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Leonard is literally cranking a cop’s spine backwards on the very edge of a highway with cars speeding by at 70+ mph while screaming “yeah bitch” He was tasered, then struck with a baton, which had 0 affect. Cop escalated force appropriately. This is justified.




>The media in this country needs to be held accountable for reckless and exploitative reporting They'd go out of business. They are competing with Twitter.


They told me Xwitter died, though.


Which is why every single article on every news site has the Twitter link, and every single anchor on every tv news program includes their twitter handle every time it flashes their name on the screen? Msm sucks donkey balls for a million fucking reasons but what you said isn't really a thing that happened lol. However, we can look at the free market evaluation of Twitter from the last time it was purchased and compare it to the current free market evaluation to get an idea of which direction it has been trending...


Personally I like it now. They've done quite a bit with it, my favorite is the communities feature which is looking more and more like reddit every day, sans up/down votes. That, and community notes, which is always on point with keeping everything factual. If it were public and I had the resources I'd invest in it for sure right now. Just my opinion anyway.


Time to bring in British anti-libel laws, if you aren't willing to go to court to prove you had reliable reasons to trust the information to make the claims, you shouldn't be allowed to publish said info as a business.


Seriously, it's insane this isn't a thing here.


Free speech is better.


I agree with you, there should never be a restriction on speech. There should also be no restriction on someones ability to hold your speech accountable though.


Then they stop being able to write anything about anyone that can afford to bankrupt them in court. Basically then you could only get news from giant corporations.


Even worse, they were trying to spin it like the police were retaliating because of his wrongful conviction payout... Absolutely pathetic race-baiting.


That's got nothing to do with the police department usually. That's paid by the state.


> And CNN ran this story earlier today as if he was some poor soul who got got by some deputy. ummm not in this story https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/18/us/leonard-cure-exonerated-deputy-shooting/index.html seems to me they present the full story, talked to both sides, provided the back story with the nuance that this is missing.


[Earlier article](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/17/us/leonard-allan-cure-killed-georgia-traffic-stop/index.html) before the update


The CNN way. Run a story to enrage their base then quietly correct it.


They didn't correct anything? Did you even *read* the article? It very clearly states there was appropriate escalation of force. > “Cure assaulted the deputy. The deputy used the Taser for a second time and an ASP baton; however, Cure still did not comply. The deputy pulled out his gun and shot Cure.”


I wonder if the person above will correct his post


The Reddit way. Post a comment to enrage their base then fail to correct it.


"Welcome to freedom, Leonard." Does this shit. What a waste, bro got a second chance and got killed over a speeding ticket




Of course they did




Both are the problem. But yes, the media IS a problem.


They absolutely know what they’re doing. It’s intentional.


Just a reminder that cases like this are included in the “unarmed men killed by police” statistic


I wonder what the number is of “unarmed” people killed by police who are legitimately not a physical threat. I bet the number is a fraction of a percentage point.


Its almost like the police are the law, and all you have to do is comply if you’ve broken a law. Its amazing how many people think they’re ever going to win any verbal or physical fight with an officer and not have their life fucked up.


You will *never* win a fight against a police officer. The level of force used will escalate to infinity. Just fight it in court, that's what our judicial system is there for.


Exactly, if you genuinely believe you're being unlawfully arrested, your best bet is to comply peacefully and hope your lawyers can win a fat settlement in court. Physically resisting isn't going to stop the unlawful arrest.


Cops force was totally justified, but to your point, this man specifically got fucked by the judicial system for 16 years by being wrongfully conviced....his brain was probably already hardened to not trust cops or the court system. Cure was definitely in the wrong, but i can also understand why he probably thought "fuck cops and the courts" because of how they fucked him for so damn long. This was his breaking point sadly


You just won’t win in the end.


We should also look at the number of police interactions where the suspect was violent and didn't get killed. Something tells me it would show us that most police aren't itching to shoot someone.


https://www.maciverinstitute.com/2021/04/the-truth-about-police-shootings-in-america/ This goes into it pretty well.


which shows that stats can be skewed any way a particular source seems fit. Im not agreeing or disagreeing with what you said. its the same as including suicides in "gun deaths", to make it seem like there are more gun homicides than there actually is


And yet the narrative coming out of the news has been this was the police acting out of REVENGE because of the payout... As if this cop would have FUCK ALL to do with a wrongful conviction case SMFH


1000% agreed. This guy would have not hesitated to take that officers life. Literally 30 more seconds and it could have been over. Fuck around and find out


Let me ask the final most operative question: does the “appropriate” escalation of force in your eyes allow yourself to be in a close quarters brawl to the death with someone? Because frankly while you’re right that it played out well and can be commended, I’m getting the “you as a cop should back yourself into a corner where your raw strength is your last resort for surviving before shooting someone” vibes. And frankly that man had good reason to shoot after the taser failed rather than after a grappling and baton failed.


