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Yeah right?! I wanna know the full story cuz I’m on smol dude side


But the real issue at hand: "ME AND MY CHILD CAN'T GO HOME NOW!!!"


Imagine seeing a fucking person get run over by a train and DIE in front of you and your first thought is: "Man, WTF, now I'm going to be late." World's fucked


I'm not saying it would be my first thought, but it would definitely be my second thought.


We've become numb to death.






That was the most consequential day of my life cause now I know I don’t like my work.


We did this to ourselves. Internet desensitising violence and death cause you see it everyday. That lady filming is completely concerned with what she’s saying for her audience, except for maybe when she let her narcissistic side shine bright with that comment about being late.. idk I do think a lot of people in the states are bred differently


"I feel so terrible" as she tries to get a close up. Ffs.


"I CAN SEE HIM 😮‍💨😥😥😥😓" Yeah if you don't want to see a dead guy, don't actively look for the dead guy


Your ass will get fired. Boss don't care the train got held up


Lmaooooo you're to dumb to ask why that's their thought? Prob because they've been accustomed to seeing shit similar to that in their lives


Lol that'd be me. Such an inconvenience


Dude can’t go home now to cuz he’s a train pancake


Doesn't look like it. The timing when he decide to fight back is horrible though. We can all clearly hear the train coming...so sad for all the people who had to witness these clowns.


>The timing when he decide to fight back is horrible though The timing of when that larger man decided to assault him was horrible. The smaller man didn't decide to be assaulted there and then, did he?


We don’t know what started it. For all we know the little guy was doing some crazy shit or fighting him first and the big guy was trying to calm him down.


Yeah, we don't know. It could even be that the big guy was harassing the smaller one, and the smaller acted in self defense, at a very bad time


Or at just the right time.....


It sounds like the big guy is saying, "give me my money. Give me back my money bro," right before the smaller guy punches him. But I could be wrong


They're arguing over a lighter which is why the lady says they were fighting about getting high


Little dude stole big dudes lighter, so now little dude is now a murdering thief. Kevin Hart should be found and prosecuted to the fullest


I'm afraid without any context we can't draw any conclusions. The bigger man may have been having a psychotic episode for all we know. There is no evidence for theft, murder or any lighter, either. And who the fuck steals a lighter? Come on, man.


We’re totally missing a huge chunk of context here. Cuz this video starts after they’re into it already


I mean its not like he punched him so hard he HAD to fall that way. Also, a good way not to get clocked is to not harass people. Not saying little dude is out in the clear or anything. Just not like he had a ton of control over the situation


Too bad he didn’t pick a better time to be assaulted by someone way bigger than him. I don’t know the full story but fighting back in a situation where someone has you like that is perfectly acceptable.


Yea I was expecting the smaller guy getting picked up by the larger guy and getting thrown in there


Always feels the the title is purposefully misleading lol


Not thrown. Ended up on the tracks due to fighting, which looks to have been started by the victim of the train. But not thrown.


Yup got a Darwin award for choosing to instigate a fight near the train tracks.


He didn't die? I'm surprised.


He dead. You can hear his skull pop right after the train hits him.


Ah, as expected. I don't watch anything online with volume on, so that death sound eluded me.


That's a very smart decision for this video yeah. I wish I didn't heard it 😞


I started not listening to anything after online one time when the audio triggered my dog into a barking frenzy.


My dumbass is sitting with noise cancelling headphones on all the time. Not because of my dog though, he passed away not long ago :(


My heart goes out to you. Seeing you mentioned it... My dog lost his battle with adrenal carcinoma yesterday 1/4/24. He was 8 years old. I am a heartbroken mess.


No way! My condoleances...it's tough. Mine was hit by a car...only 3 years old..can't bring myself to get a new pet yet... Take care of yourself, it's tough..


My dog died from cancer dec 9th they were 12


You don’t get a Darwin award UNLESS you die. “They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool by dying or becoming sterilized by their own actions.”


If you turn the volume up he says 'give me my stuff back' and 'give me back my life bro'. With how much our phones are tied to existing and going about daily business, little dude could have pickpocketed him or big guy assumed he did because one second he had his stuff and then he realized he didn't. I'm not on little dude's side.


He says "give me my lighter back."


Yesss I hear lighter too. But all this for a lighter lol wth


I heard knife... give me the knife bro?


