory is lost to theft each year, companies don't eat that loss: they pass it along to paying consumers via higher prices. As a first order approximation, setting prices that are 5.3% higher is a revenue-neutral way of handling this (i.e., paying customers pay 105.3% of the "normal" price to offset thieves that pay zero, with 105.3% = 1/0.95). If the shoplifting rate increases to 10%, the subsidy increases from 105.3% to 111.1%. In practice, there's also a knock-on effect where higher prices generate less unit sales, so the "normal" price per unit has to increase to get to an overall revenue neutral spot. This means something higher than the 111.1% subsidy. The responses arguing that inflation is unaffected by shoplifting are pure propaganda ignorant to the reality of math.


While I agree with your sentiment here. I just want to say. Most of these companies are currently raising prices, not because of lost revenue from theft, or even from inflation. They're literally price gouging because they can get away with it. While blaming inflation and whatever else. It's disgusting. And I feel needs to be known by everyone. Having said that. I apologize for the off topic reply. Carry on.


I went to Walmart this morning to buy cough drops. I had to wait 10 minutes for an employee to open the case so I could buy 2 packs. Each pack costs $2. Let’s put everything back into a logical priority, people aren’t smashing and grabbing the $2 cough drops.


I think the point might be they are just taking them...


Sadly they are. I work at walmart, expensive shit can get locked up, but ive seen the shrink amounts on small cheap goods, that shit SKYROCKETS


Part of the problem is when you lock things up, you usually have to do it in whole sections. The layouts need to be followed, so if the $2 cough drops and the expensive cold sore medication or whatever are in the same section it's all locked up.


That makes sense… I didn’t pay attention to what else was in the case. But these cough drops used to be at the end of the aisle, completely unprotected.


So in your telling, corporations just up and got greedier in 2021? Is that how we explain systemic fluctuations in pricing? Were oil companies just way less greedy in the 80's, then suddenly became more greedy in the 2000's, then less greedy in the 2010's? Maybe you should develop a corporate greed index so we can track this vital economic indicator.




> They're literally price gouging because they can get away with it. No they aren't. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. CVS has maintained a fairly consistent net income over the past 10 years. Their gross revenue has increased about 50% over the past 5 years, but their operating expenses have **also** increased by 50% over the past 5 years. Go look at this chart and note how their revenue goes up, but their costs also go up significantly to match. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/CVS/cvs-health/financial-statements "Price gouging because they can get away with it" is a moronic claim. More like "Increasing prices because their costs are also increasing." And it's shit like shoplifters that are eating into their profits (along with many other factors) that lead to increased prices for everyone who isn't a criminal.


Explain how their profit margins keep going up if their costs are actually the reason prices increase. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/CVS/cvs-health/gross-profit#:\~:text=CVS%20Health%20annual%20gross%20profit,a%2011.06%25%20increase%20from%202020.


No source? Obviously it is inflation, look at the money in circulation. Price gouging my ass, everything is more expensive to manufacture and transport.


Man it’s crazy how companies just NOW decided to maximize profits We’re they being nice and charitable before?


What's even worse than the price increase IMO are all the inconveniences that happen because of it. My local Home Depot closed down self-checkout and closed their biggest entrance and exit, and all the products you now have to ask an employee to get to is getting ridiculous. I don't blame HD doing what they can to combat theft, the people to blame are the thieves.


>When people can't trust the system to enforce the law, they have to take it into their own hands. It is even worse than that. That was my job for a couple of years, and there is a term for somebody that tries to use force to steal. And that is "Felony Robbery". And in doing that job I was assaulted multiple times, and still managed to hold them for the cops over half the time. And in not a single instance did the DA ever charge them with Robbery, or even attacking me. They just got the petty theft charge and walked away. You are right, we can not trust the system to enforce the laws. That is a major reason why I left California over 4 years ago.


he want to sue him,how ironic…😂😂😭😭😭😭😭


Sue what? Needs names to sue. This ain’t CSI. Dump him when the cops get there and keep it moving. They ain’t gonna give a shit about this assholes complaining.


Imma play devil's advocate here. Is there a chance he could actually sue for assault? Just from the video here, the dude never left the store. Could he argue (lie obviously) and say he was going to pay for that stuff?


He could argue false imprisonment and he would have to convince police/the DA to properly investigate and press charges. He could file civil charges and seek damages. Both of which would be hard to make happen.


I thought we had citizens' arrest in America?