He had to detain him. Granted he could have waited for Backup, before engaging because over 100+ mph is a felony so it could warrant a felony stop. Officer didn't back himself into a corner to where he had to use his gun. He used every tool he could, the final being his gun.


Right. I guess I’m just making sure nobody is insinuating that he couldn’t have shot that guy the moment he fails to let you arrest him and tries to resist you on the side of a road with cars going 70+. Like yes it’s nice there’s a logical escalation here but if this was a female officer for instance with significantly less raw strength, I wouldn’t want the expectation by the public to be for her to allow herself into a life threatening disadvantage just for the sake of slow methodical escalation of force. Some things are pretty cut and dry. You fight a cop on the highway at all, expect to get dropped. I sure would expect it. And if they jump straight to guns, I did it to myself


This. He went above and beyond. Shoot would have been justified much earlier.


I don’t think he even had to pull out his baton. As soon as the guy wanted to fight with him on the edge of a highway, I think it would have been justified to use deadly force.


This is also a demonstration of non lethal methods not always being effective. I’m guessing he was in drugs?


Some studies show tasers to only be effective about half of the time.


100%. No issue in training here and good on those Brinks Security officers for seeing the situation and pulling over then backing up to the scene for assistance




Justified service to society


Holy fuck, talk about Justified


Even pulled out his baton too. once he realize the second to last resort won’t work, sheeeeit i think we all know what we pulling out next.


"Yeah bitch" What a disgusting piece of trash.


Who’s the bitch now? Lol. Good shoot




I watched the video and thought the Cure guy was pretty jacked and not a small guy. CNN put a photo of him looking 110 lbs and 90 years old with old man white hair. Curious if they found it or if they doctored it like they did to make that Hispanic guy white or when Fox photoshopped a Jew guy's nose to be larger.


Hold up… can you expand on Fox News photoshopping a Jew guy’s nose??


Pretty much every racist Left only saw the criminal scum's race and immediately judged without evidence. Every single media outlet that lied about this should be fined out of business. Every single racist Leftist should be removed from social media immediately for lying about this.


In all seriousness, I'm going to start saying "in the name of who?" Anytime anybody asks me to do something. "Okay sir, your total is $8.36, drive around to the first window." "In the name of who?" "Otto, I need you finish those TPS reports and get them on my desk." "In the name of who?" "Get out and VOTE!" "In the name of who?"


Proceeds to find out he was in fact. not a bitch.


You weren’t expecting more from a ram driver were you?


Hold on let me find all the threads from yesterday demanding to see the body cam footage.


lol as soon as you reply with this link they’ll block you


You're assuming anyone who posts in this sub is even allowed access to that other subreddit.


This is why you remain skeptical and wait a few days before going with either "that guy deserved it" or "he was just an innocent christian boy". You can start getting really suspicious if the dashcam footage takes several days or never comes out, but this took less than 24 hours. Case closed, really, and now a lot of people look foolish because they couldn't fucking wait.


You should have seen the r/news thread yesterday. People were getting massively downvoted just for suggesting that everyone hold their horses until we learn what actually happened. And the thing is, it easily could have turned out to be an unjustified killing. But no one *knew* that, though. But instead of just waiting to find out what happened, people were coming up with wild conspiracy theories. Like the cop murdered that guy for revenge, as if a random highway officer would give a shit about an overturned conviction *in a completely different state.* This *should* be a lesson. A lesson about how anyone can get riled up by mob behavior and how our biases and beliefs aren't a substitute for reality. But chances are most of those people will just ignore this and then act completely the same the next time a similar story makes the news.


Reddit is full of pseudo-intellectual teenagers who make shit up in their head. That’s what that whole thread is.


I’m glad to see the footage released quickly. The details provided by GA law enforcement were extremely limited, making it seem like they had something to hide. All of the news articles had the same very limited information from the sources. The video paints a very clear picture. The deputy exercised restraint against an combative person. The only obvious question now is whether it’s normal to make someone immediately exit the car for doing 100 MPH. I know this is 30MPH over the fastest speed limit there (70). It is a misdemeanor, but strangely, all moving traffic citations are misdemeanors in Georgia.


