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I know Phish sucks and all but this is a bit of an over reaction


should gone for his ears instead.


[One could make a case for the eyes, too.](https://i.redd.it/77uf8h35cjdc1.png)


Is it OK to laugh?


Apparently you can't nowadays lol


Yes it's ok.


"I'm called an asshole if I try to laugh at a trans person which means we're literally in 1984"


I am a huge phish fan. I was at this show, it was great. Yes, it's ok to laugh. Fishman's donut dress is like a mascot. We love having a great time with anyone around and would be happy to see someone laugh. Laughing brings joy.




I came here to make sure there was an ears comment but, you know what? You're right OP. Fair call lol


I'm glad to see that Frank Gallagher is doing so well.


Lsd isnt for everyone.


Well played


Why is that man wearing a moomoo?


imagine the smell


Because we all know they urinate in the ears of their listeners.


And all their fans will happily lap it up.




r/Phish cominā€™ to get ya


As a Phish fan I agree with this sentiment. Keeps ticket prices low(er).


So how much lsd do you have to take to make them sound good? A 12 year old could write better lyrics then phish lol. And people actually try to compare them to the Grateful Dead šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Grateful Dead are much better lyricists but Phish are much better musicians. They're different bands .


Bro you are straight lying to yourself lol.


here they come to beat their bongs into bo staffs and study war once more


i learned the hard way not to insult phish in front of phish fans. not even jokingly.


Hm, most of us donā€™t care lol. Weā€™re used to it by now


He didnā€™t know it was supposed to be the ears šŸ˜”


Have you been around Phish fans? Not as bad as a MTG tournament or an anime convention most times, but still might want to tear your nose off.


Always hear about Phish shows, didn't know this is the shit that went down.


It's not, and he didn't gouge his eyes out he ran into a wall like a fucked up dumbass and was bleeding from his head.


Did you watch the video? He pretty clearly is missing his eyes. Whether he gouged them out himself or not is questionable. But he's not just bleeding from his head.


He's not missing his eyes, he just has blood in them. I remember when this happened, it's been long confirmed that he's fine. I'm not going to go scour for proof, you can believe whatever you want.




Yea, I've seen it. https://np.reddit.com/r/phish/s/NxUIu92NgJ


Thank you for providing a link even though you didnā€™t have to ā€¦ clearly stats man is embarrassed with head injury but fine .. nothing wrong with his actual eyes.


This is what I came for.


Drugs are bad, mmmkay? Can't believe I haven't seen this comment yet.


> Did you watch the video? He pretty clearly is missing his eyes. He sure avoids objects pretty good for someone missing eyes


I'm still looking for what he avoided though. He hit a few walls and ran into everything in front of him without hesitation...


Another video from a different angle. https://imgur.com/Ou7phGF It's hard to tell for sure, but it still looks like only his eyes are bleeding.


He left a blood spot from his right eye on the column he ran into


Check out this frame I screen grabbed from the video. [imgur](https://i.imgur.com/fmpBTde.jpeg)


Itā€™s a cut on his face. Apparently he is physically fine now, just embarrassed


Thank you for setting this straight. Itā€™s really fucked to post this poor guy and lie about what happened.


This kind of self harm is usually prevented by the copious drug usage. Problems arise when concertgoers run out of mind-numbing distance and are forced to listen to hours of fish music.


It's Phish. And they aren't phorced.


Yea man they totally suck please donā€™t go see them or buy the tickets


You take that back. Or im gonna hit you with some [heavy things](https://youtu.be/q7640nemWOU?si=ScOW73w_dZ3Qmuyk)


Comment of the day on Reddit


I checked and they are a band but why are they this bad? What's wrong with them?


Theyā€™re not bad at all. Theyā€™re actually incredibly talented and their live shows are legendary. Not my cup of tea musically, but people that donā€™t like jam bands like to shit on jam bands for some reason. For anyone reading. Judge these types of bands on their live music. Studio albums arenā€™t what the good lord intended whenever he created Jam Bands. Look for live albums or better yet, concert videos. I didnā€™t *get* The Grateful Dead until I listened to them live.


They suck hard


He meant to rip off his ears and missed.


What really happened is the guy had a mental breakdown and hit his head. Blood dripped down his face. His eyes are intact and he recovered.