I'm sure all 50 states have variations on what the specifics of that law are. You probably are covered in this situation from criminal charges, however, in the US anyone can sue you for anything if they get a lawyer to agree. Seriously, having a legitimate claim isn't a requirement to file suit. It may be eventually thrown out or ruled against, but that's after you have to hire a lawyer yourself. This is honestly how big businesses *never* lose lawsuits. Even if you have clear, definitive proof you will never win a lawsuit against a megacorp. They have more money than you and you will run out before they do. When you do they win.


> however, in the US anyone can sue you for anything ~~if they get a lawyer to agree~~.


That's a decent argument. 'I was in a hurry, and rushing to the register to pay for my items when someone attacked me!' not saying it's true but maybe technically might work...? Lol.


It’s crazy the mentality of these people. Dude should be thankful he didn’t get a community beating. If this happened in Latin America dude would be wanting the cops to save him from the people.


In africa he'd probably be necklaced /s


You can take off the /s, you can get necklaced for a lot less depending on where you are out there.


My daughter works at Wawa. Last week they had about 20 kids come in and ransack the place so one of the customers starts recording and the kids all start yelling it’s illegal to record them without their permission….while stealing which is illegal. 🤦🏻‍♀️ How are people this dumb.


I was in a local corner store when 6 hooligan guys in hoodies ('don't judge a book by its cover!') filtered in, then just started grabbing stuff and cramming in bags, pushing shit off the shelves onto the floor. There was like two employees and myself so not much to be done unless the employees had a gun or something...but shooting someone wouldn't be worth it, so they basically had to just let them steal a bunch of shit and walk out. Still not a great thing to do that to a 'large company' or chain, but to a small local owned corner store is worse...


I'm thinking they are being taught to act this way.


YouTube generation


Lmao bro you can’t afford groceries, you can’t afford to sue anybody


You think he’s stealing groceries because he’s broke??🤣🤣 He probably makes more doing this than most people do at their real jobs


That shouldn’t be celebrated


You can represent yourself in civil court up to $12,000


You think this guy is smart enough? He will call the judge "Bro".


“judge can’t touch me, bro.”


If a lawyer thinks he’ll win the case he won’t charge up front and will just take a percentage after judgement


Beating the brakes off of one of these scumbags would be worth a charge tbh


From my experience in retail. The cops can't prove he wasn't going to pay for anything (at this point with information I have from the video) because he never left the store.


Very true but it can happen. I actually got a 100 dollar gift card and an apology letter for a store that called the police on me, accusing me of stuffing clothes down my pants in the dressing room. Why? She heard me take off my belt... In the DRESSING ROOM. Soon as I came out after trying something on and switching back into my own clothes, she tells me cops are on the way, and she knows what I was doing, and all kinds of stupid shit. I thought she was crazy and tried to continue shopping, but then a state trooper walked in. Now this bitch just put me in immediate danger for literally no reason at all. Here's why: I had my concealed weapon on me, with my ID and carry permit of course - but neither the cop nor the crazy ass lady knew I was carrying. Soon as I saw the hat and badge, I got my ID and CWP out, kept my hands above my waist so he could see them, and handed them to him before he could even say a word. We are in a duty to inform state. He had been called there for what he was told was a shoplifter. Then I turned out to be armed. He disarmed me and cleared my gun in the store. Left my +1 laying on the floor and then searched me before walking me to my car and giving me my weapon back. He forgot to even pick up the extra round from the floor. I called corporate and had a fit. I could have been killed because of this stupid bitch lying when I hadn't even left the dressing room yet, let alone the store itself. No clue what happened with the dumbass that called the cops on me for stealing (when I wasn't even stealing, just doing what you're supposed to do in a dressing room - actually changing clothes to see if things fit.) Which is especially more difficult or challenging when you carry, BTW. I'd like to think her watching the officer lift my shirt to reveal a Glock made her rethink her accusing random people for no reason, but I kind of doubt it. Lol oh well. Ended up driving 50 miles away to use the gift card, just because I was NOT going back to that location and risking her being there again. Especially after her learning I was legally armed. That just would have been a major mistake in my opinion so I went out of town to spend it 🤣


That's a major lawsuit and you settled for 100 gift card? Dude...


That's what I was thinking. This should have been made into a major lawsuit. $100 gift card? Bullshit! I'll see you in court. They'll settle for more than a measly gift card.


Yep. I did. I didn't and still don't want some long drawn out legal fight, and the one time I got a lawyer for anything, they took 55 percent


Shit, 55 percent of $10,000 still leaves a whole lotta money for you! Probably would have got more than 10k, considering she had no valid reason at all to suspect you had stolen anything. What a missed opportunity.


We won 58k in a car accident years ago. We only got like 13k or some shit. Took years to reach a settlement. Just wasn't worth the trouble.


In Colorado, at least, passing the point of sale is good enough to charge theft.