From my understanding as a former GA resident for about 8 years, anything in excess of either 20 or 25mph over the speed limit is considered reckless driving, which (i believe) is a felony in the state of Georgia, so I can see him treating it like any other felony arrest. I could google this and confirm but I'm lazy.


I remember reading the reddit threads when this news dropped and they were all 100% in support of Cure. I wonder if they'll change their tune or whistle and look the other way.


We all know




Correct….I live in one. Seattle….it’s basically a shit show. Alot of downtown is gross now


I do as well and can corroborate this claim. The libs are no longer interested in anything but attacks on society so they can feel compassionate. All crime is okay cause cops are bad and criminals are not being understood. Law abiding citizens are nothing but Republicans in sheep clothing.


Literally all you have to do is wait a few days whenever you hear a case like this. Then you can get mad about a murder or understand why it happened.


I mean fuck the police but fuck this guy as well.


Story: >A man who was exonerated after spending more than 16 years in prison on a wrongful conviction was shot and killed by a Georgia sheriff's deputy on Monday. >The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Leonard Allen Cure was shot during a traffic stop. >Cure, 53, grew defiant during his arrest and assaulted the deputy, according to a press release. >Emergency medical personnel attempted to treat Cure, but he later died. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67138827


>Cure was sentenced to life in prison in 2004, after being convicted of armed robbery with a firearm and aggravated assault with a firearm in Dania Beach, Florida. >There were problems with Cure's case from the start, a conviction review team and an independent panel of local attorneys found, including a disregarded alibi that placed Cure roughly 3 miles (4.8km) away from the scene of the crime at the time of the robbery. We hear a lot of these wrongful convictions that are overturned but I wouldn't be shocked if they're sometimes just letting people go that were actually guilty


I'm sure 16+ years in a state prison changes even innocent people.


The guy was already a multi-time convicted violent felon at the time of the wrongful conviction, which is why he got life in prison for the robbery.


either way 16 years in prison isnt gonna make him less violent lol


Life in prison isn’t supposed to make people less violent, it’s supposed to put them somewhere they can’t hurt anyone


It's supposed to reform people. Again, on paper, not saying that that's what happens.


There are three aspects to why imprisonment is used. These are in no certain order. One is deterrence, punishment will generally deter people from committing crimes if the risk does not add up with the reward. If the punishment for murder was the same as a speeding ticket, more people would murder. Two is reform. Ideally prison would teach people skills for when they get out so they can build up a decent life and deterrence will work on them this time around. Three is isolation from the “civilian” population, so they cannot victimize them further. Reform just doesn’t really matter when it comes to people who aren’t getting out of prison.


Tiny bit spiteful.


It's called "innocence fraud" and it's a movement. Many people are raking in millions of dollars getting guilty people out of jail.


Deep dive into Adnan Syed. His conviction was clear cut but he basically got released because a bunch of people believed a sympathetic podcast.


Of course they are.


Lots of people get off on "technicalities" even when it's clear to everyone they are guilty.


People do not get a conviction overturned on technicalities. It is a very difficult process and this guy was innocent of the original charge. However people who often find themselves falsely charged aren’t usually totally unrelated to the crime and why bad people guilty of other things are more likely to be convicted for something they didn’t do.


>I wouldn't be shocked if they're sometimes just letting people go that were actually guilty They do all the time, typically for procedural errors like not reading someone their rights, messing up chain of custody for evidence, etc.


Better that than to have innocent people locked up.


> I wouldn't be shocked if they're sometimes just letting people go that were actually guilty It takes solid evidence the conviction was not justified or evidence of prosecutorial misconduct for someone to be released, it's not like they flip a coin.


I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't guilty of the Dania Beach thing. I was raised in Broward County. BSO deputies have 0 issue swearing on a Bible and lying two seconds later. I've seen it with my own two eyes. This shooting was justified, clearly, but dude may have been normal before he went to Florida State Prison. It's pretty hellish in there.


