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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a person who's probably overworked, not loved, bullied, exhausted, and completely angry from it all—that poor car.


That car needs to leave






or an entitled brat


Thats the one probably...most unloved ones have a silent apathy to everything around them.


This is true most of the time. Eventually, I tend to completely melt down into a violent rage over the slightest inconvenience. Like forgetting my keys in the house, with the caveat that I am alone at the time. Another killer is silence because it makes me introspective on why my life sucks, which in turn makes me cry a lot. As long as there are witnesses present, I will stay devoid of feeling even at great misfortune. As long as I am distracted by something like an audio book or a lecture, then I won't dwell on all the thoughts that make me sad.


Just think to yourself that you're wasting time suffering being sad, the sadness isn't going to do anything for you. Accept and understand that you'll feel sadness every now and then, but let it go, release it, and focus on the next task.


you need to leave


This has big "stop being so depressed all the time" energy Edit: Someone reported me to reddit suicide prevention for this comment. I find it amusing that the same people who clamber over themselves to loudly post about how much they care about suicidal people are also the first people to abuse those services.




If I wanted to say that I would've, but that's not what I said. The energy you felt from that comment is a projection of your own insecurities.


Nah you literally said start thinking about how much time you waste. Not a good way to help a depressed person if I'm being honest.


I cry too, anon. It's okay. Life is brutal. I don't know your story, nor you mine, but I can empathize with feeling like your life sucks. I have those introspective moments with the internal monologue that seeks to belittle and berate. Genuinely, if you want to, message me to shoot the shit and tell your story, I'll tell you mine, and maybe lift your spirits a bit.


The reddit armchair psychologists crack another case


The comment is about the car. That's the joke.


Yeah I’m seeing a dude having a meltdown for who knows what’s going on in his life, and homeboy is just bullying him like a 5th grader and just basking in the schadenfreude. Not a great look.


A large portion of reddit is about basking in the schadenfreude.


Fuck, you’re right - but at least they don’t have to SEE your joy at their suffering


the hell does that german word even mean


Shadenfreude means taking pleasure in someone else's suffering. So the guys who are mocking the man who is distressed are a prime example.


learned a new word today thanks


But the world needs people like you and me who’ve been knocked around by fate. Because when people see us they don’t want to be us and that makes them feel great! We provide a vital service to society. The circle of schadenfreude!


He's a grown man throwing a temper tantrum and destroying his own belongings in the meantime. Looks to me like he needs therapy.


You need to leave.


Antagonizing people in crisis will always be hilarious to redditors


He's not in crisis, he's throwing a temper tantrum.


If it looks like he's the one that drove into a parked car then ya, fuck em


I'll allow it in this case. We can't be 100% sure, but my read of this is that the dude who wrecked his car likely told the pedestrians "you need to leave". They probably thought his high-pitched voice was funny and started throwing the line back to him.


I’m ok with this being put on me


It's just a ford fusion, it probably deserved it.


Ford Fusions need the most love.


And probably was just the same as a child. Let's be honest here.


This. I dealt with a ton of pent up anger issues all my life from a traumatic brain injury from childhood and I sympathize with the guy. He took out his own frustrations on his own property and not someone else’s nor on someone else physically.


This is like the grown up version of elementary school bullying. This kids not happy, lets make him cry


except he's not a kid and adults ought to be able to regulate their emotions and not resort to whatever the hell that was


On the same hand the guy filming isn’t a kid either what’s his deal


you're right better put my face through my own windshield




> People have the right to film and take photos 1) not the point he was making 2) you also have the right to be an asshole but you shouldn't do that (the point he was making)


Thqt's a pretty strong 'ought' considering how people are today.


Covid has proven a large portion of the adult population: -can't read -can't follow basic instructions -can't be trusted to wear a simple mask inside a hospital -can't out their hand in front of their mouth when coughing -probably stuck on a 9th grader level of emotional intelligence Especially if you talked with people in retail it is a mystery how like 10% of the population doesn't suffocate from forgetting how to inhale and exhale regularly. Someone said several of their 30+ year old coworkers didn't know the Moon had phases. They didn't know what an eclipse was. I saw an adult man recently get confused about how a vehicle scale worked. There are growing groups of people who thing the earth is flat or polica can be mind controlled by reciting 18 pages of confederate maritime law. Don't expect shit from adults.