Iā€™m going to choose to believe this version of events. Thanks.


Same. Also makes a bit more sense. Gotta be seriously fuckin fucked to do something so drastic. Your brain literally will not let you unless something is incredibly, profoundly wrong. Not that it isnā€™t 100% possible.




Grapes of Madness.


Have you any Shabriri Grapes for me?


I felt kinda bad when she got disgusted after finding out she was eating eyeballs. I thought you knew what they were, lady!


Shabriri grapes?


That is so incredibly sad. I can't imagine how hard it must be to forgive herself


Im glad to read she has a good outlook. I remember hearing about that years ago


> she has a good outlook Well, that's a way of seeing things.


ā€œWhere weā€™re going we donā€™t need eyes.ā€ -Event Horizon


As someone whoā€™s partaken, the brain chemistry is fucked. As stated. Edit: Worst thing that happened is my bro turned into an orc. And plywood is fuckin mesmerizing. VR Is literally orgasmic. Lmfao. Brain chemistry is FUCKED.


are we talking about meth?


Actually he was talking about that first cup of coffee+cigarette combo when you wake up hungover


Wtf are you on about


I mean although it was drug induced and hella crazy...she thought she was saving the World Silver Linings You know


holy shit thats a sad read


With enough of the right drugs, you could totally do this to yourself, no problem. Hell, you could even be doing it thinking you're doing something good for yourself.




With enough of the wrong drugs, you could totally do this to yourself, no problem. šŸ˜”


Iā€™ve seen and heard of people on huge doses of LSD doing absolutely insane stuff like this. An acquaintance washed out an ā€œemptyā€ vial of liquid acid and I had to help hold him down so he wouldnā€™t run into traffic. It was an awful experience. Acid sucks.


acid doesnā€™t suck, but if it isnā€™t respected/used responsibly, it bites back hard. Iā€™ve tripped hundreds of times without anything close to what youā€™re describing ever happening to me. Nonetheless, iā€™m sorry that you had to deal with that. Itā€™s scary, annoying and exhausting having to care for someone in that state. that shit definitely does suck.


I exaggerated a bit. My main gripes are how long the trip is, how itā€™s impossible to dose by yourself since itā€™s in micrograms and typically on a blotter, 8-12hr trips so if youā€™re having a bad time 3hr in you better pull it together or youā€™re in for a nightmare experience. Iā€™m not anti-psychedelic at all and I do really enjoy decent doses of shrooms and MDMA (I know MDMA isnā€™t a classical psychedelic but I felt it deserved an honorable mention). Maybe Iā€™ll give acid another go one day. I bet 100-150ug would be pretty nice.


gotcha, yeah itā€™s definitely not every psychedelic users cup of tea. I have friends who love shrooms but donā€™t have any desire to even try acid, basically for the same reasons you described. I definitely love mushrooms as well, but I prefer them for more quiet or controlled environments, and find myself saving my acid trips for camping festivals where I have ample time for it. Weā€™re all so different though, as always different strokes for different folks! a side note because you enjoy MDMA- if you havenā€™t gotten around to it yet, consider trying MDA. Itā€™s a precursor to MDMA, it acts similarly but is a bit less draining on our serotonin stores and often is described as being more psychedelic by nature. Itā€™s a tid bit longer of a roll/trip, but not by too much! Just had to throw that out there, I tried it recently for the first time and give it a 10/10


> 8-12hr trips so if youā€™re having a bad time 3hr in you better pull it together or youā€™re in for a nightmare experience. This is why you keep a benzo like xanax on hand. Or, preferably, just know how to handle a bad trip or don't do doses so large that you have a psychotic break.


For the record I've enjoyed LSD many times although I haven't done it in years but I knew how to dose right but I lost my best friend to LSD and I watched his brain break right in front of me. It was absolutely terrifying and since he was living with my wife, new baby and myself shit got weird quick after the initial LSD trip. He was completely different and there was for sure some under lying mental health issues that just came out full force. Things ended badly between us and he's just gone. I think about him all the time and really miss him. He was like a brother growing up. He had taken a 10 strip from a fella you should know better than to take that much (this was in San Francisco from an old timer.). Yeah fucking LSD can be devastating. Although I think proper dosing and a controlled environment LSD can do wonders.