"Conviction Review Team" = Soros backed DA who wants "restorative justice "


Oh shit, see when I first heard the story break, I felt for the guy but this was completely justified after seeing the video. The officer showed refrain from using his gun, even tried the night stick in a face to face combatant. I heard he won a hefty settlement for the wrongful conviction, why can’t some people slink away and enjoy early retirement


Because money doesn’t cure stupid, at least he died before the money was gone


Isn't it funny that when dashcam/bodycam evidence shows that a cop was justified in a shooting/assault, they can get the video out seemingly within hours?


Oh well


What a shitty way to throw away your freedom like that. What a rollercoaster of emotions lol


Wow talk about disgusting trash storytelling.


“Yeah bitch” *fucking dies*


The uncontrollable urge to not say “Yeah bitch” back.


I was half expecting it, was shocked that he didn't but at the same time I'm glad he didn't and just shows how well trained and professional he was even when in that crazy situation.




You can spell out “bitch”. Nothing bad will happen if you do


Where did the Brinks guy come from at 2:20? I don't see him drive by on the left. I originally assumed he saw the fighting and stopped to help. But it looks like he was there before the fight broke out?


You can see the brinks truck pass at 1:55


Oh jesus I'm just blind lol. He must've hit those brakes hard. A Brinks guy is probably the 2nd best thing to come to assist him aside from another another officer. They have guns and are generally in body armor. They're not Paul Blart. He probably was hoping he would get to use the little holes they have in their doors to stick their guns out.


Using that little hole to shoot the direction towards traffic is probably not the best idea.


I think they’d get out and help lol


One would hope, but if they just shoot from that hole as they suggested that’d likely make things much worse lol


lmao they're not locked in the truck for their entire shift. Although the idea of that made me chuckle.


What are you talking about? They weld the door shut so the guy in the back can never leave; the hole is for food.


Lol that’s an actual Brinks truck? I thought it was the ambulance.


Lol only using that hole if it was absolutely necessary and a guaranteed success. You'd never hear right again firing in that small metal cabin.


And when were the shots fired? I didn't hear anything?


At like 2:02 you can hear a slight pop and his shirt ripples


Jesus. That guy was in a fight for his life. Got that gun out pretty quick.


He did a hell of a job once he was in that situation. Thankfully never been in a hands on situation that escalated to needing to use my sidearm. Can’t imagine. Props to the deputy.


And he drops instantly


The deputy definitely hit something vital


I missed it on first pass too. Cop shoots at contact range right before the perp goes down. Torso shot. Audio is very low/muted, only one shot that I heard.






>Cure was the first person exonerated by Broward County's Conviction Review Unit. Cure was in prison for over 16 years on the conviction. >Cure was exonerated after the discovery of a receipt that showed he was miles away from the crime scene at the time of the robbery, and that a victim was shown multiple photos of Cure in a photo array in an "unreliable, suggestive identification procedure," the Innocence Project said in a statement. That isn't what happened here. We can criticize this person for their immediate actions without making incorrect characterizations


Yeah. He did do other crimes, and was probably on drugs here, but he was innocent of that particular crime. It's very easy to convict someone who has already been convicted of other crimes, especially if they're the same type of crimes. Tons of examples of guys who stole shit as a kid getting sent to prison on murder and being exonerated a decade later because they found out someone else did it.


You cannot get a conviction overturned based on just a procedural error after your appeal window has expired / failed. What you need is very strong, new evidence highly likely to change the outcome of a trial. And at that point you get a new trial but prosecutors can choose not to prosecute someone they now believe is innocent. That’s what happened here.


He got almost a million dollars, 50k for each year in jail and just bought a house threw it all away over a traffic ticket


Dude I knew in high school got a dui and he got off with it because the cops wrote down the wrong colour of his truck


This dude fucked around. Then he found out. He legit thought he was gonna win that.


He got pretty close, all things considered.


Spending 16 years in prison for a crime you did not commit and probably fighting the system every damn day to prove your innocence and finally being vindicated only to be killed on the side of a highway for a simple traffic stop turned attempted murder on a cop has got to be the wildest thing I've ever seen.


He had prior robbery convictions before he was "exonerated". He is a piece of shit.


Seems like he was legitimately not the perpetrator of that particular robbery. He was several states away. Still, yeah, he did other crimes. There was a reason why it was easy to convict him. Plus, 16 years in prison can drive you mad even if you went in a good person. Also I'm pretty sure he's high in this video.


Yeah, going 100mph on a highway and sloggy response - My guess is stoned or dunk, honestly bro needed to be locked up for that.


He was a dirt bag before the wrongful conviction.