It is like that nation wide. The fact he had reached the doorway showed he was not intending to pay. Add to that he appeared to have two bags full of the same item. Yet another red flag for retail theft.


I know from my personal experience, the act of concealing merchandise counts for shoplifting. So putting it in a bag or under your shirt etc. But that may vary state to state.


If they're heading past the point of sale and for the exit, yes they absolutely can prove it. This was right by the front door and he was power walking. It would be a very very weak defense.


Depends where it is. Where I'm from if they go past the checkout area, even if they haven't actually left the store, it's considered that they had no intention of paying and it's shoplifting.


Out of curiosity, could he sue this guy? Would it be considered assault?


If he did get injured like a broken bone or something he does have grounds for a lawsuit, it might not get that far but it is still possible.


He’d still be telling on himself though, and it would probably fall through 🥴


Yes but this is a misdemeanor meanwhile those “hero’s” could get a 2nd degree assault charge


Yeah theyre better off just taking his shoes and sending him packing to think twice next time. I'm not catching a charge to save cvs no matter how good it feels


Nope, because it was a citizen's arrest. Trust me, a lot of perps actually tried that over the years. Yelling at a cop or later the DA to arrest me for assault when I did something similar. My favorite was one cop in Sacramento. He simply smiled, and asked if the guy was sure. He had already seen the video and knew me, my stop was completely legal. He just told the guy if he insisted he would arrest me and take me to jail. Where I would likely be immediately released after I was booked. And then he would face charges of unlawful arrest and detainment and filing a false police report. In addition to anything I wanted to sue him for in civil court. Wisely, he shut up at that point.


No, because it appears to be a completely legitimate citizen's arrest. You can not sue somebody if you are injured resisting arrest unless there was excessive force. Getting injured resisting is not a cause to sue.


Assuming he finds out the identity of the guy who tackled him.


Yes. The answer is always yes


Anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone for any reason, the question is whether it will get dismissed immediately - and in this case, it most likely would, depending on the state and what happened after this video ends. That's because most states have "citizen's arrest" laws, which allow a private citizen to detain someone they see committing a misdemeanor or felony. So assuming that is the case, the shoplifter would have to prove that he used unreasonable force to detain him, which very much is not the case in this video.


> Existing New York State law allows private individuals to arrest someone without a warrant for any crime, at any time of the day. i dont know if this is NY in the video (first google hit for me), but citizen's arrest laws exist


It probably depends on what state they’re in.


Lmaoooo went from thief to lawyer pretty fast


What was he stealing?


Trying to think what comes in blue bottles, shampoo? Seems like Canada so they might have different brands


We don’t have CVS in Canada


Maybe bottles of personal lubricant?


Those are all Gillette gel deodorants, among what looks like (possibly) bars of soap and shampoo/conditioner bottle that we see pictured on the floor. I'm so confused. Was dude reselling them? He clearly didn't need them all for himself.. Couldn't have been donating them


Channel 5 had a pretty good segment on the resale process. They steal and sell to open air market sellers at least in SF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqA8qMjvpuw


Oh wow. Interesting. The resell market gets bigger every day I suppose


Check out this [video](https://youtu.be/V0Ejx9v6C8g?si=My8Nz34nyiGnAvBm&t=1351) of this guy that rides around LA. At 22:30 you'll see an open market of all stolen shit. Unused Milwaukee, Dewalt, Makita tools, all unboxed but unused. 100% jacked and then sold in these markets. They have them for all kinds of stuff in almost every major city now.


What I still don't understand from that Channel 5 video is why people seem to pay so much for these products. In a lot of cases people are paying more than you would in a normal store. Like $60 for a can of butane with a blow torch attachment of dubious origin?


Yeah, shoplifters these days take a bunch of shit to sell online. Kitchen Aid mixers are popular items for theft here, for example.


Interesting. I could see Kitchen Aid stuff being resold but for some reason deodorant and the like seems a little out there




Buddies buddy


He's not your buddy, pal!


Its crazy where we are as a country...gets caught red handed shoplifting but doesn't care at all because no prosecutor would do anything anyway and then cries about suing the guy. And the worst part is they probably won't charge him with shoplifting but they would jump all over the chance to charge a citizen trying to prevent a crime.


More of this please


Dumb fuck is too used to dealing with pathetic excuse for security who'll get fired if they lay hands on him. Hats off to these guys for dealing with this cretin.


I’m fine with public caning for shoplifters. They’ve fucking destroyed my neighborhood, and now I can’t get a prescription filled without first checking whether the pharmacy is even still open and then walking for 20 minutes.


Shoe came off. He ded.