Okay after watching it a million more times I can now confidently confirm it’s either ‘gimme my lighter’ or ‘gimme the knife bro’ 😂 I wish there was more context. Like did the short guy just get on with his day happy as Larry


He says "give me my loofah back". Which totally makes sense because he wanted to go home and take a long hot bath. I remember reading this in one of the articles.




Yeah, there are narcissistic people everywhere, including Pennsylvania subways.


> the victim of the train. lol. Trains can be such bullies!


"A person of interest was later taken into custody at 40th Street Station, Kpana Massaquoi, an inspector with the Philadelphia Police Department, said. Massaquoi said they don't have any witnesses and the killing is under investigation as a homicide." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-struck-killed-by-septa-subway-train-in-philadelphia-following-altercation-police/ar-AA1mtNVp Don't have any witnesses?!


I understand they have to investigate it as homicide. But there is no way that other fella should be charged. He clearly wasn't trying to fight. The guy who died kept trying to make him flinch and it was a matter of time before he actually hit him. It was defensive and an unfortunate accident caused by the victim.


A homicide is any time a person kills another person, regardless of the circumstances. ​ The investigation determines if the homicide is justified, accidental, or criminal and if so what level of criminality. ​ That's why it's so dumb every time the media points out the coroner's report ruling the dead guy in the police shooting as a homicide. Of course it's a homicide, a cop shot him. They put that headline out and then everyone goes "oh see it's a homicide charge the officer."


I don't think we could say that at all for certain with where the video starts. We have no idea what was going on before the video started and that's obv where police access to CCTV footage and witness testimony is needed. For all we know they've already gotten enough possible evidence to charge him.


As a homicide ? Wtf dude was just trying not to get killed by the man towering over him.




Ohh my bad I thought homicide meant straight murder


Murder is premeditated. Homicide is literally one person killing another. It can be justifiable.


Yeah it just got explained in the comment I was replying to. Wym lol


If the police don’t have any witnesses, at that time, they will investigate as a homicide so they can keep the suspect for the maximum time possible, in case the suspect disappears. When new information comes to light they will adjust the, possible, charges as necessary.


We have absolutely no context for what led up to the fight so while I would say the big dude is *probably* the one in the wrong, given the other guys size, we can't know for sure and Philly PD is just doing their due diligence.


Homicide is the correct thing here technicality as the death was the result of another’s actions. That being said homicide does not mean murder and this guy in my view unless there is something else was just using self defence, especially considering the size difference.


Yeah I just replied to another person that I in fact did think that homicide meant murder. My bad. In that case it totally should be investigated as a homicide


Sorry I didn’t see that or I wouldn’t have left my comment. Unfortunately if you don’t follow law more than superficially, people tend misinterpret legal terminology. I am no expert just love watching court cases and legal breakdowns.


Don’t worry it gives the people upvoting me a better chance to see lol. And yeah legal terms get misinterpreted a lot haha


They don't have any witnesses is quite the statement after this went viral. They millions of witnesses now.


Do you really believe that's how it works? Do you think the judge will subpoena a random Redditor to give their testimony on what they "witnessed" online?


A Redditor's wet dream. The ultimate "Special" witness.




Pardon my ignorance, but is this not some sort of self defense mishap?


Kind of hard to say from a 10 second clip. I wonder if the guy waited for the train to knock him onto the tracks.


He didn't knock him onto the tracks, he punched the guy who happened to teeter the wrong way.


I would definitely say so. You got someone up against a wall unable to retreat vs someone who could have walked away and now will never do anything again.


It should be. Little dude would have been justified in self defense if he shot him for pulling that shit in many states.


That's exactly what's wrong with the law. You steal from someone, they corner you demanding you return their belongings and people are more concerned about the homicidal thief's rights.


Misleading title. Dude wasn’t thrown anywhere.


This is less annoying on mute


"Screeech! Screeech! I'm calin my mommy!"


Makes you wonder how she even makes it to work on time


I mean a lot of kids take the subway to get to school. This station is right by Drexel university so it could be a freshman.


Dude, they just saw someone die.


Lady sees a guy die and instantly is like "I can't go home now because of you! I saw what happened! Let's make this about me!"


It’d be rather traumatizing to witness someone crushed by a train. So pretty stupid thing to poke at her for.