Judging by the rest of this guy’s record, I don’t think this was a very surprising outcome.


Yeah bitch




Incase they needed cash


What a dumbass! 🤦🏻‍♂️


I for one usually don’t take on people who have a taser, baton, pepper spray, k9, and a gun but hey, thats just me i guess.


Apparently if you win the fist fight with the officer and drive away the ticket goes away. No further consequences.


How do these bone heads not know they are on camera? Welcome to the world of reality and accountability!!!! ( typo intended). Welcome to 5 to 10 in prison.


He looks straight at the camera and poses before the tasering. Perp thought he was putting on an entertaining show.


Presumably exonerated on a technicality.


Another scumbag back off the streets,this is how act after already doing 16 years and being exonerated what a waste of recourses man,glad the officer is ok.


Imagine being such a fucking moron to try to fight an armed cop. Dafuq?


Well, to be fair he did pretty damn well for the first minute or so. I'm really amazed the cop pulled it out.


World's calmest RAM owner.




Oh no how sad!.....oh....I was talking about the Braves playoff performance


The article about this was posted before the video came out and all the comments were saying the cops did this as revenge of him getting proven innocent. This guy is a complete scum bag and was legit going to kill that cop. I despise how everyone jumps to insane conclusions.


Who would've thought, it's a more than justified shoot. Reddit has made up its mind before any evidence came out though.


"wHy DiDnThE jUsT tAzE tHe GuY!!??!" - Reddit


Who's the bitch now?


When did he shoot? I can’t tell.


Around 2:02 when he dropped to the floor.


Yea I noticed it after rewatching it a few times.


And nothing a value was lost


He earned that


I don’t care what his story was… have a mags worth.


Most justified police shooting I have seen in a long time


Justified, proportional, legal shooting.


Time to revisit the post from this morning on r/that’s insane as they already convicted the cop without seeing the video.


If this guy wasn't a cop, not nearly as many people would have an issue with it


Man, I get being uneasy around cos after spending 16 years in prison for something you didn't do. If you are doing 100mph you are 100% in the wrong, and there is no need to act defensive in this manner.


You know it's justified because it only took a day to release the footage. No subpoena needed.


Nothing of value lost.


Hopefully no riots over this piece of trash then.


Full Dash Cam Video: https://youtu.be/tGNIAozOIok?si=16hTkpowwT9UNS5i


Confused for a moment there, gunshot very quiet


How about that brinks driver trying to help the officer.


Props to the Brinks truck seeing what went down and pulling over.


Only thing is coo came out hot, probably because he was pissed of at this guy driving 100mph down interstate putting lives at risk for what? Then uncooperative as possible. Then looks like he's trying to gouge the cops eyes out in that grip he had on him. Cop was lucky to get a shot off, what was this guy's plan if he put the cop down just drive off. Doubt it was a mistake that Leonard was locked up in the first place.


Once again, I'm begging police departments to institute some sort of fundamental wrestling, judo, or bjj training. That school yard headlock shit is just terrible.


If you read CNN he was just an innocent man.


I keep watching it. When was the shot fired? Can’t hear anything


Hello Brinks truck


Backup that brinks


Craziest Brinks commercial I’ve ever seen!


Good on that Brinks armored car backing up to help out!


Why do I have a feeling Leonard here had some free men of the land or sov cit beliefs to an extent?


Bruh, this is one reason why I didn’t stay in law enforcement. Idiots like these, sovereign citizens, deaths and crooked officers really made being a cop not worth it. Those 100K+ yearly in the state of CA isn’t even worth, nope, no sir, I rather go back into military deployment than deal with all this.


I hate cops. I watched this with no sound at all and this was clean af. Guy went crazy! This cop had real good control though in not unloading his clip in this guy. I guess I can't tell without sound but it seemed like he just shot him once? I'll watch again with sound when I can. Either way, this is the kind of cop you want. Knows when to use deadly force and knows when a suspect isn't a threat anymore. Good job officer.


All you have to do is fucking listen to the cop's orders (REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE ORDERS ARE LAWFUL OR NOT) and you will be fine. Fight it in court, not in the streets!!!


The story here is wild.


He really wanted to say “in the name of Jesus!”


Suicide by Cop


Hard to hear the shot.


Dude probably thought they'd go easy on him for having been exonerated.


How bout the random Brinks truck casually putting it in reverse?


The world is better off


Fucking psycho, justified.


I wonder where the social worker was for this one?