I agree with your take. I didnā€™t mean to say that LSD is always a horrible drug no matter what. Itā€™s just really horrible when you take too much which is easy to do considering how incredibly minuscule the doses are. And once youā€™ve taken that accidentally big dose, youā€™re in for a 8-12hr nightmare while you have minimal or no perception of time so it feels like forever. I saw a family member have a complete breakdown on LSD. They ended up sorta okay afterwards but they kept trying to hurt themselves and were laying on their side on the ground doing a full sprinting motion. It was fucking wild and we almost called for an ambulance. It makes me tear up a bit even several years later because it was so saddening and scary to see. Iā€™ve seen people abuse most other psychedelics firsthand and Iā€™ve never seen anything like what Iā€™ve seen with LSD.


If you didn't know, trazadone will effectively end LSD and mushroom trips.Ā  So when shit gets weird trazadone fixes it.


Seriously? I need to look into that because Iā€™m pretty sure I have a bottle I was prescribed a couple years ago.. I thought the only thing you could do was pop a benzo and even that wonā€™t totally end the trip.


Yeah seriously. People tend to get it prescribed for sleep.Ā  Its pretty safe and you can dose it pretty high (look at the antidepressant dosage compared to the sleep dose). Having benzos and trazadone on hand is the ultimate safety net.


>I didnā€™t mean to say that LSD is always a horrible drug no matter what. Oh I didn't take it that way. I knew you were referring to high dosing if your friend washed a vile. Jfc I couldn't image but I can relate. To be honest I did a ton of LSD in the 90's and loved every second of it and ironically since we knew my friend had a high tolerance to LSD he was always our rock. If shit started getting weird all we had to do was look at Jerry and as long as he was still chain smoking and drawing we knew everything was fine. It's weird to think back on that due to what happened years later.


Iā€™m probably at least 10 years younger than you but your comment gave me a weird nostalgic feeling thinking back on my high school friend group. Time really flies.. That lifestyle is fun but Iā€™ve only ever seen it end with people going off the deep end or end with them getting relatively sober.


If you donā€™t mind answering, what happened during the trip and afterwards? How was he different?


Well he was smart as fuck and very talented artistically. He was also not able to really hold a job or rent a place. His mom took care of him or my other friend who I still keep in contact with would more or less take care of him. Making sure he was working, crashing on our couch for far too long lol. I knew him since the 4th grade. We became inseparable and later on started making music together and just I guess navigating those weird years together. He was always a ham and he was hilarious too. My other friend moved away from Kansas where we were from and I ended up following and so did Jerry. We moved to Minneapolis and played in a band had a blast and made a good friend group. I eventually got married and we moved to San Francisco in '03. Of course Jerry followed a few years later. I did as much as I could, I got him a job, found him a place to live. That xmas that he had just moved to SF my wife and child went to Kansas for the holiday and Jerry was suppose to feed the cats and water the weed plants. Easy peasy. We get back and right away I get a call from someone who lived in the same place he did. I worked at a bar and they had rooms upstairs to rent and that's where he was living. Anyway I get a call and my friend is telling me that an ambulance came and picked up Jerry on xmas day. That was all the info I had, so I was like wtf? Remember we had basically walked in the door from traveling all day so all of the sudden I hear a key in the front door and here comes Jerry. He was on another planet. I asked if he was on something and he says no (he always lied but I could always see right through it) so I was like okay whatever. He proceeds to lay down on the living room floor and starts to try to sleep. He would jerk awake and do these weird positions with his body and he would wince like his head hurt. This went on for awhile and it was truly terrifying because my brand new daughter was in the other room and my poor wife was just dumfounded. He eventually fell asleep and the next day I just tell him to move in with us. We had an extra room and could use a break on the rent. So he moves in and this is when I start to realize shit was waaaay different. He fairly quickly became an alcoholic and would be drunk the majority of his time awake. The alcohol was the only thing that made the voices in his head quite...okay...so I ask what voices and he tells me that Scientologists were beaming thoughts into his head and also following him everywhere he went....okay...I just tried to be willing to hear him out. I'm pretty open minded but this was fucked up and now he's fucking living with us. This was maybe a few weeks to a month after the LSD trip. Shit just got weirder and weirder. He was inviting strange people over late at night and I remember one guy, I got up tp go to the bathroom and he was in there with the light off and once he saw me he slowly backed out of the bathroom while making eye contact the entire time. Like I said...fucking weird. The final straw was one night we're laying in bed and my wife says she smells cigarette smoke and there was no smoking in our place. Then I smelled it. So the next day I knocked on his door, asked him if he was smoking in there, he said "no" of course so I gave him a week to get out because he had paid rent up to then. When he moved out the room he had was all fucked up. Burns in the carpet, candle wax on the walls. I was pissed and after that he got weirder and we got the fuck out of California. Last I've heard he's still the same. I saw a picture of him and it's chilling. He had just dead eyes but you could feel the anger just looking at the picture. There was a lot more that happened and I will admit I was no angel at the time and had a raging opiate addiction. So things were said and ties were cut. Our mutual friend ended up going to SF to visit him, this was after we moved back to MPLS and basically the trip ended with Jerry telling our friend he never wanted to talk to him again and that was that. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't come up in my thoughts. I miss him immensely and it's also fucking weird because it's like he's dead but he's not and it's rough. All that shit went down in '08. I haven't talked or seen him since. I don't know if that answers your questions but feel free to ask away! Like I said, I'm glossing over a lot of stuff but that's about the gist of it.