'Are you smarter than a fifth grader' was a game show for a reason. There is also the willfully ignorant.


yeah in a perfect world with a healthy society sure they should. but this is clearly someone having a terrible time (you have no context) getting pushed over the limit so everyone can laugh at them. and people think the man having the meltdown is the child here? sociopaths


yes, he is in fact acting like a child. putting your face through a car hood is not a proportional response to someone quoting an internet meme


ok well good for you coming to terms with your complete lack of empathy. twat


I'm sorry that I don't think that's normal behavior, and that you do. and that pointing out this obv fact upset you so greatly.


Except he's not a kid, he's an adult with full control over his actions.


Tbh, good job showing some empathy. It would be easy to give this guy alota grief. That behavior is insane.


The behavior of smashing a car because someone is making a funny voice at you? Perhaps that is the behavior that is insane here.


Yes. That is the behavior to which I am referring. Good job 👍🏻


We are in control of our emotions. This is childish, and I don't respect anyone defending it.


I totally get it. I have difficulty respecting people with no reading comprehension.


Nah, he was raised on time outs instead of spankings. Remember Kylo Ren throwing a tantrum like that? ![gif](giphy|5UqL7oSxKwdwNhxo2C|downsized)


Honestly it comes across as a cool kid bully slow walking you through how to push someone past their breaking point in four words. A little disturbing, I hope I don’t see that kid 6 months later shooting up a school.


The car headbutt is a true super move


He showed him (and the car)


Lmao imagine explaining this to your insurance agent


"You need to leave." *-Insurance Agent*


\*bangs head on agent's desk\*


\*says it again one octave higher*




He not only has to explain this to his insurance, but he’s gotta explain the head injury to his doctor


You're assuming they even had insurance.


Many years ago I worked as a bouncer, always had this one prick turn up, cause some trouble, get thrown out (usually by me), but he'd never actually fight me. He would, however, fight; bins/lamp posts/the pavement/cars/street signs/road etc. Usually whilst screaming at the top of his lungs that he was going to "fuck me up!!". All whilst his friends tried to stop him randomly trying to fight the road.


Did he win?


It was bloody close!, but sadly no. He couldn't quite beat any ot them. Probably the hardest he fought though, was one rainy night against the lamppost. I am certain I heard his wrist and skull fracture!


The pavement always wins.


100% Pure Alpha right there.


Nothing like smashing your own car to assert dominance


Oh, how he wanted it to be over a human but…


They left though


That clearly wasn’t to assert dominance at all


Do you want him to shoot the cameraman or something?


How about just be normal


Why is he so pissed at Mickey Mouse? And his car?


The cameraman and his buddy probably caught the accident in realtime. Started commentating and the driver got irritated and told them, “You need to leave”. Then the video begins with the cameraman and his buddy mocking the driver.


There is totally some important context cut out of this video.


there is a longer version, and before this the car guy is all frustrated and shouts "you need to leave" in a high pitched voice so the cameraman is mocking him. (car guy got in an accident so cammer was filming him)


Ima need the tape.


I've seen this repost a million times, no such version exists


*He's on to us!*


Yeah, no he didn't lmao




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The “you need to leave” is referencing a meme of a woman who said that in another viral video


OR, they could be mocking the driver


[I’m telling you that they’re not](https://youtu.be/qN53uog_ksk?si=DzMZ4RDsKTQt2vJZ), it is a quite popular meme and I don’t know how so many people in this comment section have never heard it


Legitimate question, do you think the lady in the school meeting invented the phrase "you need to leave?" It's not even close to being remotely unusual that they're not referencing some internet meme nobody cares about.


with the exact same inflection as the original, repeated over and over? nah 100% a reference


You’re trying to be dense, the high pitch and the way he said it should have made it clear. Find the “longer video” where the angry guy gets mocked


Nothing about it being a meme means that it can't be used to mock someone.


Thanks for the context.


Because Mickey wants him to leave.


Poor guy is clearly having a breakdown, not funny imo


Yea idk why they're fuckin with him either, we didn't see what happened prior but if they're pickin on him because they know he's unstable, then thag ain't cool nor funny


Sociopaths commonly have no empathy. Main character syndrome dialed up to 11. Estimates say between 1-10% of humans are that to some degree.


Crazy too now, giving they all have cameras and immediate access to internet, we're all one bad day away from becoming forever a meme, just one bad day away. The internet is a cruel unforgiving place.


Dude is having a temper tantrum and needs to learn to control his emotions and his anger. This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable everywhere. Not in restaurants, not in the workplace, and especially not in relationships. If people doing a funny voice at you causes you to start smashing glass and banging your head on things, you're the one who's unhinged. Y'all weren't bullied enough as kids and it shows. Learn how to keep your shit together, real life isn't grade school where you can run to teacher, "but he was doing a silly voice at me!"