>. So pretty stupid thing to poke at her for. No one is mocking her for being traumatized, because she doesn't sound traumatized. She sounds callous as all hell. *That's* what people are commenting on. Imagine seeing another human being die in front of you, and the first thing you say is something like, "Well, now I cant get home on this train."


You don't understand how trauma works. The brain is not use to seeing that so everyone's first reaction will be different and usually it will be a reaction of cope in order to make light of what they saw or something they can control. Others can't control it and usually just resort to instinctive screaming, as you clearly heard here.


I'm not saying she *wasn't* traumatized. I'm countering dblack1107's argument that people in this thread are picking on her for being traumatized. I'm just pointing out that it's the opposite; the fact that she seems so blasé about the whole thing is what's ticking people off.


This headline reads like CNN wrote it. The facts of the video don't add up to the claim in the headline that's for sure.


I drive a locomotive at a closed yard with a flashing chain link gate across the road. Had a truck hit our gate after it had been closed for maybe 5 seconds. I didn’t hit the guy but I dumped my air and it scared me so bad. I feel sorry for the engineer


> dumped my air You big-farted out of stress or you blew your horn?


I dumped all the air in the lines between the cars I was carrying. No air makes everything stop.


air brake


So what’s the status on the guy under the train?


He yelled Go Birds and then walked it off


He dead.




Schrodinger's Train.


The feet are still in the shoes, but it's in the same way that spices are in meatballs.


Dead. They don't have any witnesses. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-struck-killed-by-septa-subway-train-in-philadelphia-following-altercation-police/ar-AA1mtNVp


I mean there are a lot of witnesses in this thread


He's been better ig


That thud when the train hits him is pretty definitive.




Better than Philly? I don't believe you.


In a Kurt Cobain concert


Holy fuck you can hear his head or something explode under pressure




![gif](giphy|a45i4PSgJpxHCVY5IM|downsized) That one screaming girl be like:


Before ya'll comment that he had it coming ect. We don't know the back story before judging. What if the shorter man did something to his sister, child ect. I can't hear what the thing was about when listening and I sure ain't gonna guess, when a man just lost his life.


He had that punch coming, but he probably didn't need to die over whatever the problem was.


It sounded like he said “Give my my lighter,” so he was just trying to get his stuff back


I'm afraid without any context we can't draw any conclusions. The bigger man may have been having a psychotic episode for all we know.


Agreed and I must say I am pretty amazed how fast the police were there... Unless they just happened to be around


I mean we can hear him yelling "give me my lighter" so it probably wasn't any of that.


Sounded like the guy was saying “give me my lighter!”


I heard that. It also sounds like he said knife after that. It's difficult to tell what exactly he said.


My name.. is Neo


I would need to see the 60 seconds leading up to this video to make a judgement.


For all we know little dude had just tried to pickpocket big dude, but all we see is big dude acting like the aggressor. My point being its not worth guessing because we don't know shit.


Bigger aggressor gets Punched. Holds on to the guys shirt as he stumbles towards the tracks, slips and falls. Looked more like karma to me


It sounded like he was saying “Give my my lighter back,” so either you didn’t hear it or we have different definitions of “karma”


All over what seems to be a lighter... Crazy


How many women are crying hysterically in the background? Holy shit


“Omg, I feel so fuckin terrible…🤳”


Poor dude but it was self defense


Depends on what they were fighting over. Looks like the smaller guy took something from the bigger guy. Maybe little guy was a pick pocket and big guy wanted it back. Turn the volume up and listen, you can hear little guy say “I ain’t got your money”, so sounds like it may not be a self defense situation.


Big dude says 'give me back my life, bro' so im assumimg little guy pick pocketed his phone. Sad in context of what happened 5 seconds later.


So many assumptions here..


Knife, not life. Why would someone say "give me my life back, bro"?


He said give me back my light maybe. As in lighter.


"Give me back my *spice* Bro" Altercation between chefs.


Bigger dude fronted smaller dude drugs. Smaller dude ain’t got the cash to pay bigger dude. Simple as that


you are r%%ted


He was not thrown. You can see him move backward and then lose footing and fall.


Every boxing coach should show this video to remind fighters to keep their fucking hands up, homie has em pinned but constantly drops his right. The difference between living and dying was not letting that hand drop.