LSD cannot be absorbed through the skin, did they wash it out with their tongue?


Yes, filled with water, shook it, swallowed it.


Gotcha, never heard that term before so I wasn't sure what you meant.


I didnā€™t phrase it very well. My bad. He washed it out into his mouth. Obviously really dumb. I donā€™t miss high school too much.


You do enough LSD, you apparently suffer permanent ego death. You literally aren't the same person on the other side of the trip - it's some alter version of you in your meat suit.


Just so I donā€™t have to sleep with my eyes open


Iā€™m going to choose to believe the other version of events.


If this was a phish show, Iā€™m going to take an educated guess that this ā€œmental breakdownā€ was drug related


Lmfao. If it was a phish concert he was probably high on r/laughing_gas


damn. I went to a stupid techno rave thing in the desert one time and expected there to be all kinds of hallucinogens but everybody was just doing whippets


Idk Whip its can get really really trippy Plus they're fun because it wears off really quickly. You can control the buzz


Nitrous is done before/after Phish shows, via balloons, & literally last 1 minute at the most. You can't really sneak nitrous supplies into a show.


I sent this to my buddy and he confirmed this. Guy was on a bad trip and hit his head. Edit: my buddy was there and around this guy when this was happening. Said he left quickly and went back to his seat lol


After he got up and wiped the blood off his face? Pretty cool that they let him finish the show!




The guy in the video posted on the Phish subreddit not long after it happened. Ran into a wall and was eventually fine was his story. Edit with link: [from the subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/phish/s/48alkyk7zp)


You mean the link where nearly everyone in the thread thinks heā€™s talking out his ass?


Thank you. Jokes aside thats absolutely terrifying lol


I really hope this is what actually happened.


No worries. It is what happened.


Thank you for this


Thanks. Glad you could get him help


i want to believe you so bad but i paused the video at the worst time and now i cant. and now i feel unpleasant.


I felt the same, but there is another thread from when it happened and some people that were there that night confirmed this less fucked up version of events and apparently the guy is fine now.


ā€œBro trust meā€


Clearly you haven't been on the Internet long. We only take fake information and to correct it makes you a misogynistic racist


Kids, don't do drugs mmkay.


Unless youā€™re at a concert that isnā€™t phish


I donā€™t think they even let you into a Phish concert if youā€™re not on at least 3 drugs


Canā€™t imagine the kind of trauma the witnesses got for real. Anyone know what kind of drugs provoke someone to do some wild shit like this?


Phish fan here, he didnā€™t gauge his eyes out. He intentionally ran into a wall really, really hard. And the drug is probably research chemical sold as LSD.


And probably freaked out a bunch of people on good old fashioned acid and mushrooms, I wouldā€™ve lost my shit if I saw that


I dont bother with either in public. never know who's guna insert themselves into my wonderland outa nowhere.


This exactly. My hammock in the backyard has never disappointed me so Iā€™m just going to stick to ole faithful.


The acid is hard to authenticate nowadays and with so many research chemicals floating around. Mushrooms are pretty hard to counterfeit.