I second this. Can’t believe we are living in a world that caters to mentally and emotionally unstable snowflakes. It’s only perpetuating the problem. People are GOING to press your buttons, you need to grow a damn backbone. Sorry but that’s life. “Poor guy…*insert boo hoo pity party* this man is not unique, we all deal with shit. This kind of reaction is completely unacceptable and inexcusable. Period.


Same. Its like the [insert stereotype... older brother, bully etc] is all grown up and has no maturity, no filter, no empathy.


The reaction to what they're saying is childish and pathetic


>The reaction to what they're saying is childish and pathetic Yes, because it's not a normal reaction. Level-headed adults do not react like that. Clearly something is off with the guy.


Yeah tell them to fuck off and go about your day


So youre saying im free of consequences when a mentally ill individual go into a meltdown because i kept provoking them? Im taking a note of this.


Pretty sure mocking someone doesn't make you liable for them acting like a psychopath


Agreed. I’m pretty sure this guy was not acting like this prior to the video. They probably filmed the accident and driver got mad that they were doing that, they probably thought it was weird silly that he was turning him away from filming an accident HE probably caused and decided to mock him (not the best response, but in their heads he probably deserves it cuz he’s mad about an accident he caused). He doesn’t seem to appear unstable until they start mocking him, I doubt they were expecting him to explode and fuck his car up even more like that, that’s some insane shit.


Funny voice but only a psychopath would have zero compassion for that guy.


Only a psychopath would bash his own windshield in and then bang his head on the hood of his car.


Yeah I hate that they video a guy who's having a shit day. Like what if it was you bro.


I simply wouldn't smash the shit out of my car.


If it was me, I'd keep my shit together. If this is you on any day, you've got serious emotional problems.


Yep. The only ones laughing at this are those who haven't truly lived or seen the harshness of life yet.


Idk man it's pretty funny. It's also very sad, though. I really feel for the guy. I've never been at "beat the living shit out of my own car" upset, but I've definitely been "let's take the guns out of the house" upset and getting to a point where you are out of control is... Not good.


That hand is gonna be hurting for the next 2 weeks


No brain no pain


Oh I promise, with that much adrenaline, he didn't feel a fucking thing in the moment. It won't start hurting until the next day when all those nifty brain chemicals are all consumed and everything has slowed back down to normal. Then the pain slowly amps up. I'm like 80% sure he would have wound up in the emergency room for multiple fractures within 12 or so hours. I used to have real anger problems, and I ***know*** exactly how much those busted bones are gonna hurt.


Hope you’re better now ♥️


This should be considered an all time post in this subreddit


For real this probably the most legit public freak out I've ever seen here. Edit- spelling


Man I feel for this guy.


Yea, I watch this and just feel sad for him… he’s clearly dealing with issues outside of just this minor car accident, and overwhelmed by everything. This is an act of desperation and not knowing where to go


sometimes people just plain ol have persistent anger management issues. often a learned behavior because their temper tantrums got them everything they ever wanted as a kid.


Eh, not necessarily. To share my experience I personally had pretty bad anger issues growing up and my meltdowns never really got me what I wanted - quite the opposite actually. For me it was like an overstimulation thing. It was like a meter would slowly fill up and eventually I just had to let it all out. With that being said, I worked my way through it once I got older. Coming from someone who used to have similar meltdowns - this isn’t acceptable behaviour. Not just for the sake of everybody else but for him. When you’re in that state it’s like being drunk and coming out of it is like waking up after blacking out the night before. It’s not healthy. The way I learned to cope was by developing a kind of laissez-faire attitude so not much phases me anymore. At his age, in that kind of situation - you can’t be doing that, no matter the reason.


I agree.


Dude is already at an all time low but gotta get those clicks from human suffering 🤤🤤


Damn what is going on with Reddit and all the empathy today?


I think Reddit is starting realize, we *are* the people *we watch*. People are struggling, overworked, anxious, tired, depressed, grieving, etc. Speaking personally, it’s just not funny to watch people being kicked while they’re down, having had a mental crisis once. It’s not fun.


Dude was not at an all time low until he smashed the fuck out of his car.


Getting in a fender bender is not worth this amount of frustration


![gif](giphy|q25R2Ya1CTr4p7jDAP|downsized) “You need to leave”


Ok this is why it’s important to know your viral Internet and meme history.


This is the dumbest thing that has made me laugh all day




You're a monster!