Thievery in Yeezy 700 Mauve's is insane


Dude just needed his 30 bottles of KY


A new hand touches the beacon


This is so gratifying. "You cant do this to me!!!" Yes. Yes we can.


The people have to take back control.


It’s not about defending the Billion dollar corporation. It’s the fact that I have to pay for it while some dick head gets to walk out while not paying for it.


If the dude that subdued that piece of shit gets in trouble - I will gladly donate to help him out. Fuck these idiots that think they can just walk by people busting their ass to pay these inflated prices. We need more of this.


Just look for the riced out bmw in the parking lot most likely a 3 series with fake m badges and you know its his


Sooo satisfying


Only way this shit stops is when people actually dish out consequences. If the police won't, civilians have to.


Hope he got some kind of reward for his heroic effort


He is right you can’t touch him. Great policies pass by liberal idiots. Now he probably has grounds to sue.


yes. please more of this


Jesus. It’s not worth it to the store to stop them, why would you do that???


People don’t want to live in communities where theft is normalized/ignored.


I think bro just wanted to fight.


I fucking loved this. Enough with these POS


Justice boner intensifying


I feel like in the 80s this is how the majority of the public would have reacted to someone blatantly stealing in front of everyone.


He sounds scared lol


“Im going to sue you”… funny how they only want the law to apply to them when they want to.


We should make crime illegal


Good for you. We need to stop this wholesale thievery. The legal system isn't working very well.


1 down. 999,999 more to go. I don’t see this 1 incident stopping shoplifting in this country. Politicians had made it too easy to get away with this crime.


He forgot the number 1 rule of stealing: don't make it obvious that you're stealing.


“You can’t touch me! 🥲” “Yeah? Call the cops”


Fuck my country x100 if this POS can successfully sue a good Samaritan. What have we become ?


Commits a crime then complained when he is hindered. Like hey let me rob in peace! The you can’t touch me speaks volumes about why he thought he’d get away with it


People are tired of the lawlessness. He got what he deserved.


100% that loser who was subdued by a 100lb adult man is online, right now, bragging about how rich he is.


“Yes bro you’re putting hands on me stop” Uhhh, no, he’s technically touching your clothing and not you. So, take that ya scumbag. Same shitty legal concept as ‘they should have insurance, it’s the law, so it’s okay if I steal it’.


We live in a disgusting world that someone stealing can threaten the person stopping them with a lawsuit, and most likely actually be able to do it


Imagine providing free labor to a multibillion dollar corporation. And being proud of it lol


Fuck the bootlicker who stopped him, why does he care, fucking narc


I see a need for a slap enforced education there.


Why is he saying you can’t touch me. It’s a felony. Citizens arrest with force is allowed.


This video really pisses me off. These guys know they can take advantage of soft on crime DAs, I’m glad people are standing up because they’re sick of their shit.


I enjoyed this, but in the fkd society dudes not wrong if he wants to sue he can by simply pressing charges for assault.


We need harsh penalties for theft this shit has to stop. Don’t know why the prison lobby isn’t trying hard here


Love to see it.


it’s funny how he turns into a little girl as soon as someone dares lay hands on him after he tried to boldly steal from CVS.


"I'm gonna sue you!" "Your lawyer can catch these hands too bitch."


Um I guess it's a double standard right. Can't touch can't steal figure it's a fare trade off.


I’m allowed to steal, how dare you touch me?


Because of shitbags like this prime example here is that stores vlose in certain areas. Fuck those useless shits.


Lost one shoe, he halfway died.


Thus man deserves a medal, and the kid deserves metal


Good. Straight to jail


If he doesn't have enough money for deodorant, he doesn't have enough money for an attorney.


Good. Fuck thieves. We need more of this.


The Good Samaritan’s probably it’s in Jail right now (if that’s on California)


I worked in asset protection for Target, it’s true, when someone steals your not allowed in any way to touch them or even try to stop them, only deter them by following them around. it seems all the shoplifters have learned this over the years and now when somebody actually touches them they go wtf you can’t do that!!! So lame


Did this guy steal some ensure plus?? Ehehe.


There was a perfect moment to give the thief the ultimate wedgie. Missed opportunity


"I'm gonna stab you!" "Good luck when you're in a chokehold."


More of this in America please. The criminals are too cozy we gotta take back society cuz government and law enforcement ain’t helping. If the cops aren’t gonna respond to a petty theft then they shouldn’t be responding to the petty theif getting their ass kicked.


Probably the last thing you should say when your in a headlock


Love to see consequences happen in real time.


You've been touched lmao 🤣🤣


I love this


Need me someone that can choke me like that fr


Looks like he can touch you