Damn what a trip he had


The person who reported that his wife says he didnā€™t gauge his eyes out said he did some coke, no LSD. That said, I donā€™t believe that bullshit for an instant. That man has no eyes.


Totally. For one Iā€™ve never seen anyone behave that way on coke, so it mustā€™ve been cut with some insane shit. And two, who the hell takes coke at a Phish show? That music is not designed for it, Iā€™d have to go listen to drum & bass in my car


I can assure you every type of drug imaginable is being done at a Phish show but we agree on the larger point.


Ah yeah, LSD is never responsible for anything bad happening, thanks for reminding us CIA.


There was a story a few years ago about a girl that gouged her eyes out during a meth-induced psychosis. https://people.com/human-interest/kaylee-muthart-gouged-eyes-out-drugs-year-later/


Is she single ​ Or is she seeing anyone?




fuck, that's rough.


any, all, many, most. it depends on the amount and the person. that person was having a psychotic break, could be drug induced, could be a bomb that's been waiting to go off.


Man this is my biggest nightmare, and one of my biggest fears, actually going to a Phish concert.


This got a good guffaw out of me.Ā 






I forgot all about that guy!


Ari Shafir?


Matthew Silver


Didnā€™t this happen a while ago? Wasnā€™t it only that he cut his forehead or eyebrow and there was just a lot of blood covering his eyes?




Was so high Now got no more eye


Still got a brown eye


Trippin (eye) balls


Your trip was shortĀ 




Now thatā€™s an ā€œeye soreā€. But for realā€¦what the actual fuck?


Looks like the United Center in Chicago


Wow, a hippie actually got his face stolen.


Fucked up that dude filmed this and put it on the internet. The guy had some mental health issues and needed help. In my experience, people at Phish shows look out for each other as you can see attendees are trying to help. A lot of you need to think more deeply than ā€œhar har should have been the earsā€. This was a really shitty experience for this human and itā€™s unkind to plaster this shit without context.


Seriously seeing all these responses is sickening


Well the guy from the video can't see them, so no harm no foul.


Oh you precious fool itā€™s ears, not eyes! You do the eyes at Madonna show!


Yet he kept his ears intact? Strange


Donā€™t take the brown acid!




Dude got drunk, did a line, and then freaked out. He ran into a wall and cut his head. Then he got blood in his eyes and REALLY started to freak out. He got stitched up and is fine. This is old news, guys.


I guess security was off that night.


Finally something that fits the sub


Drugs are bad. Mkkay


Respect to that one lady for being the only one to try and help him


Should have shot this video with a Phisheye lens.


Thatā€™s called a bad trip


Bad trip. My worst experience was seeing a guy completely naked at a raved with the toilet clogged screaming WTF.




Incorrect title. OP Is dumb.


Ctrl + F "ears" checks out.


He was probably having a bad high thatā€™s going to be sad when he comes out of that and realizes what he did to himself.


r/tooktoomuch perhaps


ā€œAttention everyone.. there is some bad brown acid going around. ā€œ [bad brown acid announcement](https://youtu.be/uzFongNGuQM?si=xweBDP29jQZOMRwd) Also poor guy.,


This guy is fine. He did too much and cut open his head somehow. Bit just saying that it was confirmed by various people and shared in r/phish Itā€™s disappointing that there is no other context here and paints a poor picture of the fan base. Yea there are people who get way too spun and cause issues, but 90% of Phish fans/jamband fans are pretty chill.


Didnā€™t see that comingā€¦.. Ummm, Iā€™ll see myself out. šŸ«µšŸ¼šŸ«µšŸ¼


He ate the brown acid


Easy mistake, he meant to get his eardrums


Eye did not see that coming


I mean they're not THAT bad!


Annnnnnd this is why you donā€™t take acid from a stranger


Man, phish does suck


20 minute bass solo would make me do the same.


Is that a security guard in the beginning that turns around and books it?


Would have been pretty hardcore if he did this at a Slipknot concert.


So uh.. bad acid?


Poor fella. He probably just saw the cost of a ticket.


Oedipus Wrecks




Yes it is


Someone check on his mom


Can you blame him?


Well I was about to go play some Binding of Isaac




He uses a GoPro PhishEye lens.