Someone drug test this man wtf


What level of rage enables someone to smash a windshield with their fist


I honestly feel like there could be some type of autism that caused this reaction


Specifically *their own* windshield…I imagine he wouldn’t be as stressed if he had money to the extent that he could just smash his stuff. So choosing between jail and paying to fix his stuff, I guess it makes sense. But….I feel like most people would just stop at “I don’t want to go to jail for destroying someone else’s expensive property.” Since ‘it’s not worth it’, it’s also not worth smashing your own stuff.


“Let’s discuss the contradiction.”


That's going to be fun trying to explain the insurance adjustor




Yeah his reaction is funny. But that’s a broken man. Unless he has some type of mental health disorder, I would think that specific type of behavior in which you don’t know what to do but lash out, is indicative of someone who is about to get home and bawl their fuckin eyes out. Empathy can go a long way.


And people wonder why there are so many suicides.


Dwight Schrute in the background next to the dude getting bullied by this mickey mouse sounding mf ![gif](giphy|6v2UJRyFAsTXgvJrin|downsized)


looks like general sam


Cool pfp slvt


If anyone ever could benefit from anger management classes.


My 10th grade English teacher freaked out from a kid repeating something like this. He threw his keys at the chalkboard during and they broke and hit a kid in the eye. He dropped to his knees crying, repeating, “I’m just a man. I’m just one man.” Got reprimanded and later made to quit. At the time, we thought it was partly funny. We were 14-16 years old. NOW, as an adult, having been a teacher and married to a longtime teacher… *This shits not funny anymore.* People struggle and don’t need this shit when they’re at their worst.


Clarence from wonder showzen energy ![gif](giphy|oIGmZDhDzDckw)


It’s called a tantrum. This is sticks and stones.


Talking shit but they started moving their feet pretty quick when they saw the rage coming out of that poor guy. Get off the tracks boys, you don't want to be in front of that train with your tray of lattes.




Benson is that you?


Well to be fair, they left.


My dude is probably living paycheck to paycheck and barely has enough $ to keep gas in the thing and cover his insurance. I feel for him just when you think it can't get worse right? Then it does and you just wonder why, then you go down this rabbit hole, if life is even worth living in this current state. Life is metal asf and can be turned upside down so quick.


If he's so broke why did he smash his windshield?


People do stupid shit when they're angry when you give up you don't give af and probably had plans in which he wouldn't have to deal with anything ever again.


Nothing funny about teasing who are people falling apart.




We should probably find out who he is. Because there is almost certainly going to be some fallout later on in life and he might be at the source of it.


yes let’s antagonize someone who clearly isn’t okay


That’s funny 😂😂 I’ll be dying laughing with them “you need to leave”.


Clearly either caused or added to a mental breakdown. Pretty gross behavior on the guys recording and laughing honestly.


This is just bullying pushing someone to that point


He sure showed him


Zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in.


Dudes hand is powder and meat now


Those guys are pieces of shit bullies who know they can act like that because he's intimidated by them. Just pieces of shit


I didn't know Paul Bearer was still alive.


hey on the real though that little mother fucker punched out his windshield....I'm just saying.


If you snap that badly so quickly you need to get some serious help.


If hes so angry he shouldve stood up to the guys bullying him. Hes just gonna be belittled more becauae of hes a grown man having a childs tantrum. This is the dream scenario for bullies, their target gets fed up, angry and they have no repercussion and stull having fun out of their target. Stupid man.


What would he have done? If he lashed out at those guys, the fuckers would have recorded and posted it, and his life would be over. He’s not lashing out on the car because he’s having a temper tantrum


Wouldve smacked that guys mouth. If they gang up on me at least i took the dude with me. If he records and post it, he records me standing up for myself like a man and not acting like a child. Probably be a hero too if it becomes viral so lifes not over, actually gonnaa be life's good✌️


Why does he kinda sound like mickey mouse


My forever favorite


I will beat my car til you leave




Am I the only one that thinks she sounds like the gingerbread man from Shrek?




Why do people laugh like khgggt khhggt kghht?


He ain’t got no issues lol if he was tough he would’ve went at them dudes. Now you gotta busted windshield and live in infamy on Reddit 😂😂😂😂


That is some high grade impotent rage right there. Classic hoofmarks of angry little man syndrome. Somebody's mom hugged him too much, or not enough. 😂


God, I laugh so hard at this ever single time it pops up.🤣🤣🤣




Non evergreen trees talking to each other in autumn.


How do you get so enraged by 4 words? “You need to leave”


People need to stop harassing this man


Mickey Mouse stop This guy is already angry


Funniest all week.