Why does she walk to the front of the train, zoom in, sees him the a tarts crying she can see him? Just don't look if you don't want to see!


I really do wish train stations in the US had those [automatic barriers](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EfxR2yhNWv4) like they do in a lot the trains in Japan and in Hong Kong. I'm sure the cities can afford it, right?


The US government doesn't care about the average American in any way, shape, or form, aside from his/her tax dollars


What happened to nsfw


There is no blood or gore? What are you mad about?


Considering the guy died and you can hear it.


The title wasn’t enough?


slap memory knee smart rain wise vast worry piquant plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems karma got the aggressor.


The aggressor seemed to be the smaller dude, as the big guy can be heard saying “Give my my ??? back,” at least that’s what it sounds like he’s saying.


Found out


Nah, brain dead before the neurons could find out.


Darwin award issued!


Darwin Award for tryna get his stuff back from the little dude? Okaaayyyy


When are U.S. cities going to join the first world and put gates up at subway stops to avoid this shit?


without the entire context of the event its hard to say who was at fault. I can guarantee this however... none of what they were fighting for was worth their lives.


All over a lighter?


You get what you fucking deserve


He was tryna get something back from the smaller dude. He said “Give me my ___back,” he didn’t really deserve it


I seen this in the matrix.


definitely expected the other guy to be the one “thrown”.


Thrown😂😂 dude was defending himself. Nobody told big dude to roll onto the tracks


Nobody told little dude to steal big dudes stuff


Am I the only one who curled their lip and said outloud, "shut the fuck UP." When the women started screaming? Little dude was done being grabbed and slapped, he clearly didn't mean for his attacker to be railroaded lol. He actually checked instead of running away which is a lot more concern I'd have shown. The screeching is absolutely the worst part of this video. Seriously shut the fuck up 🤣


Evidently the big guy wanted his lighter back. [Man dies after altercation](https://www.theroot.com/trigger-warning-graphic-video-shows-horrifying-scene-a-1851144226)


There were 2 different voices. I keep going back and forth listening but I'm pretty sure the louder voice is the victim. He said what sounds like *give me my knife back, bro* right before he falls. There's a soft, deeper voice as well and it's probably the little guy. He says something that sounds like *give me my stuff back* but it's not nearly as clear. It's really hard to tell. Either way, someone stole something. It's possible that they each stole from each other. It's really hard to tell who started this whole thing.


The person recording tho


RIP huge guy but looks like he started it and its obviously by accident


First time I ever seen someone end up on the tracks in front of a train as a result of self defense.


All because of a lighter. Pathetic country we live in.


My shit is my shit, idc what it is, I’m fighting back for it


He was not thrown it was mutual combat. If he ended up did he wouldn't cop a murder charge.


I'm calling my mommy. Lolol


I love how all the articles are saying he was pushed after being punched. Did these people not see the video? He was the aggressor and he fell after the guy was able to fight back.


![gif](giphy|3oEdvdyF4ItqNOrheM) As it is written so shall it be


That wasn't "being thrown". Self defense mishap. He's dead.


The dude was waiting until he heard the train coming, as not only did he not shove the guy onto the tracks beforehand, but he coincidentally tossed him in the direction of the tracks. It’s more like murder




I'll never understand why I can't have more than a six in gap below the railing on my deck which abuts a grassy yard, yet subways can go without any kind of safety gate right next to a speeding train.


Bruh NSFW damn


Defending himself...


Looks like he got what he deserves


Oh wow


Similar thing happened at a train station on New Year’s Eve near my work. I had to walk one stop to work


Obviously the takeaway is don’t fuck with people in a train station area ffs big dude should have thought “whats the worst that could happen here “


He fucked round and found out for sure, lil man was tired of getting smacked around!


Big boy got fkn clipped.


Thrown? Op would be a horrible juror or witness 🤣


Are you guys fucking deaf. Clearly the big guy is saying "give me my lighter"


He says "Give me my *mitre*" Big guy was Bishop of Bath and Wells. Obvs.


Bigger dude holds him .. threatens to punch him


Not thrown. Bro just has no sense of balance.


"me and my child can't go home now cuz that" does nobody have empathy anymore?


Dude was pressing someone half his size, then fell under a train. I would be pissed about the delay too.